Are you guys excited for Overwatch 2?
Are you guys excited for Overwatch 2?
Overwatch won't have a 2, it will continue to be updated just like wow or SC2.
at best i can see a SP spin off.
Source? Where the fuck is that from
ResetEra. Jason Schreier just dropped it out of nowhere in a thread about a recently cancelled Blizzard game.
Overwatch 2 would absolutely kill it's current esports establishment. That shit is as retarded as suggesting a league of legends 2.
How to fix overwatch:
>remove aimbot abilites
>add one more ability per character
>reduce hitboxes
ow is extremely casual, needs to add a higher skill ceiling.
I mean, Blizzard confirmed they have mobile games in development for all of their IPs, so that's probably the extent of what we will get.
Literally nobody cares about aimbot abilities, they're legit some of the worst ults in the game at high SR. You're the casual one.
>t. gold level 30
You do realize that after about 10 or so hours of play you should realize that actual aiming doesn't fucking matter. Ultimates like tactical visor and deadeye are unironically some of the weakest in the game. They have zero viability to any cohesive team composition. I would literally consider giving widowmaker's ult to mcree and soldier as a major buff, not a nerf. Adding more fucking abilities would just make the game play even more like a moba. The more abilities you have, the less aiming matters. I can't believe you don't fucking understand this. Also if you think you know shit about hitboxes you're a fucking moron.
When your corporate overlord is Activision and they look and see that loot boxes ain't bringing in the cash like it used to, it makes a lot of sense for them to go "Make Overwatch 2."
We will get a spinoff, Blizzard needs to ship games more
how to fix:
>remove competitive
>stop wasting dev time on esports
>add community servers and be the first option when you launch the game
there easy, the balance of the game doesnt fucking matter and you're just retarded
>aimbot abilities
I hope you're not talking about tactical visor or high noon.
Two of the worst ults in the game.
The game does have problems with its skill ceiling (especially in the current meta) but it doesn't have to do with auto-aim ults.
overwatch needs a 2
its a frankenbuild of a dead project
how about stop with the fucking stupid competitive scene entirely. Overwatch needs content, not balance patches for eternity.
>One more skill to characters so it is more MOBA than FPS
>Focusing on aimbot abilities rather than ultimate focused gameplay, over abundance of stuns and other cc, lootbox hell and broken report system
>Try to get rid of casual parts of the game to turn it even more tryhard and frustrating to play
Sounds fantastic, long time gamedev?
Kill actiblizz for the love of all vidya
Why the fuck do we pay any attention to that john oliver looking nigga
Because despite being a massive cuck he has legitimate sources and is good with reporting on shit like this.
Remove healing and shield.
There the game is now fun to play.
your new is showing.
He's actually hated in the gaming industry because of his leaks. He's a faggot but very accurate and reliable.
Your belief that this is likely stems from your resentment of corporate greed. You believe greed leads to incompetence, and thus they would ultimately undo themselves with their own desire for profit. Real corporations are far more tactful and sensible in their business strategy than whatever cartoon charicature you project on them. Understanding exactly how and why a product is succeeding is of critical importance to their executives. You underestimate the abilities to these businesses to be as frugal and maximizing in profit as possible. Developing another Overwatch would be an incredibly high investment (and therefore a risk), thus an equal amount of oversight would be involved in asking the question if the investment were worth the risk.
It's already very clear that posters here will say retarded shit just to say it
game is now a DPS fuckfest where fights last all of ten seconds and team composition doesn't matter*
>tweak numbers
>remove snipers or make headshots deal 100 dmg
that was easy
And making a second making will definitely save that dead project instead of getting more hate from all its fanbase
sounds good
>Overwatch 2
Never happening
>don't reward some of the highest skill ceiling heroes in the game for doing well
I don't think that snipers belong in OW at all but making headshots do 100 damage would completely nullify them
balance has nothing to do with what i am talking about.
It doesnt matter if mcree's ulti is strong or weak.
It just makes the game less fun.
>the more abilities you have, the less aiming matters
then add abilities that need to be aimed
It will be Overwatch: Omnic Crisis or some shit and be single player with multiplayer skins is my guess
i wasn't even excited for overwatch 1 lmao fuck blizzard
how does it make the game "less fun"?
if anything, heroes like mccree and soldier having such garbage ults makes the game less fun if youre playing them
>Overwatch 2 before Team Fortress 3
unironically want controller support on pc for d4, casual game needs casual controllers
>john oliver looking nigga
Then why is there a Dota2 and Starcraft 2
>It doesnt matter if mcree's ulti is strong or weak.
>It just makes the game less fun.
>then add abilities that need to be aimed
You're either a spic or an underage, either way, stop typing. You have no fucking idea how game design works.
because it takes away the gameplay portion of the game
You can not understand that balance is irrelevant.
You can tweak the numbers and make them stronger, but this isnt the core issue.
The hitbox comment was about the games direction. There are weapons that are autohit, like winston's reinharts etc. This stuff need to be changed.
Sounds 1000x times better than it is now
Isn't that the same idiot who said d4 was in the works to damage control for blizzard at blizzcon. Then was decomfirmed by blizzard afterwards.
More like:
>Remove dedicated healers.
>Furnish community tools.
>No stuns, only holds or blinds.
>Shields do damage reduction, not absorption.
Gay fixed.
dota 2 was valves ip
sc2 was before games become a service jewish meme
what do you mean by "Takes away from the gameplay portion of the game"
i'm not saying anything about balance either, im just saying that their ults are garbage so using them isnt really "fun" or rewarding in any way
and why do large hitbox, close range weapons need to be changed? the heroes you mentioned are good at dealing low group damage, their purpose is to deny positioning to the enemy. what's wrong with that?
Dota was a wc3 map
Sc is pure korean autism and they didnt want to alienate their playerbase (they refuse to play anything over 640x480 just sayin) so they did another sc for modern times
Would you seriously want to play a Reinhardt that needs to accurately aim his slow swings at enemies jumping around him in close range? It’s one thing to talk about whether ranged autoaim abilities are fine (I don’t particularly like the idea, but also don’t really care because they suck), but with literal melee weapons it makes perfect sense that they have wider hitting angles.
I hope that's not true, because a sequel as opposed to an expansion doesn't make any fucking sense.
Then remove them. Skill ceiling is a meme, if you could use it to justify broken shit then we'd have very hard to pull-off moves that'd straight out delete the enemy's account. But hey it's ok because it takes skill.
But snipers have lots of counters in this game
other snipers, flankers (especially genj), highly mobile tanks like winston and dva
i hate playing against good snipers but it's not like they're unkillable
The last time Valve made a game we got fucking Artifact
They'll sit on their multiplayer game and Steam cash for all of eternity, Valve are hacks