every time you make this thread I become uglier and you reduce my already slim chances
I'm not made for that stuff
Because I'm batman!
I got my waifu, I don't need filthy 3DPD in my life stealing all my money.
Too much work 2bh.
But I do have a girlfriend
I'm not attracted to 3D women.
because I don't meet new people
Because the arabs took all the women in Sweden already
a combination of social anxiety, autism and having too high of standards.
yes and just like the others I'm already missing single life a couple months in. when I'm single I want gf, when I have gf I just want to be single again. sex robots can't come soon enough.
I'm married to Kass! I love Kass!
i'm broke
I'm engaged though.
Having a relationship can literally destroy your life nowadays and I've seen way too many men's lives ruined by women to even bother.
I don't want to lose my wizard powers. I've waited long enough for them.
We're all gonna make it bros, you just gotta believe.
No money
Because I have a "girl"friend.
>implying all women use dating sites
I pissed it all away and now no one cares about me
I'm a single gay boy. I don't know where to meet guys...
Is this drawn by shindol?
Would you be mine, then?
because it's easier to overthrow the top political dynasties of the Democrat and Republican parties, play intercontinental capture the flag using star charts and a car horn, coordinate Russian airstrikes on ISIS strongholds, and completely rout the most powerful intelligence agency in the world on the memetic battlefield without even realizing we were under attack
How much?
the only reason they don't is because they've already secured an acceptable level of male attention, if they're using a dating site they aren't finding enough. They don't care about you or love you they just need what men provide
I get too obsessed
too busy drawing shibuya rin
because I hate people and I like to be alone.
I've got no money, no job and no desire or passion for anything anymore. No girl wants to deal with that shit.
>implying you want a bf
you just wanna suck my dick :/
This is what delusion of grandur looks like
I like my free time
I like spending my money on stupid shit
I dont want to be weighed down
would be nice to have someone next to me at night but this is okay
School and work are more important.
Don't want to get distracted and sidetracked from my career goals.
I prefer being alone or with friends.
But my friends prefer to spend time with their girlfriends.
So maybe I'll just die.
Don't think I'm gonna find a gf at the local shop
I want a long term boyfriend to eventually become my husband that I can strive to be my best for. The only dick that matters is the dick of the one I love.
ah yes, Videogames.
god I hope not. I've already got enough trouble in my life without a woman's drama.
what's the difference between kassfag and the people with gf's?