Cancer risks are nearly nil for 1-2 cigars per day

Cancer risks are nearly nil for 1-2 cigars per day.
Why don't you smoke like Big Boss, faggot?

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I'm not a rich guy who owns his own oil rig and paramilitary corporation

there has always been fishiness surrounding the smoking-cancer link. japan has high rates of smoking but low rates of cancer. basically "tobacco bad" isn't the end of the story but nobody has figured out what is going on.

And before anyone says anything shut up about who he is before you ruin the thread.
Trying to have a good talk about cigars because Big Boss smokes them, and that's vidya games. Pic in OP is well enough to convey the point so fuck off.

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I can't risk the CIA putting a small bit of C4 in my cigar

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Fuck, wrong picture.
Who /habanos/ here?

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I smoke cigs from time to time, but I don't really enjoy cigars. I don't know if it's an acquired taste, but they all taste strong as hell.

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>using vidia as a hidden viral marketing to mostly underages even though all countries banned ads for tobacoo products practically everywhere

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non-smokers sound like such dweebs lmfao


MGSV is unfinished

tried several cuban brands before switching to nicaraguan
still can't find one on the sweet side of flavours that i like

>story script finished 2013
>updated two years later in April
It's finished, Kingdom of the Flies got purged because it didn't quite fit well with the story.

>inhaling cigar smoke

japan is a country full of corruption, they don't report actual numbers on anything.

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They should've cut Eli entirely from the stupid game. It would've felt more complete.

Who pays you to come here and post this shit?

Enjoyed cigars in the past, where do I start?

Big Boss. Another thing that satisfies his cravings is cigars, but keep that a secret from everybody.

Japs work themselves to death long before the cancer can get them.

>among the highest life expectancy in the world

because i don't want to dry out my fucking face you mongoloid

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>still falling for this meme
Amerilards, on average, work more hours a year for their jewish overlords than japs do.

What fucking graphical settings are these? This screenshot is awful

i do, except they're weed in mine

And also skip on the most vacation days they are given, even though they are also given the least.

Oral cancer. And some smoke will get into your lungs regardless.

Bump for Big Boss!

Why is he so fucking attractive?

I figure I'll start in like ten years when I'm really a boomer and just at that point in life where you're waiting for the end. Not quite young, not quite ancient.

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Cuz I think you're gay for him bro. Lol.

i dont have no money

smoking is for chefs models and retards

why is he so /fa/?

The scars.

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Nah, it's not the scars. It's the burnt skin and the ponytail that makes Big Boss look so different from, well... Big Boss.

OG Bibo had light as fuck skin, looked like he absolutely had no suntan whatsoever.
The phantom looked appropriately burnt from the crash since he got all of the impact, either that or he's very prone to melasma.

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can confirm, stogies are great. sadly, like a lot of anons said, they're fucking expensive. premium cigars like Camacho and Man'O'War run $8-$10 per stick where i live, and i don't particularly feel like smoking those shitty 50c a pop ones that come in packs of like twenty. backwoods are nice sometimes but that's hardly a cigar, more like a cowboy cigarette.
if i raked in thousands every day from paramilitary operations and weapons trading then i'd probably enjoy them much more frequently.

>tfw you'll never have aesthetics as sweet as Venom

he's /k/fa/

it's not like he was designed by a hipster westaboo or anything

Do you get the nicotine if you don't inhale?

for one thing, most people don't smoke cigars for the nicotine. if you want nicotine, smoke cigarettes, get a vape, or use snus. inhaling the occasional puff from a cigar to get the headrush is nice, but that's not what most people smoke them for. it's mostly for the flavor and experience.

I do enjoy cigars, but they are a large waste of money

I don't like the idea of being addicted to something

We had this same exact thread about 12 hours ago
I roll my own tobacco btw, it's cheaper

That thread got ruined because idiots kept arguing over things that weren't cigars.
35 posts without any sort of derail is nice.

Gee I wonder if it's all the other garbage being put in mass produced western cigarettes

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Its a waste of money and it smells awful. I will forever associate smoking with my friend's birthday party in 6th grade. His parents smoked like chimneys and I it was the first time I ever went to his house. I ended up puking my guts out and having to go home.

>implying your shitty cowboy rolls are on par with premium nicaraguan and dominican maduro tobacco

also this, the amount of extra chemicals put into american ciggies is insane. not to mention all the other fucking poison in most american food and other products.

Bibo is a better shorthand term for Big Boss.

Oh believe me I would try to import top tier tobacco if I had the money but right now I'm trying to smoke less to save more and eventually quit so I'm stuck with pic related, which is the only one that tastes good to me

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it just makes me think of a hobbit version of big boss

I don't even smoke, but this sounds absolutely ridiculous. lol.

