When did you realize Makoto was best girl

when did you realize Makoto was best girl

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mainline what

The moment I saw her

Her reveal trailer.

I am playing a mainline game.

she's worst girl though

Yusuke > All P5 characters

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Why? Didn't that serise basically die becasue no one liked it?

Anything but Futaba is fine by me

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All the girls are the best girls, but some are more best than others.

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No it died because the focus is on the money cow instead

He is you idiot. Smt is old news.

Right, no one bought it because no one liked it.

rightfully so

Why wasn't any of the mainline games, huh?
What's wrong with them?

Yeah my favorite entry is Persona: Shin Megami Tensei


Unfortunately I never did but I realize with her though

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When I watched J play her.

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no one can buy it because there's like a game every decade or so

I never did, because she's not the best girl. I first realised Kawakami was best girl when I went on her hawaii date.

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Holy based

When she became playable in Continuum Shift

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Such a nice looking game.

>"yuuup, shins migamo tencent is a great series*

Three and a half hours.

I'm pretty sure it was Chie

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this. Her very existence makes p5 irredeemable.

who are you quoting

When I saw how many doujins she had.

She kind of looks like a rat.

She has good design, but she's literally the worst girl. She didn't develop at all as a person. In the beginning she's a teacher's pet beep bop perfect student. After S link she's a teacher's pet perfect student. The fact that she cannot take the beep boop robot joke is what kills her character. The entire S link is justifying and vindicating that her inherent assumption about her friend's bf is correct, he's up to no good punk. She's a vindictive bitch before and after.

Defend Persona 5

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>beep bop
Stopped reading right there.
Put some effort into your bait next time

Persona 5 doesn’t have any S.Links

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Wrong Makoto
There we go