Reminder that you lawfully own every digital game you've ever purchased and that the "this software is licensed, not sold" part of the EULA is referring to the software intellectual property itself, not the instance of the IP that you legally purchased via a software license
Reminder that you lawfully own every digital game you've ever purchased and that the "this software is licensed...
Reminder that this doesn't matter and the Telltale fiasco perfectly demonstrates this.
>1 hour video that could've been 2 minutes
It's still not fraud, good luck getting anywhere with his arguments in court.
Also this He should've quit making videos after freeman's mind.
what happens to my bideo gams when gabe newell dies
>legal opinions from a video game YouTuber
Reminder that thanks to Disney and them constantly changing copyright laws so Micky doesn't becone public domain, all any publisher as to do is claim that releasing anything would violate their intellectual property laws and not have to do anything
It's up to publisher.
He backs it up my man
Ross’s Game Dungeon is what matters, dumbass
Freeman's Mind 2 is great though
He's definitely right that the developers have to provide a way for you to play the game at its end of life. They can't just decide to prevent you from playing a game after selling you a one time purchase.
none of this matters if you pirate. It doesn't matter what publishers or anything else decides. Pirates don't have to worry about losing their old Taletale games.
No one cares about old games, grow up old man.
remind me about how much money i have to make court appearances and retain a lawyer to fight a long court case in a legal grey area
probably HUGE discounts in memory of his name
STEAM becomes even bigger
Reminder that OP is a spammer, has a form of mental retardation and should be shot
Of course he is, he got brainwashed by that retard into thinking he can actually make a difference if he just spams it enough and makes a big lawyer watch the video!
>*bans you*
>*doesn't give your money back*
>*discontinues servers*
>*you can't do shit against the lawyer army*
gg no re dumb consumer
>It's been three months since the last freemans mind
I don't wanna give him shit since he clearly puts a ton of effort into recording in one take and even mods the maps personally for the sake of the narrative but jesus chrust what happened to civil protection and his other projects? He's the muira of machinima
The day that steam eventually dies still keeps me awake at night, the passing of Gabe Newel will certainly turn it to shit when someone else gets there hands on it.
>i would die to defend the intellectual property of my favorite billion dollar corporation. that's what being american is all about.
Reminder that this SteveMRE ugly as fuck lookalike got BTFO'd by an actual lawyer on this.
Stuff has been on hold because the mold followed him to his new apartment but he said there'll be more soon
And he's been BTFO by several other lawyers on and off youtube since.
Why is he such a baby about mould?
Reminder that you'll lose against their army of lawyers and rent games digitally, you don't own anything unless you have a physical copy.
you own a drm free digital copy more than you do a physical one
significantly less than you do*
I hope that everyone in this thread wakes up one day and for whatever reason they cannot play their favorite video game anymore.
Hoeg law has a youtube channel and did an interview with him.
>can reproduce it infinitely
>will never break
>can give it to multiple friends to play the same game at the same time
the only thing you have on physical above drm free digital is being able to resell
No you need to show me the exact way he was BTFO
>still not tangible, not owned
keep defending the digital goblins you dance for, it's funny to me.
When Valve dies, you lose all the games you "bought"
they used the argument that is on the user agreement that you can only read AFTER buying the game that they can close the servers at any moment
so you defy ownership as being able to physically touch it? you could just burn it to a disc in that case, hell, burn it to a million disks
I defy what?
So if you burn a drm-free game to a disc, it's now tangible and I own it?
remember that when google dies you will lose your email and all the videos you uploaded
That doesn't sound like BTFO
indeed it isnt
He is using the argument that it is fraud when it's factually not according to the law.
Nope, you're merely renting an ethereal copy with no value. Even if you did own it, that's what? 200 or so games? You have to do better than that. PC gaming gave up physical ownership because the digital golem sold him on "less" DRM, a tricky license agreement and also nice sales (which haven't been so nice for the past 9 years.) And now you defend it.
seems like you already got BTFO
what? you've avoided the question entirely.
what is the difference between a physical copy and a drm free digital copy burned onto a disc other than being able to legally resell the disc?
