Uhhh, well Yea Forums?
Uhhh, well Yea Forums?
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Haha.. yeah... battleborn... woo...
He's going to have Paul Logan voice Duke since it would be cheaper than paying Jon
He should probably stop bringing up battleborn in any capacity
id watch dick kickem cartoon
Wasn't one of the biggest reasons the game failed that everyone despised the characters personalities and terrible humor? Why would anyone one watch that shit?
how many people are currently playing battleborn?
>Duke Nukem
Boomer series
playing an hour ago
24-hour peak
all-time peak
Duke probably would have been pretty cool as one of those "adults-only" pieces of media that inexplicably got an animated series like Robocop, Mortal Kombat or Toxic Avenger, but that only works when it's genuine and now the writers would inevitably wrap it in seven layers of self-awareness and irony. I especially wouldn't trust anything that has Randy's greasy fingers all over it.
Holy fuck that's awful HAHAHAHA
Remember when he "discovered" Battleborn rule34?
randy just has a hard time appreciating that the ips he owns are shit
>VA of Duke comes out hating everything about the character after forever flopped
Ya good luck with that one Randy
The game released in the middle of the Overwatch open beta. It was doomed the second it came out
I think every reply to a Bitchford social media post should be an invitation to kill himself.
Rnday plz. Stop.
Is he... Talking to himself on Twitter?
He hated the game, not Duke. He still wants to do more Duke lines.
Hell, he did a pretty good job in Bulletstorm.
I wouldn't mind a hobby grade animated series
wait what
I want to know who these 15 people playing right now are, they must be Gearbox employees.
You talk as if JSJ isn't a massive whore.
And somehow, still not as disastrous as artifact
Realistically, if Overwatch weren't around, would it have done alright?
he really can't let battleborn go can he?
>Only way to get people to notice Battleborn is by lying about having stuff ready for Duke
Fuck off Randy you little cunt
Attikus is hot, so honestly? Sure
Artifact has 98 playing right now
duke is a parody of 80s action heroes
the main problem is that everything about him would set off the woman respecters because he's a vulgar arrogant womanizer that embodies "toxic amsculinity"
For a little while maybe. The game is super grindy, and as a result newer players would have just been stomped by veterans because they lack the equipment
Remember that time Randy went to a mall just to report shops selling bootleg Fortnite gear to Epic Games' twitter account?
From what I've heard he hated everything new duke. Forever and doing new lines for the new version of 3d. Dunno about that random finnish indie game.
>oh a tweeter thread
>oh, something about Duke Nukem? Alright!
>wait, battleborn?
>look back up at who is the twit is
>it's The Twit In Chief
Dude, JSJ is desperate right now. He’d suck dick for a double cheeseburger.
Well, the battleborn opening was pretty nicely animated
Bulletstorm is fun and adds a good twist on FPS games. You should try it.
>Randy holds 22 people hostage and forces them to play Battleborn
how does he get away with it?
Every time Randy opens his mouth he embarrasses his self.
Did that game even have a storyline?
Played it already years ago. Not much of a twist.
what happened to that card based fps randy said he was working on?
>Evil entities called the Varsi destroy every planet and star but one
>The remnants of every race in the known universe flee to aforementioned star
>They send their best fighters, deemed the Battleborn, to fight the Varsi
There you go
I read this as Logan Paul and fucking kekked
Why the hell does he keep wasting time trying to get all these different Duke projects off the ground. We don't need an animated series, or a movie, or Duke being whored out to other games. I mean, classic styled fps are in vogue right now, just get a team together to make a quasi-sequel to Duke 3D.
Or better yet, just give the series back to 3D Realms. Any new Duke project under Randy will likely focus on that smooth-brained "the world is too PC for Duke" angle that everyone and their mother have come up with already.
ffs randy just talk about shit the normies actually care about like borderlands. battleborn is a failure, douk is and always will be too toxic for your woke crowd that you wish bought your games, and 30 year old boomers know that you'd bastardize any new attempt a game
>still going on about Battleborn
There is an idea of a Randy Pitchford, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there.
shed a tear to this
>Battleborn animated series
I can't even laugh
I would too, to be fair.
How is new duke as a character different from old duke?
>Duke Nukem animated series
I can already see them making him a black tranny who protects underprivileged minorities
I came to the Gearbox meet
Despite being a NEET
As Randy Pitchford started to sing
I started to cringe
at Gearbox's king
Yeah yeah
Then he asked us all to
sing along with him
So watch as the game sales fall
Watch as they blame it all
on a two-thousand-fourteen twitter hashtag
Shat out by Yea Forums
When will the owner of Duke
see that Battleborn JUST
fucked up his shit f a m?!
He sang about gamergate
In the year two-thousand-and-eight (plus eight)
As part of a three minute long musical rant
at >muh boogeyman
He literally just can't
'Cuz Randy Pitchford
can't handle the #bantz
So watch as the game sales fall
Watch as they blame it all
on a two-thousand-fourteen twitter hashtag
Shat out by Yea Forums
When will the owner of Duke
realize that Battleborn
fucked up his shit f a m?!
If you work at Gearbox
This man is your boss
He decides when and if you get paid
You won't anymore
'Cuz your boss spent your pay
and more
On a half year old game
no one plays anymore
So watch as the game sales fall
Watch as they blame it all
on a two-thousand-fourteen twitter hashtag
Shat out by Yea Forums
When will the owner of Duke
see that Battleborn JUST
fucked up his shit f a m?!
I'm going to pirate borderlands 3 just to seed it, as long as he gets less money I'm happy.
goobers will never stop being mad that randy made fun of their twitter flamewar
I keep forgetting he has the dook IP. And when I remember I get sad.
I bet Pitchford's music taste aligns with Bateman's 100%
>"Am I... am I badass?"
whatever happened with those allegations from claptrap's VA that he had a bunch of jailbait nudes on his thumb drive?
whoever he's going to rip it off from hasn't finished it yet
that was a lawyer that embezzled money from randy not the va
the va accused him of assault
You're mixing up two different things relating to Randy. Claptrap's VA alleged that Randy physically assaulted him at some convention. Additionally, Randy left a flashdrive at some restaurant that contained company files and porn of a barely legal chick.