post THAT game that you will make

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Like hell I'm giving up my ideas.

It's a game that you watch. I'm hoping Sony is interested.

The game is just me fucking every anime bitch in history.


i just buy all the games and play for ever

laura bailey dating simulator

A wrestling game that only features women.

How is money equates to a good game? Destiny had a budget of 800 million and it was dogshit. Meanwhile, Doom's budget was a few bags of Doritos and a 2 cans of beer and 3 nerds

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Ultimate Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

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I'd first take 3 years to hone my skills and then make a game.

FIFA but with Kaiju

I'd become a publisher and start a dev mansion, but first I'd take every legal step to make sure nobody knew I won.

Good anime porn game with a good budget. If it doesn't get banned in half of the western world it isn't good enough and will get more development time

I will buy Fallout license and Obsidian, and then have them make a full-game sequel for Dead Money, continuing from Elijah taking control of the tech in the vault and turning Mojave into a hellscape where everyone is either dead or collared and worked to death to build Elijah’s new world. Expect a harsh survival game that shows no mercy and very little hope for anyone.

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90% goes into savings and 10% goes to living alone in a decent house for 3 people and doing my hobbies. Fuck making video games.

Barkley 3

Give half the money straight to TRTR and tell them to make part three as big as they humanly can.

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I'd invest it all into Star Citizens

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Hack and Slash game with a mix of KH2 and DMC combat, make it hard as fuck but enough resources for the player to use to overcome obstacles

and it still won't be finished

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No games, I would just have a ton of escorts doing cosplay all day long.

Minercraft but in space


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Yeah no shit

i'd just use the interest from the money i have to pay translators to translate games and various japanese media
basically a fan translation group but they get paid and if they don't keep up to standards/deadlines they will get fired

Release Skyrim: Elder Scrolls for phones.

Buying Everquest IP
Everquest 3
Full VR

Only if you keep changing the machine and getting lucky to catch the timing they are giving wins

If you found out you have the winning ticket, what's the FIRST thing you would do?

I wouldn't make a game. Instead I would fund a Fallout New Vegas mini-series

I WILL buy the rights to Crash Bandicoot and make Coco porn


means you can hire as many people as you want to work on your idea

I’d love to see the reactions to this by all the people who liked New Vegas but hated Dead Money. Imagine the rollercoaster of emotions when they see that Obsidian is making a new Fallout, but then they see the poison clouds and collars beeping.

shitpost on Yea Forums about it

sign my ticket

Ruse 2 but add more units, limit air bases and add maps that support naval battles as well. Remove unit cap and make maps that aren't symmetrical.

New Monster Rancher game. Not sure how I'd do monster generation, but I'd increase the farm sim elements to be like a Harvest Moon/RPG store sim with dungeon crawling with your party of monsters. Of course have the league battles and all that as well.


I'll hire the most qualified people for the job instead of blue haired freaks who work for $12 an hour.

Vectorman 3

I'm buying Duke Nukem and keeping him far the fuck away from Randy and the dilate brigade.

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Literally not how it works.

I'd just buy a moderate sized house and just spend all day playing video games or drawing, tbqh.

How much have you made off slot machines?

Hell no my ideas ain’t free

I stuff it all into extremely safe bonds and utility stocks and use the millions of dollars in dividends to fund a horrible game factory where I crush newly graduated college students until they can't take anymore to churn out adult fetish games of every genre before firing them all to hire a new batch of freshfaced retards every couple of years.

Actual gambling, probably 500 dollars. Actually working at a casino as a slot technician that is in charge of how that shit is programmed, quite a tens of thousands.

I would make a detailed hacknslash RPG where you play as a Hulk Caveman going around the world suplexing dinosaurs and choking out Kaijus

Contact a lawyer to find out what my options were as far as claiming the prize as anonymously as possible.

This. Why does everyone suddenly think they need to buy all kinds of fancy shit when they win the lottery?

I would give money to square to fund a xenogears remake with triple AAA budget

Create a company that buys out old IPs and lends them to their original creators, or something.

iirc If you go with annual payments, they stop when you die.

I would give a very ominous title and scrap it taking the cash with me.

