3x3 good taste only

3x3 good taste only

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I see only 2 good games. FF XIII and XenoX

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Is this honestly bait?

+TF2 +Mother 3

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>good taste only
>Sonic Lost World

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How do these threads work

You first

the same 30-50 people post their 3x3s for the 100th time.

They don't.

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I feel like this is bait.
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I just finished AC7; it was my first Ace Combat game and I thoroughly adored it. Should I play the others, and if so, how should I approach it?

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Sonic Lost World is unironically one of the worst times I’ve ever had playing a game.

Never could figure out that 3x3 site, so I just winged it.

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1/1 Xenoblade Chronicles X.

5/6 Mothe 3, Super Mario World, Wind Waker, Battalion Wars and Paper Mario.
-Pokemon Ultra Y.

5/5 Mother 3, Cave Story, No More Heroes 2, Jet Grind Radio and Hotline Miami.

2/2 Final Fantasy X and Persona 4 Golden.

2/2 Terraria and Shovel Knight.


2/2 Emerald and P3.

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I don't like looking at other people's 3x3s, so rate my 4x4.

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3DS was good though

Dude, Ace 7 is one of the weakest of them all, just play the other ones

1/2 +Catherine -Hotline Miami
Definitely need to play Mother 3 at some point
3/3 Runner 2, Shovel Knight, Hollow Knight

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Good list, but what version of tetris?


hello fellow Gameboy Tetris bro

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+Ghost Trick, Catherine, NMH2, AC0, HM, TF2
+Umineko, K7, VtM:B, MGS2, LISA
+Bioshock, RDR, Nier, MGS2
+RE4, ME2, Tetris
-SotC, P5

Not him but played the holy trinity too but ended up preferring 7. While all four games would be good picks on here hell, 0 was a few times, I ended up enjoying 7 the most, both in a narrative perspective and gameplay perspective.

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For me it's 0>5>7>4>X>AH


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oh boy my picks are definitely gonna raise a few eyebrows. idc tho. love these games.

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can't make a 3x3 right now but
>nier replicant
exquisite taste

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Do you put your favorite game in the center or 123, 456, 789 style?

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6/6 +Prime, SS2, CV, NGB, P2, BB
4/4 +SJ, GH, SH3, DR2
5/6 +MMX, GTA4, RE4, MKDS, Rayman. -melee
4/4 +TFU, Tetris, DS2, TF2
6/7 +RE4, OoT/MM, P5, ME2, Tetris. You can surely do better than 2 Zeldas.
I don't want to look at your 4x4 then. Come back down here with us sometimes.
3/3 +KotR, D&D, KoD
2/4 +P3, MGS2. -BS, RDR
2/4 +K7, MGS2. -eye, vtmb
3/3 +Terraria, SK, Metroid 2
2/4 +P4, Kotor2. -FFX, DMC5
4/4 +M3, NMH, HM, TF2
3/4 +TF2, M3, SMW. -ww
0/2 -ff13, vtmb
4/4 +RCT, P4, EB, AE

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Prototype 3 never ever :(

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2/2 FTL was super fun to play even though the game was a bit difficult and RNG based. Also the soundtrack is incredibly underrated.

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i just put them wherever i like

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Top quality taste coming through
This is some kino taste

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>You can surely do better than 2 Zeldas
Maybe, but I can't pick one over the other.

4/5 (+SMW +Smash +Battalion Wars +TTYD -Gen 6)
Just NMH but anybody with JSR has good taste in music for sure.
BeFunky is the site. Also, Runner 2 & 3's artstyle really doesn't interest me much. It's a huge departure from Bit.Trip and not in a good way.
3/4 (+Emerald +BT2 +Air Ride -Bioshock)
2/2 (Maximum Carnage, Final Fight); Damn, you know what you like. I should get that Capcom Bundle and the Mystara one as well since I enjoyed Dragon's Crown and love Dragon's Dogma. Ever play Ninja Baseball Bat Man? It's my personal favorite beat-em-up, albeit that's given my somewhat novice exposure.
8/8 (DMC5, Sangfroid, Revengeance, SF64, BiS, Luigi, TTYD, Halo 2)
2/3 (+Tetris +Galaxy -Force Unleashed); there's no way you're over 20. Not a bad thing necessarily, just an observation.
5/6 (+MMX2 +GTAIV +HGSS +MKDS +MMX5 -Melee)
2/2 (God Hand, DXHR)
2/2 (Prime, Ninja Gaiden); I have to imagine a fan of Prime and modern NG got hit the hardest by Other M.
4/4 (RCT2, Galaxy, Smash, HGSS)
4/4 (HGSS, SM, Bioshock 2, Bayo 2); before anybody says anything, I like Bioshock 2 but not Bioshock because I played both at a friend's place when I was in high school and the only time I really had fun was 2's multiplayer. I'm usually not one for multiplayer shooters but I had a pretty good time with it.
3/5 (+Prototype +BFII +Vanquish -WoW -Melee); I feel your pain my man.
I'm getting bored of typing out my ratings at this point so 3/3 for both of you.

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5/5 Wind Waker, Tooie, Mother 3, Smash, Pkmn Y
3/3 Jet Grind Radio, Mother 3, Catherine
5/5 Colossus, Majora, Ocarina, Jak, Smash
1/2 + Lego Indiana Jones - Force Unleashed
3/3 Heart Gold, Melee, Mario Kart
2/2 DMC, Geometry Wars
2/2 Rescue Team, White 2
2/2 Ninja Gaiden and DMC5. I played NGB, not sigma, but I assume it's similar enough

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>banjo tooie

Absolutely based

>good taste only
>posts worst hitman game


Pretty sure it's better than Codename 47 and Absolution.

