My dad died for the first time last week, and I found an N64 looking through his house...

My dad died for the first time last week, and I found an N64 looking through his house. Pic related I spent an hour going through all the tracks in mario kart 64. Do you guys have any games your dad enjoyed? Or know any games with dads in them? I just want to forget, I guess...

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>For the first time

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My dad doesn't really play games but he likes flight sims

Earthbound has a dad in it. So does Mother 3.

>my dad died for the first time
You wanna tell us something, OP

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What do you mean first time?

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So it’s your first time, huh? Don’t worry my dad has died 3 times already. It gets a lot easier, trust me.

my dad likes call of duty

>for the first time

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I have my dad's Atari 2600, with the original box (though it is in rough shape), analog paddle controllers and a bunch of games for it, including donkey kong and ET

Not him but my dad has died at least twice during open-heart surgery. At least once they thought he was too far gone to save, but they managed to finish the surgery and get his heart beating again in time and after recovering he went right back to his daily life.
I don't think that's what this thread is, but it happens. And no, I don't mean "flatlined," I mean "declared legally deceased."

if he alive he didn't die, nigga unless yo dad be jesus

the first time is tough, I hope he recovers soon

Fucking newfags. I'm out of this kiddie thread.

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What do you call it when a person's heart stops beating, they stop breathing and their brain activity has ceased long enough for the doctor to declare a "time of death?"

a mistake made by the doctor

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I played MGS with my Dad

Did he have an NDE that he can remember?

Is your dad James Bond?

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My dad is old, and the last video games he played were on the Intellivision.

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Dang, he missed out. I played Streets of Rage 2 on CDX with my grandfather when I was a teenager. ;_;

is that the game where you escape from the fish tank?

My dad also enjoyed Mario kart 64. Honestly that and donkey Kong country on the SNES are the only games hes liked. He even bought an SNES classic to play it. Sorry for your loss if you're not trolling.

You have to eat smaller fish and grow, while avoiding getting eaten by the shark. Pretty fun for 1981 standards.

>muh died before
Fucking edgelords, Christ. I have a friend who likes to talk about how he "died" before. It's the gayest shit in the world. I challenged him lightly about it once and he desperately fought me like I was trying to steal his very identity from him.

If you are alive right now, you never DIED. Of course doctors have a point where they declare you dead, because it's unlikely they'll be able to revive you at that point, and they can't just leave you on the table for a thousand years.