Why did Bethesda make Argonian females sound like 50 year old chain smokers in Skyrim? It's really bothering me

Why did Bethesda make Argonian females sound like 50 year old chain smokers in Skyrim? It's really bothering me.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>skyrim furry is a zoomer
good to know

that should be a human male

Attached: argonian3.png (810x960, 626K)

Never post this picture ever again, but I agree with you.

It really bothers my dick if you know what I mean.

that should be me

>tfw no game set in the black marsh featuring amazon argonians and snusnu

They definitely did not sound like that in morrowind.

to hold back there sheer lizard sex appeal of course.

>replace blood with cum
>his 12 orgasms to her 1
shoulda learned photoshop

Why even live?


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god I wish I was todd

A spongebob thread died for this

Goddamnit user

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Honestly, I love the sound of raspy women voices. Listening to an argonian female speak is all it takes for my cock to start leaking pre.

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>tfw no qt khajit gf

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Argonians don't act like that unless they have autism (disconnected from hist)

Time to rethink my priorities.

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very nice

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thanks user, this is very hot.



>marrying the argonian guy from Darkwater Crossing that you rescue from the Falmer cave
elder scrolls kino 2bdesu

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based and /hmofapilled

I feel bad that I recognized the artist inatantly

delete this

Attached: 1243523104136.png (247x248, 99K)

now do her bulge

>not marrying the cheerful argonian lass from windhelm docks

thank you based user

At least the males sound hot. And that's what really matters.

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I'm skinny tho

The bandits in the background need to look like they got snusnud.

Me on the pic. I'm /fit/ tho.

me on the left

so is there any more to this image out there anywhere or what?

You can't even marry one in Skyrim. Or Bosmer, for that matter.

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the story of my life

I had never thought about it before, but It's really bothering me that it has tits. Argonians are not mammals.

sauce of that comic?

>Skyrim VR to live out my Lizard man adventures fantasy.
Someday though. I'm a jewish fuck and pirated Skyrim VR but an old version and spent hours downloading mods only to find out that I had an outdated version that didn't support the skyrim script extender making the whole thing meaningless. ALSO, all the music and most of the sound effects were gone probably due to a shitty mod or download, so I'd waggle the sword and it would have no feedback or sound so it was like a silent lightsaber and made people fall over and felt awful to play.
I got a newer version and I'm sure that one will work, I'm just lazy as fuck and don't feel like doing it right now. I've been goofing around as a lizardman in Gmod VR in the mean time though. Always a good time.

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Dark Air, user. It's a korean comic book about a crossdressing mage, his dark-skinned warrior girlfriend, his rock guitarist team manager, his catman bro, and a small, big-boobed medic girl trying to defeat the evil wizard Frank Zappa.

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>ahnassi is the only romance option in morrowind
>people realize that todd is a furry
>he makes it so that you can marry anything that ISN'T a khajiit in skyrim so it looks like he isn't a degenerate
He should just embrase it next time desu.

What does Argonian milk taste like?
Asking for myself.

ice tea

Seriously, if you're going to leave a nude cat woman with the name "Pretty Kitty" in the game, you might as well own it.

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bags of sand


goddammit time to install skyrim again and create a BBW argonian female while making all the males skinny short losers with massive dongs


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Much better.

She's STRONGfat not fat!

Can Argonians get that color in game?

not in my game :^)

Reminder that theres no wrong way to fantasize.
Dont let anyone tell you otherwise.

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Literally me

compassionate post, user.

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I've unironically been slimming for my hypothetical monster waifu

It turns me the FUCK on

Argonians should not have tits. I don't care about the hist or whatever bullshit excuse.
Also lilmothiit fucking WHEN

You're fat on the inside

>Argonians should have larger tits

based anthro girls are for human penis

There won't be much human benis left after she's done with you.

is this a secondary character in the comic? how much she appear?

Fine by me.

Even the males, I assume?

The sad part is that they have tits simply because Bethesda is too lazy to make more than 2 bodies in the entire game for player races.

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>ywn have a drunk Kahjiit girl in heat throw herself at you
Why even live

Especially the males

What if my kink is kink shaming?

