
I feel lonely in my free company. I don't want to leave it because I know these guys will be incredibly useful down the long road as they seem to be the top in leviathan but I can't connect with any of them. Half of these people sound like insufferable, Reddit-tier adults with how they type about shit. It's like, what are you, 40 years old? And why do people have to constantly talk about their real life, such as their jobs and marriage? It's like every fucking time. Shut the fuck up man. God I love this game but the people ruin it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


lmao. the person in my FC literally just said he was 40 years old too. what a fucking joke.

Focus more on finding a group of people you can have fun playing with. Even if they're good players, what's the point if you can't stand them as people?

Which FC are you in? I'm Levi too.

well at least you aren't stuck with IRL friends that dont even "play" the game

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It's called 'Dancer'

Find a new company or stop being a sperg and get over the fact that this entire game is normie bait

Bros someone keyed my car irl because I play red mage. I have my RDM and PLD window decals on my car and when I got out I saw it all fucked up with a note taped that said "just play BLM faggot". I knew BLM players were bad but this is some next level autistic bullshit. It's just a game.

I don't even know how to find an FC organically anymore. Can't just be expected to sit around Limsa all day waiting for somebody to take pity on me for being FC-less. If I'm not doing something with somebody, I'm going to go keep myself occupied, and zipping around crafting doesn't make me friends.

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>And why do people have to constantly talk about their real life, such as their jobs and marriage? It's like every fucking time
This so much. I hate this with a passion. Happens every single time in every private WoW server I've played. Also started to happen in a guild I was on retail Legion so I left too.

I'm currently in one I don't really feel like I connect with either. Same DC, diff server though.
I'm sticking around because I really like their FC house, and they are FAR less obnoxious than the previous one I tried.
I just don't know how to find a good one anymore without just jumping from FC to FC.

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>google fc

He said hes on Leviathan, which is a different Datacenter.

>running around FCless forever
>not a single invite

get tested for autism

What? I'm in Levi. I used to be in Mateus but I moved to Levi after careful consideration and I do not regret it one bit. Long ago when I started playing, I didn't really know much about XIV or the community on Yea Forums. So I turned to the general and asked which was the best server and they said Mateus. The "Dancer" guild is run by Princess Yuki and I'm sure it is on different servers as well, possibly. In Leviathan, they have like 7 different houses, max gil, and all that shit. I just assume it's a large group that's top so that's the only reason I don't want to leave.

I have 700k Gil. Should I buy a house? What's the best place to have one and what are the benefits?

user.. I think you're retarded

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>Join RP session
>RP as a dudebro
>People get mad and report me
But...isn't that the point of RP?

It's rough out here on the streets.
>tfw I meet people and talk to them but never get invited
>Have made more friends in Eureka from other servers than on my own server
Basically it's my destiny to be a friendless loser.

One time I got reported for roleplaying a Garlean sympathizer. People are retarded. GM scared the fuck out of me. Got Gaol'd by the GM, who told me what was up, before they started laughing, told me not to worry, and just let me out.


Which is more technical: summoner or samurai? Now that Scholar is in the shed I need to consider my DPS options. I already have summoner leveled,

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How hard is it to learn the spyro strat so late?

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My problem is that I don't play enough because I'm a semi casual scum and I'm busy playing other games when I get to end game.
I'm so used to being sarcastic and shitposting and it saddens me when people take me seriously. I make it really fucking obvious too.
You took the words out of my mouth with the boomer shit though. Holy shit everyone's a fucking normie hipster retard in Aether.

You don't have enough lmao.


>40 years old and still playing games
fucking sad and pathetic

An entire house will cost more like 3 mil for the smaller ones. You can stick things in it like repairmen and materia services and just have everything consolidated and together. On your own though, a house isn't much use besides something fun to decorate. FCs can get a lot more mileage out of them.

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You know the actual ResetEra FC is on Ultros, right?

I kept laughing my ass off everytime they got mad and it just encouraged me to be more dickish. I can't believe they couldn't seperate RP. It's boring when everyone's a goody goody secret mysterious killer.

>"wah my life is so shit that i escape from it in a mmo and i don't want to hear that other people playing this mmo are more successful in life than me"

have sex

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>successful in life than me"
Divorces sure sound successful

Found the 40 year old retarded boomer who is stuck in a shitty marriage and job.

In that case I'll just keep spending my money on slutglams

samurai is strike, summoner is technical. imagine it like S & T from symphonia

You can also dump loads of furniture in them and in their storage, if you hold onto that stuff. You could get an apartment for that as well.

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brb smoke 5 mins

All you do is go to the right side marker if you're most of the party. Go to the left side marker with the tether picked up if you're 4th/tank depending on which variant you used. Dodge stacked AOEs diagonally backwards and immediately run back to the marker. Wait for two explosions, not one. Run diagonally backwards again.

That's it.

You know whats worse? Couples. Fuck they're pretty obnoxious. Whatever, you're blind when you're in love I guess.

It's less that. It's more that...people are kinda boring and they get personal way too quickly.
I don't care about how much your job sucks or your wife sucks. I've only met you for a week dude.

Plus this. Almost every FC has that one depressed divorcee dude.
He's usually the FC leader.

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Remember to thank your tanks for their hard work.

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>get invited to FCs constantly
>don't want to turn them down
>pretend to AFK til the invite timer runs out

I haven't been in an FC in over a year, I've already forgotten how it even works. There's no point in joining one til the expansion is out anyways, they'll be pretty dead and have nothing to do til then.

Couples don't bother me. It's when the boyfriend gets all triggered because someone said something about his girlfriend that bothers me


yoshida said this when he visited my server years ago

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>be stuck on crystal dc
>currently doing orbonne as we speak
>it's fine, people are currently crying
>everyone throwing blame around
>we wiped once on mustadio
>twice to agrias
>once to dark crusader (healers can't handle noahionto spam)
>we're currently on attempt 6 of thunder god
>65 minutes left

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buy an apartment, they're 500k and won't go away if you decide to not resub for a while, unlike houses

you are now aware ascians are echo users

To be honest, the game needs some more organic tutorials built into the early job quests.

When they start nicknaming each other and get all pissy if we don't wait for their SO to get online it's fucking annoying.

