Daily reminder that Konami will bring back an old classic at E3. And yes, I'm an insider. Now guess which one it is

Daily reminder that Konami will bring back an old classic at E3. And yes, I'm an insider. Now guess which one it is.

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Metal Gear?

Metal Gear


why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

ITT: Daily reminder that Konami will bring back an old classic at E3. And yes, I'm an insider. Now guess which one it is. - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D



we already know that.

To make a pachinko machine correct?


Trust me guise, I'm an insider. I didn't look up merchandise, then put 2 and 2 together.

>an old classic
I've waited 24 years for this day. don't fail me now konami.

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Everyone knows its Metal Gear. What we don't know is whether or not its exclusive to PS4. The ass hurt would be immense.

For the love of god let it be Bloody Roar!

I was gonna say Contra.... I hope it's Contra and not that, I am tired of THAT.

Just let it go.

Konami made it very clear 2 years back that their only interests now are the following:
>Pachinko and other gambling machines
>Arcade machines

>yes, I'm an inside

You're getting Metal Gear lol

SH remake
don't ask how I know

Ah well, I won't fucking play it, I am sick of the franchise, it needs 5 years rest.

It's Contra, there was a retailer listing at some European shop the other day.

Oh fuck if only. Axelay is so fucking good why isn’t it re-released on everything?

My dad works for kojimer and he says op isnt lying


it's goemon, stfu kojimadrones

but that's probably not the only thing they will announce, Konami actually are starting to try getting better since last year.

This one?

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Metal gear legacy collection(without 4) or one of the old ones but now in hd.
I wish they remastered 4 just for the online tho

user you are out of the loop.
It's been 20 years they are making pachinkos, arcane and gyms in japan.
and they actually added more budget to the vidya division because it's the only one of them actually doing good., they even made a new studio last year.
they also recently open an mini esport division.

not happening, legacy already is playable on xbox one and one the PSnow. same for 4.
Next MG game either is a remake or rising 2.

If they do a new metal gear it will be shit. The only good thing metal gear that they could pull out of their asses would be a mgs3 remake

about time

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Zone of the Enders 3?


It's contra, we all knows, i wonder if it will be on the fox engine or not.
unless they have other announcements, i hope so, i still have some faith in them. capcom managed to get better, so can them.
what is Rising/ghost babel/PO/acid?
also MGS3 remake is the WORST remake possible, the game doesn't need a remake.
Best case scenario : MG1-2 remake
worst case scenario: MGS1 remake because it's the only game that isn't in any collection. (the one in legacy is just a code for the PS1 version)

A new Metal Gear Online without faggot autoaim like the last MGO

those two actually are possible.
ZOE3 was teased last year, and they made a new suikoden website at random in late 2018.

but i would love Snatcher to have a reboot, heck, maybe have snatcher in the MG universe, you play as an adult Sunny or the son of Raiden.

user i doubt a MGO4 would happen as a standalone game, it would be with another MG.
but the classic game is contra, it was leaked. unless they have multiple announcements.

that game was the shit, i still play the versus with my cousing

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i'm not sure about SH user, even on their social medias, it's the only franchise they are almost afraid to talk about.

Your mother.


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Considering this image updated in 2019 presenting the vidya division, i'd say either MG or Castlevania, maybe both.

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I heard it's Contra, but I hope it's Castlevania.

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Between Metal Gear, Contra and Castlevania Konami could easily
make a strong as fuck comeback, blowing anyone out of the water this E3. Consider how much fucking BANK they made last year. If you forgot, they are getting loaded off their game division. They are gonna drop a nuke this E3 and I can feel it.

Hope to god it's Castlevania but a MGS1 remake by those SoTC dudes is probably going to be it.

what if it's both?
Konami aren't dumb, they released two CS collection in less than a year and they did pretty well + the Netflix serie is going pretty good.
they seem to want to get better a return in the vidya market after the big gambling law of Japan., this would be the best occasion for them to return


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MGS 3 in the Fox Engine pls

Best case scenario:
Castlevania + Contra + MGR2 + MGS1 remake by Bluepoint.
worst case scenario : just Contra and maybe something more

But i doubt VERY MUCH Konami have nothing to present for this E3.


