>MHfags have been paying almost full price for "expansions" for over 15 YEARS
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Monster Hunter thread
MHfags have been paying almost full price for "expansions" for over 15 YEARS
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Capcom has been charging full price for the same game +DLC since World Warrior became SF2 Turbo, Super, and Super Turbo
Tigrex looks better than i expected wtf
I can't wait to fight tiggy in the snow again. Don't feel too hyped about the new 'grappling' mechanics though, looks like something a frenchy would use often while spamming 'je suis monte' in chat.
Where the fuck is Zinogre
>Base game costs 60$
>Expansion practically doubles the content costs 40$
What exactly is wrong about this?
Not only will the game has 15+ new monsters to hunt all the existing monsters will get g/master rank versions.
Which have more aggressive AI and more attacks.
Hell you can get way more Hours out of the expansions in Monster hunter than the base game just from the more difficult hunts than the base version.
Nothing is wrong with it, it's tradition to start MonHun threads with weak bait.
Fucking still can't believe Glavenus is is. Please, also let my boys Zinogre and Gore be in as well
>Zinogre and Gore
i doubt Gore's in but if he is i'll be happy as fuck to have my favorite monster in World
Zingore should make it in solely on the basis that the game lacks more Electric elemnt monsters.
Kirrin armor is probably the most useless armor in the game right now specifically because its only good vs kirin.
Tobi kodachy is a low level monster so its not even worth crafting Electric resistant armor for him.
Alternatively we might get Rajang in the expansion or as DLC similar to Deviljho.
Didn't someone find out that rajang doesn't actually do thunder damage?
Pretty sure when he fires his lazor and gets all unga he deals Thunder damage.
Please no fucking Rajang. Anything but that.
yes, and then the world chads came.
Pickle also deals Dragon damage but lets face it he will more likly kill you using brute force over dragon damage.
Althou t be fair in G rank he likes to use dragon attack more often.
In general elemental attacks are harder to avoid by melee players and i guess some beams can kill ranged players if they mistime reloading or recoil.
In general Elder dragons relay more on Pure elemental damage or indirect attacks like Kushalas winds or Chamelos Poison Globs while Regular monsters are more physical.
Only exception to this rule i guess is Nergigante and i Guess Valstrax also tends to be more physical.
Stop being a baby casual.
Is quru making a comeback?!
the beam is purely physical. The only attack Rajang does that deals thunder damage is when he jumps backwards and fires a small blast at the ground
Its cool to charge for expansions because expansions have a significant amount of content that they add to the game.
GOTYs are hardly expansions