The only reason why telltale is going to get away with it is because no one gives a fuck about their VNs enough to sue them
the license granted
I still to this day can't believe that EULA's are allowed to use double speak to scare and misinform people about their rights when it comes to owning the personal use of that instance of that software. It's also sad that while precedent has been set that you own that particular instance of software by multiple trials, the companies (and dumb consumers) push the narrative you don't own your games. It's mind boggling. Support open source.
t.Software engineer.
so you value the license that says you have legal ownership of that copy more than being able to actually do more with your copy? do you really sell that many of your games?
How are you going to defend your DRM free copies of 20 or so games that you're illegally distributing?
by not living in a cucked country that cares about the IP laws of american megacorporations
What do you mean by "do more?"
What's wrong with you imbeciles? Is there something wrong with wanting to spread awareness about an issue to promote consumer safety?
>can reproduce it infinitely
>will never break
>can give it to multiple friends to play the same game at the same time
not possible with a physical game, everything you can do with a physical game you can do better with a drm free digital one other than resell it
>consumer safety
They literally argued semantics. Basically saying that it isn't "fraud" but that there isn't enough legal precedent to give it a proper name, but it for sure isn't fraud.
>>can reproduce it infinitely
can do that with legit copies too
>>will never break
take care of your shit
>>can give it to multiple friends to play the same game at the same time
same with legit copies
you can't:
>contribute to the market direction
>accrue any value
>not live in a globohomo hellscape
why do you niggers hate consumer rights? Are you a communist? A redditor? A shill?
So basically you're saying you don't own it because you can't sell counterfeit copies?
Shut your mouth, Moldman, everything is wrong with it.
I care about consumer rights, I don't care about giving some retard attention and ad revenue for "protecting consumers" when they don't know anything.
When I die there's one screeching autist less on this board.
Aren't you a fucking consumer, dude? If not, why are you even here?
>Telltale fiasco
quick rundown?
>Quoted the wrong post
Why does every retard with a grade 2 understanding of English misinterpret everything a man says with the words "so basically..." Why do they all argue like women?
What the fuck does losing access to a video game have to do with your SAFETY?
show me how to copy any ps4 game infinitely with a simple disc and optical drive or by just using the system itself
even taking care of your things doesn't mean they'll last forever, certain discs are susceptible to rot, usage leads to wear even with precautions, copying a file to another drive is infinite with 0 chance of the files themselves "breaking
you cannot clone a disc to give to a friend and have them play it as the same time as you unless you have some magic device
and why are you talking about economics like videogames are some sort of investment?
Are you retarded? You can't sue telltale because its practically illegal to sue a bankrupt company. In fact, telltale can sue you back for that
boy am I eternally grateful that some corporate lawyers on Youtube told me that I'm a goyim who doesn't own anything, I was worried for a second there.
>by just using the system itself
run cfw
>certain discs are susceptible to rot
gamecube games and wii u games only
>you cannot clone a disc to give to a friend and have them play it as the same time
yes I can and have many times
>and why are you talking about economics like videogames are some sort of investment?
imagine treating everything you do one dimensionally because you have no prospects in life or desire to amass anything of value to pass on
far as I understand it
>telltale sells you "games"
>game is actually just a launcher that downloads the game from their servers like some kind of MMO
>telltale buys multiple expensive ass licenses and fucks up the licenses that made them money at the same time
>goes bankrupt, turns off servers that deliver game content to launcher
to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if steam institutes a new policy requiring devs to store the FUCKING GAME FILES on steam unless its an MMO to prevent this in future
If you're going to be that anal about a word, then "consumer best practices." Faggot.
I mean I think you got mixed up when you thought that "owning" something has anything to do with trade rather than actually possession of said item. You seem to be more worried about muh market value and selling games instead of being in possession and playing games.
