This guy

>Only long range class in the game
>Can one-shot anyone with no bullet res
>Many upgrades to almost nullify the threat of its one "counter"
>Only way to actually hard counter it is to have a better one
>By far the best class for cheaters

TF2bros, give me one reason why pic related shouldn't be removed from the game

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I don't think anyone would care about snipers being removed from video games in general. They always are the least fun part of a game.

just make it so if the Sniper does a headshot too early he will only do 75 damage

>rocketdabs on top of you
nothin personnel mate

at comp level he's borderline useless

at casual level he is a casual filter and is necessary to teach bad players the game
he has tons of counters:
>another sniper
>anyone within 25ft of him
>any projectile or bullet fired at him
>being on fire
>any class that can rocket/sticky/flare jump to him
>simply not walking out in the open

This already happens. You have to wait a second after you scope in for a shot to register as a headshot, otherwise you'll just get a normal bodyshot instead.

also dont let headshots count as headshots at close range

>countering sniper when sniper has 5 different items that counter spy

Him being useless in comp is a reason for him being removed (then again valve has never cared about comp seriously)

>already mentioned, pretty much his only solid counter
>his many alternate weapons/utilities
>risky, because snipes is usually buried deep in his team, but ill give you that
>good luck getting that close
>good luck firing at him without him firing at you and killing you faster
>darwins danger shield
>predictable movement leads to getting headshot
>you mean where 90% of the objectives are?

Because there would only be 8 classes then and no long range class.

3 items in total, user and all of them can be countered right back.
>backstab shield
>jarate/bleeding machete
Dead ringer.

>valve has never cared about comp seriously
Why should anyone take your club seriously?

if any of these are a problem for you, you have not passed the casual filter
continue to work hard and sniper will no longer be an issue for you

ur a wanka

the virgin quick scoper
>wears cosmetics
>main way of dealing damage is quick, cowardly headshots
>causes poorly refined animations to play when he kills somebody
>too afraid to use the smg
>runs around the map to find enemies because nobody wants to play with him
>people find him unfun to play against, and his own team will regularly boot him
>tries to justify being the 4th sniper with "skill", keeps getting killed by Soldiers and Demomen

The Chad Classic Sniper
>doesn't use cosmetics
>much more sporting, gives enemies the opportunity to find cover or close the distance
>enemies explode into a glorious cloud of blood
>pulls out his trusty sidearm for maximum efficiency
>tiny beetle-like stride, or runs around scoped at full speed for fun - 360 noscopes
>enemies acknowledge his prowess and sense of sportsmanship, teammates will spam "nice shot"
>everybody switches to Classic Sniper just to be like him

>give me one reason
Nothing for him in particular as it is, but he would have to have his niche replaced as the gameplay does need some kind of ranged threat outside the rest of the classes' optimal range.
The wait-time for quickscoping should have just been made longer to solve most of the emergent problems. Sniper's a fairly based character outside of the game, but he'll remain forever easily exploitable as long as a server for this shit survives.

Agreed. I've grown to hate a lot of shit about TF2 but sniper is at the fucking top of that list.

Wrong. Arma 3 sniping is amazing once you know how to manage fatigue, breath, and bullet drops. Nothing better than sniping folks through a thick concrete wall with my APDS rounds from 1.5km away while their friends scatter like roaches.

>8 classes that all operate at medium to short range
>this somehow means there needs to be one character that operates at infinite range

Muh arma

He’s just some retard that thinks his opinion is better than anyone else’s because he handicaps himself

>borderline useless
are you legit retarded ? he can shut down an entire push just because he exists, is the best play maker, can make the make a stale mate just by existing etc

I know its not popular on Yea Forums, but Ashe from Overwatch is probably the most well-designed sniper for these types of games. Can't one shot, but can put pressure on grouped enemies to try and make them split to be picked off.

Yeah but Arma is a milsim, not a video game.

Stay mad toasters and consolebabbies. Never ever

>mfw I went 40-3 in a pub as a snoipah once
Default kit. Felt like a god, nobody could touch me.

Blatant fucking lie you casual shitter. Very clear you haven’t even touched the game before and only know it from YouTube videos.

Snipers are the most satisfying class to play if you are good at them. That's why I am always a sniper when the option is available. I rarely miss, react instantly, and never camp. I am usually the most valuable member of my team. If I'm on your side, you will probably win.

>Arma isn’t a game
Arma has servers dedicated to go-karting, king of the hill, stunting, milsim, dog fighting, and everything in between. Arma is more of a game than anything that’s ever graced consoles.

I prefer my better counter.

SMG+Actually paying attention to my surroundings and not being in scope all the time.

APDS round GM6 Lynx sniper rifle with a Laser Designator (for night vision) is the most OP build. I always just sit on a hill 1km away from AO, spot my targets with my designator, and then just pop off shots without the enemy ever knowing what hit them.

>Hon Hon Hon
good day to you mate HAHAHAHA

It's alright to have one long range character in concept, but the execution was overdone to a degree as though they were afraid he would always feel too weak or unrewarding (and it just became more skewed the more items he got.) In hindsight the damage is a mess as well - they allowed him the numbers to one-shot an overhealed heavy fully charged and a medic uncharged (or fully charged bodyshot), but seemed to have ignored everything else in the process for the sake of giving him power.

The only reason I would care about Sniper being removed from TF2 is because I wouldn't be able to troll people with the Huntsman anymore. Otherwise, yeah, fuck Sniper.

Beating snipers is easy. You just have to know how they think and where they aim and avoid their corridors of death by moving in unpredictable ways and adding suppressive fire. Snipers ensure that every team is well rounded enough to win and don’t just try to tank.

Meant thermals, not night vision

What the fuck are you talking about? He sees use in 6s to break stalemates, and on top of that he's dominant in Prolander and Highlander.

Huntsman is far more balanced than sniper anyway. You have to be closer up to aim well with it, it's not 100% accurate, and it doesn't do nearly as much damage.

Anyone else think the Huntsman is the funniest ranged weapon in the game?
Twitch-twanging the bow at a sudden scout or spy and pinning them to the wall / ceiling by their head while hearing them scream "AAAAAAAAAUUGH!!" always makes me laugh. Shit is like Looney Tunes

Huntsman is my favourite weapon in TF2. I’m a pro at quick sniping with it and I love camping that drop hole in 2fort in enemy base spawns and just pinning them to the wall of their own spawns as they try to drop down


>user talks about comp
>stay on topic and reply to him
You're not smart are you?

Sniper has low health and is usually worthless at close range, plus theres plenty of classes that can close the gap on him easily

post you're favorite weapon Yea Forums

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the huntsman

In public comp maybe, in pro comp he is always MVP.

>oh yes, I love being killed in one hit from across the map by someone I cant see while I'm trying not to die to his entire other team

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Scottish Resistance

The only problem with sniper is that he can get to cover to taunt safely

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