What's the best optional superboss in a game?

What's the best optional superboss in a game?

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daughter of the cosmos


While not particularly difficult, figuring Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts was always really cool.

any boss that is seemingly undefeatable

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Lord British

What's the point of optional bosses anyway? Make them mandatory or fuck off desu.

Kingdom Hearts 2 in general

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Why are people so afraid of geese? They're aggressive but you can beat the shit out of one easily.

>this level of extra will never be in a KH3 final mix
fucking hack Nomura

Can't find my "Ow! The edge!" picture.

Galamoth in Castlevania SotN

Red in Pokemon Gold/Silver
Superbosses in Kingdom Hearts in general
Akuma in Street Fighter

How is it edgy to not be afraid of geese?

These are level 5 geese.
>you can't win
We'll see about that

Demon of Hatred?

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I'm no expert on monkeys or fighting, but I could definitely defeat this monkey. Could do it in a second. Just kick its face off.

They misspelled nigger

Sane people would usually rather try not putting themselves in a situation when they have to maul an animal to death, user.

Please don't respond to shitposting newfags, friend. All you do is encourage their behavior.

Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts

It's a goose, you don't have to maul it to death. It literally can't hurt you, just grab it by its neck and give it a toss. I've seen enough videos of geese getting grabbed and thrown by the neck to know that it won't seriously hurt them.

Also how is it my fucking fault if a dumbass goose wants to try and attack something that weighs 20x as much. That's its own fault, it deserves to be hurt at least a little. That's just darwinism at work.

The Dark Aeons.

Culex or Kangaxx

I hoarded red essence for whole game and spam them with the red shell armour rather than learn to how to beat him straight.

>no one's posted the demi-fiend yet

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A wild Monkey appeared!
Wild monkey uses bite!
You flinched!
Wild monkey uses bite!
You flinched!
You fainted!
You blacked out!
Wild monkey flees!

>No Linger Will Iron Man Armor from Infinity War superboss
>No Darth Vader superboss
Die, Nomura

They will bite the shit out of you and they bite fucking hard, they're aggressive little fuckers and attack with little warning and are known to chase people while biting them.