Reminder: nothing is worth anything until someone pays for it. No one is going to pay you for a GoG copy of the game regardless of the law nor license because you do not grant the same service as GoG or simply pirating the game. It's not that it doesn't have value, but anything more than 0 is too much for zero guarantees.
Also I love your posts schizo poster.
>Amass useless video games to pass on
Yeah I'm sure people will fight wars over all your junk after you die.
>all these people still posting this
go to his site. He completely admitted he was wrong because actual lawyers came to him and gave him the lowdown on how laws work. The video is still up as a way to teach himself a lesson about being wrong, and deleting it would only make it worse
>You seem to be more worried about muh market value and selling games instead of being in possession and playing games.
deflection when faced with something he cannot do without ownership. You've got no argument.
they already do here from the looks of things
show me the process of legally cloning a ps4 disc and keeping the licence on it since you're so concerned with that aspect of ownership
you conveniently ignored the wear and tear part, discs and physical media wear down over time, ignoring accidents and other things, disc rot is usually only detected years after the manufacturing takes place
you cannot have multiple people play the same game as you if the disc is physically in one device
and i'll be able to pass everything along because it's all digital, it won't ever degrade or "lose value", but please keep strawmanning and trying to make yourself believe that videogames are an actual investment
I'm so glad youtube is dying so that these e-celeb topics go with it.
Reminder, these threads are advertisement. Kotaku and other general clickbait have been invading this board, using a provoking title, and then linking their shit for clicks. Report and ignore these threads.
Read the rest of my post schizo.
He wasn't wrong on everything and didn't admit to being wrong on everything, and the overall message of the video is still valid. The "games as a service" shit has always appeared disingenuous to people who actually play video games, and it absolutely was being pushed by Gamasutra at one point, a site that has pushed a lot of garbage in gaming overall.
>it now has to be legal
it's piracy kid
>keeping the licence on it
the license is still valid, even with back ups, especially with back ups.
>you conveniently ignored the wear and tear part
take care of your shit
>disc rot is usually only detected years after the manufacturing takes place
which is why it's only been detected in gc and wii u games, you got this question answered already dumb fuck
>you cannot have multiple people play the same game as you if the disc is physically in one device
because there's more than one retard, learn to read or is English not a common language in this uncucked shit hole country you're from
>and i'll be able to pass everything along because it's all digital
you pass on nothing because nothing you have or have done has created any value for anyone. You don't even have sentiment on your side. You'll vanish into the ether, leaving nothing except cum stained briefs and a plot in your babushka's trailer lot.
youtube isn't dying, dumb /pol/tard
Remember, when you die, the world will keep turning and functioning fine without you.
this is what capitalism does to the mind, how sad, I hope that UBI comes to your country soon so that you won't have to hoarde videogames to try to guarantee your future
>using gmail or youtube
>he's a commie cuck too
Imagine seeing a message about lineage and thinking it's about muh capitalism, kill yourself porker you're already fucked by psyops.
the only people that hoarde things and continuously talk about their value are sad capitalist bootlickers that think they'll be anything more than specks of dust on their fat owner's feet
really, i hope you get healthcare and education soon, it sounds like you could really use it
Reminder that accepting the license agreement and not totally disregarding it makes you a bootlicking cuck who lets other people own his shit.
I like how you're entire argument revolves around evil DRM but the most compelling argument you just dispell by saying "bro just crack it," yet dismiss anyone else's attempt at a similar retort. Also backing things up in the event that your physical disk breaks to use could very well be considered piracy. If the license is only valid through the disk, then what is the use backing it up? You don't gain a perpetual license otherwise you could back the game up and then sell it to someone.
You're a brainlet, or at the very least very deranged and your argument is inherently flawed.
>yet dismiss anyone else's attempt at a similar retort.
Because there's a big difference here you're not realizing kiddie, you don't own shit digitally.
