Is it gay to have sex with your homie in VR?

Is it gay to have sex with your homie in VR?

Would you do it? Would you be the guy or the girl?

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Unless the voice changer technology is really good then no.

it's only gay if balls touch

A male having sex with another male is homosexual conduct.

This is why we need to support the valve index. They are actually working on this shit.

What the hell is the valve index?

god I wish that were me (on top)

I wanna be the guy

the fuck is this shit?

One of the guys gifted his friend a VR fighting game. They started with fooling around. Then full fucking. One of the guys is married and can't get off of his wife anymore because his homie is too good. They have marriage crisis. Dude quits it. Homie can't stop thinking about his dick. They do it again. Homie accidentally says I love you. They try making out irl. Realize they are not gay. Fight over it and end up getting arrested. Clueless wife asks what happened. They make an arrangement that he gets to fuck his homie once a year and the wife can cheat with whoever she wants

They sound exactly like the characters in this VR so you're good

it is valve's new vr headset. This isn't the brainchip they are working on.

only if we both were awkwardly laughing the whole time reminding each other that, "dude this is so funny." up until I finish on his cute face. Then we'd go play Smash again.

Their softcore sex scenes were the only decent part of this boring ass episode.

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>white people

This from Black Mirror?

Yes, Season 5

If this technology existed would trannies stop existing too?

Actually it's two black dudes lol

>tfw I'll never get to properly fuck Reiner in VR
best I can get is a mechanized dildo I guess but I won't get to feel his hands on me or his mouth... his body against mine... and no I will not accept a 3DPD male as a substitute just for the physical aspect while I have actual Reiner in the VR. That would be cheating as well as disgusting.

I think there would be a decrease. And if it's as good as they seem to make it sound in the episode, I guess people would probably have real sex a lot less. What's the point when VR feels 100X better?

A man having sex with a woman is not gay. If technology actually worked like in this episode then it would be 100% straight.

>strapping a monitor to your face
>neural interface
Literally no (none) connection.

post the vrchat video.
you know the one.

I fuck furries in sl in vr and don't give a shit.

Did anyone get the idea that the bespectacled lad was kinda into the irl kiss? I thought that was implied.

Yeah, DL niggers just skip the VR and they actually enjoy it.

No. Why would there be?

>Ywn get in your bro's snatch

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This tech looks fun until you realize someone could make VR Hell and trick people into getting stuck there.

If full immersion VR was a thing, and you spent more time in it than out, I think full-time transitions would be a lot less common.

>Stuck there
I assume there are hardware failsafes to avoid that exact scenario.

So is Low Tier God secretly a homo?

"Exit Game"

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Oi m8 wot if ur m8 in VR had sex wif u, fooking mental innit?

>This wall tech looks fun until you realise someone could make a locked house and trick people to get stuck there.

Can't do that on the jailbroken devices.

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Guess again

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If you are OK with that then you are OK with fucking trannys since in both cases you are "having sex" with a male

*Arin Hanson would like to know your location*

You assumed wrong, another episode of the same series is specifically about a guy getting fucked over by the same technology

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is that a bulgie wulgie ~ OwO

It's really not the same. If we limit ourselves to the physical plane, the equivalent would be to somehow move your bro's consciousness to a biologically female body and then fuck her. Would that be gay? (No)

>white Christmas is the best episode in the series
>show immediately goes to shit after that
I don't know why I had any hope for this season. Shut Up and Dance was alright.