I hope it's Survive 2, because fuck the police. I wanna see autists get really mad

>be highly esteemed director
>stuck making Meme Gear Solid games for 20 years
>want to branch out, try new stories and new worlds
>can't do anything without autistic fans refusing to let go of the past

If it's not a DDR compilation game for the PS4, I'll be disappointed.


shut up Caramel.
as much i want MG1-2, MGS3 is probably the most likely remake because of the pachinko controversy + it's probably the most popular game in the community if we are lucky we could have a MGS3 remake by the Konami team and a MGS1 remake by bluepoint

>shut up Caramel.
Stop giving Caramel credit for things.

I hope Murata is still at Konami, now he will finally be able to make his MG game.
at first, he was going to make 4, but it was cancelled because fans were so angry he and kojima got some death treats.
Konami did some bad shit, but the fans aren't innocent either, same for Kojima. this whole story was a giant shitshow.

If it's not Bloody Roar I do not give a shit.

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I just want MGS 2 and 4 to be retconned.

Fuck off

Castlevania right?

user i would get the biggest boner of my life if Bloody roar does a return, i fucking loved Bloody roar 3 back then.
but is the franchise popular either to be announced like that at E3?

I'm not sure they will continue the MG timeline beside making a Rising 2, if a new MGS is made, it probably will be a complete reboot.
If the leak is true it's Contra, but a Castlevania also could be announced.

Nah, it's one or the other, but if it were both I would be very happy. I hope whatever type of Castlevania we get from them, if ever, Classic or Metroidvania is good.

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Probably would be a metroidvania, or a weird 3D game, but it wouldn't be like LoS who was made by spanish guys. Konami still have plenty of talented people Iga recently said he was still open to make a new CV.

I hope they never reboot Castlevania so dramatically like LoS ever fucking again. That was the worst to deal with.

the worst about Los is that the game iself wasn't bad, but it just wasn't Castlevania at all.

If the story even tried a little bit to be comprehensible or just stuck with the traditional Belmonts vs Dracula storyline I would have tolerated it a bit more.

I don't like Castlevania being a hack n slash/God of War clone though, I really wish we got a 3DVania that had more methodical combat.

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Him returning would be worth any games ever.

Konami is porting MGSV to the Switch. MGO3 is stripped from it, however there is Nintendo themed Camo and Base paint to make up for it.

It better be this gem

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Hard to believe it's been 21 years since the last Suikoden game.

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Would actually be pretty good
with an announcement of a MGSV-2, having KoF and new story arcs leading to the shit we wanted to see : big boss downfall. also adult chico.

fuck off they are cancer

I really wonder why they made a new website last year.
Literally no reasons.

Please don't let it be Metal Gear. I am so fucking sick of Metal Gear.

even if there's something else, a new MG stays probably.
it's the biggest IP of Konami. and after the controversies they had, they kinda have to release something to ..."calm" the fans.

Why do you guys keep doing this to yourself?

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Bluepoint remaster inbound

I really hope it's Castelvania. But yeah, Konami would have to do a lot to restore their reputation after that pachinko shitshow.

The faggot is still pulling at straws

something new Castlevania and MG would already ease the fans a bit.
they were ALWAYS in the pachinko anyway, and were far from being the only ones doing this. but nowadays they seem to be less in them because japanese laws fuck them over.

You don't want credit for this garbage retard

After the travesty that was survive i would love to see what the suits at konami have been cooking up. After all they lost every single dedicated creative person behind each of those two franchises.

About MG, most of the old kojipro stayed at Konami, including big members.
as for the other, Masahiro ito still would be ok for a silent hill, and iga said he would return at konami asap if they asked him a Castlevania
and new people can also do good things.

>significant similarities to FOXHOUND
It's the same concept artist. That's why they look similar.


How would a modern gradius game work?


Sunset Riders


Contra and metal gear crossover

I'm ready fags

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Boom posted at the sametime my nigga

I love you. Let's keep it going. It's a new Rocket Knight from the Sonic Mania team in their engine.

its not suikoden so i dont give a fuck

But they don't have a conference.

not having a conference /=/ not annoucing games you retard.

