How Fast are you Yea Forums ?

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t. type only with my index fingers and sometimes my thumb on the space bar

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They the fuck cant they write normal sentences? I can't type this gibberish

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nvm i shut down my brain and it worked fine, i wish that it wouldn't highlight words as you type them though.

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Nice a huge improvement

I fuck up "our" and "out" spellings on a daily basis. Glad I'm not alone.

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I can do better if the words actually form sentences... 99 percentile isn't bad I guess.

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Can't type any faster than this

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51 because i dont even try to spell anything right i just use fix spelling mistakes after i right what ever im writing

I used to be faster

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being able to type completely w/o looking at the keyboard is cheating

What are you 9? muscle memory bitch
Have sex

clearly, Jesus Christ. Are you a woman?

I program for a living. I don't write novels. Eat a dick - er, have sex

pretty decent I guess

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How do you even need to look at the keyboard come on

My left index finger is fucked up so I cant type with it and had to relearn touch typing differently.

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My WPM is 130. You faggots are seriously weak shit... And no, I'm not playing your shitty game. I don't need to prove anything to you

Bitch ass no balls

I have a work computer, a laptop, a laptop for work, and a PC at home
>muscle memory
all the keyboards are fucking different

If you're below 97% you're a normie

I'm built for speed, baby.

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That's how keyboards were designed to be used, you just need to git gud. Do you think those notches on f and j are there for the hell of it?

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WPM used to be 102-115. Probably 90 something now. Carpel tunnel fucked uonmy hand because a stupid poo head that didn’t want to buy an ergonomic mouse to save money.

The door is right behind you sir

If you post normie, you’re a pathetic normalfag.

With my speed everything is behind me, baby.

is it 130 though? Cause if it's not 130 you're behind me. Sorry

Heck off

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Being able to put benis in vegana without looking at vegana is cheating.

fastest (non-cheating) typist coming through

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>told employer that I could do 90WPM
>found out by testing after interview that it was only 80

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i suck ever since i bought a mechanical keyboard, maybe i should get different switches
this was back on a shitty cheap keyboard

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Close enough. It's not like you said 90 and could only do 30.

What the fuck? Is this bugged?

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Jesus fucking Christ mate.

That's not 146

>564 cpm
>113 wpm
oh shit what up

130 faggot absolutely btfo
thank you based user

you nigger

Attached: ss+(2019-06-05+at+09.45.43).png (620x581, 63K)

yeah but they cheated


I haven't heard back from them, tho. I wonder why

>if user does better than me it means they must have cheated
You have to be 18+ to post here.

I just did 136, so it's plausible. must have smaller hands

2nd try. my first try was at 125 wpm and i missed up 5 words
i remember it took me many minutes to write a simple sentence in maplestory, now am so much quicker than back then

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I'm the best, I know.

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i have a hard time believing the percentile score it gives you. some of these people on this board have

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The global average is something like 50.

Heh, nothing personal, kid.

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Believe it or not, most normies can't type for shit.
Mainly because most of them are phonetards.

I did it on my phone and got 42 wpm

>following that link

No thanks, enjoy your virus, fellas

I know you're having a giggle but you can't be in the 100th percentile because it's not possible to be better than yourself.

If you can't type at least 90 wpm you should just turn off your computer.

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Wat. Anyway, that's what the website says when you actually type that fast so I can't help it. The script goes double that speed but I slowed it down by half.

>tfw when the font is all scrunched up on my screen and I keep typing two words into one

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i got about 125 wpm are there any jobs for this type of thing

The more I typo/miss a key, the more I pause and fuck up.

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>or equals

>tried again
Jesus fuck my heart

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Feels good man.

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let me try again I think I can do better

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Logitech MK 320 wireless keyboard...

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hold on I can go faster

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I think my problem is when I trip up I mentally freeze for a solid second or two before I either try to finish the word anyway or just hit space to go to the next one. Do wonder what it'd be if I was using a fancy mechanical keyboard instead of some $10 walmart shit though.

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491 so that's pretty good I guess.

spacebar's sticky but if everytime I pressed space it went through it would be at around 175 wpm

most I've done was 180, I've never put this to any kind of work nor have I profited from it; cultivated through years of playing MUDs without macros

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I'm still getting accustomed to mechanical keyboard.

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what the fuck

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>Now is an autism race to post the best score.

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Don't make me bring out two keyboard at once user.

>Instead of "give", you typed "ficve"
oops had a stroke



Because I got this score for my first run, everyone below 103 is casual and everyone above 103 is cheating. Everyone else who gets 103 is also cheating but only enough to keep up with me so it looks less obvious.

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fuck u

I'm gonna stay with my 69 thank you very much
fite me fags


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Touch typing is for nerds

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What are they there for?


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Fucking checked, user

w-w-oah guys!!11!1one!!

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wait wtf
this my first time :D

>mess up one word
>snowball and start fucking up a bunch of words

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100wpm, no errors

prove it, you fucking cheater

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god damnit.

Not bad

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would taking adderall make me type faster cause I really want to go faster than this

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I only use my two index fingers, even for the spacebar
I never bothered learning how to touch type, maybe one day
I made a lot of typos though

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So you can easily find the keys without needing to look at the keyboard.