That and it's another fucking FC leader gets a MMO girlfriend....

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>Now that Scholar is in the shed

What are you on about? SCH is looking to the strongest healer again.

>tfw comfy FC
the rare but good feel

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Wow that was close! The Paladin almost got that poor White Mage hurt!

That's nothing

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What do Viera smell like?

Did you tell them to stop wiping?

Reminder that if you ever leave Rhalgr's Reach or talk to another player outside of party chat you're automatically a tranny.

Old cum and the forest

>ogcd: the job
80 potency loss for every heal

>Tfw comfy FC
>But played a girl and too long in the role that I can't outright say I'm a guy without repercussions


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rabbit feed and sunflower seed

I hope Shadowbringers is balanced around these game-breaking rotations people have been thinking up.

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nobody thinks you're a girl irl

Couples are the worst. They're almost always baggage and their drama can cause issues.

I might just make a new character and pretend to be a newbie to get some friends...and actually have someone teach me how to do savage raids and extreme trials.

What server are you on?

Nice falseflag, RDM-kun.

>muh friends
Fuck off back to Crystal, tranny.

I had a similar experience on 4.5 release

ah the standard control scheme shitter

Yeah but I caused enough damage in that FC. I gotta keep up the lie even though they know it's false.

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the longer you keep up the lie, the more people will hate you. better to be honest now and make amends.

Yes, i feel like i have issues connecting with people in ffxiv compared to the younger days of my life, i feel like its ruining my ffxiv experience, where's the comfy everyday fc life i yearn for.. I've grown tired of this quiet journey alone.

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For anyone that's looking for something to do while waiting, take the mahjong pill

I'm on Aether.
Thanks though.

It's fun but it takes a little too long.

if you're on primal then I can be your comfy friend

>wipe to Dark Crusader

I don't believe you. I refuse to believe Healers can fail simple heal checks.

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Well...it's kinda dead now.
FC leader had a fight with his wife because she doesn't spend enough time with him so they broke up and she took half the FC with her. I don't know the whole story but I think the leader was a bit of a bitch. His new GF sucks too compared to his wife.

It wouldn't be bad. But honestly you get no rewards and it takes an hour long. Plus nobody really talks in mahjong and banters which is half the game. Most of the people who play it are
"XDDD idk what I'm doing lmaooo mahjong is sooooo hard. How do you guys do it???? :3"

>Try to make friends
>They were literally looking for friends
>they just act like fucking weirdos, never want to talk, never want to do anything, never want to keep in touch
Loner life is better desu

Everyone is either a hardcore end-game tryhard or annoying weeb roleplaying as a little girl.

>never want to talk, never want to do anything, never want to keep in touch
hey I wave at you time to time but it's hard to stop and chat because you got about 10 other people that want my lala ass messaging me.

>added someone on discord and we had a few good chats
>He deletes me off XIV and Discord
>I don't see him online at his favourite afk spot
>Last conversation was him talking about how depressed he was.

Fuck dudes....I don't know how to feel.

>IRL friends play game
>they're mostly bad and disorganized and lazy and always want to party together
Not looking forward to SHB raiding desu

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remember to clean out your inventory before shb

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You also have to understand that at that age you were basically role playing.

Fellow SMNbros, is it worth learning the apparently "2 minute" rotation centered around switching between Garuda and Ifrit for Contagion? Seeing as how it'll be obsolete within 3 weeks

I think I got a stalker in this game. Like within a minute of me logging in they private message me immediately. I sometimes pretend to AFK and then hop into a dungeon but the scary thing is that the minute I get out then they message me again. It's hard to be rude to them because they act nice and help me out with gil but come on man I want some alone-time now and then.

A-are you a girl?

Not him but wanna run Orbonne or something?

only content my friends literally do is maps, and i don't care about the gil, so its just braindead aoe rotation for me

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It takes so fucking long. I wish they would let us pick groups of items to move at the same time.

Nice try, but nobody wants to talk to lalafells.

Dubs and ill fantasia into a viera.

Are you bragging about 50k gil?

Holy shit. That's all I want to do in this game. Lucky

No, I'm literally a black guy. I also told them I'm a guy and made it obvious by my hood mannerisms.

I've set my bots on overdrive so don't worry I'll crash the gathering market with no survivors before SHB even comes out

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no i'm bragging about having a tidy inventory

How come the most fun thing in the game is treasure-maps?

Tank is a newbie and no one explained that mechanic to him. He is doing his job avoiding hitting the white mage.
Plus, healer should be behind Ramuh instead of the fucking front asking for a lightning buster to burn his ass.

Yeah it's true, games are way more fun when people talk

I don't need it but if you need help then I can assist. I'm not online right now but I can hop on in a bit.

Twink black guy or buff?

Sadly i'm not on that datacenter.

because they did a nice job designing them

>nobody wants to talk to lalafells.
I fucking wish man. I'm the dude with the stalker and I play as a lalafell.

I get a bit annoyed when I see people have chat disabled in that mode? Can people not actually handle any banter?

Does it really matter? The person has no idea what I look like IRL.

If your group lets non-tanks take the tethers, everyone in it is retarded and you should leave.

Tank is a newbie who knows how all the mechanics in the fight work, gathering orbs as MT and attempting to drop lightning on the healer in that video. Also has a weapon that takes a good amount of work to get. But they don't seem to understand any skills at all. Almost like they just watch videos and assume that's all they need to know.

This is your Duty Finder group in ShB. Say something nice about them.

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How do you pick a class/role to main

Where do I find Lalafell wife?


Isn't that weapon just a zenith? How is that hard to get?

It matters to ME

Sly is that you

I get it.
Nobody wants to be friends with an Elezen, is that it?

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For a game that's 90% one-shot mechanics, would it hurt to have something like this?

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Obviously, they're in this thread right now.

Well I'm a fucking hairy skeleton if you're wondering.

I thought it might have been a later one, but I don't remember for sure. It was a pain to get back in the day, but it's probably easier now.

Try everything and if their basic functions don't appeal to you at all move onto the next role. If you don't like how a DPS plays, pick a different one. Unfortunately you need to level Arcanist to 30 to try out Scholar as a healer.

