Name a better Nazi killing simulator than this

Name a better Nazi killing simulator than this.

Protip: you can't.

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It's a meh "Nazi killing simulator". It does, however, have funny, well acted, and directed cutscenes.

>claim to be righteous and jest
>glorify killing people because they think differently than you
oh the absolute state of humanity

LITERALLY any other Wolfenstein is better than this one.

What's unrighteous about murdering literal fucking Nazis you fucking Nazi?

This game is trash compared to the first. What a waste.

The Nazis were right and should have won.

since killing nazis was not at all like wolfenstein, it is probably one of the worst simulators of that.
so, I guess, CoD?

>Name a better Nazi killing simulator than this.
reking drumpftards on /pol/ and Yea Forums epic style

It was miles better than the first from what I played of each

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because it's in bad taste, you won, they lost, that's it, war is never something to be celebrated, be seen as something as childish as good vs evil and most of all using it as proproganda at best for children and shutting down all intelligant discussion into it, maybe the nazis had a few good points,too, just like the southerners who supported slavery of races they viewed as their lessers but nobody talks about that because we as humans think simple concepts like good and evil exist in the real world, even something like pedophilia, transsexuals, and religious concepts and governements fall victim to this mentalita to the point people in control have corrupted it to suit their means and selfish agendas


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>glorify killing people because they think differently
yes, altercation over ideology is entirely righteous and just if the ideology of the opposition entails pogroms, genocide, fascism, etc..
it doesnt even matter what your own ideology is, as long as it basically leaves people alive despite them being different.
even slavery based on ethnicity is better, not that much, but compared to comically evil nazi germany, they would still be the good guys.

It's not bad taste. Just like the South, they must ALWAYS be reminded that they lost.

>tfw Old Blood took everything good about TNO but cut out all the filler, plus it added back the cool guns and occult themes from RtCW/09
>TNC is a steaming pile of shit that doubles down on the cutscenes and terrible writing
What the fuck happened? Did everyone talent who worked on TNO/TOB just leave?

I think you might be a little tarded, dude.

It's people like you that reply seriously to brain dead and obvious bait that destroyed Yea Forums. Kill yourself

it probably wouldn't go down the same way if it happened again friendo

YouTube demonetisation

The New Order is better in literally every single way

I absolutely loved the marketing for this game, here's why:
There are two types of people:
>the people who literally couldn't a shit about politics and are either going to buy the game because they enjoyed the previous one, or are not going to buy the game and just move on
>the people who claim to hate politics, yet are so obsessed with politics themselves that they can't even look at something as innocuous as "fuck [hate group responsible for the deaths of millions]" without getting triggered and insisting that it's a personal attack on them, inadvertently revealing what they truly are.
If you are not a Nazi, neo-Nazi, or Nazi sympathizer, your first instinct when you see the words "fuck Nazis" would be "hell yeah, fuck Nazis. I totally agree". If your first instinct is to say "hey, now wait a minute that's not fair", then congratulations for exposing yourself. No amount of crying or mental gymnastics is going to change that, so at the very least be honest with yourself and own it. You don't need to be honest with -us- because we already know :)

So you are in favor of glassing the entire middle east?

Plenty of video games have less justification than that and don't elicit anywhere near this amount of pearl-clutching from Yea Forums.

>even slavery based on ethnicity is better, not that much, but compared to comically evil nazi germany, they would still be the good guys.
Imagine believing this

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replace nazi with communist and you have every 80s action movie in existence, so good luck to you, too

I support killing Nazis

In video games

I thought you guys were meme'ing about this game, but holy shit is the dialogue awful. It's like a 12 year old trying to sound deep when BJ monologues to himself.

Not to mention all the white devil shit thrown in at every opportunity.

This is the most un-American post I’ve ever read

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You poor naive child.

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I lean pretty right of center but what is with the fetishization of Nazis among socially outcast white males? There are very few things more un-American. You should all move to Europe, you would find more people with shared values.

>glorify killing people because they invaded and replaced your country with Quislings and Bootlickers
I see no wrong here

Because few groups out there are accepting of "Socially outcast white males"

I liked the first modern Wolfenstein a lot but thought this one was meh.

It’s not very good. There are still way too many cutscenes, but unlike TNO where it was kind of interesting, in this game everyone is just incredibly stupid and had really bad dialogue.

The worst part is how incredibly fast BJ melts in any gunfight, making the game play very slow as you whittle down the bullet-sponge enemies that were a problem since TNO.

Do they even look like Nazis in the game? The New Order was good but it just felt like random enemies, the novelty of the original is all the colorful nazi shit and enemies

You have to remember when The New Order came out. It was during the peak of color = bad

If this is political bait, get fucked you tranny nigger. If serious, TNO is better than this. The level design is horrid in this game.

