Let’s see them games you got there, boy
And If it’s only ps4 games, you’re gay.
Let’s see them games you got there, boy
And If it’s only ps4 games, you’re gay.
Someday you will die. What will happen to your collection then huh? Collecting is pointless.
>collecting is pointless
Collecting is an investment. My retro memorabilia collection has nearly quadrupled in value over the past 10 years, and I plan on starting to sell it off soon. Starting with my FFVII collection around the time the Remake is released, as that will be it's peak (more than likely).
Imagine being so ADHD you can't into long-term investments.
Pass it down to my brother or his kids. Simple.
Jokes on you, mine's only PS4 and Xbone games
is this bait
i have nothing to say
>collection fits on a single shelf
this t b h though, i regret my massive collection
I don't collect Video Games. only Anime. even shitty anime i wouldn't even watch.
What a sad, sad life.
I feel closer to my girls when i buy their blu rays.
You have Iron Storm, so you're ok in my book.
>falling for the anti-hedonism meme
u guys do own game of the decade in physical format right?
I'm not dead now, and i like to think that maybe i will not be tomorrow because i'm healthy and not entering any dangerous situation, so i think i will play then
everything is pointless
why wait for death?
It'll be willed to people who want it, or sold off for money. What's your point?
I love Atlus!
Because it's a way to cope with the fear by remenbering yourself of it every moment of the day and doing nothing, so you lie to yourself that you accept it. When in fact a healthy person would accept both the concept of something you can't change AND the fact that you fear it at the same time
I have a lot more in a box somewhere. I try not to keep too much on the shelves.
>someday you will die, everything is pointless so stop having fun!
I have a small collection of ghm games. Mostly the ces. Don't really see the point in having tons of std discs
I collect some
here's an outdated photo showing like, maybe half my games
Wrong there kiddo. If you are religious, death is merely a gateway. If you are not, death is the end of you, but not your lineage or species, so you might as well carry out your ultimate biological purpose and continue to raise humanity to its ultimate potential.
i sold all my old vidya and bought bitcoin
>collection fits on a single shelf
>this t b h though, i regret my massive collection
How many mental illness it takes to just ignore the correlation between both these complaints coming from the same person?
It depends on what you're collecting. Having every NES game is pointless, you aren't going to play them all and whoever you pass them onto will just sell all the valuable ones and throw away the rest. Collect things that are valuable or important to you within reason.
Basically, don't be a boomer who buys an expensive china set but never actually uses and never lets the kids touch it, only to pass it on to those kids who then throw it away.
I sell some of bitmex profits every once in a while and buy a redacted amount of xmr and some vidya
Here's where I keep my collection. Impressive, is it not? So vast, so thorough...
Everything is pointless. Who cares? Collecting is fun.
Yes user, you are very cool. You should make a facebook page
today I learned that jealousy can be tasted. huh.
>tfw had to start deleting my rom collection because my JAV collection is reaching 2tb
I only download JAV if its fart/scat
is that the nintendo labo version