Man Ninja is actually pretty hard to play optimally when it looks so easy at a glance

Treasure maps are my number 2. I mostly just spam mentor roulette all day though because I like total trainwreck runs


It's the opposite usually. No one will talk to me/emote at me unless I'm a lalafell.

Gonna use the free login period this weekend to get ready


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Hi, I'm back. We finally abandoned after try 8. At least we got to the second Duskblade that time.

Also, I've tried explaining the mechanics like they're 5. It never stuck.
>analysis wipes all of alliance C, 3 of B, 1 of A
>mt (B) panics and accidentally gets the rest of A cleaved, along with 2 more of B.
>healers are dead, but they still have a rdm
>rdm walks into a mine and dies
>A and B's tanks both get into a hatestealing dick measuring contest
>A manages to steal aggro just in time for the tank buster
>only he was right behind Agrias at the time
>all but a few stragglers near the edges get cleaved and die
>agrias picks off the rest of the raid
>second try, we get to her dps check
>B starts screaming that everyone needs to get the fuck over and focus their add
>everyone does
>and drags their adds with them
>alliance c doesn't use the shields when the AoE starts flying
>fail dps check
>dark crusader
>fail the gatelocking phase
>adds spawn
>pick off adds
>apparently healers burned mp spamming aoe attacks like holy on adds
>noahionto spam kills us all
>thunder god
>tanks die to the first doom
>we get picked off after that
>get to first shadowblade
>C drops theirs in the same spot
>wipe from bleeds
>this time B fucks up the first shadowblade
>first duskblade
>C thought you only needed one person on each
>get to dps check
>B once again screams to focus on their add
>once again, everyone fucking does
>once again, they drag their adds with them
>aoes stack, two thirds of the alliance dies
>tanks dies to the first doom again
>make it to the dps check again
>all but one healer of A is already dead
>fail dps check
>get past dps check
>C fucks up shadowblade again
>duskblade finishes us off because too few people are alive
>we finally abandon

Are we doing this AGAIN?

In theory it's pretty easy.
Execution, there's so many fucking stuff you have to keep an eye on. I still fuck up chi ten jin

Since when do we have 5 man dungeons?

Glad to know I'm not the only one who does mentor roulette for fun. Trying to salvage a group of DF idiots who queued for thordan ex is always entertaining

Owari da...

Nah, I just enjoy the chaos. Helping some people run roulettes at the moment though.

Honestly I'd love to just play FFXIV with some comfy friends but everyone I used to play with either changed datacenter or stopped playing. I have a hard time justifying playing it alone when there are so many other games better for a forever-alone single player. It's at the point now where I just log in occasionally so the FC house doesn't get demolished and to send my Squadron on missions.

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waiting for male viera

Yeah, trick being a 60s CD feels fucking sanic as fuck when you have to juggle all the other shit to upkeep as well

Are people actually getting excited for Bless AGAIN?

>spend all day in Limsa shitposting
>People don't get it and think I'm serious
>I keep doubling down because they keep taking the bait
>Start realizing almost everyone in the data center probably hates me.

...I don't know how to feel.



make some friends faggot

Binding Coils was incredibly rad, I wish I could've been around when everyone was still training for, and running it
Except Nael, fuck Nael

Wait. Isn't that literally a BLM weapon model from XIV?

Nobody wants to be friends in this game unless you ERP with them, are a hardcore parse tranny or a braindead casual scum.
There is no intermediate for semi-normalcy.

>250 views after 4 days
Doesn't look like it. Even the average consumer isn't THAT stupid.

>tfw in a FC with just a couple of my buddies
>leader of the FC is a neet who autismos everything
>rich enough to fund everyone

Feels good. I was in a FC before that was so fucking weird. Nonstop drama, backstabbing, and terrible leadership so I'd pass for anything that's not small at this point.

It's not fair.

>Can't just be expected to sit around Limsa all day waiting for somebody to take pity on me for being FC-less
That's actually surprisingly common

>when your mentor queue pops and it says that 45 minutes has passed
You just know your in for a wild ride

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become lalafell

Is he on crystal?
But no. I'm not Oliver.
Honestly, I should probably stop it's so satisfying when they take the bait though.

I do get depressed when I realize I have no friends on the game though and because of my shitposting will make it hard to get any friends.

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I know it is, an user told me I should do that yesterday, but it feels like such a waste of time for a maybe. I'd rather just keep myself busy and hope I get lucky some other way.

is this going to kill XIV?

The only people I can think of who are notoriously disliked on Crystal are Gothic Dolly and Ikigai Mol.

I'll be friends with you user as long as your giraffe is blue or cute looking.

Literally find another group.

just play BLM faggot

Oh I'm not on crystal. What did they do?

Neither of these things.

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XIV is going to kill itself because it's just repeating all the shitty mistakes Blizzard made.
Endless simplification, dumbing down jobs, making everything soloable, catering to cash shop pay pigs over making a decent game.
ARR = Classic, HW = TBC, SB = WotLK, SHB = fast forwarding to WoD.

Gothic Dolly is a massive sperglord and Ikigai is a fujoshit who does tumblr rants in Ul'dah /shout on Balmung so pretty much everyone who frequents it has learned to dislike them both by now.

How often do you actually get to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat with those goobers?

yh ok

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Are there any FCs on Lamia for Lala respectors


What’s wrong with being older and playing video games? Does your age mean you’re no longer qualified to enjoy a hobby?


oh yes I love persona5 royal exclusive to the nintendo switch


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Because you say shit like this.

WoW is "strong" too but it's a dead game to anyone with a functioning brain.

I have the opposite problem. I play an elezen and too many people want to be friends with me, to the point of being clingy.

at least they didn't do this with pve actions haha...

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Whatever you have to do to cope.

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Usually only with ARR ex primals. I've salvaged one nidhogg ex group because the group was pretty competent they just didn't know the mechanics. Any ex past ARR that's not Bismark is a no go almost always unless half the group drops and is replaced by even more mentor roulette dudes

Everybody else got their notification mail for Shadowbringers pre-order payment?


I could actually do with some clingy friends right now. Being a loner is a drag.

3 looks good except for the shitty highlights.

what the fuck are you on about, making friends is not that hard

They need something for 6.0.

yep, gonna be great summer bro

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t. Mateus erp'er

Please just let me skip the first two phases of Tsukuyomi. They're just rp filler and wastes a ton of time when farming her.

