Whats your favorite dystopian videogame?

Whats your favorite dystopian videogame?

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what if you but a TV in cash? What the fuck could they do then?

they have you fill out a form when you buy the tv

why UK is so 1984?

Oh that sucks. Couldn't you fill out fake info?

why the fuck should the child have a mark on their permanent record for an absence at that age? It's fully the responsibility of the parent, even ignoring the disturbing nature of the trip.

Why is it in Comic Sans?

hopeless country

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What the fuck is a tv license? Is it a british thing, like, I remember they were buying billboard space just put up ads in specific neighborhoods to harrass people into getting one years ago but I still have no idea why the fuck would I need to get one just because I have a TV. Is it like a driver's license, do I really need a fucking TV equivalent of a driver's license if I buy a TV in the UK?

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.

You ''need'' a TV license, but they can't enforce this law and it's not the police's job to investigate TV licences.
Theres a bunch of videos on YT of people just shooing the corporate lackeys away.

Bongs wouldn't dare.

doesnt matter, they cant prove you're watching TV. you can say you're playing video games, using it attached to your PC, or watching DVD/Blurays.
You're also not required to allow them into your house.

They are just lying. All fearmongering.

you also need a rubbish license to carry garbage

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its the equivalent of paying for cable. you dont need one, but they try to make it sound like you do, to trick you into paying for one.

>you can say you're playing video games
Hand over your vidya license, sir.

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why dont british people use toilets anymore?

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I think I understand why the founding fathers wanted out so badly

oh shit, i only bought the video game loiysense...

yeah but how do we burgers avoid paying for cable?

>its the equivalent of paying for cable. you dont need one, but they try to make it sound like you do, to trick you into paying for one.

That's a real dick move. I don't use my TV for more than vidya so it would suck if they tried to force their shitty cable TV on me.

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It pays for the BBC, You dont need one if you have a TV. Its required if you want to watch or record live BBC programming. Most people just ignore them though, they have no contract with you and cannot force their way into your home. If someone comes to your door asking to check, you just close it in their face.

You're kidding me.

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ive never had a cable bill or cable so i guess im already doing it?
they try to con you into thinking ur in trouble for having a TV, as it means ur watching TV. they pretend ur in trouble, and hope you say something that can be used as an admission of guilt. when u see them at your door, ignore them. dont leave ur windows open, so they cant try to take pictures of your TV, and use fake photoshopped images of ur TV having the BBC running. (BBC is the reason ur being charged by default. They are pretty much the CNN of the UK, except more corrupt and more powerful compared to their own government.)

In Germany they solved this problem in the most simple way possible - you have to pay now 20€/month as some sort of tax because you "have the ability to access media", it doesn't even matter anymore whether you own a TV or not

they just ruled its required even if you only watch netflix tho
even if its just on your laptop

but if you guys didn't pay your tv license where would the BBC get the funds needed to accuse the opposition of antisemitism?

If only they realized the only impurity is themselves.

>Head teacher apologises over 'racial discrimination' letter
>A head teacher has apologised for sending parents a letter saying a "racial discrimination" note would be added to their child's education record if they did not go on a religious trip.
>But the school has now asked parents to "disregard a section" of the letter

>tfw you get arrested because you forgot to renew your smegma licence
bollocks guvnah

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>muzzies talking impurity
I guess they don't teach self-awareness in the quran

They still can't enter your home and verify that you have any of those devices. Even if they see your TV in your front window they still have no authority to enter your home.

any links to this? i think the article was purposely misleading. i doubt thats the case.


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so glad I'm not y*ropeon

Jesus Christ

Where were you last year? There was a bunch of threads about it.


>These people used to own almost half of the world
>Literally giving up their asses to their hundreds of years enemies you swore to destroy
What happen to the brits

Europe is dead and the Anglo whites did this to themselves, I feel no sympathy for their raped children and killed parents.

this is probably because indians and muslims wipe their ass with their hands and don't wash their hands. and london is 39% muslim/indian combined

School career is a joke and has no meaning.
Satire, the only restriction on knives here is that people under 16 years of age cannot buy them and you need to have a valid reason (Fishing, Chef, Construction) to have a knife over a certain size that locks in place.
This is from some trash tabloid
All touch screens are horrendous, how much shit is there on peoples phones or ATM's

god no fucking wonder yuropoors are so obsessed with america

it's pure jealousy over actually having freedom

Nah its not for netflix. The BBC iplayer is what it was ruled for. Its just a ruse for them to enter your house. You need an account with them to use the Iplayer now I think. Just tear up the letters and close the door on them. Ive not paid mine in 10 years

'ello guv'na we're here to check your thinking

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Not like we have real freedom here either.
I actually can't think of a good country to have kids and live a good life anymore, but the USA just seems like the least shitty for now.

> all of europe is the same

I refuse to believe this is real.

i have plenty of freedom int he ways that i care about and that affect my daily life, mate. i'm not sure why i should care about anything beyond that when i am but a single man in a sea of billions

Pretty much any article from the daily mail website is full of shite

I don't really consider jew companies raping everyone ass true freedom.

You have less muzzies, but the whole world in general is fucked in one way or another.

Bongistan is not Europe and never were, they are their own little inbred island

There really is no good place left on this godforsaken rock.

Notice how mutts only make these threads when brits are sleeping.


the only difference is eastern yurop and there you just trade the 1984 + muslim shit for extreme poverty and corruption. with yurop you lose

Imagine needing a license to watch tv and buy spoons. Fucking LOL. Why do people even live there?

he doesnt get arrested, its just intimidation tactics.
they show up, make u feel afraid, and do nothing.

you know what you don't need a license for in Britain? toothbrush. they already know nobody owns one.

Someone post the one from a few years back where that dude disagreed with a feminist on Twitter and she eventually had him arrested for "harassment."

I would have done everything in my power to earn that stamp

Who's more dystopian, England or China?

If you think /int/ threads are made by anyone but Australians you're either dumb or naive.

Don't you dare compare europe as a whole to the UK. I feel insulted.

>he doesnt get arrested
I didn't even imply he was, the mere fact he was approached is already vomit-inducing.

oi ya got a shitposting loicense for that m8?

reported to the brit police. enjoy the fine/gaol for hate speech, ahmed :)

I have a feeling that this guy goes out of his way to call them men

So you're saying that in order to buy a knife you have to present a certification, or license, if you will?

nice damage control, Bong.

>Hate man's best friend
Pick one

Can we just destroy everything that comes from the middle east outside of maybe their food? Nothing good comes from that shithole area.

yeah we are SOOOOOO frightened of someone we fucking won a war against and had to rescue from two additional wars.

>all the hassle of maintaining QoH and she only gives WAW EGO
are you fucking kidding me, she's worse than most ALEPH