>making a game with my fortune
No thanks, I'll keep playing pirated games on my 10k$ rig.
Only thing that's gonna change is the fact that I will have to buy a warehouse for my imported anime figurines.

Because people who fantasize about the lottery are irresponsible with money and don't have the discipline to save up which is why they're fantasizing about it in the first place. Just like celebrities and professional athletes that earn millions of dollars and still end up bankrupt.

Digimon Survive, I would personally fund that team to make the greatest TRPG of all time.

Because it's not everyone, it's just that the media loves any story that causes outrage so the only ones you hear about are the gutter trash retards who are physically incapable of understanding that big, finite stacks of cash are not infinite.

yeah, let's hear'm Yea Forums~

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edf 5 and drakengard 1/3/nier get pc releases
money can't solve development hell or suddenly make a shit company good

>pic related
Open world MMO, full PVP, bleeding edge graphics and sound.

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The next user to roll dubs in this thread will win the jackpot.

im gonna like maybe make a game with spiderman

The world's first triple A porn game.

by black desert online, use evrything, except for cash shop, add a 6 month subscription based system to get rid of cash shop, make it less grindy, expand world, and make the best mmo in the world

That’s 100% illegal
My aunt works for the OLG she says all slot machines have to pay out a certain percentage legally and you can’t pull any tricks like this.

I'll try to create a political party or hire shills to promote my ideas may it be in art form or videogames.

This but with lolis, shotas, shemales, and monster girls.

Take Balamb Garden from FF8 and turn it into Persona. Daily schedule, free days, classes, JRPG combat, leaving the school for special trips like getting summons but none of the bullshit plot of FF8

I would create The Matrix.

I would make an Escape from Tarkov/DayZ hybrid.
It would have similar realistic gun handling like Escape from Tarkov, along with the weapon modding system.
You would have various vendors strewn across the map who you can do quests for to raise your reputation with to buy better gear.

It would be completely open world like DayZ with similar looting system.
You would have one life similar to DayZ where you lose everything upon death, but your rep with vendors would be retained.

Captain toad style roguelike. Every room is rotatable like CT, but unlike normal roguelikes I would like to spend some of the budget on actual level design to include in the random built stuff, so it feels more complete. I would also like to add in mario galaxy style planets in there for fun too.

None of this is very hard to make and I've found a ton of unity elements for making this already on my own. I just don't have the drive or experience to really create it.

they're pretty open about the whole 'better chance of getting struck by lightning ten times' thing.

>tfw live in a state where it's legally required to print your name if you win

though I wonder if I could sue and win, not like anyone would need my name for anything other than kidnap and murder

If I won 5billion dollars I'd give it all to my parents and fucking kill myself immediately

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>open world RPG
>mount and blade combined with elder scrolls
>crusader era
>strong Christian themes


Extremely in depth H game, hire every top tier doujin artist under the sun to create THE biggest, most inclusive porn game that can run on any platform, that contains every fetish that you can turn on and off manually, that has dozens and dozens of hours of finely crafted content for each specific fetish you may have, no matter how obscure, an optional online mode where you can befriend people with different fetishes, understand each other, put aside differences, and achieve world peace. Through dick, unity.

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I’m buying Nintendo and Sony and shutting both down to be only movie studios. Miyamoto has to work on Zelda games for me, and I’m the only one who can play them. I stream on Twitch and you have to hit a certain donation amount to see me play it.

Immediately get the FUCK out of where I live and legally move to another continent where they follow two simple rules: they can speak english, they have optic fiber internet. The rest comes after.

Probably immediately pack up and leave to live in Prague. Get a nice, modest house near the center of the city and drink the absolute best dark beer in the world.

