Predict the game.
are you hype?
will it be kino?
Predict the game
Other urls found in this thread:
Isn't this just Dark Souls 4?
>garbage hitboxes
>no lore
>directed by Tanimura
>3 years in development
>true open world
>largest and most expensive game FROM has ever made
>leakers say the company is "firing on all cylinders"
could either be a disaster or a ground-breaking new standard.
So who on leddit created this fake?
isn't he the DS2 guy?
been hyped since I heard about it, and of course it will be pure unfiltered kino
>yet another knight vs a dragon game
more like yawnSoftware
>directed by Tanimura
Confirmed shit.
>inb4 dark souls 2 apologists/sub 80 iq troglodytes
I doubt it's linked to dark souls user, even if i think we will see our bro Patches again, his japanese cousin already was in Sekiro lately.
I don't know user i've found this on google image.
the picture is just a fanart, maybe we won't even have any dragons.
and even then, the dragon in Sekiro wasn't bullshit and was kino, could be something like it.
Me and the boys over at ResetEra have been coming together with lots of interesting theories, guided by our FromSoft insider, Omnipotent. Come join us friends who are actually excited about this game. You'll get nothing but shitposts and memes here. Don't be afraid of the tranny and email memes. It's all harmless.
>maybe we won't even have any dragons
Most likely will, considering the art assets that FROM artist showed in a video recently showcased a highly detailed dragon model.
>gate rerun
DaS spiritual successor confirmed
well if we are lucky it won't be an hitbox mess but a kino fight.
there was also a strange siren if i remembers correctly.
>Predict the game.
Boring open world trash
>are you hype?
No; it seems like Sekiro will be the last From Software game I'll buy (or pirate)
>will it be kino?
Sure, if you like to walk through empty lands and read text boxes
kill yourself retard
We know from that user's thread the other day about the books in Deracine that the game is set in some approximation of the real world, because Latin name derivations are mentioned. We know that there is a noble house in it called House Ull, "The Unconquered", as well as The Northern Houses. We also know that there's a phenomena called wet dreams. Presumably not what it sounds like. My bet is some sort of deep sea nightmare, like those of Aldrich.
how are you sure Deraciné teased it? wasn't the only thing in déraciné a bloodborne easter egg?
Again, an user made a thread the other day, but fucking everyone ignored it because it's not a smash thread. He got close-ups of a book about herbs that someone is reading in Deracine, which evidently contained item descriptions for their next game, as it mentioned gameplay uses and scraps of lore.
I hope Patches will return again to fuck with us.
should Patches be an human or be a monster again like in Bloodborne?
Interesting, i'm honestly not surprised nobody saw it, most people didn't played Deraciné, they aren't interested in From if it isn't a "soul like"... a shame, a neat little VR game. sadly i had to play it in japanese while not speaking the language, so i wasn't able to read shit, i wanted the collector edition badly.
Tanimura is not the reason DS2 was shit. He is the one who tried to salvage at least something in less than a year
Was there any game that influenced the Souls a lot, made by From in the past? with a similar gameplay and all
Bonus : not Kings field
I've not had the chance to play it simply because I don't have any VR kit. Also, here's the link to the thread, just to prove I'm not making it up:
whats up with fromsoft always making their dragons look hairy
>tfw a from guy just wanted to have some placeholder shit and did this thinking nobody would see it because no one played Déraciné.