Sigma is a sidegrade. Less bonus unlockables, slight level design differences, different (slightly worse based on what I've seen) UI, ability to fire the bow in midair, new weapon (just a dual-wield katana moveset, not too crazy), and three Rachel chapters that are short and easy relative to all of Ryu's. I only had Sigma available but I think I'd prefer Sigma anyway for the bow thing and Rachel. Her chapters are really simple given how good Ryu's level design is, but her moveset is fun to play around with (and a lot better than what Ryu gets when he uses her weapon). She also fights Gamov as a boss which IIRC doesn't get to be a boss in Black.

Every one of these threads with that "good taste only" OP is bait. You can tell because it's a different chart every single time, and there's usually 5-8 bad games in it. It's easier to bring people into the thread that way, but also better than bait OPs that are using that edited ancient Yea Forums meme.

I like the Yea Forums bait threads because it doesn't feel so confined.

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Is that so? I thought 7 was a solid 9/10 the whole time, with the final three missions really having some 11/10 moments.
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Can I ask what the holy trinity is? That's probably what I'd go for next.
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Yeah, such controversial picks.
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Bayo 2 is Platinum's best work.
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Center, then the rest is arranged without order.
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I don't get how someone can like such arcadey games only to dislike DMC 5 because it's juggling enemies; prefer 1, sure, that makes sense, but I don't get you sometimes.
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Did you play Darksiders III?
Also, HYPE for Reach on PC.
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lurk more/newfag

>arcadey games only to dislike DMC 5 because it's juggling enemies
You don't want to hear my thoughts anyway. Last time I shared you went into a bitchfit.

-Absolution, -FFXIII, -MGS4
Absolution is the FFXIII of the Hitman series honestly.
Is Prey that good?
I finished NG recently. It's a great action game, but a terrible ninja game.

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>Is Prey that good?
It's one of the best immersive sims. I prefer it much more over the Bioshock games, even though I love 1 and 2 too.

To be fair I can see how someone could like DMC 1 and not like the others. The series definitely took a different direction after 1.

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>Is Prey that good?
The opening half was exceptional, imo, but it got very, very boring for me later on. Lots of cool ideas, but I didn't think they were well executed.
Oh, no, I can absolutely understand that. It's just the juxtaposition between the games he likes and posits not to like in 3-5 that convince me he does it for contrarianism.

>Can I ask what the holy trinity is? That's probably what I'd go for next.
The ps2 titles
04, 5 and Zero

Fuck me up,
The Prey bit is obv meant for you

Thank you very very much! I'll emulate them, in that case.

>Golden Sun
>not TLA

And here I was going to call you my nigga

>Lots of cool ideas, but I didn't think they were well executed
What aspects of Prey did you think were not well realized enough?

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>Liking Ace Shitbat

Is there a site to make a nice and neat 3x3?

Only the first world. Everything after was insanely Wisp-heavy and even worse than the console version.

The enemy design was the biggest of the bunch. Fighting mimics was cool for the first two hours, then you get goggles that tell you where they are, so there's no more tension. Then there's the tracking balls in zero g, the human sized enemies, the giant boss blob, and I can't think of anything else. Only the mimics were fun to fight, and that's fine when you play it more as a horror game, but by the end, you're grossly overpowered and nothing on the station is near your level, so you can stomp through everything with no problem.
I thought the story was poorly paced in the middle, but had a strong start and finish; unlike most, I have no problem with the ending, but it didn't strike me as especially amazing either.
I feel like Bioshock 2 was a more consistently excellent experience, but I see why people like Prey so much; it's one of the peaks of "environmental" storytelling, with the most memorable part I remember being the D&D game.

We know what we like. You're getting all defensive calling contrarian because something is out of your sights. Stop taking dislikes as a mark on character or some shit.

Anyway I like to run through DMC as fast as I can on the various difficulties on new save files and without saving. It was a game of speed, pathing through the levels and disposing of the group of enemies at hand using an efficient toolkit. The shift in tone too, DMC1 had a really ominous and forboding atmosphere to it even while being dorky. Fast forward to later DMCs and the combat system is just too padded for me. yes, I like arcade games, what makes you think the connection there means I like beating off enemies in the sky. All this made worse with character swapping mid-games, completely fucking the pacing with their own movesets and playstyles. You like hopping in and out from time to time fine, but i'm starting from the beginning of the game everytime and working my way through.

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Not him but I only played it for about 45 minutes and didn't feel it.

BeFunky's mosaic maker is a very clean and customizable tool. Bighugelabs is fine but sometimes they won't take the link you paste (and you need an account to upload directly) and it becomes a pain to go back and edit. I still use BHL for my main chart for consistency's sake as I don't want to make it from scratch when I edit it so rarely, but BeFunky is what I use for anything like that since.

Fucking lmfao what?
>You don't want to hear my thoughts anyway. Last time I shared you went into a bitchfit.
Super sounds defensive to me, senpai, but as you like.
I get the complaints about switching characters and tonal change, but no, I don't understand the difference between the payoff in arcade games and juggling enemies in DMC; they're both flashy bing bing wahoo YOU DID IT YOU'RE COOL, and DMC 1 incentivized that.

Maybe go back and play DMC1 sometimes. Thanks for proving this discussion was wasted.

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I have DMC3 in my mosaic and I agree with you.

DMC4 and 5 are too bloated as far as their combat system is concerned. You have too much to manage and 5 throws out almost all the quiet exploration and puzzle solving that broke up the action. I think 3 was the perfect balance between having a deep combat system while not sacrficing the series' Resident Evil influences.

Prey 2 needs to happen.