Then youre just as bad as the corporate assholes /pol/ whines about stealing American money and turning it into a globalist economy

Someone give this man several billion dollars

A new Tokyo Xtreme Racer with a shitton of roads and cars and stuff you can do

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remake of super mario bros. 2 but you go right to left

>implying I'm american
u dun goofed, pal

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Yeah, but 5B can get you a nice house, moneyhat your dream game, pay for every practical expense you'll ever need, and still have enough left over to put up a youth center or something in your neighborhood. 5B is a LOT of fucking money. Even 5M could make a lot of shit happen assuming you don't blow half of it on cars and cruises

>Buy out Armored Core IP from FromSoftware.
>Build a full from the ground up game based around the gotta go fast speed of Armored Core For Answer
>Ground up support for ray tracing and proper Vulcan support
>120FPS as a standard with 4k textures
>Full VR support.

Ocarina of Time+Majora's Mask+Link to the Past: The game.

Just cram a ton of content into a hub world style action adventure game with puzzle dungeons. Make one of the hub towns as busy and quest dense as Clock Town. At least 7 main dungeons, 3 side dungeons like Gerudo Training Grounds and Ice Caverns, and one final dungeon.

The end thank you.


how much do you give of it to charity Yea Forums

I'd even toss a bone to Penders for a few characters, if needed.

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Fuck off. Charities are a fucking scam. They give less than 8% away to their actual groups they're supposedly representing. I'd open up my own charity though. Send people to college regardless of race/gender/sexual orientation. Complete blind test for qualifying. But you have to be in financial need, your grades need to stay up, and it MUST be in a non shit field. Ain't paying for some faggot to take a degree in Communications.

>Send people to college regardless of race/gender/sexual orientation.

WHOA... you might be the FIRST person to do a scholarship like that

>that game you will make
You will play as a tomboy with a few simple objectives, turn everybody into a tombody, a monstergirl, or cute loli. Your enemies are gays, trannies, 3D roasties, and boss fights are hated devs. Story is written by Hideo Kojima and game play is first person shooter that allows you to use anything as a weapon along with being able to walk on every surface with music by Marty.

probably sarcasm, but it wouldn't be far off. My imouto was going through discrimination applying for scholarships.

None, I would instead create scholarships that require you to complete certain vidya challenges in order to get them (but are not so secretly just for the people I think deserve them most)

Here's what I would do on the first DAY
1. contact a lawyer
2. change my phone number
3. set aside half so in a worst case scenario I can live luxuriously off the interest
4. Cancel rent contract and look for a decent place to live
5. Shitpost on Yea Forums
6. Buy the rights to some of my favourite series
7. start writing down plans for a 1st person dungeon crawler where after you spend tens of hours making it to the bottom of the dungeon, and take the magic elevator/teleport back up, the game opens into an open world RPG that reveals itself to be an Arcanum-esque technomagic world, and is the only part that will get expansion content (but is never mentioned on any of the official announcements or trailers. people have to discover the real game for themselves).


I'd research live deep fake voice manipulation. Then I'd make a VR MMO that could let you live whatever life you wanted. You could play any race or gender and no one would ever know. Death is semi permanent. Only during certain events can you return to the living and the people that are alive have to do something to bring you back to life

>Here's what I would do on the first DAY
>1. contact a lawyer
>2. change my phone number
>3. set aside half so in a worst case scenario I can live luxuriously off the interest
>4. Cancel rent contract and look for a decent place to live
>5. Shitpost on Yea Forums
>6. Buy the rights to some of my favourite series
No shit yours secure your fortune. That's understood.

some people are retarded and don't think long term, or allow other people to badger them for money. I'd rather be hated for being a penny pinching recluse than go bankrupt for being too kind.

>Multiplayer survival horror shooter
>Most of the players are soldiers, wizards, archers, etc. who have been garrisoned at a crucial strategic fortress
>Said fortress also contains a special artifact which repels evil
>A necromancer has been sighted in the local area and is preparing to lay siege to the fort
>The players must hold out until reinforcements arrive, or the necromancer will eradicate all life in the area
>Different necromancer archetypes, typical minion master, a slasher-esque fighter and a skinwalker type which would play like The Thing
>The necromancer must either kill every defender in the fort or destroy the artifact to win

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another advice, make sure you find some good stocks and not anything that will be fucked over by a bubble

I'd be going for stability over the amount of money earned. Even 1% of 2.5 billion is still 25 million. If i can guarantee long-term stability, I'd be happy to drop down the money to as low as 1% a year.