A Genesis port is confirmed for the Genesis mini already

Gradius 1 also was in the arcade collection released in April

You're very rude, it wasn't necessary to insult.

Please be Snatcher 2

>That's why they look similar.
No shit. I'm talking about actual traits the characters have.
>Sam with Baby parallels Raiden with Sunny
>Guillermo's character has Psycho Mantis's scars
>Higgs is voiced by the same guy that voiced Ocelot, shares physical traits, and summons a giant monster cat
I could keep going. Don't be obtuse.

SOTN on unreal 4 engine or fox engine

are you new here?
I like SOTN but this would look really weird.

>are you new here?
kek no

then feeling insulted by being called retarded here is retarded user.


Metal Gear

I hope it’s Zone of the Enders 3. Cygames fucking nailed the remaster of 2, and they’re fucking loaded thanks to their gachashit. I trust them more than Konami themselves to do ZoE3.

good news for you user destructoid.com/konami-may-be-up-for-a-new-zone-of-enders-after-all-521649.phtml

what's up jason schreier

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Nice. Here’s hoping it’s in the works.

It's Ninety Nine Nights 3 isn't it?

Konami was my favourite company for a very long time. They had not only Castlevania and MGS, but also Silent Hill, Parodius, Goemon and Suikoden.

I really wish they would pull a Capcom and be back to greatness.

Is that why they are only porting shit and lost 3 of their core talents like IGA, Kojima and the Love Plus dude?

IGA literally said in an interview this week he would instantly return if they asked him a Castlevania.
Kojima is better this way, metal gear need a breath of air with a new director.
producer of love plus left, not the director.

I don't give a fuck what Konami has to offer me when those smug fucks told me to eat shit and then left the game industry. Not my fault they realized it was dumbass idea.

I mean, they did some alright things lately, maybe they will do the same.
everything can happen, just have to wait and see.

I already know. They're remaking "JACKAL" from the NES for modern systems. Everyone in my line of work has known this since early January. I'm excited to be honest. I love Jackal.

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It's probably MGS3 they already have new remade models for the game for the gambling machine on top of the same models ported and fully functional in MG Survive which was given out as rewards for events to players.
They even remade the actual metal gear which can be summoned by players I forgot the name because I only watched a youtube story video to learn the lore awhile back but already forgot most of the names.
It's just weird they put such a high focus on MGS3 assets for the event, so most likely they've been working on a remaster and just used them in survive because survive was just a big reused asset flip money grab.

Do you see a trip code fucktard?

I mean, they remade Ray and even added gekos aswell youtube.com/watch?v=fuKD_BwYZDM
but yeah it's confirmed that the assets from the MGS3 events look like the 3D models from the pachinkos.
they weren't made by the video game division but i guess they can freely exchange assets.
only problem with MGS3 is the gameplay, what would it be? something similar to the old games with some new improvements or a totally new game? if this is the case they better add Skull face in the background of some cutscenes.

>Konami will bring back an old classic
And subsequently ruin it.

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Have a little of faith.
we said that about Capcom, and look at them now.
everything can happen.

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Actually it's the Metal Gear Solid 1 remake by bluepoint games.

it's probably both.
and if we are lucky, we will have more
MGR2 and Castlekino please

MGSV remake without regenerating health, without any reward for collecting plants and a complete story would be nice

Your company us a scam. Fuck them for saying bomberman r was dual audio when it wasnt.

>Not my fault they realized it was dumbass idea.
Nah, Konami made record sales after not making any games last year. They only reason they decided to step back into console gaming is because Metal Gear is too valuable to let the brand just sit there. So they're giving it to other companies like bluepoint games and platinum to rake in some coins for them

>not making any games last year.
not until 2018, they made more games this year than 2016 and 2017, and did a restructure mid 2018 adding good shit in the vidya division.

>bluepoint = Metal Gear Solid 1R
>Platinum = Metal Gear Rising 2
Konami's smart the smartest. 2 games and they didn't have to do any of the work


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they still have a shitload of devs, with a lot of guys from the old kojipro
what are they going to do if they do that?

