is this true?
Is this true?
have sex ;)
Video Game "collecting" is a hobby (this includes vidya merch).
Actually playing video games isn't really a hobby. The same way watching movies isn't a hobby, but collecting merch/ticket stubs/making your own movies is a hobby.
just another example of gamer oppression...
we need to rise up
Just like every other hobby.
existing is wasting time
everything is wasting time, we all die anyways
Fuck OP but why is it that video games inherently make you feel like you’re wasting time? Is it the open ended feeling games give you?
I don't care. I'm having fun.
if it was something actually productive it wouldn't be a "hobby"
Not really. Video games may not be a very deep/high-brow hobby but it still counts as one. Also tons of shit that people do regularly would also count as a waste of time.
No. Now take your meme back to imgur
It's better than watching sports or scrolling through social media.
You could say the same thing about any hobby. In fact you could say the same thing about anything. People have been playing games all throughout human history, the only difference now is that they are electronic. I will however say that real life games like board-games or sports are preferred always in that it promotes social conviviality and exercise in a way that online games can't quite recreate. But that doesn't make video games bad or a waste of time. We need leisure time along with our work time. My 2 cents.
No, they meant to say "Books aren't a real hobby"
This, hobbies are a scam
that's a whole new level of neckbeard
>why is it that video games inherently make you feel like you’re wasting time?
Because that's exactly what you are doing.
He's right though
I'm just trying to get my neetbucks from the government, leave me alone.
That's right. Fuck videogames and fuck the communities that are born from it.
user, nothing 99.99% of humans do is going to have any tangible effect on the course of humanity, thereby everything they are doing is a "waste of time". A hobby is recreation, nothing more, in fact if it has a higher purpose I wouldnt call it recreation or a hobby, it would just be work.
That's every hobby that doesn't improve yourself.
i was talking about the image
but yeah, he is
holy shit I didn't even notice
fucking kek
It's a consumptive hobby, not a constructive hobby.
Reading fiction, watching movies, playing games, these are consumptive hobbies; You are consuming entertainment for leisure. There's nothing wrong with that as long as you don't pretend you're bettering yourself.
Drawing, reading nonfiction, and gardening are examples of constructive hobbies. You are either cultivating something useful or your own skill. You are creating. These are better, but much harder, than consumptive hobbies.
Self improvement is masturbation. Its just as useless in the grand scheme as video games. Your nice body or ability to whittle dont really mean anything.
Everyone's outcome in life is the same, death. So technically everything is pointless.
Have sex, pathetic fuck
Yeah, we should all be fetching pails of water instead.
This is moot in the grand scheme of the point, because truthfully anything done just to benefit you is a waste of time. The only proper use of time is on things that benefit humanity as a whole, so everyonr should be a biologist or engineer and never have recreation time because its useless for humanities progress. Simple little cogs turning in a clock, thats what you gotta be.
Depends on whether or not there is an afterlife.