Pathologic 2

do i trust my heart and go into the pit?

i died 4 times, I would like to avoid the fifth one

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make sure you filled your 5 bottles though

You ever wonder if Gravel bothers to check what's inside her cabinets that you've been storing stuff in?

>I can perform frickin' MIRACLES, can you, knucklehead?!
>B O N K

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forget gravel's hideout, i wonder what sticky's thinking about our choice of storage items


Are you telling me you don't want a massive tumor?

oh god oh fuck



>says this on Day 1 when we first meet
What hospital?!

He isn't talking to the Haruspex, he is talking to the kids[/spoiler]
It's probably an oversight since they can choose what lines each character says like Yulia talking about the Inquisitor on Day 7

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>that painting in Peter's art studio with the screaming children

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>day 12 in the intro looks worse than actual endgame infected districts do
what a shame

it was kinda a let down i admit, when the army mans arrive it's kinda a breeze because they actually just smartly kill the agrro mobs and you're left to freely loot their bodies because army people don't loot the fallen mobs themselves like all the other people, like normal guards do.

it looks like the day 12 intro was based on pathologic 1's version of events as opposed to pathologic 2's

You can tell the last act of the game was rushed. Also something I REALLY think holds the game back is a lack of unique events. Everyday the townspeople do the same fucking things. Children just walk around playgrounds. Adults just walk around aimlessly. Would have been cool if these people actually did something every once in a while. There were a few moments that I can recall but they are few and far between. I think at one point the children are bullying some kid and you could get them to disperse? Game should have had more shit like that on a daily basis. Especially towards the end. Maybe at one point we come across a few dogheads who had just killed someone with all of the knives we've been supplying them. Maybe some guy runs up to us begging to save his infected wife, but when we show up to his house it was actually a trap and they try to rob you. Shit like that. Would have made the town feel way more alive. Also the mutiny could have played a an actual role in gameplay. Maybe the mutineers would start firing on civilians or some shit so you would have to be wary of the soldiers as well.

I'm kinda pissed at the unceremonious way that Aglaya was just killed, especially considering how important she was to haruspex's campaign in patho 1 and the foreshadowing she would be important and relevant at the start of 2

>you bump into a group of people trying to question the people who burned the woman, the guard in the leather cap and his goons surround the kin
>you visit the same place next day and you see a bunch of kids. The kids are angry because the other kids' parents bullied their parents the day before
it was a cute little paralel, showing that we're often doomed to repeat our fathers mistakes.

I think there was simply not enough time towards the end of the game to fully take in the oppressive atmosphere. Like i appreciate the fact you're pressed for time and you know you cant fix everything but at the same time there's not much else to actually take in, other important npcs don't call you for side quests like in Pathologic 1 via letters and so on, there's no time to explore the place and look for cool stuff, there's never enough time to let the mood sink in in some parts of the game

Agalya is the main thing holding 2 back imo. They did such a disservice to her character. Such a shame.

>aglaya comes to town and orders actual communist style food stamps
>now you can only buy food with those
>you are given foodstamps in the town hall alongside your normal hospital fund reward
this is kinda made null and void because at max reward you're given a wopping 7K cash and shitload of food so there's still not that much tension, plus there's still this one shop that sells food for cash normally anyway

the fund rewards kill the survival tension of the game completely until only the time management part remains, if you aren't retarded you can eat with the food and a bit of bartered food/starvation damage per day