
Literally Nobody:
Nobody at all:

THQ: *Remakes a childhood classic that was beloved by all*

Pretty based move after their little eight chan incident. I think we should just forget about it and stop criticizing them for it. They made a mistake, they owned up, and the moved on.

Attached: file.png (299x168, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>twitter meme
You need to go back and never return

remakes are not a good thing

Kill yourself ResetEra

>Double chan scandal
Fill me in.

Attached: gv769qdjiak21.jpg (960x795, 101K)

Resetrannies are not welcome

t. cripplechanner

>twitter/youtube meme
Hang yourself.

Attached: 1535848770079.png (979x874, 584K)

Good bait.

What if this game heavily incorporates new Spongebob? There's still a chance this game will suck.

they held an AMA on eight chan. it didnt go well.

>Twitter meme
Fuck off and go back to resetera

Fuck your thinly veiled political bullshit
Post spongebob quotes and memes

Attached: 1555645202470.jpg (1024x732, 109K)

>twitter memes

Attached: 1558497744673.png (1024x898, 1.13M)

Don't ask questions just consume product and then get excited for next products including remakes

... I am not from RE. they ban people for saying things like this.

you're shit at trolling.

Guys, I just had a brilliant idea.
Let's all appropriate Twitter memes, and make them so stale and annoying no one will want to use them anymore.
People should use this Nobody meme SO much people who actually like it will realize it's cancer and stop using it. We'll juxtapose it with pics of Pepe and Wojak.

I know this is a bait thread to mock Resetera, but I really don't get what they're upset about. They apologized vehemently for what they did, even if they didn't really do anything that wrong. What more do they want? Blood? Them never to make a game again? I can conceive of why they remain mad at like, Jontron or people that openly supported GG but this company acknowledged its mistake and is moving on. Why can't they?

I think it would be better if we encouraged trans people to seek mental help rather than berate them. They will just grow in number because they will see us as an enemy to defy. They are sick and need help.

because they're retarded hypocrites

The head mod on 8/v/ asks people to do AMAs on his board and THQ Nordic agreed so all the SJWs, for lack of a better word, got angry at THQ because they're petty, crybaby faggots.


Attached: file.png (480x360, 261K)

Attached: 1555167997058.jpg (478x463, 158K)

fuck off faggot youre not funny

t. Resetera cunt
Again fuck off

/pol/fags: DiScOrD tRaNnIeS
Me: Mmmmm WafflEz ^_^ roflmao


Nigger that's been done before. Fucking underage retard

Attached: 1498613521659.gif (179x303, 70K)

You're not welcome here either cripplechan.
now crawl back and let the big boys talk.

Attached: file.png (1920x960, 1.75M)

I was expecting worse, like them dropping redpills in the AMA or something. This in itself seems fairly innocuous

Apparently not successfully enough. I want Twitter and Instagram to lose their userbases and go out of business. Then we can work on reclaiming the Internet.

yeah holding an official AMA on a website known for open pedophilia. so innocuous.

Reminder low quality posts are a banable offense
Not even closer resetnigger. Fuck off

What the hell? Is TQH on the based retard level? Did they simply not know?

Attached: 7f9.jpg (464x266, 18K)


Part of this new social culture is that forgiveness isn't enough, they would still believe that people involved should never be allowed to work again no matter the actual size of the incident. In this case the "eight"chan "incident" is very much overblown, nobody actually cares besides them, Thq Nordic already said it was a mistake but resetera complained that it was "too late" of an apology and that nobody got fired or punished, even though in reality nothing actually really happened for them doing the AMA there in the first place.

Christ you're underage is cringe. New memes would just be made. Fucking lurk more

i dont want to relive POO POO PEE PEE

please stop. you dont know what you are messing with. i still have nightmares...

If you've been paying attention they've been talking about this remake for quite awhile. Don't know why everyone seems so surprised.
Oh and fuck off back to twitter.

