*destroys your wrist*

*destroys your wrist*

Attached: 78191710f114f550169eec6359bdb34a.png (894x894, 294K)

Nah, too slow and lacking in commitment for that. Dont get me wrong, wrist is still gone but for other reasons.


*destroys ur cock*

Attached: bowser.png (220x220, 65K)


>play osu for years
>no issues ever
>get a job where I solder electric parts
>break left wrist after 4 months of being employed

Attached: that is not okay.jpg (1048x720, 128K)

Maybe don't get a peasant job next time

if you're a retard

why does this game trigger iidx fags?

lads, this game is actually destroying my hands
how do I stop (or slow) the eventual carpal tunnel?

stop playing if it hurts or wrist feels uncomfortable its that easy

>start playing for first time
>tired of all these weird anime songs or other crazy shit I never heard of
>find one song I at least heard of the artist and try playing it over and over and increasing the difficulty
>hate the song at first but it grew on me
>now really enjoy the song
fucking Taylor Swift man

but A D D I C T I O N

>plays ctb in your default mode focused game
nothin personell mouse fags

Attached: 1551681952538.gif (250x250, 69K)

The only mode worth playing is mania

*doesn't play*

if you catch carpal tunnel you're gonna be forced to stop playing for a very long time and it will not help your addiction

It's popular, easy to get into and not made by a Jap.

Get a pad with a stylus, it's supposedly easier on your hands.

Pretty much.

and even then you may as well just play beatmania