But I do, moreso than anything a broken disk could. I can back it up infinitely without worry of a single broken item. If a HDD fails with a copy on it and I have it backed up I can still use it because the license I purchased grants that.
Is this guy on even ground with acfag? You can always recognize pcphysicalonly user right when he starts posting, it's amazing.
>all these fags arguing about whether you own your games
Please explain the difference then, you've failed to do so so far.
The only real difference is collector value, something made up by companies to sell u more bullshit.
>moreso than anything a broken disk could
less so
>I can back it up infinitely without worry of a single broken item
why do you have so much trouble taking care of your shit you mongoloid
>telltale games removing game even if you bought it
>sony/nintendo banning people, thus losing access to your library
The man who was right.
Speak English sped
Nice counter argument retard.
No argument to counter, you agreed you don't own shit rentalcuck
Literally not an argument. Why back it up if you have no worry of a broken disk? Why even bring it up?
>less so
Please elaborate in non schizo terms. I've already outlined that you CAN trade it for money, it's just that the copy is fucking worthless because you don't provide anything more than the game itself.
>legally allowed to own infinite copies
y-you don't own shit!!!
you own your games but it doesn't matter because a game company will just bury you in legal fees if you try to take them to court over it
wtf I crashed my car on property and my money and car was stolen!
this fucking argument needs to die. Thank god nobody gives a shit about this molded retard
>Why back it up if you have no worry of a broken disk?
why not?
>still doesn't own them
discs are still digital
But the license isn't digital only
How are you going to play all those multiplayer games that are shut down?
Cracked servers have been a thing since the early 2000s dude. I can play on cracked Steam servers right now. I swear people have no basic knowledge about piracy.
>why not?
Please answer the question. If you're so careful and tidy then what's the point of backing it up? You can't use it post breakage nor sale, so what's the point? With GoG I can back it up AND use it as that's what the license permits. The disk provides a single copy single-user license, GoG grants a single user multi-copy license.
What's the point of the disk AND backing it up if you can only use the software with the original disk in tact and working.
Again, you're argument is inherently flawed because you seem to bring something up as a major point and then dismiss it when countered.
You're a genuine faggot schizophrenia-poster!
The same way you play all pirated games online. __________________not____________________________
Cracked servers used be a lot more common but how many multiplayer games that have gotten shut down in the past 10 years have had unofficial servers put up?
> what's the point of backing it up?
Why not? I can do what I want with my copies, they are mine after all.
>you can only use the software with the original disk in tact and working.
You don't, quit being retarded
Is he married?
yes, to the mold.
>Why not?
Again, answer the question schizo.
>You don't, quit being retarded
What did he mean by this.
Take your meds and take a hike. You're dumb as a rock but I appreciate you're effort and cause. I love physical games, especially big box PC stuff but all I'm saying is your argument is broken to the core.
Love ya, hopefully you have a better arguments for your next sperg out, schizo-kun.
Yes. She makes cute tweets.
There's nothing legally infringing about either of those actions, even Telltale, as bullshit as it is.
You got your answer like 6 times, it's my copy, I can do whatever I want with it. What do you care exactly? Why shouldn't I do with it what I please? Because it makes you look like the retard you are? You do that fine without my help.
I can make a backup just like you then!
Wow! It must be MY copy that I own!
>I can make a backup just like you then!
you can't, for someone who likes to accuse others of being a schizo you sure have a difficulty grasping this basic concept
Oh but I can and have! I can copy MY copy of Unreal Gold as much as I want. GoG lets me. There's no restriction other than I can't distribute that copy just like you can't distribute that copy.
That's not just like me, feel free to copy an ethereal game anyone can copy after a few clicks of a mouse.
get better taste by the way, pc games are trash
Get an argument and then you can judge my taste schizo.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you need to get so mad about it. Someone didn't take their happy pills.
Just because you're wrong doesn't mean you can just say you're right schizo.