You zoomers that think this game is nostalgic actually post like this

Or how about we take them and push them somewhere else?


Doesn't Reddit have plenty of legally grey to straight up illegal channels?

I mean you can read what happened,but it's a pretty meaty thread.

8 c h dot net/v/res/16165791.html#16169415


Go dilate resetranny

2003 was 16 years ago. I was 9 in 2003.

Attached: justice.webm (480x480, 320K)

Say that to A Boy and his Blob

I'm pretty sure only one site reported that the AMA announced a couple of games and that Destroy All Humans! would be returning at E3. It's funny to see all the other newssites only learn about it the past week.

Attached: 1542822567838.jpg (494x750, 103K)

They'll all be gone in a few decades anyway, it's not worth the effort.
But, if you really wanna try helping them, go for those trannies that are basically nazbols already.

I probably have more Internet experience than you. I remember when the Internet had its own culture, separate from the real world. Back when the Internet was for video games, anime, and porn.
Now everyone and their grandmother have taken over the web.

This game is probably just above average, but zoomer's best game of his generation, so it gets pushed like it's a 9/10.

redditors like to forget the fact that r/jailbait existed for years and was covered for by reddit mods and admins until johnny law decided to crack down on them.

Are you dense? Your stupid little hopeful plan that you think is the first time it has been spouted won't fucking work.
Ironic memes and ironic shitposting has caused more trouble than not. Fuck, it's the reason you are calling me a reseteracunt right now. All it allowed was easy indoctrination from outsiders (reseteracunts, Tumblrites etc) and paranoia from the insider users


Meanwhile 8ch probably still has a jailbait board

I miss this. I remember when my mother had never even used the internet, and now she's a facebook drone.

So you admit you are an A grade fucking retard if you think that plan has any hope in hell actually working?

You're forgetting that it's summer for all the kids now.

First of all, he's not the guy who advocated for destroying social media. That's me.
Second of all, the "ironic memes" is one of the things I want to eliminate. Zoomer normies think irony is so fucking funny. It's fucking cancer, and it's basically destroyed the web.
PS: I recommend you read Global Rules #2. 18 years or older, brah. I'm not underage.

Not even just jailbait though. Don't they have plenty of other bad channels?

Ironic memes are funny. You can't do anything about it anyway, so why not just stop being a grump and have fun for once.

And how do you want to perform this retarded plan? Because your plan is how you get ironic fucking posting.
The fact you think global rule #2 has stopped people from posting makes me believe you are twelve years old at best

GTFO TWITTEREDDIT FAGGOT. Your kind has no place in here. Normemes are the cancer that must be purged

It's funny to see this every once in a while when the person using it, is it.

Attached: 1532908180574.jpg (900x530, 119K)

The more you tell me to leave, the more I want to stay and tell my friends to come here as well. Stop judging people just because they use twitter. everyone uses twitter. Everyone uses facebook.

Not having an insta or snapchat, I can get. How do you not have twitter or facebook? Its like a basic human right and a part of everyday life...

Who remembers this?
How is this a scandal?

Kill yourself moron

I expect hordes of Internet autists to spam social media with their own medicine. Exaggerate their garbage to the point where even they would be disgusted. Make sure to use VPNs.
Feel free to believe whatever you want, but I guarantee I'm older than you.

Twitter is redundant. Only benifit of Facebook is communication. Twitter has no benifits

Oh yeah retard that sure worked when we "retook pepe"
You wanna kill a forced meme here? Ignore it. Don't reply to people who post it. It's always been that fucking simple and it baffles me as to why people insist on creating bastardized transmutations of said meme in some misguided effort to "combat it" when all that really does is propagate it.

All that would do is cause """the media""" to scream about alt right and then everyone would make new memes.
Also spouting how "old" you are just makes me believe you are braindead instead of underage. If you are old and actually believe this would work, you are really really stupid

have sex.

get a job.

