Destroys your industry

>destroys your industry

Attached: kickstarter_header.png (710x256, 43K)

>Gives you great games because you aren't dumb with what you back

Attached: HK.jpg (196x257, 9K)

The ratio between good games and bad games from kickstarter is ridiculous though. And I'm a Shenmuefag. I mean Mighty Number 9 and Broken Age alone should've killed the kickstarter trend

So the ratio of good to bad is terrible because of two games? Crowdfunding gave us games like Grim Dawn, Superhot, FTL, Shovel Knight, Divinity: OS1 and 2, Hyper Light Drifter, Wasteland 2, Sunless Sea (and Sunless Skies), RimWorld, Obduction, LISA, Rain World, La-Mulana 2, ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove, A Hat in Time, Risk of Rain, Consortium, Race the Sun, Distance, all the new Shadowrun games, Outer Wilds, BattleTech, and Pathologic

hmm, not a bad track record

The only thing damaging the videogame industry are the consumers. They pay for shit, incomplete games, lootboxes, micro-transaccions and every turd a company throws at them

It is annoying how kickstarter is synonymous with shit games despite their being a ton of really solid kickstarter games. There is clearly trash but that can be said with anything.

Don't forget Darkwood, Valdis Story, Sir you're being hunted, Environmental Station Alpha, GRIP, Redout, Slap City, and DUSK.

a lot of people are stupid

That's the problem

The bad ones get the most attention since people dont praise projects that actually deliver since you know they're supposed to deliver.

It's because the kickstaters that were heavily promoted like shaq-fu 2 and yogventures ended up being full-fledged scams.

>let's indies get funded without getting reamed by publishers
>kikes roll in

what did you expect?

>Spend millions of dollars researching how to do the most predatory shit and dupe other humans
>these practices get defended by lolbertrians who attack anyone who even suggests these things are bad
>But no it's the consumers fault!
Low agency people cannot consent.



>people complain about an overabundance of Metroidvania indies
>when there's 10 times the amount of rouge like indies out there

Fuck rouge likes, they're strictly for brainlets who think RNG makes them super hardcore.

yes, you are, now suck my cock

Your mutilated vagina will never be a cock.

It's fucking hilarious to me that Yea Forums shits on kickstarter when it's such a god tier platform for indie devs. Like 99% of the problems Yea Forums has with modern video games is publishers like EA just absolutely ruining shit. And then a new platform comes out like "hey we can crowdfund actual good indie games" and you guys are just like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT'S NOT FAIR MUH WOMEN MUH MUH MUH"

>yet another 'quirky', 'roguelike', 'metroidvania'

It's a yet another game contributing to the downfall

my cock is just a regular naturally-occurring cock, and it's going right between your lips, bitchboy, now open up

not him, but i think you'd prefer my 19 year old, femboy, cocksucking lips on your dick.

Hey just because you dont like a genre doesnt mean people dont. Also there's a good amount of unique stuff being crowdfunded and actually delivering.
Also no one ask from HK looking at the amount it generated from the project.

Stuff like Unsung Story are the ones ruining the platform.

At least you get some released games. Patreon is like the grim reaper for porn games.

How is Hollow Knight a roguelike?

Please no, I backed that piece of shit and I'm still seething.
>some of the worst balance in a Battletech game ever
>laughably simple mechanics
>mercenary customisation removed because they wanted to force you to use tranny party members that you wouldn't be able to edit, when it was one of the features everyone was excited for

Attached: 163747231.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Who the hell says that kind of shit around here except as bait? Now sure, people were snarky/skeptical about KS at first but it wasn't unbearable. It wasn't until after the first high-profile failure it cranked up to 24/7 "SCAM SCAM SCAM EVERY SINGLE KS GAME EVER SUCKS SCAM!". Fuck, it's so heavy I'm halfway convinced most people bitching that way are non-specific publisher shills trying to keep people from backing anything. Whether you like indie shit or not, it's the only game in town if you want to get away from uninspired AAA trash. Pick your poison.
>$60 for something that will probably be dildos outside of visuals, or
>$20 for something that has a good chance of at least being interesting enough for the price tag, but it doesn't have any form of big-dick graphics

>at first
For years*
>it wasn't unbearable
It completely was, dude.

I didn't find Hollow Knight to be anything particularly special. I guess it got the name right, it was Hollow in subtance.