Are you going to buy Gears 5 now that it's coming to Steam, Yea Forums?

Are you going to buy Gears 5 now that it's coming to Steam, Yea Forums?

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Why the fuck are they giving PC fags my Xbox game? Fuck that shit, make full console exclusive.

But why would I bother? I don't know shit about the franchise since all previous games except one aren't on PC.

idk. maybe. depends how it runs and if they don't fuck the port up beyond all belief. gears at 60 fps plays like a dream

No, I don't buy anything on Steam.

Not true homeslice

XChadX here
Exclusives are cancerous
I know a lot of PCchads on this board are toxic, but ultimately if more people can enjoy great games I'm fine with that

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I'm Gearsfag who moved on to to PC gayming, so yes. I still can't understand how anyone can still decide to play on console unless they just don't have the money for the initial investment.

Polychad and XChadX here, I agree. Exclusives and monogamy are toxic and unhealthy.

Then how do you justify your purchase?

This looks Decent. I only played 2. I know 1 is probably worth a play. But how about 3 or 4?

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Considering Gears 4 has had constant crashing on Nvidia cards for the last two years probably not.
Especially since this game is doubling down on Kait being the most obnoxious little cunt possible.

I'll only buy Gears 1 if it comes on Steam.

3 is elder god tier and you missed the fuck out on its legendary multiplayer

luckily gears 4 is literally just more gears 3, however I think its probably dead by now.

>that third clip of the guy awkwardly shooting the floor

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No. I had my fun with Gears 1 but that was enough for me.

1-3 are all worth playing. 4 is pretty mediocre. You spend a third of the game fighting robots, the new characters range from mediocre to irredeemably shitty, and the boss fights are all pretty awful.

It's actually pretty active. Crossplay with w10 saved the game

based and non-sóynypilled

Got it for $350 usd. A year ago

>crys about bosses
>sucks 2-3 cock
Scorge was hot ass on ass toast. This series has yet to top senior ramen

Yes, actually.

Saying a game is worth playing is sucking its cock? You are fucking retarded. Raam is by far the best boss fight in the series, yeah.

>Release 5
>Missing 2 & 3
Nice decision MS

They can try as they might, the hype for Gears 5 died with Judgement. The sailing and melee stuff, neat? I don't think they've done enough with 4 to make me give a shit about 5

Depends, I never really cared for the story, but if you'll play any for it then 1-3 are the original trilogy. As far as Versus goes, 3 was where the series peaked by far, it perfected everything from 2 and 1. 4 ruined it by going for the E-sports crowd though, but it's not bad, just never reached 3s greatness. 4 still has a semi active MP, at least on the main modes.

>Gears 5
>the fifth game in a trilogy

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Thanks Phil, very nice of you

I got 2 hours into GoW4 and never touched it again. Honestly since the 3rd game the franchise has lost its charm. People complain about how muh brown and bloom and dudebro marines saturated the shooter market after Gears, but those elements are what made Gears what it was. I'm not down with how much the aesthetic and tone has changed over the course of its lifespan.

Haha get rekt consolebabby

Fuck no.

1-4 is good. Multiplayer in 3 was ass that only sawed off fags .4 is pretty much polished gears 3. judgement can be ignored for its subparness

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That second clip looks terrible.

Also forgot to add, all these retards saying Gears MP peaked at 3 have clearly forgotten how the game was literally unplayable for the first 6 months of its lifespan due to the retro-Lancer and sawed-off completely assraping the game's skill floor.

When is State of Decay 2 coming to Steam?


They where both just shitter crutches. It deffenitly hurt 3's ability to retain players early on but by no means made it unpayable. Hammerburst was the real OP rifle along with Active Gnasher shots downing from miles away, couple that with the Hitbox disparity between character models and you have a frustrating system for any new player.

Still the best MP experience by far despite it's flaws.

1 is good. 3 is god tier in terms of multiplayer but a shit story. 4 plays it incredibly safe, which makes sense since that's what the head of the studio made them make so they got the fundamentals down before trying to fuck with stuff. A shame 343 didn't do the same thing and just had to fuck up everything.

>Console garbage
No thx

Sounds like you're listing why gears 4 is infinitely superior

the only good gears

Sure, if you prefer over balanced E-sports shit with no soul.