It isn't

I'm agreeing with you, you stupid mouth breather

Nice forced meme retarded niggerfaggot
Eat a wheelbarrow of dicks

>Still butthurt about AMA
√64 chan is the epítome of what this place used to be this hellhole its nothing but a reddit & resetera special needs playground

Who gives a fuck what "the media" thinks? If you don't want them to whine about politics then don't politicize things. Just control your power level, and give the normies Hell.
Example: Post Nobody: memes coupled with Goatse. That way, you achieve the same effect without any politics.

r/Findbostonbombers (this one got an innocent man to commit suicide because the pearl clutching fags on the reddit started to accuse him even though he was completely innocent)

Another funny thing is r/jailbait actually won "Subreddit of the Year" by reddit's userbase.

>nobody twitter meme
This is how you see resettrannies trying to fit in

Yup, truely underage

so why are you here?

Fuck off back to tumblr you cock gargling faggot

The point is nothing would change. Which is exactly opposite of what you want

>it didnt go well
Thats how you say they did it in a site i dont like?

Attached: flag-burning-comic.png (1000x500, 50K)

Read the thread you fool

absolutely BASED

They had a secret CP board that was hidden and you had to have a password to get in for quite a while which is why they got blacklisted.

Kys you piece of trash.

Kill yoyself raging homosexual

Is this comic a joke?

You know why nothing changed? Because the people who tried similar campaigns weren't ruthless enough. They gave up too quickly, they brought politics into things and made themselves look like a bunch of retards, and didn't do anything outrageous enough to get people to feel uncomfortable talking about it.
Many of them probably didn't even want to do it. They thought of it as a chore. They say if you really enjoy your job, you'll never work a day in your life. This should be fun, not something you grit your teeth and do because "you have to"!

Considering they are going to add content that was cut from the original game, I say a remake in this instance is great.

Ez trolling

Remember Trollface?

There is nothing to fill you in on. They went on cripple chan and ResetEra started seething. That's the entire thing

if you were OG like me, you'd know its really called coolface.

>Twitter meme
>butthurt about infinite AMA
Yes, good bait indeed.

First of all, not everyone who spammed that was doing it ironically. Second of all, those who were made no attempt to shock anyone. They just did what everyone else was doing.
If we're gonna do a political analogy, it's like how a lot of alt-righters thought they were tricking the media into thinking the OK sign meant "white power", but then they eventually started doing that to signal to each other that they were one of them. After a while it no longer becomes ironic if you don't have any hints of irony in it.
And once again, shock value is a must. Without it, normies are gonna think you're one of them.

I'm saying we should forget about it and forgive them. How is that butthurt?

I'd hold an AMA there, even as a gamedev. What problem do you have with them that you can't apply to Yea Forums?
Their reputation is no worse than Yea Forums's was before this site became more mainstream. All the negative implications that go with browsing that site used to and mostly still do apply here.
Don't forget you're on a site that's been moderated by perverts and literal fucking degenerates since it's inception.
The creator of the site even owned the not4chan domain name after loli became against the rules to appease literally half the people who browsed here.
Fuck off newfag.

They still have 2 more games to announce right? I'm crossing my fingers for anything related to Destroy all Humans

Who is we?

They literally said in the ama they are showing it off at E3.

Just people in general, specifically this community since I'm posting here.

Having an AMA there was nothing to feel sorry for.

>Satire of hypocritical views the far-left clowns have needs to be a joke
Dont drop out the school kid

Well, actually there is. That is a known website for pedophiles, but it was an honest mistake, so I forgave them. RE has a different opinion, though. They wont let it go.

As much as I hate trannies, I just don't feel morally right in encouraging them to commit suicide with failed mutilations. 40% is a pretty high number user

is reddit based? also, do u like mudkips?

Attached: 3212044.jpg (997x822, 201K)

>That is a known website for pedophiles

Attached: Screenshot_142.png (644x644, 936K)

why in the world would Yea Forums be against the ama? the board was full of thq threads that day.