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>power slash animation is kill

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I disagree. I don't know. Most of the people are insufferable and most FCs feel like a cult than a group of pepe.

>than a group of pepe

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Not him, but my giraffe is blue and I think she looks cute.

It's a fucking extremely low rate of success, most people who queue ex through DF might as well be braindead. I've made a lot of friends though with the players who actually want to learn and are willing to listen which is also really rare

nice try you sperg

I just got to chatting with people I've done stuff with in PF, sometimes it sticks and you actually get to make friends. Don't exclusively talk with massive casuals and novice network.

>he said, projecting maximum cope.

Just play the game and b urself I played with a retired vet and never once did he use his age as an excuse for anything he'd just say "ah darn I messed up let me study this a bit more and I'll get back to ya"
He's dead now but he was a cool guy

just come out already you fucking tranny

Normal people don't play giraffes or roes.

Attached: GIRAFFE.jpg (1920x1080, 680K)

Want to become invisible to 99% of players? Be like me, the genius who plays a brick wearing proper heavy armor like Hydaelyn intended. Only fellow non-barafag brick players will communicate with you, mostly via /greet, /point and /joy.

>tfw solo player so most thing I'm excited about is soloing old content at level 80

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Steam is such a dick service that they took my $40 right away from my card the second after I pre-ordered, this was months ago.

>be rdm
>doma castle
>get to insane doom-roe
>ast dies
>verraise him
>ast bitches that my job is dps, not healer
>ast accepts the revive anyway

Next expansion bro...

Normal people don't play MMO's, your opinion is null and void.

Not a tranny. Just like roleplaying as a girl online.

But yoshi said RDM is for support not dps and that's why he doesn't want my dps to be competitive

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>tfw just beat T12 this morning
How are they gonna explain smn getting phoenix
How are they gonna justify letting the wol flaunt the existence of a rebirth primal to everyone within dick reach of crystals this smells like disaster

They're not wrong. You're supposed to leave healing to the healer. You should've let them raise the guy, instead of wasting MP doing it yourself.

t. annoying lalafell redditor

Yoshida said that he's never going to bring PvP rotations to PvE because that would defeat the purpose of the hard mechanics.


How is the AST gonna rez himself

tsundere ast...

my brother

The same way they explained Demi-Bahamut.

Which is they won't and you'll just get the summon at level 80.

T9 was one of the best encounters in the game, fuck off.

You learned how to summon bahamut so you're strong enough to tame a phoenix and that's what you do. That's the job quest for SMN.

>run orbonne as dps
>tank chest drops all the time, tank always takes it
>run orbonne as tank
>2x sam chest 2x healer chest

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It would be if NA hadn’t bungled it

Phoenix can't actually bring the dead back to life, can it?
Besides, nobody ever tried summoning Eureka before those guys at Val, and he apparently can do literally anything with enough aether.

they didn't explain the bahamut thing so why would they explain phoenix


what does Yea Forums think about the new healer changes

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They said they're going to leave as much of the lore up to your interpretation this time as possible for the sake of roleplay.

Try being a BRD/MCH for that when it's a glam set EVERYONE wants because it's Balthier's outfit. I've seen ragequits because the MCH/BRD rolled Need and others missed out.

boo fucking hoo

How bad is he going to fuck up this time?

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I never keep up with news, why is this ffxii bunny bitch keep being posted?

safe to say we'll be having less helmets and hats for a while thanks to the 2 new races

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Because she's a part of the ivalice questline and Viera is the new race

viera new playable class in expansion

That's one ugly rabbit

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FFXII is now part of FFXIV. So is Nier.

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Bahamuts aether spread throughout eorzea. people who were in eorzea during the calamity are theoretically capable to dreadwyrm trance. Same thing with Pheonix. He spread his aether to eorzea

>Used to play 1.0 with my cousin
>Look up we're already at 5.0.
>He's now 6'2 and quit playing
>Still 5'10 and fat.

Where the fuck does the time go?

Will sell himself and Alisaie to slavery by some crazy Garlean contract and we'll have to do a bunch of crazy shit to bail them out, at which point they'll reward us with a threesome.
Okay, that last part was wishful thinking.

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ff14 has bunny bitches now

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Retarded zoomer who probably wasn't even born when the last good single player FF game came out, leave this game and play Minecraft with your underage friends that you don't have.

I think BLM is the biggest fucking pain in the ass job to play, making a turret class in a game like this was a fucking mistake

You'll actually just do sandbagged DPS by virtue of how movement intensive the fucking fights can be

>Tank is a total noob with even the sprout mark
>Somehow they have a relic
Or is that one of the early stage ones?

>So is Nier
Don't fucking remind me, I think this will be the first questline I skip in its entirety. What were these people smoking?

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Sad thing is, despite the numbers going up, the game keeps getting worse.

Do you think Alisaie wants to hold hands with WoL?

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It's kind of weird but as long as it just isn't all Automata shit I am happy.

Nigga what

>playing cuck job

You deserved it desu.

but user thats where all the fun is

>missing out on taro’s wild ride
You went full pleb

>Phoenix can't actually bring the dead back to life, can it?
No, but Phoenix did shove all of its own and all of Bahamut's aether into the planet to restore the damage done by the Calamity.

Why are you still on Crystal?

I think I might just quit honestly, I'm a borderline NEET I have my degree and a job coding sites but it feels like a lot of the time I spend organizing statics and events for my server I could just be putting somewhere better.
Shit sucks because SB was the first time I really felt "meh" about the game since 1.3.

Sin Eaters are actually a branch of the Legion

If any automata characters actually show up its straight into the garbage bin

Wait, is that what those orange messages I see are? Or are those going to everyone? I saw them at Limsa and Ul'dah.

It's kind of this I fear it will be completely Automata related, and Automata was an irredeemable piece of shit.

As a fellow autist who has both at 70, summoner is far more technical and punishing.

if you quit the game you will come back later

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That's people shouting. The autists in limsa love to do it because they're attention whoring and want everybody to know

1.0 Titan could.

>implying the NPC quest giver won't be that annoying fucking kid
They can't help themselves, it's the hot new property of the franchise and they'll milk it every step of the way.

