> Stadia games and pricing get announced tomorrow
Does Yea Forums have the guts to weight in before tomorrow?
How out of touch are these guys from vidya?
Other urls found in this thread:
Streaming games is never gonna take off, will be forgotten in a month.
The Stadia was made to get investor money. You're not their customer. That dumb fucking folding Chinese tablet phone made tons of money in investments despite selling like shit and being laughed at everywhere because investors are stupid and will throw money at whatever they can be convinced is the future.
It will be all free, screencap this
It'll only be viable when gigabit internet is standard, which is still a far ways off. Even then there's nothing you could do about transmission delay, so the only application I could ever see for it is casual targeting GaaS schlock.
I could see the price being low to get into it, just to get everyone on the service, and either start slowly increasing the price every year or full on purchases never dropping in price
Eat shit faggot everyone who broke their phone by folding it is a genuine fucking retard. It is the best piece of technology I own.
Why would you require one gigabit of bandwidth when you can stream 4k at less than 25mbps?
They're the worst jews imaginable. Say hello to DRM's final form.
>not even available in japan
dead on arrival
>hipsters buy google stadia
>ISP sends them notice they've overrun their monthly bandwidth cap by several orders
>throw google stadia into the same shitbin they tossed their google glasses into
Okay Xian
wtf it's not even available in Japan? probably one of the only countries where streaming games is actually barely feasible?
yeah fuck stadia.
japan doesn’t care about google, they still use yahoo
>he doesn't have google fiber
lmao enjoy your input lag and stutter while I enjoy perfectly flawless streaming of BFV.
>PAYING an advertising company money to datamine your internet connection
literally lmaoing at ur life
Here's my weight: I avoid Google like the cancer it is and so should you. *does Google captcha*
Why does it matter if they steal all your data regardless?
>Trusting anything google
>weight in
Never gonna fucking work due to massive input lag
Your 4K 25mbit is buffered. The packets of the video dont need to come in right order, they can come with various delay and your video player puts them into correct order and buffers ever 20 seconds so all you see is smooth video even when your wifi get spikes or the streaming server get chocked under heavy load.
Try playing game with 20 seconds delay between button presses. The internet will have to be sold on paper as 1Gbps so in practical use you wont dip bellow 50Mbps. And even then you will have 200 ping minimum.
Btw some fighting games have delay 8 frames between button press and action ingame amd they screech that its too much. Now imagine variable inpit lag between 100 to 200 frames...
Information simply cannot travel faster than speed of light. And for this purpouse speed of light is too slow.
I can see a use case if it lets you rent games, it would be way better than going though the hassle of downloading and returning them or torrenting to see if a game is worth the purchase, especially for people with slower internet. You could instantly hop in and see if it's worth the full investment
hmmm, nice bike
I don't believe a lot of people are going to go for it.
It doesn't feel like there's much hype or interest in it and I think most people who play video games like having ownership over their own hardware and games.
Also, Google is famously shit for launching products and then retiring. I'm surprised they still have phones considering how few people own them.
It will only be worth it if the service is less than $100 a year, the controller is under $60, the games have less than 4ms of delay, and features every major title on it.