Read this:
because is fucking right.
There are pedos on Reddit and ResetEra, too.
Go discuss shit on GameFaqs, I don't think they've promoted questionable content or had a scandal yet.

Yeah, rule 1 there buddy. Maybe that's the issue.

Attached: 1405399537384.jpg (354x373, 18K)

but new spongebob is good
at least it became good again when Stephen returned for the second movie and everything else after that.

Coolface was made to eliminate Trollface, which it did, but as I have been saying new stuff just takes it place. It would be a never ending fight that could never work

Oh sweaty, look around

They want people within the company to be fired so they could set a message to everyone else that anyone associated with the wrong side will be punished and ostracized. THQ wouldn't do this so now they're assblasted because they know that they have zero impact on any publisher that actually stands their ground against them. They'll spam every site imaginable to explain why we should hate them but it won't effect sales even slightly because none of them actually play videogames

You realise the Internet as a whole is a place known for pedophiles, yes?

Attached: 292A4FD8-21E0-4024-A9FC-F39BF3AFD8F4.jpg (944x585, 61K)

It's funnier moreso when some of the people didn't realize that THQ had already died once.

People bitch about muh sekrit club but Yea Forums was a better place when Rule 1 was more popular even if people still broke it all the time

c h dot net/v/res/16165791.html#16169415
>bikini bottom remaster happened
holy based nordic


Are you joking?

Are you fucking 12? That garbage was the sole reason Nick went to shit.

wish theyd make the OG Xbox port backcompat on Xbone as well

Remember when people wanted to bring back Snacks? The summerchildren in this thread would ree until their eyes bleed.

It's really amusing how those retards go reee pedo despite them having CP or doing worse shit.

It's like that guy that screams that he isn't gay everytime for no reason at all despite acting like a massive faggot.

Attached: 1545868308374.png (1011x684, 539K)

retard, do you wake up and lie to yourself so much everyday that it feels real?

t. Retarded zoomer roleplaying as boomer


>Nobody: X meme
I've been seeing this more and more on here. I now understand what old fags feel like.

Attached: isabelle.png (1280x853, 411K)

Attached: 1531725437191.png (432x313, 247K)

after seeing multiple cycles of newfags bitching about newerfags I dont know what to feel anymore, just apathy

ordinary people vs creative people

The cycle of the fag continues, none of us strong enough to break it's chains. We spiral, forever deeper, into the cesspool of the internet. The cancer grows with each new thread, each new post. We are lost in a vortex of faggotry, and we're here forever.

Attached: 1442681818211.jpg (600x440, 77K)

Get a clue
Gain height
Lose weight
Seek sunlight

Ya fucking jabroni mark jobbing to DIMES memes from Yea Forums

What is wrong with deepfakes?

Op: *is a faggot*

THQ doesnt exist any more. Who is ACTUALLY making this remake?

Don't lie to yourself, New Spongebob is terrible and there is no redeeming it. The second movie was soulless as shit when compared to the first. Sure a few good episodes here and there but in this case the bad out ways the good.

Who are you quoting, newfag?

Steam says its Purple Lamp Studios, the only other game they have on steam is some Early Access game called The Guild 3

tired of you /jp/ niggers escaping your containment.

why not? I quite liked REmake. and if you didn't why does it matter?

Attached: 1509841017617.gif (1221x1007, 142K)

have sex :)

I see you've been browsing dank youtube comments too, brother! :^]

I wouldn't do an AMA on *chan, if only because all versions of Yea Forums are jam-packed full of shitposters and dramafaggotry.

This would have worked in 2010 but not as much in 2018

This. I try to let them be. I thinks gays are worse anyways.

I'd do an AMA as a dev on a chan but I'd change it to AMS(Ask Me Shit) it'd be a chill as fuck Q&A where we can all talk about the actual game in question, eroge, post cute anime girls, DFC and big anime titties welcome. It'd be crazy, fun, stupid, horny chaos and I'd love every second of it.