I'll be glad when the Ishgard rebuilding is done so the Warrior of Light can leave that boring hellhole behind for good.

Ah, gotcha. I'll just ignore that shit then.

I only played Nier Gestalt and absolutely fucking loved it but never touched Automata for some reason.

please stop using satania for this kind of shitposting

Who doesn't frankly

that implies any of the other stuff was good too. awful gameplay and shitty "muh endless suffering" stories.

Automata is great. Don't listen to Yea Forums contrarians.

It's alright. Some dudes have hateboners for it because it was popular. I can guarantee they wouldn't exist if it stayed niche like gestalt

Not sure what's worse. Being a tranny or a gigantic faggot pretending to be a girl online for attention.

>player made quests
>that boob jiggle
How could XIV ever compete?!?

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Would be completely fine actually, would condense moves you're not going to fucking use put of order so you cam have room for more abilities

>Do Duty Roulette; Trial
>Explain the fight for newcomers and people who haven't done it in awhile.
>Get no commendations


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There are certain characters shitposters don't stop ruining their image, Satana is one of them and same with my pic. I never seen someone use this Erika image and it not be some really awful opinion or falseflag.

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Well, you ain't missing much. People will try to claim it's great because they fapped themselves raw to 2B, but the game is all style and no substance and the style is drab, grey and not stylish at all.

2 > 1 > 3 > 4

>watch ARR trailer before starting free trial
>just find it extremely confusing and uninteresting compared to Heavensward's
>rewatch it now that I actually know what the fuck is going on
Goddamn, literally impossible to top

The Nier 24 man is going to age like fucking milk as times go on

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What was confusing about Bahamut destroying everything and the good guys failing to contain him?

>be nice to people just to get commendation
it's a good thing you didn't get comms

I'll be friends with you, I love giraffes!

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2B does look good but I hate how everyone just likes her without the dress even though she looks a lot better with the skirt than just the leotard.

It's trying to capitalize on the popularity of some overhyped trash that was popular with porn artists for a month and some change two years ago, it's already aged.

NieR will be about as canon to XIV as FFXV and MH was. Which is to say it won't be, it's just a cameo raid

Any tips for a complete greenhorn on how to tank properly? You just pretty much keep aggro on you and keep the enemies facing away from everyone else, right?
This is my first proper MMO and I just wanna make sure I don't massively fuck up.

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Reminder that Hydaelyn is a good mommy and anyone who says otherwise is Ascian scum.

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>t. faggot that thinks its good cause TOOBIE ASS

3 is the best you just gotta lose the twilight sparkle hair

Fucking not really, i would rather yave a difficult rotation than the inconveniently slow turret shit BLM has. This really sucks because i like BLM as a class im FF games but i have no desire to play this one. RDM is awesome to but ALAS it's fucking braindead. Yoshi can't fucking do anything right

>no ultimate dreadwyrm/ultimate ARR relics for GNB/DNC so if i dab on bahamut at lv. 80 GNB it'll just be for other jobs' weapons

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I have heard no arguments on why it's actually bad but this isn't the thread for it.

t. faggot

Then they should've made an event, not force it into the game over an entire patch cycle with important gear and items gated behind it so that people can't just decide not to do it.
They'll do the Ivalice thing where they'll adapt it to be canon in-universe and then suddenly we'll have self-aware androids running around this world where pay say shit like "must needs". It's gonna be a disaster.

>People are actually disappointed at Nier raid
Wow...stop being contranarians for one day. Maybe then you'll stop being such a fag

Your enthusiasm worries me.

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When did I ever mention her ass you massive shitposting faggot? I've been a Taro fan since Drakengard, and Automata is just a great fucking game.

Haha fuck no, stop joking like that. Dont let Yoshi ruin NieR too

Are there dual sushi chef knives or cleavers?
I want to find one as glamour for my NIN.

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Calling people contrarians is also not an argument, Automatadrone-kun.

>be clumsy healer who got the party wiped twice in Deepcroft Hard due to fucking up mechanics, and messing up my healing
>still get all the commends
I'm still confused about that, and suspect I was so incompetent it made them feel retard moe

>do the feast
>the whm and blm are not doing anything and are obvious alts
nice win trading cancer, just give me my golden horse so I can forget about the feast

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>we'll have self-aware androids running around this world
We already have mammets.

keep agro
press defensive cooldowns
don't cleave the party

shits pretty braindead unless you're a mouthbreather. if you're actually doing raid content you can use tank stance as a crutch until you man the fuck up and actually learn how to rotate your cooldowns

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>trannies having a nuclear meltdown in the modding discord because someone made a Garlean Armband

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she seems fishy to me

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A combo system like Aion would be neat tho.

Top chain are part of the same key combo, but bottom chain are skill outside of it that you have to push.
So it would be something like
1 > 1 > 1
1 > 2
1 > 1 > 3 > 3

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Not an argument shit eater. Go jerk off to 2b more you chronic masturbation addict.

I'm honestly surprised the RP community hasn't already gotten together and "banned" Garlean roleplayers.

The internet isn't close-knit unless you find friends elsewhere. otherwise they treat you like business associates because you could report them and ruin their online fun at any time if they don't.

Picture if you weren't some guy on Yea Forums and instead some resetera screecher. Talking to you straight would result in them probably losing their account. So they don't, because they don't know what you're comfortable with.

If this bothers you, you have to find someplace where you already know the limits of the people who're there.

If you loved NieR Gestalt, Automata is an EASY buy, seriously, you're missing out. That game was magic, unironically the best game i have played in years

Jesus christ, I've had shit players but it sounds like you had the perfect shit storm.

wiping to agrias is just sad, although a tank did something similar with her cleave to me one time.


Fantastic shit.

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Did I say contrarian? I said I heard no actual argument on why it's bad only that you used 2Bs ass like matters.

>The worst tank is Vann

Fucking jej.

Updated version

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It's really easy, yeah. Not all moves can be stunned but you can low blow most mobs and bosses so you dont have to constantly move out of the aoes. Cycle your defense cooldowns instead of popping them all at once, if you pull big then you can go with with rampary+something else.
There's nothing to fear.