*concerned stuttering*

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>BiBo baggins
Why does that crack me up

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I legit have no idea how to smoke something without inhaling. That's why I don't want to try cigars.

it be like that sometimes. good on you for cutting back though. if it's purely nicotine you're trying to quit then i would recommend swedish snus. very discreet, almost no negative health effects (swedish fda has a shitload of data for this), and you can get General in many US stores if you don't want to order online.
>that warning label
damn, they're really ramping up the guilt trip levels on some of these things. i still only see "this product can cause addiction, cancer, blah blah blah" but i'm just waiting for the day it just says "you are a bad person and your social credit score has been lowered"

Reminder that all the cool vidya characters smoke

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Because in my country we pay 10x the amount for tobacco because the government taxes it out the ass. Smokers pay 16 times as much in tax as they cost to the healthcare system, which was their excuse for taxing it so hard. It's quote funny really. It doesn't stop anyone from smoking of course, they just divert funds that should be spent elsewhere to it. Keeping the poor poor. That's the real intention.

because it's funny, user.
>I must blow up this cipher buggery quick, have to be back to mother base in time for tea!

Now that you mention it was was actually the point of his character? Or the child soldiers?

Suck if like a cock

It was to give Liquid a backstory that MGS1 already had.
No need for the gay romance shit. Kojima is a retconning hack.

Just fucking roll your own. WAY cheaper.

>damn, they're really ramping up the guilt trip levels on some of these things.
Shit user that's nothing. Nowadays they're putting literal photographs of open wounds, gore and other disgusting closeup images of rotten bodyparts on packs and every other tobacco related product, like pic related. My pack right now has a closeup of rotten teeth in someone's mouth.

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This. Same with High fat and high carb diets being less linked to hear disease in Italy than USA.

you literally just suck it then don't inhale. i don't know how much more simple to put it.
if you already smoke cigarettes or an MTL vape then just try it a couple times with those and you'll get the hang of it.

i know they have that kind of shit in 'straya too. cunts are so conditioned to it they think of new ones like trading cards. but i meant the "and others around you" part. warnings telling you the shit is going to kill YOU is all well and dandy, but telling also trying to say everyone hates you and you're a bad person is in full-on guilt trip territory.

why would i smoke without the cancer risk nigga i'm TRYING to die

>he doesn't smoke flavored luckies

lmao what are you GAY?

I only smoke water because I'm not obese

Yeah I'm from italy and some of the labels are straight up repulsive, my mom had a pack with pic related on it and she had to buy a cover for the pack. But Yeah that kind of condescending tone really ticks me off. Dude I know I am poisoning myself, I know it's an addiction, but it doesn't fucking bother anyone except me because at least I have a bit of good sense not to smoke around non smokers, and always make sure to keep my mouth fresh and neutral smelling whenever I happen to be in social situation where there are non smokers.

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>buying a cover for a cigarette pack
>not just crossing the image out with a black marker

lmao italians

>having to cross the image out every time instead of buying one cover for like one whole euro which you can use for every pack from then on
Honestly it's convenient plus my mom loves glittery covers and shit so it's right up her alley

>lmao TOBACCO???//??/? it's the current year bro, wheres ur vape bro??? vanilla strawberry shortcake flavored diacetyl is the way of da FYUTCHER bro!!1!!! vg and pg are in food bro it's totally not bad for u at all bro, lmao nicotine isn't even that addictive, i can quit whenever i want bro i just do it for fun bro.
i hate these cunts. don't get me wrong, i suck the robot dong every now and then myself when i feel like it, but thinking that this method of nic delivery where you suck in clouds coming out of a burning electric incinerator that is vaporizing chemical juicejelly into a thick fog that your lungs are still having to filter and process is completely safe and harmless is just being downright retarded.
either way, it'll be interesting to see how heavy life-long vapers fare health-wise in 40 years.

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understandable. have a nice day and i apologize for insulting your people.

How is this injury related to smoking? Diabetic with a foot problem?

it more than likely isn't, the majority of the gore and bodyhorror they put on those things aren't. just shock value scare tactics. obviously smoking and dipping and shit like that will fuck up your body, but if you're relatively healthy in all other aspects then your teeth and digits aren't going to turn black and rot off.
gubbermint a fuc, let me kill myself however i goddamn please.

1-2 a day is ridiculous (especially since they're priced to fuck here in Canada) but a good cigar every now and then is pretty good
Buy singles so I don't see any of the gross-out anti-tobacco crap, and yeah I would say on the whole I prefer Nicaraguans more than anything (last one I had that I enjoy is Don Tomas)
As far as the whole etiquette goes, I don't usually smoke them around non-smokers unless they're okay with it, so usually we're smoking on our friends balcony or if we're in the park but no one else is really around

Me too, mate. It's just not right.

