Cyberpunk 2077 - no real choices

look at most dialogs and you will see most options are actually the same.

not only this but then voiced protagonist says something completely different
>pressed: Could be, go on, sing your song
>says: interested sure: tell me more

its basically only different phrases of saying the same thing

lol not even once (also ugly consolized solid colors - no textures graphics)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>look at most dialogs and you will see most options are actually the same.
It's the same in almost every rpg, you have a huge list of things to select from to say, but the responses from the NPC are all the same, or loop back to the same track.
Videogames will never be as good as a Dungeon Master.

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

>can't call him a nigger
Fucking hack devs

What's even the point of playing then?

>fatass limo black man
>v automatically sucks up to him like a kiss ass

>attractive corporate white woman
>v automatically hates her like a fucking punk

yeah it seems cdpr went full sjw shill. with that faggot shit theyy are disgusting. first day pirate for me

The game isn't even finished yet

AI could change that, my bet is under 30 years

also that muh mature game is just so cringy
if u listen to dialogue is so juvenile: fuckin shit fuck got none to fucking use
jaina bitch cabron fuck

>look at most dialogs and you will see most options are actually the same.
So like Witcher 3 then? Why are you surprised? That negro looks pretty based desu.

This desu

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Can I ask you something since there's no point arguing with you? Were you the guy sperging out about shit that guy added in the unofficial patch for VTMB where Jeanette rates you as mediocre after fucking her? They worded their posts pretty similar to yours.

you mean the fucking cuckshit

The only appeal of the limo nigger is calling him a nigger.

how is that nigger based ? hes criminal scum, so is our protagonist. no option to side with corpo, u need to be lowlife scum whore or fag

he looks like a fat tub of shit

you can't tho

It's not a stretch to assume that after witcher 3 user.
>Pirating over SJW shit
>Not refusing to play at all because the gameplay looks like shit

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also did u notice empty roads in le big big city and most npc animations look like san andreas tier ?

did they say in the final game you WILL BE GAY if you select male player character? No.
in the demo, the male protag wakes up with a dude. THE DEMO

It's definitely odd and maybe the guy has a sph fetish but wouldn't you have to be in a relationship Jeanette for it to be cuck? Remember she's a slut who fucks dudes all the time. You just rode the local bicycle.

>no option to side with corpo
But that's wrong

says enough about the company that they even dare to force - demo or not fuck em tranny fagotts

based, im not playing shit console games with no soul that are gta clones

>no option to side with corpo,
Theres a option talking to the Corp bitch later when she says about working together again where you agree with her.
>being so well made you can afford to have other criminals do your crimes for you
>not based
Cringe desu senpai.

underageb& detected

Sounds more like laziness on CDPR's side to change the demo significantly, which I'd expect more from the witcher 3 devs.

anti-cdpr and anti-cyberpunk 2077 threads are made by shills that work for or have acquaintances with people working for competing game companies

they fucking prioritized that shit over straight male v they still haven't fucking shown straight male v fact

I'll wait till the game comes out to actually see but that sucks if it's true

its a low effort demo to at least show you they're making the game. I really dont see the need to outrage over a male NPC getting out of the PCs bed in a demo. Its barely there, they even published the female playthrough so its not like its the one they are showing for PR.

Well fuck, seems like Yea Forums was right about this shit game. Shouldn't have wasted my time defending it.

He copy pasted those quotes you moron

then again why am I arguing the insignificance of homosexuality on fucking Yea Forums. Yea Forums of all places.... guess I really am the retarded one.

>they still haven't fucking shown straight male v fact
Ain't that they guy they showed in the debut trailer giving the voice over. Because female V was there too for half a second.

that fucking means they prioritize female v and fag v over straight male v they didn't fucking bother with a straight male version it's the lowest fucking development priority lowest content that's fucking retarded

>not wanting to play a game makes you a shill


he didn't fuck any women in that trailer tho talkin bout them showing v got assfucked both female v and male v in demo

Because you're a homosexual?

slow mo kills this game. if gunplay wasn't garbage i would play it maybe, but like this no way

> didn't fuck any women in that trailer
I feel like I'm on the fucking BSN with you people complaining about in-game romance options in a cyberpunk game.

