ITT: Chads

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FPBP and based pilled

I'm a faggot

Well, which is it, user? Are you a faggot, or are you a chad?

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Attached: garrosh.jpg (1600x900, 329K)

Attached: BarryBurton.jpg (320x238, 8K)

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Far more chad than the virgin Lanselot that just stares out to the sea while drooling like a retard.

Attached: Laselot_t.jpg (700x1100, 93K)

Guy in the middle

Attached: 98497849+562984.png (1012x717, 1.08M)

Both lanselots are Chads. And so is Canopus.

Canopus is an ascended Chad that trivializes the game from the moment he starts carrying your virgin ass.

Attached: LuCT_PSP_Canopus_Profile.png (251x242, 89K)

Attached: me.png (416x435, 502K)

The Orlando of Chads.

Attached: 1097031-dogi[1].jpg (605x640, 33K)


Attached: 34GAou.png (818x624, 514K)

Attached: Orlandu.jpg (860x1648, 540K)

Attached: tom-parker-tomp-skv-queek-headtaker-lp-03.jpg (1920x1925, 709K)

he had a twin brother right?

Based and Nodpilled

Attached: kane.jpg (600x790, 47K)

>The Chad General, General Leo

Attached: General-Leo.jpg (250x269, 14K)

>I hope you saved in two slots

Attached: Wiegraf.png (400x592, 260K)

Attached: the real hero of the game.png (826x1080, 695K)

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>Dicked so many chicks he moved to the forest to be alone for once

Attached: 1394289226038.jpg (600x450, 219K)

I married him

Attached: garithos.jpg (480x360, 12K)

Should have been the final boss of the game. It's not hard to rewrite him into Vormav's role, honestly.

Attached: Arthur Maxon.png (818x947, 1.28M)