Why is it that I want it after listening to around 10 hours of those long "game analysis and critique" YouTube videos...

Why is it that I want it after listening to around 10 hours of those long "game analysis and critique" YouTube videos explaining exactly how bad it is and Im still on the precipice of buying it right now?

Is it in a playable state by now?

Attached: fallout-76-patch-9-wild-appalachia.jpg (1280x718, 144K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>spending money on shitty games
shiggy diggy desu senpai onions baka

Morbid curiosity
You'll regret it

Its almost playable but there is a lot more content since release, dont believe Yea Forums when they probably havent even played it.

Because you are retarded.
The game will never be worth playing if you have literally anything else you could be playing. Everything about the game is badly designed or thought out, so there is no intensive to play for even a few hours. And it is just FO4 combat, but worse, so the actually combat is just bland.

You will easily get 150+ hours with this game. All the haters at this point are the hive mind Zoomers and loyal neckbeards who didn't get their good boy bag. You explore the whole wasteland, get the best 3 star legendaries, become a god with mutations and make your own home with a shop if you want to be social. That's pretty much it.

It's kinda fun to just dick around in
it, build a comfy camp in the mountains, and do the exploration loop but I wouldn't pay more than $20 for it. I'm really hoping it becomes something respectable down the line with updates but I wouldn't hold your breath.

If you liked vanilla Fallout 4, and have a friend or two you can play it with, you'll have a good time with Fallout 76.

The poor reception at launch was due to no mods, major bugs, and a flurry of other stupid decisions by Bethesda outside the game.

At this point, most of the bugs are fixed, and they've been steadily adding new content and fixing issues people have had with it. There are definitely far worse games out there.

I don't have any friends to play with, although I might be able to convince someone to buy it if I do.

A lot of the "different" things about 76 appeal to me. I like that everything is told through holotapes and computers, if that type of storytelling worked in Dark Souls I'm sure it will be fine in Fallout. I don't care about the dialogue options because Fallout 4 proved Bethesda is either not willing or not capable to put effort into that part of the game anyways. I'm glad the game is online, but sparsely populated. Seeing one other wanderer come and go from time to time sounds comfy, a lot comfier than seeing random assholes running all over the map fucking up my immersion constantly. And the game is probably zoomer free so aside from the occasional memester I'm hoping the people I do see are at the very least other adults who won't be obnoxious. The grind added to equipment crafting and levelling up sounds alright in this case too, as it would make the game last a lot longer.

I literally never cared about the main quest in any Fallout or Elder scrolls game anyways. I always wandered around, doing everything else and ignoring the main story. I won't really miss there not being one. I only wish the wasteland looked as depressing and desolate as the Capital Wasteland in 3. I want as depressing a post apocalypse as possible, something like Olathe in Lisa

It's all fun and games till your updater decides it wants to spend another 5 hours reinstalling the game.

>most of the bugs are fixed
So the invincibility and dev room glitches are fixed?
I heard last month that a camera fucking let you fly around the map.

Good post, actually makes me want to play again except I don't want to deal with the anxiety and fear that the game presents me.

It's literally going free to play in like a week. Just chill out a bit

It's like looking at a car crash.

You guys have been saying that since December. No it's not.

>Unironically thinking short lying man won't walk on stage at Bethesda E3 and damage control 76 by dropping a new expansion and making the game f2p


But what did you do during all that time. There is almost nothing to do except aimlessly shoot stuff.

the story told in the background of 76 is actually really good and it's a shame it was wasted on holotapes instead of actually being played as it happens in a normal fallout game

it's comfy

Attached: 59494848.jpg (1024x576, 166K)

I bought it.

Attached: sfbgfsgv.png (1177x475, 838K)

should have waited for the steam release later this year

have fun!

By that logic I should have just waited a year to buy the game when it has less bugs/more content. Of course it's going to be better, later. I already waited almost 7 months, I'm sure it will be fine.

youre a fucking moron

Then this game would be perfect for you. I bought 76 at launch and even though there were tons of bugs I loved the game because I only play Bethesda games for the open world, loot and free roam which this game does the best out of any Bethesda title to date.

seeing how much esl cucks hate this game makes me want to play it even more

Yessss good goy, lap up every last drop of Bethesda's shit down your throat. Retards like you are why this industry's gone to shit, you actually paid money for a game that had practically no effort put into it. You're worse than the insectoids in China.

It's only ESLs that play this game because it's only like $10 on PC in those regions

>practically no effort put into it

Except for the entire map right? And more enemy variety than any other Fallout to date. Plus, I'm sure it will be plenty interesting to read all the terminals and listen to the holotapes. As I said in the OP, I've researched this game intensely and made an informed decision. People are saying the game isn't nearly as buggy anymore and works now.

>Entire map
You fucking moron, this game was built off of fallout 4's back to the point where it still has glitches and bugs present in fallout 4 that were fixed by mods that were made by fans because Bethesda are too lazy and incompetent to actually improve their games.

You are a mindless drone, holy fuck, imagine actually paying for this dumpsterfire after how much Bethesda lied about the game on launch and after launch. Consider suicide, you're the cancer killing the industry worse than any other group.