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you never no. many things in the drakengard/nier world is either a throway mention like aliens invading the either thousands of years into the future. With alternate dimensions, you never know with Taro

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>Just no. This is the opposite of what any Garlean needs.
What exactly do these faggots think Garleans are like? Every single one we've met has been a hardcore nationalist.

>Didnt even mention her ass
>Still spergs out

Consider that you don't even play 2B for the majority of the game you fucking faggot

based nyaughty, the only good modder left

It was probably a premade group.

Cleavers, yes. Closest thing toa sushi knife was the tonberry knife, but that was only for culinarians as an offhand

Surprisingly I can't jack off to Yoko taro'a characters. I honestly don't know what it is

whats the big deal with a garlean armband
like a nazi armband?

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You sound cool, let's be bros.


I actually think it's pretty fuckin stupid that Fire 4/Enochian/Blizzard 4 take seperate slots. Playing some PVP having them all take one slot and it be contextual feels way better.

Its been ages since i play the game and even longer since i did ramuh. What should i be seeing here?

Closest that comes to mind are the Tremor Cleavers (titan wep) and Direwolf Cleavers (pvp wep)

Well far be it from me to doubt a fellow Elezen.

that place is filled with a bunch of crabby people, fucking whiny limp wristed bitches


I don't see anything wrong with it

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Maintaining proper enmity control is just as much the party's responsibility as it is yours. Every job comes with an aggro dump for a reason. Once you've established aggro with a rotation or two, swap over to your dps stance.

Always keep the boss facing away from the party, even if the boss doesn't have any frontal cleaves. Not only is it kosher and good practice all around, but you're also helping your melee bros with their positionals.

Use your cooldowns properly. See a tankbuster, use self-mitigation. See a raidwide (or know one is approaching), pop a raidwide defensive CD. Don't go burning everything at once, make sure you have a proper cooldown rotation. First-hand experience will let you feel out what to use and when, as you do specific fights more and more.

Only other thing to really worry about is tankswapping with your Off Tank in certain fights. Once they use Provoke, Shirk them immediately to give them a nice buffer zone. Do NOT continue any sort of rotation until you do so, or you will most likely rip aggro right back to yourself.

Other than that, you'll gain more confidence and experience by fucking up on your own.

>Faggot futa modders trying to bring their dumb twitter beef into these threads for brownie points.

Fuck off back to /vg/ faggots.

>leveling my DRK
>spamming Ifrit normal cause it's my first time playing a tank and want some practice with something easy
>keep getting all the recommends
Help I can't stop.

Garleans are nationalist as fuck and these trannies still try and RP as them, l m a o

Oh my fucking sides

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>only press mudra once
>still turns into a bunny


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Try and keep your gear up to date while leveling

Reminder that it affects the Ardent Rings so you can literally glam that on and even if you aren't using the mod you're guaranteed to get angry tranny /tells.

What's your team?

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My dick, oh lord.

It's probably the most braindead role next to healing.

My FC is nice, most of the off-hours are just shooting the shit and watching pirated anime

Hard choice between Alphinaud and Urianger but Thancred and Minfilia are 100% picks.

Which cleavers? Some other user said tremor cleavers. Are there any others?

Why were they the only good characters in stormblood?

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Post your bard ui layouts or just lost your ui layouts in general, I need ideas

Here's the EZ tank guide


Spam your AoE enmity generator 2-3 times, then use your resource generator once or twice, rinse and repeat. Eventually move up to pulling more enemies and doing that while also popping defensive cooldowns


In your enmity stance, use your enmity combo once or twice, then switch to DPS stance and blow it up as hard as possible (while doing mechanics of course)

If you liked gestalt you'll most likely enjoy automata I'd highly recommend it

Should I just start from scratch if the account I used to have has a main class that I no longer like playing

My highest level was only 34

They weren't.

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good bottom for bliaud?

I want to do twins and Minfilia, but don't want to tank, will need to decide between Minfilia or Alisaie, and both have a dynamic with one or the other party member

What happens when they run out of final fantasies to steal from?

They weren't. The cringy shit in that Au Ra questline was tailor made for RPfags.
Reminder that the lore book details on Xaela tribe that marries their own fucking horses.

Thanks anons. Hope I do you proud.
That's what I hear, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I do intend to dip my toe into the other Jobs when I'm able.

They go into other square properties and scholars take a real dark turn.

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there's giantsquall cleavers and I think there are some actually steel cleavers from a dungeon drop but I dont know which dungeon it was. ARR for certain, though.

urine, mini, chadcred

>Reminder that the lore book details on Xaela tribe that marries their own fucking horses.

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No, alts are unnecessary in this game, if you don't like a class than just change class
You might want to restart if you want to slowly get into the story again though

Don't leave Hien hanging like that bro

Teenfilia and the twins, unless tanking is as boring in the expansion as I'm 99% sure it's gonna be.

We already know from Nier being the next 24man, they'll just steal from other Square stuff. So in a few expansions, get ready for a Chrono Trigger kingdom of Zeal (Floating Islands > Ocean Palace > Black Omen > Lavos final boss) 24 man.

Just level another class real quick. Your other classes level 2x faster until the level of your highest leveled job. It doesn't take long to get up to 34

Wasted potential. Everything after doma castle was retarded.

>probably can't wear Amon's hat as bunny

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I have so many questions

You're not even worth talking to because you completely missed the entire point of his character you speedreading nigger.

No that's a cat past her prime. This is a Viera.

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Tsuyu was a shit character that ruined his arc. Dont reply to me.

Sure, that's not a huge loss really

if you do, please use my Recruit a Friend code as im 3 feathers away from the fucking amber chocobo: X3C7EWZJ

Just another day on the Steppe.

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Remember it's already confirmed the trusts change per dungeon because of the MSQ, they've already said Thancred isn't around for the 71 dungeon for example.

>past her prime

As DPS, Clearly Thancred and either Urianger or Alphy. Gonna take Alisae with me every time.

Garleans are scum though

Who cares? You could say that about anyone. Everything after Doma Castle was the Lyse Show followed by the Alisae Show.

Pleae let me know what I'm in for. I ended up making a Xaela that was a part of the miner tribe. How bad does it get?

Garleans are the best. Gaius van Baelsar did nothing wrong.

who tf is gonna tank then?