Defend team silent leaving.

it was a shit thing to have them go.
but wasn't team silent always kinda instable with guys leaving left and right?

Rumble Roses

American education, everyone.

You know that this is an anonymous board, don't you mister larp-... sorry I meant mister insider

i'm french you idiot, instable is the french word for unstable, just got a brainfart;

make a policenauts in fox engine ffs its already got barren topography down may as well set a fox engine game on the moon

It's gonna be hilarious when these fucking morons vanish after the game comes out and has nothing to do with Metal Gear

Suikoden plz

Drink bleach and shoo yourself in the mouth, you fucking failed abortion.

It's better to have MG free of Kojima anyway, both for him and us

Its suikoden 6.

Remastered or probably a mobile game

Post yfw it's really Suikoden 6
would it be on the fox engine?

Fox engine is a shit engine

they won't announce a mobile game at E3, and while they have some mobile game, it's mostly japan exclusive.

dont care.
not P.T.

>Battle royal game
That would be hilarious

>it's going to be hilarious when nothing happens
Yeah sure it is kid. Sure it is.

go play RE7 then
PT was a good horror game, but it was nothing like a silent hill.. nothing from the game was done anyway beside the demo.

Third game should be called XXX

MGO2 invented BR in games (with stealth deathmatch, it was more or less the same thing), if a BR was done it would be with a MGO4.
but a MGO4 woudn't come as a stand alone.

I'm very sorry you became so invested in a series the creator wanted to end before 3 even came out.

In my absolute wildest dreams.
I do think Konami is going to break the bank on something this E3, but no way is it going to be suikoden.

Unless it's a complete reboot/remake of Suikoden 1 somehow.

It's been known for a while that they were hiring for a new MGS. But it could be a bluepoint remake too.

I can tell you enjoy being condescending toward other people on an Anonymous imageboard as if anyone should care. That doesn't say good things about you.


Shut up Shirrako

>tfw Suikoden is revived, but it's now an action rpg with a complete different feeling

I hope you're not being serious. Pretty sure you are.

Still more pointless condescension now in the form of incredulousness. You sound like a teenager.

it's contra and metal gear, Castlevania is for the games awards


Contra was leaked a week ago on a german website
MG is rumoured for quite a long time to have a remake in dev, a MGR2 would also be made
Castlevania make sense with all the collections coming lately + The netflix serie doing very good.

user if you dare give me false hope I will not do anything but be very sad please be warned

a MGR2 could also be made*
got a brainfart, my bad.

Is it true that the Kojipro video came about from an old discussion between Kojima and Shinkawa about a game about an astronaut in a digital space?>

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a contra is almost guaranted with the leak, but i doubt Konami have nothing to shown this year, E3 or not. could be at gamescom or game awards, but they have something for this year, i'm sure.

What MG needs to do is die already.
The franchise has gone on for so long that I've grown to hate it.

>an astronaut in a digital space?
I've never heard of that discussion before but I know of one astronaut in a digital space already.

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Dreammix tv world fighters 2 with an even crazier roster, with sega characters added.
>all veterens from the first game
>every notable sonic character including robotnik
>altered beast
>sketch turner
>axel stone
>bonanza bros
>toejam and earl
>more transformers characters with alternate costumes based both the cartoon and how they looked as toys
>gameplay is more like traditional smash bros mixed with playstation all stars supers, with the coin battle mode also available

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Oh but zelda and pokemon can go on forever..

everything is not about you user.
and an MGR2 or remakes can do wrong to nobody.
they could even do a reboot, to have new things and a story completely free of all retcons.

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Rush'n Attack?

They can because I never played a single one of those, I don't care about those franchises getting shat on.

>an old classic
>metal gear

with smash being here, not a smash, especially since Konami are quite friendly with Nintendo, they gave more than most 3rd parties in Ultimate

>they could even do a reboot,
Reboots are always worse.
If you are going to do a reboot, make a new IP instead.

