ITT Overrated series

I'll start

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Well OP?

OP died to this post

>tfw can't talk about DQ any more because of Smash faggotry

>Dragon Quest

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Oh no, OP reincarnated into a faggot.


people barely talk about that shit

You all suck

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Proof that Smashfags ruin everything.
I bet these people don't even actually play games.

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They don't. They literally only play Smash, and just want to see their childhood characters in the game. Just look at ZeRo, that guy only played like 3 video games.

You mean underrated

t. FFcuck

I am convinced at this point that all characterfags in Smash threads are just literal children from Discord who never played the games they shitpost about.
Betting Banjotards are closeted furfags, "Erdrickfags" are just Stevefags, Stevefags are just shitposters, etc.
And I wouldn't mind this if they kept it to their containment threads, but you can't even make DQ threads here thanks to them.

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claim your DQ waifu or I'm dropping redpills in this thread

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>Overrated series
literally no one gave a fuck about this series till smash autism you colossal faggot

>dragon quest

you mean that series nobody except a tiny island cares about? THAT'S overrated? FIFA is overrated. Learn what the fuck overrated means you fucking weeb.

No, Yea Forumskids never gave a fuck about it till Smash.
DQ threads on /vr/ usually get 300 posts at least, 8/v/ threads can be up for months and the general has been going for a good while now with no Smash autism involved.


i think im gooing to end up double dipping and marrying gemma twice

>FIFA is overrated
FIFA isn't overrated, it's just a honest to god soccer game ( and admittedly very well done in its own genre's context) that just so happens to have a massive market of normalfags to draw big bucks from.
Not everything that sells well is overrated, just like not everything the sells poorly is underrated, you can say something like FF is overrated because the praise it gets comes almost exclusively from casuals who don't know any better or just shallow people, and its own marketing hype and brand value is fairly, if not horribly exaggerated, Skyrim is the same, but FIFA just caters to a very specific and large audience in a genre that has very, very little competition, it would be like saying that Ace Combat is overrated, compared to what? There's barely any other 3D arcade plane shooter out there.

At what Dragon Quest claims to be it is immaculate.

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never ever in NA

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