Post games you will/would buy without question or research.
>Skate 4
>Fable 4
>Bioshock (has to be set in Rapture)
>Elder Scrolls VI
>Harry Potter MMORPG
>An SSX game
>Dragons Dogma 2
Post games you will/would buy without question or research.
>Skate 4
>Fable 4
>Bioshock (has to be set in Rapture)
>Elder Scrolls VI
>Harry Potter MMORPG
>An SSX game
>Dragons Dogma 2
I don't buy videogames
Yea Forums jannie simulator
All correct but then again I blindly bought Jurassic World Evolution
>Warcraft 4
>Age of Empires 4
>Age of Mythology 2
>Bioshock (has to be set in Rapture)
Rapture as a setting was designed specifically for the story BioShock told
Wanting even more Rapture shows a complete misunderstanding and disregard of Rapture's purpose as a narrative device
BioShock 2 was already bad enough
Infinite made the right call with a new city and cast, but then they had to sate the Rapturefags with the DLC
Assuming BioShock ever should have had sequels to begin with, each one should've been a new setting.
Stalker: MMO faithful to the CoC mod.
>Shit taste: The post
>random garbage tera screen shot
get taste
>>Warcraft 4
Muh nigga, was just thinking about this the other day. Pretty much the only thing that would get me to care about Blizzard again.
A sequel to Prince of Persia 2008
Whats wrong with bannerlord, skate and dragons dogma?
>Wanting even more Rapture shows a complete misunderstanding and disregard of Rapture's purpose as a narrative device
don't hurt yourself man, i just want to to go to rapture again, let me take part in the civil war there, anything.
i never got past the starting zone in Tera, just used that screen for big titty slut bait tbqh.
>let me take part in the civil war there
Was that not the premise of BioShock 2's multiplayer?
Sins of a Solar Empire 2
Fable 4
Kingdoms of Amalur 2
Rune Factory 5
Dragon Quest 12
Disgaea 6
yea and i loved it
>Monster Hunter 5 (You know what I mean worldfags)
>Dragon's Dogma 2
>New Tony Hawk game made by the original devs
inb4 it's absolutely god tier amazing until they inevitably ruin the fuck out of it with every patch until it can hardly be described as a shell of its former self, it won't be recognizable to the people who play it at launch, any good animations or effects will be replaced with a shittily made, tacky eyesore of a "revamp", They'll remove the best dungeon content and never give it back, they'll have an abysmal exploitable matchmaking system for their battlegrounds which will leave you in a raid of 100% solo queuers VS a raid jam packed with premade groups literally 90% of the time and not do anything about it
It will also obviously be pay to win and have unnecessary gear progression every 6 months
No, that's TERA 1
They'll make broken new classes that are gender/race locked and inject them into your game and nerf them after 1 month while claiming they really didn't know it was going to be that overpowered, when you know damn well they did it on purpose to sell outfits
>Age of Mythology 2
It is known that all 5 of TERA's added classes were absurdly broken on release and only receive slight nerfs after 1 month, then when the next overpowered class is ready to debut the former one gets absolutely decimated into the realm of balance so all the people who picked it just to get a free win in PvP will just reroll to the new one
This is 100% accurate it is a true story and you can look it up. Look at the patch notes and you'll notice the pattern