>tfw didnt get a Yea Forums Gold account back when you still could
biggest regret of my life

Mods do your jobs and kill this thread already

Attached: 1558370486498.png (200x291, 37K)

Doug TenNapel and American McGee did so I'd do it because it's not like I'm better than them

that sounds like too much fun!

no need to thank me guys

/Literally Nobody/i;op:only;
/Nobody at all/i;op:only;

He's not wrong
Spongebob money turned Nick into greedy megajews who would cancel any cartoons that didn't perform as well after a season or two ie all of them which is why Nick today doesn't even remotely resemble Nick then

>They made a mistake
they did nothing wrong

Previous thread said that they're made up of ex- Heavy Iron devs.

I've managed to convince myself that anyone who uses the "nobody" meme here is just baiting because it's the only way I can stay sane.

That would actually be a smart thing for eroge localization companies like MangaGamer or something. They could hold AMS threads on /vg/ or /jp/ and probably successfully shill titty games.
You're my kinda dude, user. I like the way you think.

Attached: 1361811866313.png (510x546, 23K)

Inspector Gadget: Oh look, a free iPad.

Twitter openly endorses pedophilia.

>nobody was asking for a BFBB remake
Dumb fuck

I think it's better to support them being trans because trannies are faggot freaks and the more ensconced they get into the tranny lifestyle the harder it'll be for them to get out and they'll kill themselves.

You get it

Attached: 1523593270373.png (640x478, 431K)

>childhood classic
You have to be 18+ to post here

>people will fall for this obvious fucking bait

I just believe in games being fun. So my thought process is, why shouldn't interacting with fans be just as fun for the everyone involved?

says the nigger that bumped this thread from death


pick one

This is the single most corporate post I've ever seen on this entire board.
There is not a single degenerate on this board, regardless of newfaggotry or intent to shill who speaks like this.
A little transparency goes along way THQ, no need to hide from us

Attached: 1492994003328.jpg (320x320, 23K)

Looks like you got it. Nice digits


I just noticed we're having a discussion about the ethics and nuances of shilling video games on different online communities in a thread about spongebob.
I've never even played this game, and I don't give a shit about it, either.

Attached: 20190321003217_1.jpg (1780x1002, 482K)

What is this even supposed to mean. Are you saying that nobody was quiet?

>Reddit twitternigger typing
Fuck off. Stop trying to force this shit on Yea Forums, I saw you do this exact same shit with the Death Stranding thread
Fuck off twitter nigger

It's "could care less" tier because only retards use this meme

>childhood classic that was beloved by all
Is this some zoomer shit that kiddos played in 2006 or something? I never heard of this shit before but suddenly it's all over Yea Forums.

>Yea Forums doesn't take itself as a serious political driving force, for one.
>its userbase isn't filled with nearly as many kiddydiddlers as infinity's.
>This site is actually usable.
>Furfags aren't allowed on any boards except for /trash/
>this site moved on from gamergate
>lolifags get their shit pushed in constantly

need any more?

Attached: 1552687927755.png (836x768, 611K)

Thanks user

Attached: Ban.jpg (640x640, 141K)

Fun fact, /r/findbostonbombers is where "We did it reddit!" comes from, or at least what popularized it.

t.hq employee

Attached: 1377736405095.jpg (380x300, 15K)

>twitter meme
>caring they did an ama on 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 chan


>Yea Forums doesn't take itself as a serious political driving force, for one.
Tell that to /pol/.

>its userbase isn't filled with nearly as many kiddydiddlers as infinity's.
Spend a day on Yea Forums and take a shot every time you see the word "cunny".

>This site is actually usable.
I've only ever lurked there, but I don't see how it's unusable.

>Furfags aren't allowed on any boards except for /trash/
Best point so far.

