They placed this hunk in Pokemon

>They placed this hunk in Pokemon

This isn't fair, Nintendo. I-I want him..

Attached: 1559747816929.png (908x706, 196K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1559752181680.jpg (541x800, 63K)



Why does he have the head of a 5 year old?

This is all I can think of when I saw this guy

Attached: 41467FCD-4BD5-4D98-B52C-37F116D8EAB6.gif (440x249, 1.28M)


It's Vincent Adultman.

Probably a fujoshi drew him.

all hail the giga ginger

Attached: chrome_2019-06-06_01-32-09.png (860x794, 59K)

>No source or link to the image

Hmm i wonder why?

I want to choke on his cock, while I look at his adorable face, is this wrong?

Attached: DKvCeD1VAAA_KMa.jpg (1440x2048, 168K)

>boy's name

That looks weird as fuck, he has a kid's head on a buff adult's body.

>being such a desperate faggot
source: first search results for 'milo'

Attached: 3265435243554.png (1200x250, 418K)

Attached: 1559754925821.png (773x560, 259K)

>The name Milo is a boy's name of German origin

What the fuck is that face lmao


Makes it cuter

>that face
>no nose

Attached: 1528587742489.gif (310x262, 260K)

>Milo has long been a highly reccomended author favorite boys' name

You guys spot this?

Attached: based.png (885x533, 987K)


what's his routine brahs

So, how did tumblr complain about the healthy bodybuilder who is male?

Cringe barashit

can you add a circle to this so i can see it better?

The hell, it looks like a kid with a buff adult body

Attached: chrome_2019-06-06_01-42-06.png (451x126, 38K)

I love Serena!

Attached: 1551632930549.jpg (730x1095, 110K)

I want this much muscle on Leon


Attached: 1550006006526.jpg (634x623, 116K)


hmmmm can you make the picture brighter?

Could be the hat but he looks the bug Pokemon trainer from gen 1 has worked out.

Enhance image

Black and white champion had 7 too or was that 5? The wandering hobo one.

From top of the screen:
>Home > Baby Boy Names
>The name Milo is a boy's name of German origin
>often added to lists like Attitude Names for Boys
>has been a highly recommended author favorite boy's name
What the fuck is your point here?

this too

>endurance matches using grass Pokemon

I bet he's the first gym leader and he has no form of recovery aside from his final Pokemon having leech seed and he won't even use sleep powder.

Attached: chrome_2019-06-06_01-44-58.png (562x193, 955)

Gamefreak is too incompetent to make a model with detachable pokeballs.

>inspect element one (1) part of a webpage
>forget to change literally everything else
based sub-60 iq retard

Attached: 1554956910915.png (310x416, 152K)

>Make a stud
>give him a shota head

hmmmmm can you make the picture enhanced by 4x

>enhanced.png: Image too large (image: 6000x25992px, max: 10000x10000px)

You """people""" can't be serious.

>japan logic

>Caucasian art director

hmmmmmmm i can almost see it
can you put the balls in order but in a different color?

shifted the hue by 180 degrees for u and reordered the balls

ah perfect
thanks user

whats with the tard face

GF is way to lazy for detail like that. The game looks like a remaster of a 3DS game.

Are everyone sure that he is even human? Reminder that Pokemon like ditto can transform into humans in the Pokemon games and he literally have ditto eyes

Attached: pikawoah.jpg (567x425, 37K)

Kill ALL fags

where's his nose

Water confirmed virgin
Grass confirmed chads
we are all in agreement now right?

>ditto can transform into humans in the Pokemon games

no it cant

Attached: Disregard.png (1440x990, 255K)

hello anime only retard

Who cares? The games were based of the anime so it could be coming to the games. (technically based on the manga but w/e same thing)

Legitimately what ran through my mind during the trailer.

The fuck is wrong with his face?

This is now a Chad grass type only thread. Firefags and Waterniggers please go back to your containment boards /LGBT/ and /pol/ respectively. Thanks

Attached: Venusaur.jpg (880x652, 265K)

he looks like they pasted lana's head on kamoshida's body


Attached: grass.png (800x827, 342K)

based and grasspilled

This dissonance is reminding me of that image of the numale with a ripped body

The Ball is a Hologram for the Dynamax thing when they pick a pokemon for it.

More like a Detective Pikachu retard, did you forget?

>The games were based of the anime so it could be coming to the games. (technically based on the manga but w/e same thing)
You can't be this stupid, come on!

Fuck you Shante please

Pokemon goes in a containment board, off topic on Yea Forums (yes even games)

Get to cleaning then, Jannie.

Eat a dick.

Attached: 2019-06-06_01-37-54.png (1366x695, 171K)

wow you know how to inspect element? XD no one cares.

he's a twunk

Attached: D8VowQIUcAEr8V_.jpg (2307x2380, 278K)

>The games were based of the anime

Attached: 1547847396521.jpg (400x400, 22K)

He does have a nose, it blends in with the freckles.

Attached: nose.jpg (938x361, 44K)

Hi this is bulbasaur, he is canonically #1 and will always be, feel free to say hi

Attached: bulb.png (250x250, 73K)

Attached: ok buddy.png (501x369, 33K)

pretty sure the scarf is actually that one worm pokemon

>You can feel them if you'd like
Why yes, yes I would!

Where's his nose?

>bara body
>shota face
Who is this character pandering to?

Ditto confirmed for being able to turn into humans.

Love how these games already provided us with such a hot character. Even more so that the fans are already showering us with such amazing art.

>Red and Green: February 27, 1996
>Blue: October 15, 1996
>First episode of the anime: April 1, 1997

Attached: 1538586697958.png (445x431, 6K)

You could have just admitted you were wrong, or just closed the thread, instead of cropping out the japan release in 1996 user...


And that's your cue to get the fuck out. God, I hate summerfags like you.

I've been here since 2006 sadly

Keep telling yourself that. I'm sorry nobody cares about your trans headcanon. On the bright side, Tumblr would fucking eat that shit up.

My what?

Trans headcanon. I'm sorry, but Milo isn't a girl. I'm sorry you had to find out this way. Tumblr would fucking love it though.

Oh I forgot this thread was about milo. Yeah she's cute.

Being retarded, that's his point. This site has really gone waaaay downhill in the last 6 months.

Why did they give a ginger pink hair?

It's summer. Of course it has. It's E3 time and all the secretly underage b&s want to pretend they're cool.

Crying summerfag at every instance of stupidity is about the most Summer thing you can do, this board is stupid year round and all saying this shows me is how this board loves to find excuses for its own ignorance.

>I wAs OnLy PrEtEnDiNg To Be ReTaRdEd

He's literally a ditto

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-05-19-02-55-1.png (386x302, 123K)


Just gamefreak being lazy cause his model has pokeballs

In awe at the size of this lad.

I like the design. It's okay to have a funny/joke design every once in a while, anons.

>Leech Seed
>Cotton Down

Stallfest for the first gym? Would be funny. Depends on if you get Corviknight early and its actually the 3rd of a regional birdmon evo to stomp him.