It's still better than no option at all
Planescape:Torment even had
Having multiple tone options lets you define a way your character speaks, which goes into roleplaying. Sure, it's nowhere near as vital as actually giving gameplay options, but it's cheap, easy to add flavor

yet you're fucking defending the gay shit fuck off you're only complaining bout request for showing straight male v

Exactly it's cheap and easy which is why its shit

>they already showed fucking gay shit fag v now cdpr should show straight male v
imagine this being controversial lmao

Okay, so the game is marketed to fags. Won’t buy, dishonored 1 was a better game of this genre

leave him, hes a faggot anyways. they should have showcased demo with straight male v. thats the population who plays game. faggots and sjw lesbian feminists are too busy getting aids and parading

not having any real choices would be cyberpunk

unbelievable how so many of u guys suck cdpr cock and defend raging faggotry. 10 years ago that wouldnt be acceptable, nowadays its "based"

they already said story is first. so u wont have many rpg choices. it will unironically be like gta in many aspects

cool black men are way better than corporate ice queens
sorry user

that should be for the fucking player to decide lmao

>t. nigger lover who spams blacked porn all over Yea Forums boards

i'm pretty sure some of the things i write about blacks on Yea Forums would get me on some kind of watch list but not for blacked porn
but i'd take a posse of black bros over a cyberpunk corporate executive

>people make a thread specifically to lie to each other or spin things for the sole purpose of making themselves mad

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good for you but that's not a fucking rpg that's what i'm talking bout cdpr fucking pushing their shit pushing gay shit on you pushing you sucking up to limo fatass pushing you acting like a bitch to corporate woman

really starting to dig how thematically appropriate cdpr's laziness in limiting choices is even more, with each of your posts

it's all transparent what the limited choices lean toward Yea Forums keeps talking bout how they're based poles but they hired a shitload of pozzed american writers

choices are limited because it takes many man-hours to produce content for a high budget aaa game and they don't want to incur the expense of providing you with any real freedom of choice
this is extremely appropriate for a game about hypercapitalist dystopia. i don't see why you can't appreciate the humor in this

>implying Male V didn't fuck the dude so it wasn't gay


lmao they have the fucking budget for aaa homo sodomy but they don't have the fucking budget to give you choices in quests holy shit lol

You're right but your argument doesnt make the game better. It's already looking like steaming shit.

yes the promise of letting losers live out sexual fantasies is a more lucrative and less technically complicated system to implement than other things
bioware trash turned into glorified dating sims and that worked out super ok for them until ea branded a rando studio bioware and then it didn't work so well for them

I partly agree but it's still taking control from the player, its fallout 4 tier forced personality.

only the fucking gay losers tho what kind of shit is that lmao

Bioware romances were always garbage though, they felt like they written by people who have never actually flirted with anyone.

i'm not telling you the game will be good only that i enjoy watching people chaff at the boundaries imposed upon them by a foreign corporation and that it is an extremely fitting end for all of this
whether the game is good or not is not something i can decide yet


>it's not supposed to have choices
lol einstein

Fair enough user

yes bioware games from the ea period are shit, but they were also successful, which is all that a business cares about

you guys understand from the gameplay we saw that dex, the big black man in the limo, is someone of influence that you were TRYING to meet. you guys know that right?


i don't give a fuck why the fuck is it different with the corporate woman it's fucking garbage give some fucking choice what to fucking say and keep this pozzed shit out of games fucking cunts

andromeda is not a bioware game
it was a random studio branded bioware by ea
anthem was some executive meddling shit probably. it's nothing like their usual formulaic garbage

Please for the love of fucking Christ stop analyzing the demo like this. You fucking nigger were complaining about forced sex scenes because we never actually see the mc choose yes or no to fucking the spicnigger. I fucking hate literally everything that's happened to CP2077 since the original teaser peaked in 2013, but you fucking morons are actually spilling liquid shit out of your ass if you think any of this is an accurate vertical slice of the game.

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there is a reason why you meet the characters you do and why your responses may be limited to further the scripted story in some way. that's not to say there won't be other opportunities for branching paths later, but you should never really get your hopes up so much when every single other game of this type, past or present, has always led you to the same prescripted endings no matter what stupid fucking choice you make.

and it's conveniently all politically charged pozzed shit correct only leaning one fucking way

So its cyberpunk?

>cyberpunk is supposed to be sjw
this isn't a fucking rpg it's a california cocksucking simulator fuck that shit don't try to justify it like that ffs

What? Witcher 3 is exactly the same. You can choose to skip most of the dialogue and only choose quest related lines, but there’s a lot of filler you can ask to learn more about the character, area etc

The original trailer made it look so much better than its turning out, sad shit


That trailer had nothing in it but a song and slo mo out of context scene. How can you make a judgement from that?