34 isn't high so if you want to change server or race, do it now. If not, just switch class, you are expected to level more than one.

Hopefully they'll put some of that stellar world building to use.

Hien was fucking garbage and he ruined Yugiri. That's why he got shoved off into fuckboy corner with the ishgard leader during the negotiations.

Surely this won't be a controversial question, but what server should I play on?

>an anime sandbox MMO
Tell me more?
>from Nexon
and dropped

Fuck off Livia

Balmung. It's low pop and needs more players.

That is the question.

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Another angry savage that can't compete with the true chads of this star

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Hien is p cool guy too tho
Also, Hancock is a real G, don't @ me

Whatever server the game offers, it'll almost certainly be a preferred one which will give you 15 extra days for reaching level 30

Badmung is the only right answer. It pisses the most people off.

It's true though.
Gaius was always the protagonist of XIV. Everyone else is secondary.

Shit taste. Yugiri was always walking mediocrity.

Xaela lore is probably the second worst lore in the game, only marginally better than suncats.
Their arc in the MSQ reads like a fucking VN with romance-related shenanigans and you carrying literal piles of dung in one particular quest that is MANDATORY.
Plus, I wasn't kidding about the horse thing. See . At least one Xaela tribe marries and fucks horses.

>Flaming Arrow
holy shit take me back

Alisaie show was pretty good though

Question, would I, for example have to be BLM to get Garo mounts with the Makai Black Mage Title equipped?

Are you fucking shitting me? For the love of fuck, I thought they'd be more like the fucking Mongols not that shit.
Is the shitiness at least isolated to a select few tribes, or do all of them suck ass? I just wanted to make a miner dragon dude.

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I'm in that too dude.

meanwhile the Raen


XIV needs more open world content and alternative means of gearing that don't come from instances, stones, crafts, relics or tokens.

>What about our Garlean RPers trying not to look like Nazis?

Do they not realize Garleans are basically inspired by Nazis, act like Nazis and operate like them? They conquer territory because they want a one true race. They put other races in camps. They perform human experimentation. If someone is like "Oh man Garleans are so cool I wish I was a Garlean" I dont think they'd actually take offense to being called a Nazi.

Hoary McFucking Boulder of course

no you just have to have the title

>Chrono Trigger kingdom of Zeal (Floating Islands > Ocean Palace > Black Omen > Lavos final boss) 24 man.

Wouldn’t be a huge stretch to fit a version of that into the existing mage war lore.

Are you seriously so fucking autistic that you can't handle people talking about things outside of the game? Do you seriously get triggered by people mentioning that they have a life outside of it? Good thing you will never procreate.

Of course. Not saying it wasn't, Hien just never got his chance to shine. You can call it wasted potential, sure, but at no fault of his own charaxter.

>53 dungeon is in one of the starting zones of ShB
>No dungeon entrance to the 51 dungeon seen on any earlier map during Media Tour
>YFW first dungeon is a 4-person version of the crystal tower that leads into us going into the 1st.

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Check the FCs discord, i'm in the same FC as you.

I once asked why we didn't get the gunblades (this was back in early post-stormblood) and the judge armor.

I got reported for being a facist.

Oh oh.
RIP that dude.

>tfw we now have both of those

There are a couple of fun tribes, and while their lore is bad the later parts of their section of the MSQ are pretty fun.

I mean, the horsefucking is just one tribe and it's definitely as bad as it gets, but most of them have a quirk of some kind. At best you're part of the one tribe what doesn't keep any women around and gives babies away if they're born female.
And like I said female suncats have it way worse than you.

>live so isolated so that not even Garlemald knows you're there
>no fighting for power every few years like a bunch of savages where a lot of people die for no good reason at all
>don't live in the ruins of a better society
>no horse fucking
They're doing good. Now that they trade with the outside world from the safety of their sea bubble it's probably even better down there.

Only thing I hate about 5.0 scholar is constellation is weak as fuck.


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>but futa
rent free faggot

I just wanted him to DM me, if he wants someone to hang with i'd gladly hang

>tenzen never even got to see her human form, let alone ride her rebirthing cloaca for everything it was worth

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How long can I wait to pre-order and still get early access?

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Okay cool thanks

>Not posting the new viera image of a chocolate bunny stretching her asshole on character creator


Pretty sure you could get it day-of and still get it, but dont quote me on that.

>And like I said female suncats have it way worse than you.
I feel compelled to ask, since I know virtually jack about the suncats in general.

Why does English Seiryu sound like Van Kraken from Illegal Danish?

>just a boring reference that meant nothing

Hey faggot, you aren't welcome here any more. Go play with your elf.

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female suncats have to breed with either their dad, son or uncle due to low male birth rates. personally, i think its worse for female hrothgar


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Hi Jd.

Am I wrong though? half the people in that server are futa musclefags.

Why would you bring that shit into the Yea Forums threads you autistic squirrel.


Hoky fuck these garlean trannies need to be gassed.

Every suncat was born in a semi-nomadic tribe as a haremette to an alpha male that breeds with all the females of the tribe, including older daughters of his and first degree family members (i.e. his sisters). Women also do all the hunting and heavy lifting, as they're seen as disposable because of being so much more common. And if the next alpha male is a brother, uncle, etc, they're expected to carry his children too.
They are, all the way to the last, essentially breeding slaves.

I mean there doesn't seem to be anything stopping a female suncat from marrying into another tribe, and large tribes have multiple nunh which should help mitigate the incest somewhat

Well damn. That's kinda fucked.

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nyaughty is so based desu him and the lala that make animal dicks are the only modders I still like

Imagine using your WoL powers to cuck all the Nunh's out of existence and forming a private army of breeding sows.

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Suncats are basically just like lions in social structure


imagine the smell

Early stage ARR.

God I wish that were me.

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Would Thancred approve of me seducing his now teenage daughteru?

Seriously why make this thread complaining about having nobody to hang with and then dodge people that are willing to hang with you. I'm always down to play with people brew. I joined like a week ago though.

Anyone on Primal wants an odder otter?
Can you even trade stuff with the world visit thing?

most likely

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Tfw I just run my own FC and have been recruting people and it's been fun as fuck having people to play with and I can do whatever since i'm the boss

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That should be the ending.

