>the female enemies are stronger
The female enemies are stronger
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I miss em. Where are the hot nazi bitches in NuWolf?
>Real life
I wish
kill all niggers :)))
So where are they?
it'll imply nazis are hot and appeal to the male incel fantasies
all nazis are ugly and bad including modern day trump supporters
Can you imagine the mentally ill trannies that work at these American companies reaction to the white males putting sexy Nazis in their game?
Literally would have a meltdown. It couldn't happen today.
>Literally would have a meltdown
Like you are right now?
>Ask where X is
>Explain why X can't happen anymore
>"You're having a meltdown XD"
40% yourself tranny.
>implying /pol/ won't be whining about fetishizing muh Nazis or brutally and creatively killing aryan breeding stock
It's gonna get complained about either way from both sides. Even the fat Nazi chick in Oldblood got lefties twisted over fat shaming. When you're looking to be offended, you'll find something to bitch about.
>American developers
Pick one
>best aesthetic
>best waifus
wtf I hate the Allies now
>Complain about sexy nazi chicks
Uhh.... What?
Ever heard of Nazisploitation movies and porn? Real nazis consider it to be the height of degeneracy. Guess where Wolfenstein draws most of its female Nazi characteristics from? Nazisploitation media.
"Real Nazis"
Have you ever seen /pol/ meetups? It's 80% non white
Nazisploitation is hot.
More like a MP-3008 desu
I don't doubt that most of them would be ironically complaining about it.
>Femme Fatales stopped being a archetypal enemy in games because muh values
>Sexy Nazi bitches stopped being a thing because people are now legitimately afraid of a German political party that went defunct 70 years ago
Man fuck this current climate
Strong female video game characters are the best
t. femdomfag
I remember these wicked sex ninjas
I used to check them out on old Redemption after killing them
Gave me quite some boners as a child
How does BJ not get a boner when fighting these enemies, especially if its with his trademark knife?
/pol/ is nazisplotation to its core
none of those faggots kill jews
most are non-white
unironic bitching and complaining comes from the left
only idiot boomers with no awareness are like that from the right
Doesn't end nicely for her. But that's what she gets for trying to take on BJ.
Its sten in game
>"Real Nazis"
He's talking about unironic skinheads and neo-nazis dumbass
The genuine stormfags would bitch loudly and constantly, but everyone else would tell them to fuck off. Hot girls > shitpoliticking
As a Korean-American.
Fucking a hot nazi chick is one of my fantasies
Why do Nazi birches always wear skintight suits?
does the term "skinhead" imply more than just a bald guy?
Killin' gnazis.
Reddit would love this!
To show their perfect physique
Cause evil = sexy and skintight catsuits = sexy and dangerous.
I wanna throat fuck that bitch.
What would you guys think if the Youngblood Elite Guard turned out to be sexualized and attractive?
>the child enemies are sexier
Why are nazigirls so hot? I'm liberal as fuck and they do all sorts of things to my dick.
A "skinhead" refer's specifically to modern day American neo-nazis that shave their head. Dont call a regular bald guy a skinhead.
You want her to dominate your degenerate ass
>using british machineguns
I want at least one of BJ's duaghters to be gay and in the obligatory "MCs doing something mundane and then they're forced to eat a burger with a Nazi or whatever" segment they turn the tables and lesbian seduce a sexy Nazi lady officer.
If it's gotta be shlock, go big or go home.
>female enemies
>attacks include spins, cartwheels, and other gymnastic movements
>lesbian nazi threesome with potential incest
I like the way you think.
>The Females are stronger
Didn't they unironically have jiggle physics?
Is she Hitomi's friend ?
Does BJ feel anything when he sneaks up on an elite guard and grabs her, wrestling a knife into her as she tries to break free, smacking her firm round latex ass against his crotch all the while, and then holding her tightly as she enters her death spasms so that her thrashing won't alert her comrades?
>tfw fapped to this already
God why do I love beheading guro so much?
My cock gonna explode
>No sign of her pissing herself
wasted potential
>Boner at the gate again, howling my name. Can't fap today, I have a war to win.
The elite guard will always have a special place in my heart as my first vidya fap.
Girls Und Panzer?
I love her!
>tfw jew and get turned on by this thread
Imagine having a sexy nazi officer sit on your face and gassing you.
How'd they get away with this?
Unsexy granny panties.
To the ovens with you!
Sora no Woto.
Which is also about a tank crew of sorts, but mostly music and scenery porn. And PTSD.
>tfw getting the flamethrower with console commands so i can listen to them screaming in pain
>benis starts doing benis things
BJ is filled with so much righteous and murderous nazi-rage that the Elite Guard being sexy bitches wouldn't even register. He's like the Punisher for Nazis, and Punisher will kill you brutally no matter how hot you are if you're a criminal.
what is she from?
Ah, you are a man of refined taste indeed.
Punisher is a pretty good comparison.
He beats the shit out of her in the finale, and crushes/breaks her neck. Very much how I'd imagine BJ would act around an Elite Guard.
Be honest; when you were a kid, did you teabag their bodies and imagine you were having sex with them?
That's Cuenca
/our girl/
Man, those bitches were hot as fuck
no but i loved the screams, i also like ryona
i've been a sadist fuck since forever
That it is.
The show's a bit of a love-letter to the place, among other things.
This is an actual drawing etched onto one of the walls of a building in the town, though it's a bit faded now in real life.
it's k-on with retarded (military) setting that only clashes with SoL genre
That's (pic) is what we call a "picoleto"
I want to see her try and pull up the zipper
It's funny that they were the one thing people remember most from RtCW.
The only real similarity to K-on is the appearance of the main character.
I actually really liked how downright schizophrenic the setting was.
I hope they'll be hotter than 2009's version.
So I've heard.
Do you think I'd be possible to make a violent Doom type game where instead of demons youre fighting hordes of nazi lolis? What kinda backlash would that get? On the hand you'll get the ''but muh violence'' crowd complaining that its lolis getting rekt, but on the other....nazis. Would they seriously complain about punching nazis?
They're a militarized police that controls traffic and rural areas
>not even a hint of cleavage
>curves almost completely hidden
could be a twink inside the suit and you couldn't tell.
Remember when the Elite Guard could use magic.
Banking on the short haired one to be the lesbian.
I know it's a fucking cliche but Martin Stig Anderson said he's gonna go 80s for it and with Turbo Killer in the big reveal trailer I'm really excited for some synthwave in a big publisher game. Feels like it's been the realm of trendy indies for so long and nothing really like Blood Dragon for years.
don't make me post ilsa webms now
they hate white children so they'd probably be fine with it
It was a different time.
Man, there's a lot of Elite Guard art.
I want to lick dat tummy and ass.
Why did BJ circumsize himself with an ax?
It's funny because if you look any actual modern day fascists (not your middle america neckneck cucks but your AFD, RAM, and Italian fash groups) they're all jacked as fuck with iron jawlines and have 10/10 Aryan Stacys. No wonder so much right wing propaganda is based of aestheticism.
to please his jewish overlords of course
>not degenerates
Come on
The Chad Med fash vs the virgin skinhead cuck
I'd imagine that his knife isn't the only long, hard thing entering her fit nazi body, if you catch my drift.
This is garbage. The proportions and perspective is fucked
Most western online art is garbage. Don't even like the anime aesthetic that much and I recognize that.
any wolfenstein mods where i can play as the good guys?
What would you do if you were in Blazkowicz's shoes?
kill myself so the good guys win
post screenshots of them on fire their stock scream sounds get me hard