You know, besides the whole "smelly" element there's not much reason why alcohol shouldn't be treated the same as tobacco (even then heavy drinkers fucking reek)
And I say this as someone who enjoys both cigars and booze of all types--from a pure health standpoint it's not like alcohol is any better--even if there isn't second-hand-drinking the way there is second-hand-smoking, both are just as equally dangerous for someone who abuses it

Best way to describe it is to try and inhale only enough to let it sit in your mouth--don't try to draw too much or draw too quickly that you inhale either out of necessity or out of instinct, just try to draw slowly and steady so that a good amount is just sitting there--let it linger for a bit to savor the taste and then exhale (I personally prefer to exhale through my nostrils)
It's hard to describe fully since I actually had cigars before trying cigarettes, so I came at from the opposite end. If you're worried about it from a cost perspective, just see if a friend is willing to split one so you can both try and get used to it (you shouldn't be downing these things in quick sittings anyway, so if you don't have a lot of time to spare multiple people on the same cigar will make it go faster without being unpleasant)

Yea Forums - Smoking Cigars.

real shit.
not to mention the retarded laws america has about it.
>you turned 18, that means you can buy addictive tobacco, go to prison, join the army and die for israel, and vote for politicians now!
>what do you mean 'can i buy alcohol too'? wait three more years dipshit lmao
literally the rest of the civilized world has them set at the same age, some have it at 19 instead but a lot of those also have nicotine products set at 19. excuse me for wanting to have a beer or two after a long day now that i have to work like every other miserable adult. if anything it probably makes more retarded kids try to get it illegally and massively overdo it when they find some at parties and shit.

This unironically.

are you retarded? are you just looking for something to write conspiracy theories about and big tobacco somehow presented itself as the underdog to you? who would be plotting against the tobacco industry? and if the link was bullshit, don't you think big tobacco, with all its money and attempts to do exactly so, would make it widely known? tip: they can't, because it isn't

cool so you use it as incense and a fleeting taste. why would anyone with half a brain pay cigar prices for this

>Invest all your money on healthcare and standard of living since you have no military to take a chunk of your budget
>Be surprised they have the worlds healthiest people

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>bawwww why are they forcing icky images and mean words on my ciggy packs?!
probably because everything so far is still not enough to keep lemmings like you from killing yourselves. no one really cares about the holdouts anymore, you're a lost cause, but at this point they're to help prevent you from dragging children into the grave with you

Too expensive, would rather spend that money on hookers and vidya

There is pretty good reason to believe that lowering drinking ages may actually result in FEWER incidents with regards to over-drinking, especially on college/university campuses--young people (even if financially it's a trap) are more likely to go drinking out at bars and clubs when they get the chance, but that also means there's the bar staff to cut them off when they can tell someone has had enough. People may have fake IDs, but for the rest they are more inclined to not risk it and just drink in dorms, but that also means no one will know enough to say "Hey, you've had enough" so there's more of a chance of alcohol poisoning.
ARGUABLY, I think it would be important for young teens to at least get a taste of alcohol (supervised by their parent) just to help dispel the myth and allure of it--my parents would sometimes let me have A small glass of wine for dinner when I was really young (like 6 or 7) and when I was in early high school my parents had no issue with having either a regular glass of wine or a beer for dinner, but as such I pretty much knew what drinking was sort of like, so I never had the urge to splurge and "test" it

Lmao I live in japan and the healthcare is shit. I pay 300/month and it only covers 70%. Last time I broke my nose I had to make 3 separate doctor visits (paying each time) to get a fucking scan done because the hospitals are so shit and crowded here. Enjoy paying 4K yen and waiting 5 hours just for the doctor to look at you and say “oh you need to see the nose specialist in the next ward. Also his hours are only Tuesday-Thursday 10 am-1pm.”
Christ forbid you get cancer or some kind of serious disease because Japanese healthcare doesn’t cover shit for that so you have to pay for private insurance to be protected from the scary illnesses. Japan dicksucking needs to stop.

Are you an english teacher? They make shit pay over there from what I heard.

that's what i was saying, that the three year gap in america probably results in lot more dumbass high schoolers and college students overdrinking than is necessary.
also what you said about how parents should introduce their kids to small or even moderate amounts of alcohol first in order to better educate them on it and dispel temptation and idealization of it. that really just stems from larger issues about overworked boomer parents and disintegrating nuclear family values.
we live in a society, and it's dark habibi.

let's try and get this back on topic i guess, what are some of you anons' favorite sticks? i love the Man'O'War dark aged maduro and Tabak Especial Negra. Camachos are good but they're kind of hit or miss for me.

No. I work in business at a famous conglomerate. English teachers and military rapists are scum.

Would you say its worse than Freedom land?

They did tests were they pumped nothing but tobacco into animals for days on end with tiny breaks and couldn't induce cancer. People go all their lives smoking and no cancer. To people who don't smoke and got lung cancer without smoking a single cig their entire life. If you have shit genes. You'll get cancer aka Darwinism.