I think she spends time before falling asleep thinking up scenarios where she can hang out with you.

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Well to be honest it is weird. I would but didn't expect it through Yea Forums.

ritsu a SHIT

>Alisaie will be at just the right height to give my ShB character standing cunnilingus

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That's going to be fucking awkward.

It's ok because they are quite happy with their lives. At least they aren't male cats.

Quit being a baby and DM me on discord dude. I literally play MMOs just to chill with people.

>left FC on gilgamesh
>few friends that used to play are working night shifts now so i can never play with them anymore
anyone got a good FC here? I was in flame and farrons legion and theyre both fucking shit

Are there any well populated preferred servers with good economies or is it like wow where they are all completely dead? I want to get off Gilgamesh before the 4 hour shadowbringers queue times but I still want to be able to actually sell some shit on the marketboard.

I'm excited to see the downgrade.

I hope more people start trickling back as we get closer to the release. I've only been able to recruit three new people for our FC in the last two weeks and only one has showed interest in our static group.

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go back to BFA if you want your hand held.

Go to Mateus.

>they are quite happy with their lives
It's called conditioning. That life is the only life they know.

>Log in
>Playing a female tank
>Ten FC invites in ten minutes

>be tank
>tank chestplate drops
>already wearing it from glamour dresser
>roll need anyway
eat shit

Attached: 1545538579687.png (394x420, 137K)

That can't be real

Did you even do Kurenai's deliveries? Sui-no-Sato is a fuckin' shithole on the verge of collapse before you step in and do literally everything for them.

Alright eventually. How long have you been playing?

Happiness is happiness, ignorance is bliss. Not everyone gets to be a rich fat cat in an fancy suspended city.

Define "good?" As in not dead or their raid scene?

Since the launch of 2.0. But I never got into the game until Stormblood. I'm likely going to play a ton once Shadowbringers comes out. I really felt like Stormblood was really lacking outside of the cool ass Trials and Sigmacape/Deltascape

Why would you want Alisaie to get throat cancer?

Nope. I'm kinda new, user.

Nice meme

>muh throat cancer
eating pussy is worth it.

>mfw heard zenos’ english va for the first time
Holy fuck dubfags how can you stand this

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Oh whoops, I replied to the wrong guy, my bad.

It's just an armband. I don't understand, am I retarded?

>GaRlEaNs ArE nAzIs!!!!1 REEEeeEeEEEEeeE

Nazis wore armbands.

I hope it's called AWWNB, buddy

Damn what a cuck.

>oh no no, adults aren't allowed entertainment!

So do captains in most team sports. Are they nazis?

>these people are playing the same game that I play

It's not but it should be, buddy

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Why is everyone telling me DRK is in the cuckshed?

I liked him because his voice was like a Yea Forums shitposter doing bane's voice

I hate this fucking strat so much because it's based off of PUGs being so fucking retarded and useless.
It's better to:
>Party go to 2nd orbs that spawn
>Stand close to boss
>As AOE marker cast completes and they appear at everyone's feet, the 2nd orbs will explode
>You can now run out immediately to dodge out to the safe spot, or continue doing DPS and wait for 3rd orbs to explode before dodging out
>Granted Hot Tail tether isn't being pointed at you, you will now be alive
>Maximizes DPS uptime and is the safest strategy
>All it takes is for people to not be completely braindead retarded

But not like it matters anymore since SB Savage is babymode easy.

I don't remember when I started. I played very rarely until this year. Now this is all I play and I'm addicted. I love the game but I'm still learning a lot of things along the way. Eventually when I'm as good as Princess Yuki I might just say fuck it and make my own FC.

Where the Levifriends at?

>he doesn't like burying his face in some puss

I generally give comms based on race favoritism, than skill, and than who was the least faggy.

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>it's just a swastika!

Yugiri is perfect.

why you do this to me, user..

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Eh, that's nothing.
Back on old Aether these sorts of parties were common.
I remember a run of Rabanastre that couldn't get passed the 2nd boss no matter how hard they tried, and it disbanded with 30 minutes to go.
This was more than a month in to the patch.

Go home DJ Khaled.

Which race tho

Pretending you don't know what they were trying to imply with the armband is as stupid as outright hating it.

Park in Gridania

I don't make friends because I'm a tranny and I play a lolifell so I trigger both /pol/ and SJWs.
I just play boomer games with my PSO friends like a chad while we shitpost about war games and anime

i need the 2000 gil

It's worse than that.

It doesn't clearly state that a tank should always take the tether. Instead of one person consistently doing the mechanic, you have six people who each have a random chance of doing it. They don't get to practice it reliably, they might not have had to do it in like 20 pulls, and if they fuck it up, you have to start all over.

Having whoever's 4th do the mechanic instead of just passing the tether to one of the tanks is the stupidest shit in the world, and given how fucking inconsistent it is, I have no idea how it became the PUG strat. Your run can be ruined by any individual person being retarded, instead of just needing to rely on one tank, who has done this several times, to not fuck it up.

I'm so fucking triggered every time I see it.

Sounds a hell of a lot better than Generic Japanese Bad Guy Voice #5.

Stop having them be closed

>tfw want to play
>forgot my password
>forgot the password to the email I was using also
>don’t have the same phone number so I can’t recover it

Feels bad man

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I can't wait to see Yoko Taro destroy XIV

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It's pretty good. Not that you'd know what good is after having your brain corroded with the shrieking the Japanese call "talking".

Do you like my character v?

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There's a park in Gridania?

a guy this happy deserves a more dignified haircut desu

And sell your materia. Seriously, if that shit hasn't crashed by now, it will. Get in while it's still good.

Behind CRP guild


Looks like he takes shit on the streets of San Fran.

>In yet another Levi FC with a clique
>Only the leaders do shit together
>FC Chat and Discord dead
>Want to quit but don't want to lose FC buffs for ShB launch
This is painful.

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Thanks, I made him with the idea of making a guy who looks like he owes you money.

>t. user, economics expert supreme

Let's make an FC together user

It's cool that Viera are in XIV now, but trying to shoehorn in an alt version of Ivalice and Fran was fucking weird.

Zenos' English VA is like 65% of the reason his character is so great, you brainless cretin.

I'd leave mine and join a new one on levi, its pretty much the same