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no cyberpunk is not "social justice warrior" but you seem to be specifically buttravaged by homosexuality
you aren't prepared for the horrors of these worlds. imagine the brain of an eight year old in a mechanized body that looks like you being plowed by your spouse because someone wants to assassinate them
ooooOOoooOoooo spooky

>only leaning one fucking way

you choose to see what you want to see and then get annoyed at it. you do this to yourself.

Will you quit sperging every thread like a broken record and learn to punctuate your sentences? Like, this.

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you don't need to make much judgement on it that literal fucking nothing is better than the steaming gay ass pile we have now


fuq nigga now that is cyberpunk ™

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Yea, I don't fucking care. The fact that it has a voiced protagonist is ten thousand times more of an issue than any fucking fag display scheme you think that have going on. You fucking people and your goddamn non issues. You're literally the opposite side a fucking coin to these retards. The fact that homosexual inclusion triggers you so much implies that you accept video games a medium of political expression, which it isn't, nor is it relevant to anything involving actual game design. Craft a noose and fucking hang yourself you fucking quadruple nigger.

fucking sjws defending fucking sjw shit what the fuck else is new

how old are you. serious question

you sheepfucking retard i'm saying they prioritize gay shit over straight male i'm not saying the existence of gay shit is the main fucking problem it's prioritizing it you fucking cockgobbler fuck off fucking lobotomized monkey brain moron motherfucker

>get called out for being a sperging broken record
>"S-s-sJAy dubya!!"
Cope harder retard, and learn to write in english.

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you: my disgust response cannot even be tuned for the acceptance of homosexuality
me: wait until the most popular celebrity in the world is someone that stole your face and some otaku thinks you are that person and rapes you in his shipping crate hovel

>a work in progress demo doesn't have choices
color me shocked faggot.

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you: fucking facebook tier numale meme
me: fuck off you degenerate fucking asspirate

>can't even write a single post without writing fuck multiple times
Are you mad all day until you sleep?

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you are the wrong website dude theblaze is over there

How is this guy in every single Cyberpunk thread?

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>Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fucking retards! Fucking fuck! Fuck

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There's some insane autism on this site.

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he just wants us to know he is really concerned about degeneracy in a setting where human bodies are completely comodified and everything is awful

>I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>in this demo at least

I understand exactly what you're saying. I don't give a fuck about agenda driven story games, and you shouldn't either unless you're a seething fucking poltard that conflates the issues of game design with political propaganda. They're not equivalents you fucking moron. I don't fucking care what degenerate self mutilating tranny is involved in creating a game so long as the product is of merit. The fact that you actually give a shit is literally the same vein of philosophy that leads people to over include minorities in media and use it as a springboard for their twitter fueds. Game design has zero fucking relation to whatever shit flinging fests you have on twitter about faggots raping children or niggers raping women. Acknowledging this topic as a "video game" issue is the same fucking logic the niggers you hate so much use to frame fucking video games as social commentary.

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I assume you can disable gay shit in the real game, the devs wouldn't force your character to have sex with someone if you didn't want to

they should it will be very vtmb of them

>cool dude offers v a job
>v is acting normaly and wants the job

>corpo maniac threaten v with her goons, brainscan her, then fuck her over with the infected credchip
>v is rattled and dislike the corpobitch

>somehow user find this badly written

lmao you fucking transparent dicklicker you're only arguing with me about straight males you can take your pick of all the shitters itt the fucking sjws the fucking gay cucks yet the one thing you're fucking doing is arguing against showing straight male v fuck off retard

the problem is they're prioritizing it over straight male they haven't even developed straight male content they're just showing off gay shit

>cool dude

antinatalists obviously promote gay shit to reduce competition for resources for their progeny but they also seemingly make you frothing mad as well
they should have all kinds of nonconsensual sexual intercourse just to make a variety of lunatics mad online

Jesus, it's been like 2 weeks and people still reply and try to argue with this retard

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>still defending that shit
>still arguing against showing straight male content
dumbass lmao

Yeah because the RPG trichotomy is just so easy to deviate from:
1) Polite response
2) Neutral response
3) Dickhead response

well i do prioritize my own entertainment in life over most things and watching insane people lose their shit for days would be quite satisfying

Yet you're the only fucking moron that actually threw your turd of a post at my original post about the demo not being an accurate vertical slice. This thread of replies has just been you and me, retard. Trannies are terrible fucking people user, but it's important to understand that they're not at all fucking relevant to deconstructing game design.

