Yea Forums is gay lol

Yea Forums is gay lol

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I am. Feels good.

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I hate faggots

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asian moot should make the whole site gay pride for a day

no u

Yea Forums is a cunny board

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If Yea Forums is gay and pedo, wouldn't it make a shota board?

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Less than 2% of the population

40% of convicted child predators

Imagine giving up having a wife and children just so you can have some fake relationship

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breedoid cope


>tfw said this in a discord sucking pride dick and got banned

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your facts don't matter anymore goyim

kys faggot.
Kill ALL fags


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lolicon and proud

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Women are vapid, shallow, and incapable of loving anything other than your money. A relationship between two men is the only true form of love.

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and exactly where are your wife and children, mr successful man?

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Imagine being with a woman and thinking you're in a "real" relationship. Stop taking them out on dates and shopping trips. See how long that lasts.

Bisexual people are the scum of Earth.


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>60% are straight convicted offenders
throw everyone in prison then, you fucking bigot


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take a close look at where the kid in blue is looking at

And all those kids are getting molested.

They're vastly overrepressented.

Women are the niggers of gender.

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kek, fags made a faglet.

turns out that nintendo is the only based one left. they leave homofaggotry out of there games

>not being able to see that both of the kids are looking in the same direction, past Matt Bomer at something in the distance

Well, yeah. Don't you remember those trap threads posted here many years ago? They were all over the place. Now we got nazi cry babies, which is not an improvement but at least you don't see another guys dicks constantly...

Source: Your asshole

Why do breeders think like this? Not everybody is perpetually compelled to stick their dick in some roastie because they're enslaved by the demands of their genes

>implying people care about that
Normies think facts are hatespeech and will deplatform you for citing government statistics

And 90% of child predators are Catholics. What's your point?

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>Segregate and treat these people like shit throughout their lives because they behave differently
>Wonder why they wind up depressed
Are you some sort of retard? Be smart and put two and two together.

Well those kids are ruined. Wouldnt be surprised if one grows up to be a cum dumpster and another a serial killer

Reminder that this what /leftypol/ and liberals want:

No! You don't understand!

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This is like saying that someone attracted to female animals is straight.

I love girls

They also want mandatory race-mixing

Look at this fucking retard cant even fucking understand what a graph is saying.


>30 yrs shorter than normal
Based, fuck being old

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Half of these are entirely made up.

>1000 or more sexual partners
Imagine being retarded enough to believe this.

i wish i was bi

wtf poltard is cute

Why? They're mentally ill as fuck.

Gay people are fictional, so everything about them is made up.

>waaah your facts are not real facts when they hurt my feelings
Being gay is a mental illness.

Isn't Vanguard America a Stormfront-tier site? They're no more trustworthy than the average smash leakfag.

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But 50% of straight men won’t fuck children

Yea Forums is the gayest board

even gayer than /lgbt/ and /fit/ combined

so this is the power of feminism

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This, cunny is the only pure love

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Facts are not real facts when they're not real. I thought /pol/ of all places would know this considering how much they screech about fake news.

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have sex
Have you considered these adopted children might be depressed for other reasons?

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Kek, based

Yea Forums is pretty much on par with /lgbt/ when it comes to trans anything.

tfw no this bf

Soon I may very well be. Just found a good femboy jacking-off material.

Lend loli

>Yea Forums's golden bait is gender politics
>Yea Forums mods' golden bait is cunny

Have you considered they might be depressed because their life is fucked up?

I bet that study didn't control for the fact that a lot of homosexual couples adopt foster kids. And obviously foster kids come with a whole slew of mental problems.

>tfw never get a hairy lesbo to pee on you
Why bros?

cure your aids

I like guys. Never been to a pride parade before and some distant relative showed up at a birthday a couple months back and convinced me to come along to one. I'm kinda anxious I'm gonna bump into degenerate shit like this. Might just give it a pass. I like guys but holy fuck. The "LGBT community" really don't make it any easier on themselves behaving this way.

I love him!

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How did you know

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This needs to stop

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heh heh, I like this one.