>5 billion dollars
>video game

son I'm a playing a real game at that point. I'm buying Azerbaijan wholesale, building up an army, and starting my first real time Grand Strategy game. I'll have half of South Asia by the time I'm 50

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With enough money, just drop that shit into government bonds or something. From there you can fuck up literally everything else and still have big dick income for life.

I just recommend stocks because interest doesn't always keep up with inflation. Going with your 1% interest example, your value could go down (relatively not much but it can add up over time) especially if inflation rate is around 3-5% which is average for a healthy currency. With stocks, if you play your cards right you will always usually have a percentage or interest higher then inflation unless something goes really fucking wrong.

I'd probably buy a shitload of equipment and spend the next 10 years making my dumb MSpaint tactical RPG that no one will play
More realistically I'd just be browsing Yea Forums and youtube instead of working

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>5 million dollars
>still fucking around with childish escapist garbage.
If I had 5 million, I'd buy a nice house on the beach, settle down with a nice girl maybe, and just enjoy not working ever again.

learn how to read before commenting, Pedro.

>settling with a girl after you get rich
that is a recipe for disaster, also how come you say vidya is garbage yet you want to go to a beach and do jack shit, if anything creating a vidya would be far more productive

I will hire People to make small scale completely free MMO's of King of the hill online aka Pro-Pain! and Ed Edd and Eddy online, and whatever else stupid meme games that will allow you to explore peach creek and Arlen Texas in full 3d with Raids and PVP combat, and quests. every download of the game includes the source code so there's stopping it once C&D hammer drops

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Very very difficult to get to 5 billion without including more states.

Yes there are still states that do no participate in national lotteries like Mega Millions and Powerball.

Last time, we were getting very close to 2.5 Billion Dollar Jackpot but someone in South Carolina just had to be a single winner of 1.5 billion dollars from the Mega Millions Jackpot.

Not saying it is impossible for a 5 billion dollar jackpot.

The last mega million jackpot had to have everyone lose at least 4 or 5 more times (mega millions only happens 2 times a week) in order for the Jackpot to go from 1.5 billion to 5 billion.

Yet not everyone in America participated.

Do you know how high a jackpot can go if the American population participated.

For a single holiday event like Halloween, Americans spend 8 billion dollars on candy in one month.

That means if we had almost everyone in America participate in a lottery, and there were losers for all 4 weeks, the jackpot would be at least 8 billion dollars.

So yeah, if OP wants 5 billion dollar jackpots, we need to force more states to participate.

Darkstalkers 4. Since the monkey is insanely high in your theoretical universe I’d use more money to make it 2D and hire back all the old Capcom staff for it along wit new blood. Then re relesse every game in the series including Hunter 2, Savior 2 and Savior Aranged to promote the game.

Yeah I can believe that

Fuck your to phone. Get that money.

Buy up the rights to a franchise and kill it. Kiss your vampire masquerade sequel goodbye!

More battle network

Fund a taimanin asagi game In the style of devil may cry/musou/doa.

Knights of The Half Pipe
>Literally just Chivalry and THPS mashed together
>Weapons sustain combo when you hit someone, add multiplier when you kill someone
>Different weapons have different stats and effects, compounded by current momentum
>Classes determine your choices of weapons, stats
>Typical THPS gamemodes, deathmatch, coop boss rushes, etc.

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Buy SEGA fire all the higher ups and return them to their former glory by making good games again.

I don't think most of the people here that like it would complain, actually.

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>Sonic 06 characters

fuck hiring lazy numale developers in this current industry
I'll buy the books, software and hardware I need to learn and make my own fucking games
maybe get a friend I trust to help out and slide some money his way

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This isn’t true is it
There’s no way Destiny had that much

>south asia
>not africa
Bigger playing field and you'd be doing the world a favor

Kino post

None, I'm donating all but maybe like 10 million to people who need the money, elderly veterans, housing for the homeless and other useful shit. The world is a shithole and you think I'd spend that amount of cash on something like some shit video game? Fuck you,

>implying I'd bother with a fruitless money sink making a video game

Same answer as usual, I just throw money at the Teraurge dev while I smoke Cubans on my yacht until I get bored and get myself killed trying to make a PMC.