>19.90 MB/ sec
Damn lucky.

>"You are a mindless drone"

Your entire post is literally buzzwords, misinformation, and six month old talking points that don't apply anymore.

>"Haha yeah, unlike these KEKS I'm going to pay for a product Bethesda shat out to take advantage of hype and the blind loyalty their fanbase have for their products! That'll show them, suckers!"
So based, so brave...

You are paying money for this, you fucking mongoloid. You are telling Bethesda with your wallet that you're a-okay with them releasing more half-baked, falsely-advertised garbage because dumbasses like you will buy their shit anyway. I repeat, you are nothing but pure cancer.

Todd Howard did it again, based bethesdrone

most of his points are valid
sounds like you're a drone or you're a sucker who are starting to regret purchasing it not an hour after doing so

>He's actually so poor that he has the capacity to seriously regret a purchase of under 100 dollars

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The seething in this thread made the 200 dollar version worth it.

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yes, the game is fine if you liked fallout 4 and like exploring stuff on your own pace.

Everyone telling you to not buy it either didn't play it, are blindly hating it out of nothing and agreeing with gaming "journalists" when they disagree with them in every other issue, or just aren't the target audience


Everything about this game is a piece of shit but I played it way more than Fallout 4.

The best part of 4 was the sandbox play, just roaming around shooting and looting. 76 is just a fallout 4 sandbox expac with little story elements.

Attached: fallout.jpg (1920x1080, 297K)

Epic based user showing Yea Forums who's boss by paying money to Godd Howard

why not pay a thousand dollars for a piece of shit if you're willing to shell out money for vastly overpriced products?

wait. you're not poor, are you?

At least make an attempt at not sounding like such a blatant shill.

I played this start to finish (explored all the locations and did all the quests except the last one) solo. If you liked other games in the series AND are the type of guy who likes to explore everything and do every single side thing you can do, you'll enjoy it a lot.

If you're expecting a good multiplayer experience and play it as such (rush to max level running everywhere and not paying attention to anything) you'll get bored of it pretty quickly.

Less than 20 minutes remaining guys. I'm tempted to stream it.

Except he's right tho hes not shilling anything go play the game yourself or fuck off faggot.


How about you kill yourself you fucking faggot? How's that? You're the one being a shill, have you tried the fucking game or do you get your opinions from circlejerks and (((journalists)))?

Per my understanding, those glitches are fixed, though odds are you can still get into the dev room and stuff by some method not publically known.

And I guess I should have the specified that most of the major bugs at launch are fixed, there's still tons of minor ones (For example, people just realized the endangerol syringer that says it reduces the target's armor by 25% for 30 seconds actually increases the target's armor penetration, increasing their damage) and each new patch usually introduces some new bugs, (Like the camera) or somehow even reintroduces some previously fixed bugs.

It's definitely not perfect, but if you're into Bethesda's games it's a fun little romp.

>S-Shut the fuck up and buy the game goy! Todd Howard can do no wrong! I-It's fine they fixed the game guys, please, please come back!


I plan on just walking around, reading everything, exploring everywhere, looking for secrets and making up a story in my head as I go along. I'm not going to power game, probably not even going to use fast travel. Just gonna walk around and enjoy being comfy, killing shit, making a nice camp and finding easter eggs.

I don't even really care for the multiplayer stuff, I'm going to play the game alone outside of the people I see along the way.

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>This board's so dedicated to being contrarian that they're willing to bend over and eat Bethesda's shit to "troll" everyone else
Based retards, please keep giving your money to Todd.

Hey Todd, good to see you around here.


OP asked if the game is good, I gave my own opinion of it, having played it from release until January. In my opinion, it's worth playing IF you're the specific kind of player that'll enjoy it. Why does this upset you so much? Is it autism?

Then play the game, you'll most likely enjoy it, you can probably find a key for it for like 10$ nowadays

Except we didnt say anything of the sort you seething nigger, its okay we didnt want you playing this nice game anyways and have fags like you running around

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It's an online Fallout game. Even if it's a shitty Fallout game, the concept alone is great. Buy it already. I'm telling you this because once Bethesda is done with this game we may never see another like it again for a long time.

Yes, but you need friends to play it. I'm looking for people to play so add me on Steam and shit.


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It's not on Steam yet.

If you liked Fallout 4 you'll probably like it too. Thing is, Yea Forums hates Fallout 4

I know it's not on Steam. I just use it to communicate with people I play games with. I use discord too, but people are autistic about it.

the game is crap, you cant kill the queen and farm shit like your supposed to, they nerfed any hope for it a long time ago and the pvp is shit which is the only thing worth doing at end game, Dont buy it

All the hate in this thread is part of the appeal, there's probably not going to be any zoomers in game and that makes me happy.

>Yea Forums fags hate it because it's cool to hate on it
>normie fags hate it because of reviews

This actually made the f76 community based, only people who genuinely like videogames and fallout are playing it

So the 200h you played to get to max level are invalidated?