>this site moved on from gamergate

>lolifags get their shit pushed in constantly
You should go to Yea Forums, /jp/, or Yea Forums. Doesn't happen.
I recommend the onahole general on /jp/ if you don't think lolifags are tolerated here.
Pic related.

Attached: how did i get here.png (1681x408, 59K)

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lol, shut up nigger

>Reee! Only use memes from our clubhouse!!

The future is now old man, Yea Forums doesn't make memes anymore

Absolutely nobody:
Literally not a goddamn person:

OP: *is a faggot*

Attached: 1441863941482.jpg (500x500, 39K)

>Resetera lost their shit over Spongebob Fucking Square Pants because of a fucking AMA
I'm loving every single laugh

Attached: 211.png (608x616, 211K)

I'm quite happy

Attached: 1476292285523.jpg (1032x1457, 124K)

I don't, they're fucking mean people usually

Attached: 1553933185757.jpg (731x341, 48K)

OP here, I just came back from a night out. Didn't expect this thread to be up still. Its a shame nobody talked about the game like I wanted.

i dont get it

Thats pretty funny but based they were still willing to do it on a website with a /loli/ board on its main page.

>>THQ hypes new game
>>It's fucking Sponge Bob remake
At least they got it out of the way pre-E3. But really who fucking cares about Sponge Bob in the year 2019A.D?

Attached: tn_1235245586270.jpg (600x491, 29K)

you're a dumbass

the game is good faggot

The reason they got so mad is that THQN didn't offer to do it on their sites. They're mad because 8/v/'s admin asked them and they didn't.
It's like a child saying "Mama, can I have this toy?" and the mom gives it to the kid and an unrelated kid starts screaming about not getting a toy because that kid did and they didn't.

As far as I know, there were originally some other words after the Nobody meaning nobody ever said that.

Nobody: I wish I had a lampshade made out of Jews.
Hitler: Gotcha senpai

Nobody: I wish I had a game livestreamed by Rick and Morty and two guys I never heard of.
Bethesda: *image of Bethesda's WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB tweet*

kill yourself

Just so you know, the lampshades are disputed. According to some eyewitnesses, Ilse Koch, the wife of the chief commandant of Buchenwald, may have had lampshades made of human skin. But the historical consensus on that piece is a bit blurry.

It went great, and simultaneously blew the fuck put of every tranny and "game journalist" at the same time. Theyre still seething about it.



They're good when it's a really old game not sold anymore.


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 10.50.59 PM.png (1922x374, 204K)

I'm noting buy it because they're neo-nazi scum

The guy who drew this fucking died.

Hey, c'mon now. Lets leave those barnacle heads alone, alright?

Trannies should be encouraged to make a full transition instead of being berated.
it makes sure they don't procreate.

They'll still want to adopt to further their degeneracy cycle. Fuck off, barnacle head.

The fact 8ch and 4ch has nazis is whats bad retard. id fire your ass

Hey barnacle head, get out.

Pull the fucking trigger, summerfag.

>Childhood classic
>Came out 15 years ago

Unless they were playing this game as toddlers, they ARE over 18 my dude

Attached: 0DA5B0BC-6922-4B53-BE9B-BF5381305E6A.jpg (1024x923, 162K)

Explain this to me.

Imagine being a Barnacle head

Attached: never forget.png (893x675, 1.17M)


Attached: THE REAL DIRTY DAN.png (1707x3569, 2.46M)

Attached: pokemon vs spongebob.png (1500x1750, 838K)



You guys ARE excited to play the new map, right?

Attached: barnacle heads logo.jpg (687x332, 21K)

Of coursh

Been waiting for this one. Good job.