And if they want to make MGR2 Platinum better put some actual effort and deliver something other than a barebones hack and slash that needs the zandatsu gimmick to not be completely unbearable.

technically MG is very old user. 31, soon 32 years old.
The thing is...i'm not sure people would buy if it was a new IP, that's why sometime, a reboot is favorable.

And why can't franchises simply end?
Why do they need to go on forever?

There's no more stories to tell, MGS has gotten incredibly boring and it's characters stale, and MGSV showed that they have no clue where to take it gameplay-wise other than chasing trends.

If they make more it's going to be trash just like every single MGS since 3.

Now, they can show a new MGS, one made by another director, and a new vision, not the one used by Kojima.

And you know what they'll do?
Copy Kojima because they'll be afraid of angering the fanbase.

MGS is an incredibly limited franchise that not even it's creatirs had any idea where to take.
It has zero potential for growth.
It wasn't even close to being the best stealth franchise, people followed it for its narrative, and that narrative ended.

Hell, the stealth genre died precisely because nobody knows where to take it.

yugioh dungeon dice monsters

I guess only the future will tell.
but considering it's Konami biggest ip beside PES, i doubt very much MG will die.

My nigga, i thought i was the only faggot who loved this game.

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Prepare for MGS: Dokkan Battle.
If you play on the first week, you'll get banners at half discount, and higher rate to pull LR Venom Snake!

MG mobile already happened with MG social ops, it failed so hard that Konami closed the server not even after two year,
only MG game that could work on mobile is an acid 3, but it will never happen.

after what happened to silent hills that's not really surprising

the silent hills situation was a shitshow honestly.
Kojima should have never started working on another project, even if nothing of the game was done beside the demo, when he was working on V, PT is probably the cause we never got KoF as dlc.

>Now guess which one it is.
It's the Metal Gear Solid 3 Remaster for PS4/XBO/PC by Virtuos. It's not exactly complicated. People with their ear to the ground have known about this for a week or so now.

Can't be a simple remaster, MGS3 already is playable with the retrocompatibility on xbox one.
if a remake is made, it would be MGS1 that isn't available on any current gen consoles and was never remastered/remaked beside twin snakes.

user, virtuos does 3D models, they don't just remake something, they helped with V virtuosgames.com/en/metal-gear-solid-v-phantom-pain”-releases-3d-art-virtuos

This! I’m waiting for this

fucking based. mvrs was an instant preorder and this would be too
i still wouldn't mind a new SH, but i think that wound is still too fresh in peoples minds

Man i don't remember enough about 4 to follow this theory.

>Can't be a simple remaster, MGS3 already is playable with the retrocompatibility on xbox one.
So was Dark Souls, yet Virtuous made Dark Souls Remastered for PC/PS4/XBO with the assistance of QLOC for the PC. Just pure guessing here, but QLOC would probably be assigned the PC version of MGS 3.

Basically, the MGS 3 Remaster will be Dark Souls Remaster-esque. You might get some general graphical improvements. You will hopefully get competent mouse and keyboard controls. But don't expect anything too flashy.

Next SH can't happen before at least 2020 i guess, and even then, some people still can't turn the page even after soon 5 years.

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>konami employees desperately trying gain old fans back

better than nothing i guess.
MGR2 legit have some changes to happen. but i doubt it's the franchise op talk about.

Not really a “classic”
It’s going to be bomberman or some shit

Capcom managed to do it, If fucking Capcom can do it, so can they

It's that old Konami classic: Disappointment

If it's like smash, people would complain about it being a ripoff
If it's not like smash, people would complain about it not being like smash

cant please everyone especially not Yea Forums

Bomberman already got its revival with R.
probably Contra.
but maybe that's not all.

