Did you ever unlock the secret night land in Mario 64?

Did you ever unlock the secret night land in Mario 64?

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It was a blast playing it with Yoshi


i never played this game because video games were for sinners and naughty boys who read the harry potter series. now i see my parents are right and i will do my damnedest to keep video games away from my children

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Already did back in World, I think it was called Star Road.

The one where you get the 121st star and unlock Luigi? Yeah, I remember finding it when I was eight.

Collect every coin in the castle, including the 2 under the moat bridge. Then you will hear a sound. Now go there and jump ib

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>a special day is not spending time with family and/or friends
millennial really are the scum of the earth.

that's enough Yea Forums for one day try-hard.

nasty but probably a fetish thing at least

Was this a bug? I wanna say it is, but it’s so noticeable. The level looks way worse without the fog.

Yeah I have. Pic related, it's what's in the secret night land.

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Id love to ask miyamoto about it.

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If anyone would know it would be someone like pannenkoek or Kaze Emanuar.
It sounds like a deliberate feature of the game.

considering that the skybox changes too it seems pretty unlikely that it's just a bug

I would slap my bitch wife if she ever brought me jalapeno Cheetos.

I miss his voice videos

Never forget the time Luigi noclipped out of reality

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That was my favorite world. I loved hopping on the shy guys heads to propel

>i never played this game because video games were for sinners and naughty boys who read the harry potter series.
my mum told me not to read harry potter cause she thinks jk rowling is a low grade hack

The fog and skybox was probably a way to set unease and unfamiliarity, Jolly roger bay is scary the first time around.

Yea but why won't it come back when you reselect the 1st star?

It's probably telling some ambient story with the level. I forget what the first star is, thats the one with freeing the eel right?
If so it's probably something like the fog is the Eels emotion to being trapped, and after Mario helps him out he's freed and doesn't feel foggy anymore.

What a shitty lie. I counted the fist square that says 10 and indeed there's 10 but in the second there aren't 20 its actually 10 what thefuck, did the guy who made even knew how to do math?


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He's adding them as he goes. 10+10=20