the first game was touted as "THE MOST EXPENSIVE GAME EVER" for like 2 years before it's release

you're a fag
there's no way to know your charity money is actually going to people who need it
you know how these organizations are run in the first place
rarely do people work for free
and you see many chairmen for charities living it up in mansions

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A huge virtual (should do as much as possible, technology and budget wise to emulate an entire sized world) sandbox, with the deepest political and economic simulations possible. And have the player be able to do everything they can think of (farming, building, politiking, combat/raiding, etc) with as much depth as the best individuals games of each of those offer.

Literally impossible, but it's nice to dream..

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What's with all these THPS style games lately?

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Smash and Nickelodeon fags stand aside.

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prey 2

New Fallout game but with Dwarf Fortress-levels of autistic attention to detail and completely/permanently destructible environments.

Dragon's Dogma 2

Dragons Dogma x Made In Abyss

an mmo where every race is a loli or a shota

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fund it

Has it really gone that high? jfc.

kotor 3

I doubt you can sue and win. The reason they legally require your name is to prove that real people win the lottery and that it's not a scam where some government or lottery worker wins and the money never actually leaves the lottery place.

I've heard you can hire a lawyer and set up a public trust for them to accept the money on your behalf. You own the trust, but it's only reported "Anons faggot money factory" has won the lottery!

This sounds amazing.

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Alright mother fucker
>Washed up former hero of earth
>game opens with him sitting on the couch and getting up to go do his laundry in his small apartment
>You walk past all of his medals and his rewards for saving earth
>Suddenly an explosion happens and blows him away
>He runs to his closet to get into his former armor
>You see the hole in his wall that shows the city on fire and ships flying around
>You fight alien monsters and bring down their mother ship
>Plays like Half-Life 2, Doom, and Quake
>Armor is a mix between Spartan and Doom Guy armor (yes its dark green)
>Entire plot is just an old man trying to feel useful again
>Halfway through the game and at the end, its revealed that his true reward wasn't money, but a special suit of armor that has a fully functioning AI that is capable of saving his life and at one point you play as the AI Armor in a blitz mode with chainsaws, fast running, high jumping, and high HP against the aliens in one of their motherships, and it's only revealed when you get to a nearby medical camp and the suit opens and your character falls out, unconscious
>Game has 2 more sequels that revolve around the former aliens opening up a portal that brings a Type 3 Civilization to earth and they start wrecking havoc, and in the end your character is captured and it fades to black
>Game 3 opens with people rescuing your character who looks like MGS 5 Snake at the beginning after 5 years, entire game is based around trying to get the remaining humans who's population by the end is under 100,000 to escape earth by stealing the aliens technology
>Final Mission is holding off the entire fleet in your ship so the humans can escape
>Final fight is you crashing with your armor on a desert planet, telling the A.I to protect the remaining humans which leaves your armor unusable, and a final fight which is unwinnable.

Coop Dungeon Crawler with souls like combat, gear is limited to your class in classic RPG fashion, dungeons are randomly generated and go up to floor 100, boss on each floor, different difficultly level dungeons. Game comes equipped with facial recognition technology, facial recreation technology, voice recognition and reproduction technology so that you can model yourself into the game and use your own voice in the game, as well as using voice commands for your special moves. There would also be a MMO aspect where you can join guilds and partake in a series of dungeons competing with other guilds for glory, treasure, rare items, spells, and of course the in-game currency. There would be an expansive commons area for the social and economic aspects of the game. Finally, no in game purchases, no freemium currency, no p2w bullshit. The game would either be a bit expensive nearing $100, or have a small monthly fee like WoW.

I'm pretty glad that in Australia you can remain anonymous when you win the lotto.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the game has menu screens that change depending on where you are in the game, akin to Half-Life 2.
and the post credits scene to Game 3 is the human civilization who is now a Type-4 Empire having their fleet looking over a destroyed, grey, desolate earth that's covered in alien buildings ready to take back their home

A game where you play as a bomber-for-hire protagonist.
As you progress through the game, you get access to a wide variety of bomber planes to purchase, upgrade, and store in your personal hangar.
There will be WW2 era planes like Stuka dive bombers, B25s, B17s. Hell, I'll put in a couple WW1 bombers too for the fuck of it.
Also I'll implement an autopilot feature so players can roam about the cabin.