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Surely you understand that you are only being targeted by Nazi's because you are vulnerable and susceptible to indoctrination though, right? Why not focus on bettering yourself, becoming independent, and enjoying the benefits of a free society?

tfw when I see europeans praising hitler..... im Polish

Wolfenstein 1

Might have a point if nazi wasn't the go-to buzzword for any right-winger that you dislike in 2019

Keep telling yourself that, loser.

Yes but in the context of Wolfenstein it is very clearly real Nazi's which were very clearly the bad guys. Why would prove leftists right by moving towards the abhorrent ideology they are falsely accusing you of being a part of.

jews deserve death

>Wolfenstein II
>It's actually the 6th game

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You were talking about marketing
When everyone is cheering on twitter saying "finally I can simulate killing the nazis i hate so much" then I believe they're talking about killing the kind of people who agree with right-wingers because that's what the lexicon has become
and most of these right-wingers aren't even very right-wing if they're free-speech libertarians or closed border working class advocates. they're just not social justice pc warriors.
so yeah um it doesn't prove at all that i agree with the fascism of the third reich if i recoil at your glee for violence against what you label nazis

I don't really mind the stealth segments or mechanics, but it needed less stealth.

It's a hell of thing, you finish stabbing everything and then you walk into the next arena and more radar pings pop up on your screen.
With New Order/Old Blood, there was a good balance. You had your stealth segments, but there would also be times where you'd just be forced to whip out your biggest guns and get ready for some furious gunplay, darting from cover to cover, grabbing armor and health as you hammer the enemy with the shotgun, then lean out to take a few good shots before making another big play. There was great pacing, you'd shoot the fuck out of everything, then things would be quiet, you'd walk around picking up guns and ammo and taping helmets to your helmet, BJ would wax philosophical or ruminate on the mundane about something in his grizzled, harsh whisper while you had a short break from wholesome Nazi killing.

New Colossus's gunplay is godly but you don't get a lot of chances to really make meaningful use of it since the game just kicks you from stealth segment to stealth segment.

Hopefully Youngblood with its co-op focus means more segments where you just get to shoot Nazis.

IIRC, it was because of the marketing campaign which tried to associate the game with modern 'punch a nazi' movements which use the buzzword version.

I don't think you understand how stress and depression work. You have people who feel like life does nothing but shit on them, and only one group that really tells them it can get better.

Almost as if this has happened before. Multiple times. over the past century or so
>Charismatic person tells you shit's fucked and they can help you out and fix it
>Uncharismatic person tells you that everything's fine and your fears or feelings are completely unwarranted
I wonder who that person is going to be drawn to?

I see what you are saying but I feel like it's a false promise. I like Trump, I don't think he is a Nazi by the way, if that is what you mean by charisma.

All I am saying is that turning to a hate filled ideology based on pseudo science and hints of mysticism is not the answer. The leftists don't have the answer either. You just need to do what is right for you and try not to worry about what minorities or women are doing. Once you find success, and you will if you work hard, you will suddenly harbor no strong feelings of animosity towards others.

If you don't think killing Nazis is good you're probably a Nazi


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this, but instead of nazis it's all white people

Trump is a MAJOR longtime criminal and his policies are authoritarian, fascist, inhuman, backward and globally-destructive. If you can't see why putting someone like that in ANY position of power is insane, please drop the edgelord schtick and check into this reality.

>Killing people who are killing people for being born differently
See no problem with this

The only people I tolerate killing are Canadians

I agree absolutely. I surely have it as bad as a Jew in the 1940s.

if you don't think killing braindead leftists is good you're probably a braindead leftist

Imagine thinking I'd deny being a leftist. Unlike Nazis I have no reason to hide or disguise my beliefs.

This game sucked ass. Until they take the franchise away from Sweden, I’m not buying another

>>Uncharismatic person tells you that everything's fine and your fears or feelings are completely unwarranted
That's Germany right now. Politicans say this while totally failing at everything. Germany is slowly falling apart to a 3rd world state, corruption included. It's been like that for decades now with people still voting for the same parties no matter what. These same parties broke their promises / agendas multiple times, failed to do their job multiple times, went over irrelevant topics for months while ignoring urgent topics multiple times and worked directly against the interests of the people multiple times. The majority of voters are absolute morons over here, as they're still voting for these failures, but even if they'd not the system is still a joke and broken, as it is: The vote shouldn't be about parties but about actions and how to best perform them. As politicans proved incredibly inefficient at doing anything right for the past decades I'd say even if we had the moronic public in charge of decisions it'd come out at least equal, minus expensive politicans that can easily be manipulated by lobbyists and FAIL TO DO THEIR JOOOB (but still get paid tax money) !