Sounds good to me.

Cute lizard

In my opinion, I don't mind either one. I'm just glad that they exist and playable.

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That's from EverQuest 2. I really liked them in classic EQ because you couldn't even tell the males from the females most of the times if you weren't accustomed to the models and armours. Which is exactly how it should be initially.

Then you are sad for liking such a shit fetish

>Argonians should not have tits.
why not?


stop giving him what he wants

Post your lizard characters, user.

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I want to cream her milkers

based /hmofa/ poster

I wish I could like argonians more but the way their tails clip with your body meshes annoys me way too much

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We have textures to give them human style abs and tits butno textures to smooth out the face and make it less scaly, makes me sad

>butno textures to smooth out the face and make it less scaly

>make it less scaly
Extremely shit taste

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nigga no

I just want something like this

ayy lmao

there are mods for that.

Not really, thats what im saying

feminine argonian texture. that is the mod name


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Doesnt do anything to the face

That's not your character, that's Lusty, the argonian companion mod.
Don't ask how I know that.

this basically

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>What do you hear, Todd?
>Skyrim. Re-Remasted. Full price.

>do this
>he never actually stays at my house
T-thanks Todd

>not marrying Scouts-Many-Marshes to be your housewive and taking Derkeethus as your traveling companion for that sweet scaly ass on the side

sorry, I married a cute ork

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I uh... fuck, I did too


>caved in and installed Skyrim again

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shit nigga UNINSTALL NOW

its too late
now you have to save Whiterun
just dont join the Stormcucks again

Too late, I already Bodyslided it and downloaded SLAL packs.
I never join them. Fuck these WE WUZ NORDS AND SHIEET faggots

Still can't believe they said that in mlp lol

shut up or you will summon "him"



It's nice to see lee again.

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Tree sap. Like creamy syrup.

Oh that guy yeah no not him

somehow I know this is horse

but I cannot work out what this is-- wait is this the seed

I just interpret it as the Hist copying the mortal races and not caring enough to remove them. Of course we can just replace hist with Bethesda and it is true.

No its Applejack

what did you smoke? it doesnt look anything like a horse

>"Give me your sap user."
>"It's not a request."

and feed

>install Relationship Dialogue Overhaul, places removed argonian female Nubaree in Riften
>install Feminine Argonian Textures with abs
>never use any other follower ever again

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Attached: 230.jpg (470x492, 27K)

>Feminine Argonian Textures with abs
My brother

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All I need is a mod to make a lizard girl fat as hell and one to give her cutesy dialogue and Skyrim becomes the best porn game

I feel like I'm the only one who has never actually played Skyrim at all. Am I missing out on anything at all? I only still play Oblivion modded and that's it

Imagine everything about Oblivion but it works better and you can have almost anything in it.

Even the combat?


Oblivion's combat is fucking dreadful, modded Skyrim can make it actually engaging and skill based, or flashy and over the top, or brutal and realistic, your choice.

Skyrim is only really good for the way it looks if you like nordic forests or lizard tiddies. You can turn it into a comfy camping or a porn game but that's about it.
Morrowind and Oblivion are way more interesting role playing games.

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This is the only one I have of him

Attached: Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Screenshot 2018.04.26 - (1280x800, 1.89M)


fucking furfags

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CBBE+Relationship Dialogue Overhaul may be your thing then

I installed skyrim just to watch argonian girls pee, ama

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it's the whole apple family, only orange is Applejack

It's only AJ mate. Going left to right: body, mane, hat, eyes, CM


The worst thing here is the fact you're in windowed mode

that's a big lizard

>no tits


I was thinking more like some bodyslide dickery, does CBBE really have huge bodies? Thanks for the recs though!

Ah, I meant Bodyslide, not CBBE.
There's also a whole fat race: loverslab.com/files/file/1157-the-adiposian-playable-race/

>literal venus figure women
Damn it I don't want to install skyrim again

ah you're right, I thought the brown was Braeburn, forgot what color he was.

