What are your thoughts on homosexual inclusion in video games?

What are your thoughts on homosexual inclusion in video games?

Attached: Soldier76_portrait.png (653x669, 406K)

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What are your thoughts about garbage reposts spammed by third-worlders?

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It's a good thing. Gamers need to be reminded that their hobby isn't a reactionary safe-space. Gays *gasp* exist and you can't hide from that in your little video games.

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We need more gay porn of them. Even the non-homo ones

If it's a japanese game then I'm fine with it since they do it for fun. If it's an american game then it's annoying since there's a 99.9% chance it's forced.

“We live in a society where homosexuals lecture us on morals, transvestites lecture us on human biology, baby killers lecture us on human rights and socialists lecture us on economics!... The only way to change it would be to kill the problem out. I know it's bad to say but with out [sic] killing them out there's no way to fix it." -Mark Chambers, Mayor of Carbon Hill, Alabama

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This, fuck off pajeet.

>dude fuck human rights lmao


In an FPS action game? It's nothing more then shallow virtue projecting.

In an RPG where it plays into the story? Fine.


Someone should abort this tard if you know what I mean.

t. Cuck City bugman

it would not, and should not matter, but media and the loudest parts of the world keep trying to remind of how much it matters that characters like to fuck dicks or vaginas. This would be a non issue not talked about anywhere but fringe forums only for people specifically interested in those things if people weren't always pushing it in the mainstream. So here we are

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Include your gay shit if it has something to do with the narrative or personality of the character. If it has literally nothing to do with the game or some semblance of an effect on the game don't shoe horn it in.

it's very unnecessary

based und redpilt

Id be more ok with soldier 76 being gay if he were a big titty shemale


Agent isnt bad because hes gay, it's bad because we already had lots of details about his life and Blizzard decided to withold that one for shock value.

What Soldier 76 does with his dick is something I actively do not want to think about while shooting people in an FPS game. It's not trivia, it's revolting if you're straight and makes me want to touch the game even less than I already did.