Attached: FOOTBALL!.gif (480x320, 2.46M)

in case anyone needs a laugh, this tracks bans/warns on resetera. all of these are for the THQ Nordic thread

Attached: file.png (1035x993, 376K)

Attached: 552.png (1080x1440, 507K)


this site holy shit
if 6 I'm Dirty Dan
If 4 I'm Pinhead Larry
If 0 I

Attached: file.png (1042x156, 57K)

normal people vs creative people

Attached: Judeo-Christian.png (1000x500, 41K)

wait why are trannies freaking out? what happened to cause this

Attached: fighting polygon team.png (292x357, 152K)

I have trouble navigating reddit, what the fuck is happening? Is the red text supposed to be the post?

i thought it was a youtube meme

Attached: 37F.jpg (539x540, 24K)

Directly? /pol/tards are riding the wave of a popular zoomer game getting a remake by bringing their culturewar bullshit into it.
Indirectly? THQNordic did an AMA on 8ch for some stupid reason, and because of that are not well liked among the (mostly straw-based) enemies in their culture war.

>link to post
>other archive

This isn't a joke. They really do think like that. I want everybody reading this to stop and actually consider that for a moment.

Leaving aside for a moment that this girl believes you can have "a Yea Forums", she actually believes pretty much any one of us, you, user, if you were dating her, would genuinely actually want to kill her. Like you want to go out and murder people who left leaning. Like not even ironically saying it, but they think you GENUINELY ACTUALLY UNIRONICALLY WANT TO MURDER THEM. Try to wrap your head around that.

Jellyfish fields... Home

Attached: Home.png (209x241, 24K)

Multiple people who post on this site HAVE literally done that in the past few years.

/pol/tardation =/= the fan-exploding lulz we used to have on here.

99% of /pol/ are fucking larpers.

That is a bad idea

Based and redpilled

>bringing wojaks into this
oh no you dont barnacle head

Attached: thisispatrick.png (562x444, 353K)

>people have livestreamed shootings of facebook
omg people with facebooks are gonna kill meeeeee

Attached: 6i0zvaho1ww21.png (625x605, 170K)

barnacle heads are barnacle posting RIGHT NOW

Listen, Barnaclehead, I think you'd be more comfortable over at that place

Attached: index.jpg (258x195, 12K)

I don't mean they're larpers as in they're only pretending
I mean put them in front of a trembling sobbing roastie with a baseball bat and they won't have the fucking stomach
They don't have the left, they hate this cartoon of the left that they've erected in their own mind
The left is the same way

Oh no, I mean't that place over there.

Attached: super weenie hut jrs.jpg (1152x864, 112K)

People please stop using social media, because pedophiles also use it.
Also don’t breath air, pedophiles also do that

>look up the teaser
>Spongebob's voice actor sounds old and tired
Jesus fuck just retire the franchise already.

For the life of me, I cannot remember when Rockthrow have ever used "nazis r cool" punchline.

>Nobody says nothing
This has to be the absolute worst meme format ever seen and we should hunt down and kill anyone who has ever used it for the good of humanity.

If you post Stonecucks comics that means your peepee is short

I don't actually recall punchlines on his nazi comics, only in the normie ones.

I genuinely want nothing more than for everyone that posted in this thread to burn, me included for replying to it.

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It's hardly even a meme, it adds pretty much no substance.

>>>>>Supporting child pornography
Never change Yea Forums.

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People livestream themselves killing people on facebook all the time, its not a uniquely Yea Forums thing to do

>that fucking twitter meme

Kill yourself right now.

Hey, why not, most of our current buzzwords come from Twitter. "cope", "have sex", "cringe"

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will barnacle heads ever fuck off?


They did an AMA on there. it was fun

Attached: ktrldwn.png (1347x319, 117K)

>Supporting degenerate enormous fake tits pornography
Never change, normalfag.

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>Posting a cartoon meme means you're a nazi

Attached: 1504139070499.png (448x455, 324K)

>barnacleheads are actually in this thread and getting angry over spongebob

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Ye. It's amazing how everything seems escalate from harmless Vidya shit with how this thread fell for some bait huh?

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What, I should support pornography with old hags?