How do we know they prioritized it? They probably just included that to virtue signal to the gays.

You know what? I know they have the choice locked to male for demo purposes. But seeing your retarded ass get so worked up and unable to write English over it is hilarious. You probably have autism no joke if this is normal behavior to you.

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we'll see man it's just fucked up they haven't even shown straight male v yet if they show it at e3 it's fine

my english good bitch how many language you speak dumb fucker

v will never be a straight man again
v will just suck cock after cock in every scene wd40 will be everywhere

just like nu cdpr lmao how are those thronebreaker sales

The autist fears the E3 hype

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>my english good

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>first person only
>voiced protag
it's going to be shit because of this
at least with fallout 4 you can mod it into a sex simulator and ogle your creation in third person.

>tfw the prostitute forgets to lube up my robotic asshole

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>being such a fincuck that you don't want PUNKS to be against authority

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Yea Forums crusade against this game will forever be hilarious because its so seethingly pathetic.

It's "My English is good bitch. How many languages do you speak, you dumb fucker."

Pretty sure you're some angry ESL.

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They've been butthurt ever since the Witcher 3 came out.

fuck you assmuncher you only speak 2 languages fag and homo

>wtf why is le cyberpunk man hostile towards corporate figures
Really mang?

it's rpg you should make character decisions

So why the need for dialog option then?

I mean its pretty safe assumption that you will be able to play as a straight male character, since more than 90% of their customers are straight men

You're roleplaying a CYBERPUNK

I mean, the black guy just has you go with a ride for him to discuss the job. The Corporate woman, while she may become more of an ally, starts off as a cunt who has a gun pointed in your face.

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i know man but i'm sayin they haven't shown it and they should show it that triggers other posters itt lol

you decide the stats, not the story. No dev gonna waste their time with multiple branching storyline

Does this guy have compulsion syndrome?

Yeah because it pays to be friendly with corpos, most of whom are best known for betraying everyone around them to get ahead. I don't think you know how Megacorps work there fella.

Stay mad

I guess, would be nice to see some of the waifus before it releases

>The Corporate woman, while she may become more of an ally, starts off as a cunt who has a gun pointed in your face.
She also actively sandbags you by giving you a credit chit infected with malware.

It's autism. He fails to grasp his enviroment and put himself in others shoes.

>>lowlife scum

yeah thats right user. great observation.

this poor soul

It will forever be a mystery

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>Having multiple tone options lets you define a way your character speaks, which goes into roleplaying.
Well, too fucking bad they're going to speak without your input anyway.


you can play geralt gay

"We promise not to make a grimy sci-fi action shooter with vehicles, a cyberpunk veneer, and an aesthetic that doesn’t actually translate into anything especially interesting in-game besides the odd augment. We're not going to fall back on the term Cyberpunk and create something completely different, this is the original Cyberpunk." -CDPR IGN 2013

Meanwhile they were met with:
Then when they actually show night time gameplay all these same cucks will declare victory as if they single handedly responsible for defeating sunlight as a concept in this game.

ok but everything mike pondsmith ever made was derivative

>no source
Google only leads to the first time you posted this, 17 hours ago. I'd like it if there was a source, but there doesn't seem to be one.

that's to be expected but
>custom player character
I really hope they'll let you turn V's voice off.

>N-no source
You are like little baby

Huh, you mean he posted that multiple times...
But why would anyone do something like that...

Voiced custom player characters aren't bad these days. I'm just curious to hear more male V to see if he talks the same way female V does.

Good. But maybe you should actually quote people when presenting a quote, not rephrase and compile several sentences together.
They fucking better.

can we just have one thread on this board without /pol/ shitting it up

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Because they probably largely were, Hepler, for example.

But people don't read articles, or understand quotes without context

>people waste time on the internet

You have now begun to strawman that guy. Instead of debating his point, you are making fun of him.

How about let's broaden the net instead of blaming only one subset of participants, you fucking shit head: can we have just one thread on this board without identity politics?

no. this is going to be the rest of your life so buckle up

>In this demo____ you will always___so we can show.
>players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play

>strawmanning someone posting a quote

that's not how strawmanning works retard.

bots. Yea Forums is infested with them.

Yea Forums's fucking reading comprehension at work.

All male Vs are gay haha

Yea, the black guy came off more as a mutual partner. And that makes sense. Honor among thieves, right? Both him and V are criminals. Meanwhile the Corpo Woman probably sees you as literal garbage beneath her feet, considering her social status.

user, everyone has already pointed out that CDPR said the gay shit was just for the demo. There's nothing more we can do but watch the spectacle of this autism unfold now.