>Next SH can't happen before at least 2020 i guess,
The interesting thing about Silent Hill is that Masahiro Ito still works for Konami. He did the monster designs in MG: Survive. If Konami wanted to bring back Silent Hill, they have some really good talent still kicking around. People often talk about Konami like they're a bunch of wanker executives and basically nobody else. But they have development teams. They have a fair bit of senior Konami talent still at the company. It's really an issue of convincing the suits to treat the employees better and also give them money for more ambitious projects. Konami like making money. They're been hitting record profits year on year. If people with Konami can make the case that a new Silent Hill would sell and could be marketed effectively, it would get greenlit. Konami management is stubborn and cynical but they're not stupid, per se. They have valuable brands and they would like to make money from them.

i thought konami stopped making games
and they would only concentrate on pachinko machines

Officially he stopped but he still work with them sometime as freelance, but judging on what he's saying on twitter, a new SH with him is nowhere soon.
This was in 2015, they started some changes in 2017 and especially 2018, for the moment they are slowly getting back.

The memes.

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I think the biggest problem with Silent Hill from Konami's perspective is that Silent Hill 2 sold so badly they were going to turn Silent Hill 3 into a rail shooter or something like that. The Silent Hill series has a lot of nostalgia around it, but it never really had decent sales. The Japanese market in particular didn't like Silent Hill 2, the west's favorite Silent Hill. For this reason, you're more likely to see Konami pursuing brands with wider appeal like Metal Gear, or games that work well in 2D = low budget like Bomberman.

It's fucking Caramel again. Remember that schizo?

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the rail shooter Silent Hill actually became another game, Silent Hill arcade, it did well enough to have a sequel.
but yeah, while SH is a cult, it is mostly known by name and not by the number of players.

It legitimately shocks me how deeply you guys let a tripfag get to you. Every ruse speculation becomes Caramel for some reason.

not op, but the other guy probably is.

Not going to lie Caramel has really fucked with my head.

I wonder if he really killed himself or not.

If he was as bad as people make him out to be I'm sure he would reassert his presence if he were around. Ever since I started posting this people have been referencing his name so I can't even imagine what the fuck he was on about.

Also I think maybe people are under the false impression that the OP posted the patriot ruse theory and that's not the case.

I was in the thread where that collage of madness was made, and it was tongue-in-cheek. I think the guy believes this is possible, but this for example was clearly a joke when it was first posted.

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>Taking anyone seriously on Yea Forums ever

Dude was just a memester to get a reaction out of everyone.

The connections, Sam!

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What I take from this is that Zero did nothing wrong.

>buying games from the yakuza
i seriously hope no one does this

Survival Kids

you mean the shitty contra cashgrab?

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do you buy Capcom and Sega games user?
user there's far worse collections, and it is not that.

>Game Awards

>contra with input delay
oh no no no

Pachinko Gear Solid

it's done by those who made the Castlevania ports, M2, so no fucking newbies.

>he still think the pachinko meme is relevant when it's been more than one year they are failling and 2 years since no pachinko released.

The big difference between Konami and Capcom is Capcom is mainly a gaming company. They were forced to change or risk death. Konami is literally everything but and really just makes games on the side these days

>Capcom is mainly a gaming company
They were as high as Konami in the pachinko just some years ago, they even made 2 DMC pachinkos. their last one was in 2016 with Lost Planet .

>I'll never get a Biker Mice from Mars remaster as part of a Konami throw back game pack.
>It will always be dumb ass overrated MGS..

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If we think about it calmly, we surely would tell the truth that actually konami was a victim of that kojimbo fiasco especially after seeing how kojima's new project, death stranding is being treated by kojimbo. konami just needs something fresh for taking back fan's faith, and letting them not to say "fuck konami" anymore in SNS or youtube comments. I just hope they will go back to the front line making Japanese AAA games.


I wonder what motivates you to defend a giant corporation anonymously...

>because it's the only one of them actually doing good
And thats where your story falls apart

Anything but metal gear please.
Contra, castlevania, goemon, suikoden, heck even fucking gradius, anything but metal gear, ok.

good in comparison to the other divisions.

silent hills

>Daily reminder that Konami will bring back an old classic at E3 in the form of a slot machine.

pachinko aren't made by the vidya division.

>this one of my first 10 games on the Sega Genesis..bring back a lot of memories i was really happy kid back thin

Pro Evolution Soccer

user there's no PES announced at E3 because there's already a PES each year.

>user there's far worse collections, and it is not that.
its still lazy emulation, and they didn't bother to add contra 4 or contra rebirth, or even PAL/probotector versions of nes contra's.