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Assuming I *have* to blow a non-trivial chunk of the 5 billions on vidya and not just lie on a beach somewhere counting shekels until I keel over, I bankroll a high-production value WRPG geared towards "children and general audiences" similar to what Dragon Quest does for JRPGs since it's a gaping void in the genre right now.

If I had to spend it on existing IPs, bankroll a full-3D remake of the MOTHER games, Jet Set Radio 3, and give Monolith Soft enough money to buy back every IP they've ever made and produce remakes/new installments in them.

If I had 5 billion dollars, I'd buy the super smash Bros. Melee source code and rights from nintendo, then I'd make a high resolution source port of it for PC like openrct2, that way it can be properly played in tournaments without expensive CRTs.

You really think they'd update those laws considering how basically every public lottery winner ends up getting stalked for years

You'd think so but it'll probably never happen.

Enjoy making game that cant sell.

I'll buy it though.

>huurrr I am going to make my own video game
This is why poor people who do win lotto are poor again in a few months. I would not fund shit. I would give some to my family, then travel to places, fuck expensive whores, come home, buy place where I want to live, buy some gold and silver, buy some properties to rent out and then get rid of the rest, charities, whatever. I don't need 4 billion dollars it just makes me a target.

>Collect my funds using an anonymous trust so none of you all can find me
>Set aside 1 of my billions. Put in the stock market, and withdraw 3% per year.

This will generate 30 million dollars per year. I would use this money to start an indie endowment, which will:

>Set aside 500,000 dollars per year to lead a second board game renaissance of games I'd like to play on Kickstarter
>Ask Toby Fox what budget he would need to hire enough staff to make DeltaRune
>Ask Tim Schafer what budget he would need to finish Psychonauts or make his dream adventure game within 2 years
>Ask Lucas Pope what kind of budget he needs to make his next game
>Ask Johnathan Blow what kind of budget he needs to make his next game
>Ask Phil Fish what kind of budget he needs to make his next game
>Ask Edmund McMillan what he'd do if he could hire 6 more full time employees to work on original IP or Mewgenics
>Commission another 10 or so indies to do work.
>Work aggressively to ensure the devs stay on time and on budget, because I want to see these games come out before I die and I want the fund to have a reputation of being a supporter of the quality games that gamers deserve, rather than corporate garbage
>Take points on all the below games's revenue, and put all money from my spread towards funding struggling community children's education in STEM (with additional money and funding for those who go on to make games) and expanding the fund.

This plan would beat inflation and thus could be sustained indefinitely (especially if the indies are profitable), would improve an expand the gaming community for several generations to come, and still gives me 4 billion dollars to spend on the Scrooge McDuck money-diving room.

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Breath of the Wild ripoff but with platforming. I would pay Ghibli for the presentation, something like the first Ni no Kuni but with a more fairy tale theme.

> import your own songs

Will that even be possible legally speaking? Each song in every game had to pay a license for pretty much a set amount of years until a new update takes the song out because license ran out.

Maybe a cool idea would be to pay spotify or Pandora for license to use their music service.

>Ni no Kuni but with a more fairy tale theme
Howso? Ni no Kuni had fairy tale shit every 8 feet. Just most wasn't plot centrist because fairy tales are generally only 5 minutes long.

Solid finish user

Ni no Kuni had a lot of epic-scale stuff, I wish there was a game focusing on like small-town fairy tale problems, like gnomes stealing stuff. Something like a dragon would be really rare.

There needn't be any regulation on it as long as you don't upload songs into map packs for distribution. Any piracy or related crime would then be on the user's part.

Crypt of the Necrodancer did it, Dead Rising could play whatever music you saved on your 360 out of the mall's speakers. As far as I know neither of their creators got shit over it.