Answer this user's question

>attractive corporate white woman
female poster

You're asking the wrong questions.
The question you should be asking is can you play as a non aug and purge the city of all aug degenerates?

>Yea, the black guy came off more as a mutual partner. And that makes sense. Honor among thieves, right?
Exactly. A Fixer is only as good as their word. They can't afford to fuck up their reputation and backstab their own mercenaries. On the other hand, a corpo is often expected to stab people in the back and that includes their own colleagues. Megacorps don't give a fuck.

Black guy
>Mutually beneficial relationship. Is upfront with you about the job, and behaves respectfully in the convo we see.
Corpo Woman
>Meeting starts off with her threatening to have her goons put in a hole in your head
>Treats you like garbage due to difference in social status
>Fucks you over by giving you a malware infested credit chip, without telling you.
Have sex

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go back to lefty/pol/ faggot

If it was shadowrun I would say maybe but you really wasn't able to do in in CP unless you really got into drugs

Why do you need a videogame? Go do it in real life, pussy.

>can't be corporate whore.
You can though, the corporate bitch also has a big black bodyguard that she is getting plowed by by back home, while also having some white bugman getting manhandled for possibly selling her out for shekels. Cope,.cuck.

>can you play as a non aug and purge the city of all aug degenerates?
Only an idiot would think this is possible. Cybernetics are so deeply rooted into everyday life in this setting that they might as well be cellphones and car keys.

>73 million spics, niggers, and white trash out of a job
sounds great desu

want to meet up so i can call you a nigger


hi mike will you ever create an original work

What did you say you little worm?

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Why, do you want to pay for their UBI or something?

no he wants them to suffer so he can feel better about his own mediocrity

>Cyberpunk 2077 is now pandering to niggers!!!!
>game was always an adaption of work ny Mike Pondsmith, a Black man, to begin with.
Clownskins here are just SJWs of another spectrum, injecting their own retard identity politics that just gonna encourage the majority of the people of the world to be against them..Its not a very wise strategy in the long run..

It's depressing how poorly Mankind Divided handled the proliferation of augs among the general population. They made augmented people some kind of oppressed minority with hidden power and it came off as half-baked racial commentary. I understand that mechanical augmentations became extremely rare before Deus Ex happened but that could be explained by the financial destitution most people faced in that time.

ah that makes sense

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miss me with that left shit
miss me with that right shit

everything from capeshit to android fiction is half-baked racial commentary

close. I just want to feel better about being above average, objectively. I make more money for my age on average and I plan to keep it that way,

also if we wanted to deal with "augmentation" realistically, people with augments would be cripples with extremely half-assed replacement parts and cumbersome energy problems

>sarcastic yes
>inquisitive yes
>[glass him]

Pick one.

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>no real choices
so realistic, excited.

i bet if a company went through the trouble of writing several possible stories within the same game that people would complain that they had to restart from scratch to the see all of the content for each route

based and payne pilled

Imagine how many different locations and voice lines would be necessary to allow V to become a corporate mercenary as an active career choice. I mean that in a meaningful way too. Not just four or five conversations being replaced in the plot. That's the paradox to this: Making it different enough is too expensive and time consuming.

Full sarcasm run.

Can't stop calling niggers for what they are. Even in videogames.

There's no difference between organised crime and corporations. Limo man is no different to a CEO.

>there were people who were thinking Basedberpunk 2077 was going to come out on 7th gen consoles

lmao at you losers.Somebody fire the idiots at CDPR for thinking anybody gives a shit about this lame ass open world crap for 2 or more years till the game comes out.

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>came off as half-baked racial commentary
Probably because it was

Fucking based user dabbing on these fags. Keep up the good work

I want to do a Fenneko run

"Open world" and "walking sim" are the new hot zoomer buzzwords for things they don't like.

Does glass him at least mean no? :(

It implies murdering him, so yes.

The term walking sim has existed since 2014 or whenever gone homo came out.

That'd unironically would have made FO4 bearable

you mean dear esther in 2012 you fucking newfag

>customizable character
>choices that matter
>neon city
>gang and corporate warfare
>the bike from akira
the beta cyberpunk vs the chad saints row 3

begone pedant

>not only this but then voiced protagonist says something completely different
>pressed: Could be, go on, sing your song
>says: interested sure: tell me more
They did that in Witcher 3 as well and it was super annoying. Why can't they just write the actual line