Did Cerberus do anything wrong?

Did Cerberus do anything wrong?

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No, things only went badly when TIM got pozzed by the aliums and didn't realize it.

Thinking they can control things they only assume to understand


not making miranda gfs for the rest of the citadel race's male populations REEEEEEEEEEEEEE


They're led by fucking Martin Sheen, of course not.

Lots of things

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Nope they did nothing wrong but by the time ME3 came around Bioware writers were so triggered by the fact that anyone would want to side with a human-supremacist organization that they autodefaulted them to be evil because muh racism, even though they were literally instrumental to stopping the galactic society from being harvested by the reapers.

>experimenting on humans
>Hiring a faggot Raiden wannabe
>Getting taken over by evil robots

Cerberus facility on Pragia.
Kidnapped and tortured psychic kids.

This, Bioware is fucking retarded.

That was a group that went completely rogue.

I swear to God, nearly every line from Sheen in Mass Effect 2 is pure kino

They were pretty based up until they started experimenting with reaper tech. Cerberus went to shit once that happened.

TIM was based and had the right idea but he went and got himself indoctrinated

>inb4 "they lost"

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Godfuckingdamit it pisses me off what they did to ME3 so much. Everyone who memes about the ending being bad doesn't understand how the story of the game is so fundamentally flawed. Say what you will about ME2's combat or dumbed down RPG mechanics, it had the best setting and story in the series, and ME3 was just stupified in such a retarded way that was insulting to anyone with any amount intelligence

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Only thing they did right was investigate human disappearances when Alliance wouldn't.
Literally everything they do in ME1/ME3 is mustache twirling retardation.

Stupid cat.

>tfw he always sounded like he was eternally seething at plebs under his breath because of constantly exhaling from space cigs

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>study reapers
>know about indoctrination
>try to exploit reaper tech anyways
play shit games, win shit prizes

>it had the best setting and story in the series

Those were by far the weakest parts of the game though

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Pretty much. What a shame.

I'm willing to disregard ME1's retardation because it's clear they were just a piece of lore they created to fill the world with, but ME3's retardation is entirely the fault of the writers not having a single clue on what to do with that game. It's the same reason the quarians go to war with the geth fleet even though in ME2 commander Sheppard can convince them why that is a colossally bad idea, but nope writers didn't give a fuck whether it was logical or not they just had to do it because they had to do it

Before they were ruined in me3? No

>ME2' it had the best setting and story
Yikes my dude

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>when TIM got pozzed by the aliums

So like 30 years before the series began?

The setting is great. A zombie-robot space commander with maxed out charisma goes to the lawless part of the galaxy, running missions for some super rich human that's hated by the galactic government, including the human government, because he's the only one that believes that spooky space robots are coming to apocalypse the galaxy.
The settings are also the best in the series, you have the lawless asteroid, the libertarian paradise future city, war-torn tuchanka (the only homeworld of any of the major species that was given ANY amount of respect or time) as well as the cool places the missions took you to. The environments were all great to look at even if they were all hallways with shooting galleries distributed between and the mercenary factions you fought against were more varied than the shitty geth robots from the first game.
Factor in the DLC and ME2 was really the high point of the series. Flawed, could have been better, but it's a great game in its own right.

>That was a group that went completely rogue.

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Tbf that was a relatively small narrative fuckup compared to the Reapers unironically actually making it to the Milky Way just a couple years after (You) fucked up their master plan and stranded them in deep space twice. Games 1 and 2 made it clear that if the Reapers showed up any time before the far future it'd be instant game ogre.

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One reaper took out like half the Council races' navies and people were still struggling to recover two years later.
>LOL now there's like 1000 reapers in Council space but it's OK we can just shoot them to kill them xD oh yeah and they make like little reapers that are not sentient because we forgot the power level of these things was supposed to be godlike so we had to explain how a fucking thresher maw is able to kill one

>and the mercenary factions you fought against were more varied than the shitty geth robots from the first game.
Have you played the first game since your lifespan was in the single digits?

>Factor in the DLC
The shit that was more relevant to the overall plot than the plot of the actual game?

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They fucked with Commander Shepard

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ME1 was released when I was in college so I remember it quite well. The combat in the first game is completely broken and you are able to infinitely stun lock and abuse abilities like Immunity to basically steamroll through Hardcore difficulty.
And the geth came in four varieties, heavy geth, sniper geth, regular geth guys, and the husks which just rushed you. You also had the four legged geth dudes that you fought in the mako except for that one boss in the planet where you recruit liara.
The enemies in ME2 actually used abilities against you, had different armor types you had to break through, and were less susceptible to being cheesed unlike all the enemies in ME1