What are the best Chinese video games? Actual question, I’m interesting to know if there’s any hidden gems they’ve made

What are the best Chinese video games? Actual question, I’m interesting to know if there’s any hidden gems they’ve made.

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if you mean RoC then Devotion. I know OP is baiting but I will keep it vidya to spite him.

They mostly just make shitty mmos, mobas and clones of blizzard shit.
There was that janky mmo with waifus and the 3 weapon system from Nioh

I’m genuinely not, that’s why I posted the Taiwanese flag instead, since it would draw less idiots.

There’s very few

>We don't live in the universe where the Nationalists won and China didn't become the dystopian nightmare it is today

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Nevermind the game I was thinking of was actually made in Taiwan. Now that I actually think about it the best Chinese produced game Ive played is probably Tiger Knight.

It’s sad because Taiwan is essentially a Chinese speaking Japan today. China could be so much more.

fuggen masterpiece

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any bootleg

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They're a world power as it is. I don't think a democratic system could have turned them around economically as they did in the last 30 years. That's a nation built on sweat shops.

Just monica

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Their previous game Detention was good but way too short.


Devotion is not exactly long but it's one hell of a ride.

I guess ICEY?

Is Icey good? I see it recommended here a good deal.

all of asia at some time was or is sweatshops no matter the political system

From a Western perspective 2019 China practically is what 1969 Japan was.
"They will buy up everything!"
"They attempt to conquer the world!"
"We are doomed!"
Sure, the major difference is they are not the US' lapdog, and that they are not a "democracy", but other than that the similarities are striking.

Fuck you, you filthy chink Taiwan isn’t China, fuck China, Taiwanese independence! Go suck Xi’s micro penis some more.

Taiwan is the real China and should claim the mainland again.

There's actually a bunch of really good looking and playing Wuxia RPG's and stuff they've got there but it's really hard to play if you can't understand lunar runes.

Lost Soul Aside.


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Don't remember what it's called but back right after diablo 2 released there was a chinese diablo clone that came out and was actually pretty good.

This looks really fucking good, is it out yet?

I don't think it has a release date yet. Sony is funding them so hopefully they'll be able to get it released soon.

Chiang Kai-Shek did nothing wrong

Shill thread?

There’s only one China
The republic of China
Go back to sucking off Mao

The Vagrant.

I taught on the mainland, for a time. Kids mostly played Japanese games, with WoW and Shogun Total War as well. And of course the massive mobile market, but even that included a lot of Japanese games.

Man China really like their hero epics don't they. Just watched like Legends of Ravaging Dynasties and got the same feel from this.

It’s all about they have left after the cultural revolution destroyed their culture

I thought China hated Japan

Yes, but Monster Hunter is Monster Hunter. The kids liked their anime too.

You might want to look at a map of the continents for once in your life, billy-bob.

There was a game made by one chinese guy that looked really good

Roman Polanski rapes kids but makes good movies. Japan rapes Chinese women, but makes really good games.