Is it worth buying and playing for single player alone? It's basically free on steam rn and I want some of your opinions

Is it worth buying and playing for single player alone? It's basically free on steam rn and I want some of your opinions

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No, it's shit. It's actually very badly designed, because like 70% of the time as you are shooting quipping bullet sponges you have to listen to Antony Burch's incredibly long-winded jokes you literally can't listen to because your mind is busy on being shot, but those monologues are so very long that faggot Handsome Jack will most likely only finish it once you are 60% done with the shooting. It's incredibly annoying and jokes aren't even worth paying attention for.

it's the diablo of FPS, if you don't enjoy grinding for loot you're just getting a sub par shooter with shit writing
if you do pick it up make sure to use BL2Reborn

>because like 70% of the time as you are shooting quipping bullet sponges

Sounds like you were a underlevel scrub trying to take out high levels, and/or were using underleveled guns.


I wasn't complaining about bullet sponges.

Does that mod make enemies not be bullet sponges?

i don't have a lot of experience with the endgame but from what i've read it fixes the slag problem

The enemies aren't bullet sponges until end game wtf are you talking about?

There is some fun to be had here OP I found it most fun playing while multitasking with something else like school work or something. Just shooting and collecting weapons was enough fun for me.

this and minecraft are all i play now.

read my post again and then read the mod description

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oh you're right, im retarded.

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There aren't really any bullet sponges at all. Especially if you use slag.

Despite what all of the overweight, no life virgins tell you, no, it isn't worth it. I say this as somebody who leveled 4 characters to 72, and two of those characters to OP8. During your second playthrough with whomever you're playing as, you'll start noticing how flawed the game actually is, and it only gets worse from there.
Borderlands 2 prides itself with having "a bazillion guns", but only a few specific guns and gear are viable for a specific character. Even the skill trees are technically an illusion of the player having a personal preference, because once you progress further into the game, there are only 2 or 3 builds that actually work for each character.
The drop rates for good, and/or legendary weapons and gear are terrible unlike the first game. If you're playing on console, you'll have to shut down the game completely from the home screen, then restart it just to get the right weapon in most cases. You could do this over 2,000 times and still not get the weapon you need. Believe it or not, there are Gearbox fanboys that support this, even though it's illogical, unfair, and unbalanced. The urge to call these people paid shills is always there.
The "best" Borderlands 2 players on YouTube are PC players. PC players can use gibbed and manipulate save files so they don't have to deal with bad game design as much. Only a PC player can truly enjoy the game, but then there's no point of playing it, because there's nothing more to loot in a looter shooter.
This is a game where you'll actually have to look online and research what the best weapons and builds are, because the game doesn't thoroughly explain anything like heath gating.
On top of everything, even the weakest enemies are bullet sponges that can kill you in one or two hits. Some enemies have the most bullshit attacks you'll ever see in a video game. If it were Dark Souls, I'd tell you to "git gud", but Borderlands 2 is simply a steaming pile of unbalanced shit.


To be honest it's kinda shitty

It's unique for sure, but it's not THAT good. I mean you can get it cheap and try it, but looking back it's not that fun. It was ok back then for some.

is this pasta?
it's so logically broken and cringe i'm just gonna assume it is

I did beat it originally alone, I felt pretty sad and silly the majority of the game but I had fun. I really wished I had friends back then... Well, and now, cause I bought it on steam and I still don't have friends

The writing and humor in Borderlands 2 was cringe. Also, not an argument, fanboy. Try again.

This. If you buy it, don't go beyond playthrough 1. After playthrough 1, you only get weaker and weaker and the pool of usable gear eventually shrinks to the rarest items in the game. The only exception is Krieg, because he literally doesn't need to use any gear at all and can still win. If every character was like him in that regard, it'd be a fantastic game.

>linking to some no name youtuber

>comparing diablo to BL2
>implying diablo has subpar writing
>implying diablo has subpar gameplay
you can tell this is written by an underaged retard.

>only high view high sub youtubers have valid opinion/are entertaining

super super cringe

I see they tried to change that a bit with stuff like Amara and Beastmaster,not having to rely on your guns as much,altough im sure at the core the game is not good

They build up Jack to be the being the biggest, obnoxious asshole and then give him a lame, anti-climatic death. It was too mean spirited and lost what little charm the first game had. All humour leaves you dead panned and people don't shut up.

>not an argument
suck peterson's dick harder, faggot

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it's a good game. the writing isn't as bad as people say. some of the jokes are dated though.
very grindy if you're playing for loot and aren't just playing for the story. it's great to play with friends.
also, siren and gunzerker OP

I just barely started this game and like, are you supposed to backtrack a ton? Like it gives you fast travel, but that's apparently for something else entirely. I have to keep walking back to sell guns. It's kind of annoying. Also the fast travel seems to be able already to take me to higher level areas even though I haven't been there yet? Kind of weird. It's a cool looter shooter so far though.

I've enjoyed bl2 but I don't think it's worth it just to play by yourself

Those are dlc areas I'm assuming. you only really have to backtrack for side missions or boss farming

money is basically useless in this game outside of buying ammo. might as well not pick up most of the gun drops. you'll get more than enough money to play the entire game on just through boss fights

>single player
Just pirate it retard

You don't need to sell everything that drops. The cost of everything from vendor items to slot machines scales to whatever you have in your wallet, so money is pointless aside from badass ranks and tipping Moxxi. Eridium is your real main currency.

it's basically an mindless action rpg, it's totally worth it if you are looking for a time waster.

It's $6 for the game, all dlc and the pre sequal. Pluis I don't know how to pirate, so yeah I am retard

The fuck that's actually such a small price.

that's like paradox, offering the game for super cheap so you buy the expensive DLCs. Here, they offer BL2 so you buy BL3. It'll work on some.

Oh that's cool. Thanks. There's so many gun drops though, guess I'll have to start figuring out which ones I like best. Do you ever get more storage? 12 feels so little.

once you get to sanctuary, the eridium black market dude sells sdu upgrades. more ammo capacity, more backpack storage, more bank storage.

Once you reach Sanctuary, you can spend Eridium to increase bag storage, ammo capacity, and grenade capacity. You also get a bank to store loot and a locker that can share items between characters.

At Sanctuary, spend your Eridium to increase bag storage, ammo capacity, and grenade capacity. Then get a bank to store loot and a locker that can share items between characters.

When does BL3 come out?