Might run better in windowed for toaster anons

Hah will have to try that out then. No weird humans for me though

>install skyrim
>spend 2 days modding the graphics
>start a killing spree in whiterun
>play with the female ragdolls and try to put them in lewd positions
>get a massive stiffy and precum from the power fantasy
>uninstall the game
It's just so vain and soulless. I'm not touching this game again

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I do like Lizard Tiddies, and if the combat can be modded then it means that the gameplay can more or less be fixed to be tolerable. Only question now is: does it matter if it's the old Skyrim or Skyrim Remastered for mod compatibility and mod choices/selection?

Lizard males are flabby as fuck, it's their way to define the chads from the losards.

see you in three months

Most of the big mods have been ported / are portable to SSE, but if you want to really rice out your game with loads of SKSE mods you're probably best off sticking with LE, they're a little trickier.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume LE means the original. Alright Todd, you finally got me, I guess I'll go get Skyrim now

5'11 vs 6'0

Which version is LE?

anthropomorphic females need to have breast to feed their children... and human males

the one without the creation club that breaks skse every patch

Legendary Edition, the original basically. What I'm wondering is where people get all these fancy mods from

nigga eat my poo poo that shit is bitch ass hot as hell nyukka

>the side character was the best one all along

Attached: qualzar_prequel.png (1437x1367, 516K)

post more lizard tits before the mods nuke the thread

I want to fuck that cat on the right. Post more

Great, but not perfect

>furries outside Yea Forums

Thats a big no-no.

I want to fuck them both

I wish I could 12 cum

/hmofa/ a best

You poor thing.

>a big no-no.
I hate this so much.

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I hope ES6 has lots of super cute khajiit girls!

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Those are some toned thighs.

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post more of her ass

Really though, what'd that kid expect when you plastered all that everywhere? His dad was gonna enter his room at some point.

>this thread

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it could be AJ Applebloom Winona Grannysmith and BigMac if you wanna go for a stretch on winona not even being that color


Awww ssshhhhit, here we go again!

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first day?

where did you get this picture of me?

>never post this pic again
>I agree with you


wojacks are a scourge

Knowing Todd it will

Attached: kitty.jpg (1200x1200, 163K)

>Implying that isn't the best part

based fucking todd

>check UESP
>its real
>and the khajiit is female
God bless Todd Howard.

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too thin

So are you fags enjoying season 9?

To improve relations with the men of other species, The Hist is also perverted.

I will now play your game

Is this the lusty argonian guard?

Can men make babies with argonians?

Iguana's eat plants.

The Hist wills it so.

Why not, More offspring means more servants to protect the hist, All cocks welcome as far as the Hist is concerned.

absolutely based

big fat capped saps

>double chokers
Muh dicc


Best version.

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wait just a fucking second, those lizard heads look near identical to scalemates.
are webcomicfags just lazy cunts or is there some artistic connection between homosuck and prememequel that i'm unaware of?

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itty bitty lizzie tiddies

I will continue to buy your games, Todd.

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Lizard heads have a distinct shape you dumb fuck, you can see the same shape across loads and loads of lizard people artwork.

The comic is called Prequel Adventures, of course it doesn't rip off of MS Paint Adventures. You're insane.

Elder scrolls adventure: black marsh when?


Oh my


Attached: argonia.png (1440x1080, 2.44M)

janky adventure kino needs to make a comeback

I'd really love to see an elder scrolls side-story game, Sort of like Deus-Ex, in that there are several open-world hubs to explore a more realized section of Tamriel, with a tighter narrative. But I should just play Witcher 2 again, because that will never happen

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Now you're talking
>ywn caress fit tomboy lizzur gf

is she holding two flails
what are those

game facts: the hist is actually just antihistamines that keeps argonians from having their allergies flared up

get the fuck out of here lucas

Based and pharmacypilled

But the joke about the Hist is they're Hist Trees. HISTORY. Get it? They jump from kalpa to kalpa and are thus the only things representing any real history in the nightmare hellscape that is Mundus.


muh dick

For freeing her people from house Dr*s.

Fool, why do you think the majority of Nirn is ocean?