Dude, videogames are about 8% of Konami's anual revenue.
They could drop out of the industry completely and they wouldn't give a fuck.

>contra 4
user that's a DS game, good luck porting that without it looking very weird, and how do you do with the touchscreen?

as for now, the digital entertainement division of Konami is actually the one doing very well, all the others are in the shit or meh?

Boktai - Global Warming Edition

It's metal gear
the serie is even still listed in the shareholder things updated for 2019, the others are just sport games and Yu-gi-oh. img.konami.com/ir/en/ir-data/co_download/pdf/05.pdf?co_0513

No they aren't.
Konami's main source of revenue is their gym division.

you were saying user?

Attached: nope.png (739x170, 9K)

>user that's a DS game, good luck porting that without it looking very weird,
its just tall image, arcade contras are gonna look equally as weird. Switch in portable, and in vertical mode is perfect for it too, combined with flip grip.

>and how do you do with the touchscreen?
it doesn't use touch screen

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>gaming is second to lowest
>people in Yea Forums unironically think Konami gives a shit about Metal Gear or videogames in general
You are getting endless phone games and that's it.

you do realize gaming isn't video games but slot machines?
video games are digital entertainement.

Did Survive get any major DLC? Like, anything that would justify a re-release?

No, it got no DLC, all the post game content was free.

Yeah, and all of that is made from phone games.
Get hyped for MGS Social Ops 2.

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user they released 7 games on consoles last year.

Read the pic, they highlighted phone games, and of console games, only the yearly soccer rehash.
Hell, don't you remember that Konami froze all Triple A development back in 2015?
It's because they know phone games are far more profitable and less expensive than Triple As.

I'd love to see them release another MGS.
Seeing Survive, it would be the same thing, everyone shitting on it, Yea Forums desperately defending it out of pure contrarianism and insisting that it will sell good, and then the game flopping and Yea Forums getting assmad everytime it's pounted out and people saying it's an underrated gem or some shit.

Just like when MGSV came out and all of Yea Forums was angry, that was glorious.

doesn't mean they will stop making games, especially since they released a lot more games last year and actually did some change.
so, just have to wait and see.

i doubt another MG would do like Survive if it's a traditional or a rising 2, it sold just like the other spin off games beside Rising.

Well if it was ps4 exclusive there isnt really anywhere to announce it unless they just drop a random trailer since no Sony or Konami conferences to show it at

MGS has been pure trash for 11 years now.
The gameplay sucks, and the devs who make MGS games have no idea about improving gameplay because all they have made are shitty movies, so I really hope this terrible franchise stays dead.

Jesus christ, i remember these pics when GZ came out. Glad to see they are still being made


Already got revived user.
It's Contra (leaked online already) and (maybe) Metal Gear

Can never let the fun die.

The thing about Survive is that it was a niche-ass game aimed at a niche-ass audience. Basically the only equivalent I can think of in the "singleplayer stealth game with survival and horror elements" is We Happy Few. And We Happy Few literally came with a difficulty that turned off most of the survival stuff.

>open world zombie survival game with crafting and coop
The only reason it was niche is because the zombie fad was dead by the time it came out.

>>open world zombie survival game with crafting and coop
Metal Gear Survive doesn't have co-op. The main campaign is 100% singleplayer. There's co-op side modes that are largely post-game stuff. Maybe if the game had been co-op it would have had wider appeal, but it wasn't.
>The only reason it was niche is because the zombie fad was dead by the time it came out.
World War Z sold a tidy 2+ million. Days Gone has sold fantastically. Neither of those games was a survival focused singleplayer title. Such titles have rather niche appeal because 1/10 people find them super engaging while the other 9/10 find them tedious and annoying.

>Metal Gear Survive doesn't have co-op.
It does.
In one game mode only, but it does.

>Neither of those games was a survival focused singleplayer title
Probably because it's a terrible idea.
MG Survive was a game focused on the worst aspects of MGSV: the grinding and running around an empty open world.
It's not that it's niche, it's just boring game design and the proof that MGSV's issues go further than being unfinished, it's a fundamentally flawed game.

