what the FUCK is his problem
What the FUCK is his problem
someone post it
post what?
There is a guy at Blizzard trying to self-insert as this character, despite it existing before he was hired. He talks about the character from a first-person perspective on his twitter. Its cringy as fuck.
This dude used to be a monster in vanilla, Alliance would always try to kill him and although we usually defended him. He usually didn't need it.
Jesus Christ I'm glad I'm not that guy
No wish-fulfillment self-insert "YAS QUEEN" guy.
imagine playing horde in 2019
>Cancerous Blizzard employees are actually fat middle aged boomer white men and not pink haired tumblr types
wtf Yea Forums lied to me?
Hes got plot armor up the ass. Plus a self insert backing him up.
reminder that nathanos took the knot canonically
>the virgin banshee queen champion vs the CHAD werewolf KING
Where the FUCK is 8.2?
The fat middled aged boomer men are getting phased out as we speak.
I hate every single quest that involves this guy. Such a boring character.
god i wish that were me
Wrong, blizzard just fired all their diversity hires. But eyyyy you wouldn't know that, you're too busy keeping Tumblr your bogeyman.
Being setup as the next forsaken leader after sylvannis bites it.
>Blizz killing off Sylvanas
Thatll never happen. Fan outrage would be too high.
I want a pandaren GF bros
He's Garithos if Garithos sided with the inhuman beasts.
Blizzard doesn't have the balls to kill off their cornerstone characters. Garrosh was easy to get rid of because he didn't exist before Burning Crusade. Lich King still exists.
waifuism is a disease
looks like they're going to kill off thrall finally
me too user
>Fired all the diversity hires
>Actual talent leaving because they're fed up with the bullshit
Who is even left at Blizzard?
>Arthas is kill
>Cairne is kill
>Illidan was kill
>Kael and vashj are kill
>KT and anub'arak are kill
>The dreadgang are kill
>cho'gall, teron gorfiend and kargath are kill
>deathwing is kill
>Zul'jin is kill
>Archimonde is kill
>Magtheradon is kill
>Kil'jaden is kill
those aren't cornerstone characters though
undead paladins make more sense than that shit
>Trolls can be paladins now
>Dwarves can be warlocks
Disgusting. Canonically I don't think trolls ever believed in the light or worshiped it.
That's a list of every character from WCII and III who died in wow.
The list includes fucking Arthas and Kael
>Not cornerstone
zoom zoom
In warcraft 3 there are troll creeps called high priests that heal with the light
Only Undead Paladin found in-game was from Scarlet Crusade. It's religion wouldn't fit the Sylvanas' Forsaken unless it's waifu worshipping.
this a ps2 game?
waifuism is becoming socially acceptable. Nothing wrong with this.
this is Yea Forums in a nutshell.
Beta white men who are unironically in love with their characters.
>Cornerstone Warcraft characters died in their respective games
>Characters dying mattering at all
Forsaken are just the citizens of lordaeron living in their old homeland. The idea that all forsaken are mindless followers of sylvanas is one of the dumbest things in nu-wow
nah they don't. there were trolls n wc3 that believed in the light. I doubt zandalari trolls would be pallies like that, but still. Undead paladins and holy priests are still pretty retarded.
They believe in their big animal gods which is their religion. There's multiple religions and sources of faith to allow you to have rights of holy warrior.
It's canon that undead priests burn their own bodies when they use the light and that makes them the most dedicated and therefore best priests of the light
Theres Forsaken Helves, Nelves, Gnomes, Kul Tirans and other races besides the Lordaerin people. All of them are fanatically loyal.
I mean I get it, but it's also originally meant to be for the purpose of why they can't be priests unless theyre zealot levels of dedicated right? Any random undead purposely sizzling his own asshole alive mid raid to heal a buncha retards is just dumb.
>Blizzard doesn't have the balls to kill cornerstone characters
Here is a list of all the prewow characters who have died in wow
>But they aren't cornerstone characters
the list includes fucking arthas, the tauren leader and both space Satans
>But characters dying doesn't matter.
You want to go a retrieve the goalposts from orbit before you leave user?
Then call the class something unique and different, not paladin. A paladin canonically fights with the light and worships it. Trolls can get their own "holy warrior" class, whatever that fucking is.
>GC leaves World of Warcraft and Blizzard
>World of Warcraft deteriorates into shit
>Blizzard deteriorates into shit
>GC joins League of Legends/Riot Games
>League of Legends sees one of the best states in balance (aside from three or four bad apples)
>Their reworks are top tier, except for Ryze
>The balance changes, mostly, are agreeable
>His team is literally stacked with actual popular balance members like Jatt, Meddler, Blaustoise, etc.
This man makes the right moves.
>person is priest of the holy light
>gets infected with plague of undeath
>regains sentience and is now an undead
Isn't it completely believable that a person in this situation could still keep their faith and beliefs from before? They survived the scourge invasion and now have another chance to do good for the world and heal others, except now they can do it forever.
user the light isn't special in that it's an abstract ideal anymore it's the same as arcane, shadow and fel.
Nauru are just light old gods.
The class design is already too simplified by Blizzard that their Prelate is already considered Paladin. They wouldn't waste resources on class designed for single race with exception of Demon Hunter for the already massively popular elf races.
They’re already called something different. They’re called Prelates. They worshiped Rezan, even after his death/undeath they were still empowered. Just like Taurens are Sunwalkers. The Light gives its power to whomever, it’s an impartial mistress.
this but worgen instead
>killing off Thrall
>not Saurfang
He's finally getting his honourable death at end of this expansion once Sylvanas is kicked out from the throne. Later on Sylvanas will pull a Kerrigan.
>he doesn't want a pandaren gf with the worgen curse
big mind. big think
Well done steve
I miss him.
I imagine N'zoth will probably help Azshara in Mythic and beating her will deal a blow to him which in turn somehow relinquishes his control over Sylvanas
then she reveals she has seen his location and it is below the Eternal Palace so we use the sub and the new friends we make in Nazjatar to venture below the depths to fight him as the final raid boss
then after that Sylvanas steps down as warchief and Thrall takes over again while Saurfang leaves the Horde and lives out wherever Thrall was
>There wasn't a a preWoD release questline where he de-ages himself
You can tell they didn't give a shit.
>BFA manages to make you hate Saurfang
that's low-key impressive
>Sylavanas is a bigger mary sue than ever before
>Saurfang is a cuck
where did everything go so wrong bros?
I don't. Hated all his stupid jokes and puns.
cringe & bluepilled
based & redpilled
Can't wait to enter old god empire reborn.
why can't jaina just blowup any city where sylvanas hide? isn't she the most powerful mage or something
People really overestimate the population of incel forsaken players, People will cry about it for a couple weeks with their Forsaken mains out in protest on the forums and forget about it, Just like Garrosh before her, Blizzard could not give less of a fuck of the sanctity of WC3 when it comes to WoW.
What's wrong with a little self-insert you faggots?
t. steve
he needs a comeback
nothing when it's not complete obvious cringe
Which one
It's only ok when I do it