Gee something just arrived in the mail today

gee something just arrived in the mail today

Attached: Screenshot_20190605_210735.jpg (1080x1439, 451K)

it's a game

it's a gay yordle porn doujin

a bible

It's an N-word pass?

dragon dildo


Not exactly sure how this is video games related.

why is the package sad?

Your dragon dildo got smashed dude. Don't use it or your ass might take on the shape of a pancake

Probably because of what's inside it, just like your mom.

May even be a Book of Mormon

Some weeb shit jrpg

Knack 2

Open it faggot

you're suppose to take all the pictures first before you make the thread

>OP didn’t take pics beforehand
When will you faggots ever learn?

>deez nuuutz
>aha! Got eeeem!


post your black hands!


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if this is just a game and not something oddly erotic I will be disappointing in you OP

While we wait for OP to stop sucking cock for five seconds. What manga is Yea Forums reading to kill the time?
For me it’s Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer.

Nice toe faggot


Ah, for the gaymers!

guys it's silent hills

God let me suck your dirty toe

Is it a movie game?

I laugh LOUDLY every time I see these hall monitor posts from genuine newfaggots.

how is that anywhere near white

Dragon quest?

have sex

I'm trying to catch up to the present in One Piece, I had just started the dressrosa arc with the tournament when I last put it down a couple years back.

Ah, another sonygro gaymer. Epic and based!


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That has to be a Switch game due to that thin case.

Lately I've been into The Labyrinth Raids of the Ultimate Tank ~The Tank Possessing a Rare 9,999 Endurance Skill was Expelled from the Hero Party~

It's pretty comfy, but nothing has really started yet, it's been mostly setup, so it's hard to recommend.

There's also that manga with the Yakuza dude who looks like Majima playing housewife, shit's hilarious, but I always forget what it's called. Gokudo something

If post ends in an even number it's a weeb game.

Holy shit its a ps4 game
Fairy tail
I am also watching dragon ball super

Jesus Christ, OP. My expectations were low, but you just fucking obliterated them.

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hey look it's a ps4 game

Wait a second this isn't even Yea Forums related
There better be something erotic in the package to make up for it

I hope you at least have NGE blurays

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>he paid for a show he could watch online for free

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Is this video games?

Lol you wasted money

just kidding, is RE2

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That's really not any better, OP. Just stop.

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This place is infested with literal niggers
How can we scare them away bros?

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Not even the dvd you mongol