Konami World

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Ditto. It was pretty hilarious, honestly.

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That's like saying Call of Duty has co-op and you really just mean Spec Ops. If people are asking, "Is the game co-op" they mean "Can I play the main story with a friend". The answer is no.

>people in Yea Forums unironically think Konami gives a shit about Metal Gear or videogames in general
Don't try and call people out when you don't know what you're talking about. It just makes you look like a dumbass

For the love of fucking god
A proper SH hd collection

Silent Hill remake?

Everything about Survive is still so fucking funny to me. The pachinko machines too.

>The pachinko machines too.
The pachinko machines were Konami spitting in our face. I wonder if their plan for survive was "we can just make up some stupid bullshit about nanomachines and people will buy it" then they found out they were very wrong.

>The pachinko machines were Konami spitting in our face.
No they weren't. Do you also consider Capcom's machines to be spitting in your face? In Japan, it is very common to make these machines. They're typically made by separate divisions whose entire purpose is pachinko.

The persecution complex some gamers have is bizarre.

say me that they're bringing back silent hill and silent team ,or a remake of sh 2 at least

Attached: silent-hill-2-ps2-004.jpg (800x600, 93K)

>No they weren't.
It absolutely is when people have been practically begging for a remake of MGS3 since before then anyway. You handwave this as marketing as if it justifies skinnerbox tactics when the only people it will appeal to are gambling addicts in the first place. Konami have no problem whoring their properties but can't bring themselves to actually invest in it. "Look, look it's Metal Gear now pay up" is their attitude and it is incredibly insulting. Just look at Metal Gear Survive. "Something something Nanomachines Lord of Dust Something Mother Base give us $60 and fuck off."

>Just look at Metal Gear Survive. "Something something Nanomachines Lord of Dust Something Mother Base give us $60 and fuck off."
Wasn't Metal Gear Survive very specifically not $60? It was 30 or 40 dollars.
>It absolutely is when people have been practically begging for a remake of MGS3 since before then anyway.
You are talking about completely different divisions of Konami. The group that makes Pachinko machines has nothing to do with the group that makes videogames.

Nobody owes you Metal Gear Solid 3. (You are probably getting a Metal Gear Solid 3 Remaster for PS4/XBO/PC by Virtuos, BTW, but that's another issue.) The pachinko machines were not aimed at you. They were not developed by the people who make videogames. It's like getting angry at a company for making Metal Gear branded chewing gum.

>If it's like smash, people would complain about it being a ripoff
I don't care if it's a ripoff so long as it rips off good gameplay unlike Snoy Allstars.

This is pure persecution complex. Mixed in with a splash of "You owe us sequels" gamer entitlement. It's in the same vein as people angry about Rare refusing to make oldschool Banjo Kazooie games.

>It was 30 or 40 dollars.
Fair enough, you're right about that. Still, dollar value is a secondary point. It was half-assed to the core.
>You are talking about completely different divisions of Konami.
It's not the divisions fucking things up, it's executive level management perpetually shitting the bed.
>It's like getting angry at a company for making Metal Gear branded chewing gum.
Are you implying that wouldn't be a pathetic whorish cash-in?
Yawn. Suck more corporate dick bugman.

MGS5 coop

>>It's like getting angry at a company for making Metal Gear branded chewing gum.
>Are you implying that wouldn't be a pathetic whorish cash-in?
No, it would just be chewing gum. For people who like their gum to be dispensed from a Metal Gear's crotch.

>For people who like their gum to be dispensed from a Metal Gear's crotch.
Idiots who will buy anything as long as it's branded with something they like. That's how they see you too. An idiot that will buy anything, like a gambling addict that'll sit at the Metal Gear machine longer than the others.

>Idiots who will buy anything as long as it's branded with something they like.
That's pretty much how Pokemon built its empire selling people literal goddamn loot boxes in the form of Pokemon card decks.

At least Nintendo had the goddamn decency to make their blatant commercialism fun to play.

anyone who would still buy a konami product after mgs5/koji is not a real gaymer

kill yourself

you first i'll follow i promise don't even worry about it mate


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