Bros what the fuck is going on in this thread? Isn't it about a spongebob game?

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>watching YouTube e-celebs

Shut up you fucking faggot

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>Those last 2 levels of the moving cubes in the dream section

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everything is political now

Drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, shit smear.

based and spongepilled

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>childhood classic
>spongebob shit

Attached: wtf.jpg (640x640, 187K)

Wew. I'm getting a strong sense of validation already

Is it a Switch exclusive or not?

retard barnacle head

it's coming to switch, but not as an exclusive

>THQ won E3 before it even started

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Thank fuck, all the Nintendo sites I swear were spinning it as an exclusive


Barnicleheads are the new NPCs now?


Since Yea Forums is talking so much about Spongebob I gotta ask: How do you feel about the Kamp Koral spinoff they're making?
Yea Forums hates it and for good reason.

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Yeah just keep citing your pseudo science reposts my dude. You’re really shedding and light and convincing the board of shitposters. How about you stop being a barnacle head and learn to have fun?

I haven't seen it and I already hate it. First and foremost because it goes against the creator's wishes and second because I just KNOW it's gonna be garbage.

>You'll never guess which beloved childhood icon has been coopted by Nazis this time

we can't have fun when we claim to be apolitical in vidya and fall for bait

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>go back
Is this a new Yea Forums meme WTF

It's not any of that fuck off barnacle head

What the fuck is Kamp Koral?
>an upcoming spinoff series that throws back to SpongeBob’s pre-teen years.
>Kamp Koral follows ten-year-old SpongeBob and his friends getting up to typical summer camp shenanigans like building underwater campfires, going jellyfishing, and swimming in Lake Yuckymuck at the “craziest camp in the kelp forest.”
>Kamp Koral will be CG-animated like the latest SpongeBob feature film, The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water.
I hate it.

Yeap, definitely the answer that fit for a fag like you

Absolutely Based

This thread:

Attached: 09-18-53-439.jpg (694x693, 36K)

Having that image doesn't make you any less of a basic bitch.

I get it, you're a enraged incel that hates everything popular

I'm more on the "dilating tranny" side of the spectrum, though in reality I'm not either one.

Pointing out the obvious doesn't, either

remember to dab on resetrannies and keep posting pepejacks

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You're right.

What a garbage end to a truly once great series.

t. barnacle head



please god be at E3

Didn't the THQ Nordic AMA get spammed with cheese pizza and doxxing for whatever reason, hence why it became a scandal?

The funny thing is according to Wikipedia beating women wasn't banned for its content but because the people running it were selling user data.

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It's good when the original game was kino

I doubt it, I think it was just standard resetera booty blasting.

No? The site itself was the scandal. Normies dont want companies getting involved with anonymous.

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>twitter memes
fucking go back

>robo squidward battle restored

Attached: B44F8020-5211-4055-907A-894DCF55C1E2.jpg (772x578, 146K)

will spongebob be great again

The Muslim church shooter posted on 8ch, not Yea Forums

There is no cure for cancer. Have sex.


>Literally Nobody:
>Nobody at all:
Swallow your dads semen since your mother doesn't


It's already too late. Expect Spongebob edits of wojak tomorrow. There is no cure for cancer.

Am I in reddit wtf is this

Cringe and bluepilled

I don't post on Resetera though, a site that actively defends pedophiles.

It's the modern equivalent of demotivational posters which are just funny pictures with useless captions


their atech talk was based as fuck though.

LOL nobody said anything XD. Fuck off.

what are the stats for dilating?


what the hell is wrong with interacting with the gaming audience on a board?

Shut up fag it was a game meant for kids, it was a 9/10 for them buddy

>open pedophilia
>accuse the site of pedophilia when it was a concerted attack by others by posting pedo stuff on there to get the site shut down, mainly due to the gamergate thing.

You really are an utter waste of life if you think twitter and Facebook is a human right, just wait until you face any form of hardship you coddled fuck