Why is Frank West such a good protagonist?

Why is Frank West such a good protagonist?

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he covered wars, you know

The only journo who's not politically correct. His name Frank means that he's honest and therefore values truth as the highest virtue. West because he represents the western white man, stoic and resilient, bringer of civilization but also corruptible as seen in OTR.

He was dopey, but endearing and good-hearted.
Then they turned him into a memelord and killed him. Thanks, Canada.


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>Genuinly helps when he can not asking for anything besides info on the scoop
>Does what he sets out to do and discloses the full story to the world when it would have been another Raccoon City if he hadn't got there when he did.

I think my favorite part of the first game is how he tells Brad to basically fuck off when he gets mad he wouldn't give him the picture of Barnaby or his location without some actual intel on who he was.

he was relatable. he was an arrogant ugly white guy with bad trousers who recognised zombies instantly, and had no qualms about butchering them.
based DR1 Frank was peak zombievidya protagonist because he was enough of a character to feel separate from us, but similar enough to us for us to identify with him and his struggles

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He was just a guy in over his head.
Not superhero, not super quipper, just a dude.

>good protagonist
The whole game is like B tier cheesy movie which doeant know if it should take itself seriously or not. You just have thick nostalgia googles because it was probably your first xbox game where you got blown out by the graphics and ability to bake frozen pizza.

Frank is just protagonist. Not disaster but also not praise worthy. None of the characters in this game stood up high enough to be praised for anything.

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He literally has covered wars you know?!?!


He had his own goals but was willing to help people. Strong-minded and motivated, but also empathetic. Also he was kind of goofy and fun in many scences.

>that one scream he lets out after he beats the antagonist in a fist fight

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>not a superhero
the man can throw a 100lb barbell 50 feet up in the air

>not some superhero
>just middle aged surviving the zombie world
>he starts off as piss weak
>training and surving he can rip the guts off of death squads armed with bullet proof vest and combat gears
>good va
>goofy but can be serious when the time is needed
>want to exposed the real truth and would give his life to see it thru
>helps people when he can
>covered wars

I think Chuck is actually pretty decent, too.

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Psycho Chuck is the better version.

not at the start, he is very weak before yoy lvl him up

skip to 3:49

as said, he's just an average american dude in a bad situation.
Look at how he's laughing like he's just tired of all this shit, not a lot of vidya characters do that

Chuck's cool, Nick is bland, F.I.N.O can go die in a fire.

Do you guys think we'll get a new game at E3?

Probably not. I'm expecting Dino Crisis.

That would be great.


he was really well written as a photojournalist. He can be an asshole but he's a smart asshole. He gets his answers in anyway he needs to, but still cares about the people around him.

based protag


I want to believe

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