Hola mis amigos!

Hola mis amigos!

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Hola maricon

bad thread


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delete now

Victoria III when?

what should have been...

it'll be their next game after east vs west succesor they're making now


meant to reply to

...what could've been

Prepare to lose half of your territory to Uncle Sam, spic.

Que pasa Jota? Hey man, do I clean your wind shield for you?

painfully unfunny


Should have took over everything back in 1800's all the way down to the panama canal


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1, 3, 4, 4, taco

>blobbing into west africa

It would have been possible. Though America would probably have been attacked by other nations like Spain, France and Great Britain again. The the axis power would have won WWI

Mariconazo y ugle

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>landlocked colonies
fuck you

redpill me on the Mexicans

i consider myself American, just happen to be hispanic.

Ahh...lo que podria haber sido...

I consider myself European, i just happen to be black.

Funny how blind nationalistic idiots claim the us stole those lands when they were pretty much lawless forgotten places until americans started settling their own ranches

How did you acquire a map of North America in 2119 AD?

I consider myself a millionaire, just happen to be a bum


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I saw you post this earlier today maybe on vg or something cunt
shit game
based Gaul though, Rome better be Celtic
Cartago still delenda est though

this game is 75% off is it worth it?

2021, though they will be renaming the series "Liquor Tycoon" as part of their new honest marketing drive.

Needs all the expansions to be really good. Recommend pirating it.

ok thanks

After giving it a whirl and seeing if it's up your alley, there's a lot of good mods that really improve the game extremely. HPM in particular, practically another expansion.

It's not that it was lawless, but the Mexican made claim to territory they barely even controlled outside of California and Texas. It was useful to the US to acquire it so we offered to buy the land, and they refused, so eventually we went to war and took the land as part of beating them, and STILL paid for it anyway.

>vae victis

Also Mexico first started the war. Everyone seems to overlook that when bitching about MUH STOLEN LAND


for what? what did I do?

ban evasion

Now THIS is how it should have been

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America would unironically be better off with out the south
>no redneck zionist
>No blacks from slavery
>no california faggots
>no mexican border

Si tan solo

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You know damn good and well that yankee cucks would have just imported nigs and spics anyway

Even if Mexico still had Texas and California etc they would still create a new shithole border around the midwest and it would be even harder to stop them from illegally immigrating. what would make America better off is if Hurricane Tyrone blew a massive water load and created a new ocean between the US and Mexico or a massive earth quake sunk texas and cali into the ocean.

Texas beef is cool, fuck Cali

>created a new ocean between the US and Mexico
>New York Times: Meet the Progressive Americans Chartering Boats to Help Migrant Families Enter the United States

True. We could give mexico half of the united states and they would still be border hopping.

Mid westerners don't like immigrants so i doubt that would happen often if at all and it would still be a million times better than them just walking across because the coast guard could far easier spot/stop boats and send them back. with a land border they can dig under ground.

>axis powers

Mfw I am from Honduras probably the most idiotic country in the entire continent

for posting cp (again)

so fuckin based im gonna cuummmmm!!!!

So i've pirated this game whats a good first country to grasp the concept of this game?

Millions of penitent Roman slaves/10

>tfw working in right wing politics in California

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