I lack ambition to actually see a project like "a dream game" through.
Nah I would buy a good couple of acres in the middle of nowhere, pay to have a nice fiber optic internet line drawn to where I have my comfortable but modest sized house.

Spend my days doing the stuff I enjoy doing and try to get better at the things I like doing now but never have the time for like woodworking and metalworking. Try out new hobbies I suppose. I've always wanted to surf.

Maybe travel to some places I've wanted to see. Read books, play some vidya, eat good food. Slowly let the the days roll by until I kick the bucket. Probably leave part of the money to my sister if she is still alive. If not, make it so it gets to the company most likely to put us among the stars in the future.
How lovely it would be to never have to deal with people again.

Perfect Dark remake for the switch.

Best post itt but you'll have to wait quite a few years if you're only getting 30 million per year.

> AAA porn game
> lolis, shotas, shemales, and monster girls.
kill yourself you degenerate pedo

I've wanted to when I was younger, but now I know better. I know my ideas are shit and nobody would want to play anything I make.

Lesbian Loli Rape Simulator 2019: Zero Penises Edition

>I know my ideas are shit and nobody would want to play anything I make.
And? If you had basically no budget, oversight (above yourself) or sales expectations then you could make your dream game. Who cares if other people play it if you're having fun?

collect the money, buy a house in Washington state as a sort of base of operations to return to, buy a passport and travel the world. might just fucking stay in one of the beautiful countries I live in if I feel like it. basically, I just vanish from my old life and its people. will give my mom like 2 million bucks before I disappear.

Fuck no

I'd just buy games I might finance a few sequels to games to be made exclusively for the dreamcast.

I'd finance vectorman 3 for the dreamcast

I buy Square Enix.

Fund Versus 13.

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I'd buy out square enix and make final fantasy great again

Attached: file.png (687x165, 70K)

This is why you go indiescene, you can start immediately.

A million buys you a team of 3-4 industry pros a year, plus an artist, which is about the most indies can work productively with anyways.

You can support 10-20 or so microteams doing this (the limiting factor is your time) and have money left over for emergencies and yearly overrun if a team is struggling or needs more staff.

This plan is meant to last decades and/or centuries anyways, so I’d have no problem if the fund’s very first developer set took longer to ramp up.

GTA V does it with Self Radio on PC

I'd buy up Dark Alliance franchise and get the devs of Divinity to reboot it

I wouldn't make a real game. I would just outbid EA for the license to make FIFA games so they can't have that cash cow anymore. Then I would only release FIFA as a pachinko game exclusive to Japan.

Attached: 5a9[1].jpg (423x287, 25K)

>Buy the rights to Parasite Eve from Square Enix
>Retcon PE2 and The 3rd Birthday
>Make a true, faithful sequel without a single influential drop of Resident Evil or... Whatever the fuck was responsible for The 3rd Birthday
>Hire a japanese translator and some black-hat hacker to help me locate and talk to the Jap writer for Parasite Eve
>Hash out some ideas here and there to work something out for plot ideas
>(Making the game)
>Bring back Aya's Liberate angel form
>Bring back Daniel's black ass
>Bring back Maeda's virgin ass
>After finishing the game, I'll Invest the rest into waifu robot technology so I can finally be with my waifu
I love Aya Brea!

Attached: Aya Brea 7.png (553x701, 381K)

Hire Blur to do cutscenes for Halo CE and 3, hire another studio to rebuild all 3 games from the ground up with 4k textures.

Attached: giphy (2).gif (636x269, 1.81M)

I would just stay home

I'd probably get sued for it.
A Hitman clone, but you'll be assassinating familiar sjws

oh god yes

So now that you guys have come up with games, what about voice acting?
Would your game include voice acting?
Would you hire popular VAs?
Would you hire VAs that you like?
Would you hire proper actors with good voices (Morgan Freeman, Patrick Stewart, etc.)?
Would you manage the dubs and hiring of foreign VAs?
Would you even let your game have a foreign dub?

I'd pay Nintendo to make a new F-Zero.

>proper actors with good voices
voice doesn't mean shit if they don't put effort into it. there have been plenty of "good" actors in anime and video games that do fucking awful because "its not real acting" and they don't care