What does Yea Forums think of the new mons this far?

What does Yea Forums think of the new mons this far?

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ravenbro >>>>>>>>>>>

they're overall pretty good although as usual I am pretty neutral on the legendaries

Nothing that's really wowing me so far but I'm sure it'll come soon

honestly they're pretty good except for the legendaries

Lol could any of you fucks legitimately design better Pokémon? Post proof too. Otherwise, shut up.

all shit except for the sheep and the raven

>hurr durr i dont see you doing any better

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That’s what I thought.


>Bridge collapses while you drive over it
Lol like any of you could build a better bridge

Legendaries: pretty ugly
Sheep: cute
Raven: cool but a little too edgy
Flower: I like it, cool concept, I'm into some anemochoric action
Flower evolution: still pretty cool, nice concept
Turtle: really dislike it, I think it is the mouth that sets me off
Rabbit: pretty generic
Monkey: pretty cool, might pick it
Salamander thing: a little weird but I like it, might pick this one instead depending on the evolutions

I like the dogs.

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Yeah, except comparing a bridge to a piece of data is some on the spectrum ass shit. I almost forgot where I was.

>Shitty OP written by someone who's clearly a reddit zoomer
>Grookie is their favorite
Checks out.

Sheep is top tier. Simple but effective, perfect for merchandise, hopefully the males get to evolve into a badass dwarf ram.

Raven Knight is cool. Would add to party.

Rabbit cute, Newt cute, something annoys me about the monkey. The final forms are ultimately the real decider with starters. Monkey should have been a Bulldog or Badger to maximise the British-ness.

Forgot the tortoise existed. The face ruins it and it's the one that translates the weakest to 3D.

Afro plant is good, the pre-evolution sucks.

Wolf Legendarys suck, but Sword is better than Shield. Should have gone with a Unicorn for Sword and a Lion for Shield, though the latter would clash too much with Solgaleo I suppose.

All of them except for the raven seem bretty forgetable. I feel like that's what you get when you break the one-mon-per-species rule

I actually like the legendaries. Everybody else seems to hate them.

They look atrocious to me. What do you like about them?

Usually terrible and overly designed and this is no exception 4/10




11/10 more like this please I will buy every last bit of merch and snuggle it when I sleep


Gross get that shit outta here 4/10

>Grass mons
Generic as fuck 5/10

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I love Wooloo. They need to make big pillow sized plushies so I can rest my head on it.

Wooloo on Twitter:

>OMG so cute!
>I'm gonna fuck the sheep

Truely Wooloo appeals to everyone

>pokemon will not walk beside you in the overworld map

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Why would they make a clear winner and loser legendary pokemon? Who the fuck is going to choose shield?

Everything you don’t like about them.

this one will always remain as the best-looking quadrupedal turtle GF has ever designed

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This guy isn't me.

I just like their sleek and interesting design.

If Grookey gets a bad final evo I'm literally bombing Nintendo then killing myself.
It's the only perfect design so far.


2016 immigrants need to go back.

>guy is selling you a bike
>rusty, looks like shit, awful puke green color
>tell him this

>cute and funny

Unironically has potential to best regional bird. Type known yet? Would be cool to get a Ghost type right out of the gate, likely Dark though.

Turtle things looks cool, starters are acceptable. Everything else is generic and the legendaries look awful; are they the same 'Mon with different armor?

Why not a wyvern and a wolf?

>bike analogy

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the leak says he beats a drum to attack

birb is flying / steel

is it true he was redesigned to be tirtouga?

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That's fine, I guess. Worried it might be shit then since Steel is an OP type to get on Route 1.

>cute and funny

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Not an argument

The relevant point of comparison is previous Pokemon, not what I can make.

Nice image blog. Where can I subscribe?



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>All these original designed pokemon
>The most unoriginal design starter

Man theres never been any monkey pokemon in the history of pokemon!

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Boco I thought you were contained on Yea Forums

Trash, only trash and nothing but trash.



Er, no? If I'm not here I'm there.

Don't know, got it off cripplechan

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The legends are cool imo. Turtle is cool as well. Everything else was passable imo.

I KNEW that turtle looked familiar...

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>sword dog shield dog

They should slap the designer who came up with this low effort shit.

They're all just ok. Nothing that immediately makes me want it on my team, but nothing offensive either.
Also, who cares about legendaries.

Edgy steel raven is best.

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>Not a game designer? Then don't have opinions about games!
Why the fuck are you even here?

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I mean, a jagged robotic looking turtle can only look so different.

Is the ravenmon going to be the game's route 1 shitbird or will it actually get the staraptor-tier stats befitting its good design?

Too badass to be the new Pidgey.

Unless it EVOLVES from the new Pidgey, I suppose.

We can only hope, user. I want an exclusive steel move that also has flying properties called Blade Drop

Make it happen

I like that they're not as overdesigned as many of the other new pokemon.

The legendaries are ugly as shit though.

Why do the flower and the turtle have the exact same color palettes

I like Grokey, the sheep, and the raven a lot. the rabbit is cool enough, and the shield wolf looks cool in art but like ass in the game.

I wish they didn't reveal the legendary pokemon. Or at least like left it a little ambiguous for a while, but I guess this isn't really the series for those expectations though.

A cool and kick ass Ghost/Flying Pokemon as a regional bird is actually a really good idea. Especially a raven ghost/flying Pokemon.

i only like a few of these
practically the same fucking dog one is just unkempt and the other has a knife in it's mouth
pretty cool like howit looks like it's in some armor
it's shit
doesn't look like a starter
only good starter
eh could use some work
god i fucking hate the sheep. outside of the braids it's just a normal fucking sheep drawn in a chibi artstyle. it doesn't even look like a pokemon. now compare that to Mareep who has blue skin/fur, a long tail with a ball at the end of it, and horns/tufts of fur on the sides of it's head. and this is coming from a guy who isn't a genwunner

what's worse is that /vp/ actually defends this shit. It should be the Toucannon situation all over again where it's just a normal fucking animal with an anime artstyle but it get's a fucking free pass because of "m-muh cuteness"
good god it's ironic that this pokemon is a sheep because that describes pokemon fans down to a fucking t.

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>Grookey is life

you need to go back.

I'd fuck them all tbqh with you my guys

>good design


Unbelievably cringe; can't tell if they're serious or not. A dog with a fucking sword in it's mouth?


I like them


The furret of this gen.


Does look badass.

>weird rock looking blastoise


>Cotton spore

meh, pretty neutral

>weird vilplume/ Gardevoir mixture

Looks fine, I'd probably include one in my party if it has psychic/grass abilties.

Overall not horrible, especially considering they're on what, the 7th gen or something? You can only create so many pokemon without eventually running out of idea's and having to pull from other gens ideas. I'm cautiously optimistic.

legendaries are so insufferable furry bait you will see nothing but porn of them until the release of the game

They are literally just dogs. Anthro dogs are furry-bait. Dogs are just dogs.