Would you rather they didn't even mention the stuff established in 4 and 5 or just ignore it completely?

Would you rather they didn't even mention the stuff established in 4 and 5 or just ignore it completely?
Halo: Infinite thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


It will be a shitty story regardless.

ignore it. Keep vale in the game solely because she's voiced by laura bailey but retcon her being an elite weeb.

Halo died at reach

and its gonna be reborn this sunday

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They should retcon 4 and 5 so they can start over from scratch after 3

Now I get to play as a Spartan VIIIIIIX that's actually a tranny haha yeah
Thanks Frankie you're the best, Bald God is based haha

halo inifinite takes place 19 months after halo5 and is most likely set on zeta halo where mendicant bias and the precursor gravemind were

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They will just ignore the Spartan IV garbage and probably Blue Team as well.

think they'll mention the ai war or any of the Guardians stuff?


They're keeping Mendicant Bias as a background character.

Playable kiggies when?

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They will most likely talk about that.

Not even worth hyping desu

>tfw never played halo 4 or 5

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idk if its fun and the multiplayer isn't a clusterfuck like 4/5 ill be pleased

>the multiplayer isn't a clusterfuck like 4/5 ill be pleased

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Too bad it's very hyped.


Man, I can't wait to see Infinite in action, time for all of you boomers to fuck off.

bet you hope it also has a battle royale mode!

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If 343 keeps sprint I'll have no hope in it. 343's only reason for adding sprint was to follow game trends, they didn't even try justifying the mechanic. It's like in Halo 4 when they increased rocket speed and the only reason they gave was that it looked cool.

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>soft reboot

>knocking away rockets with the gravity hammer in H3
can you even do it in the newer games?

Nope, I just hope it's a great Halo game.

Never, why would you want to play as a grunt tier enemy with no shields anyway.

No one gives a fuck about Halo having sprint, literally just a loud ass small group.

It's like one dude

if it was just sprint, maybe
sprint is in Halo 5 at the cost of base movement

There's a cost to sprinting in 5 though, you can't just go entire games sprinting around. The movement options they added make it way snappier and "arena" like imo I hope they keep them in.

The only Halo game that sprint literally slowed down base movement was Reach, you just made yourself believe Reach was fast and everything after was slow.


You're only 2% slower in halo 5 than halo 3

Halo 4 and 5 have faster base movement than Halo 1, 2, and 3.

based retard

Wrong, you're two percent slower

>posting a video is an argument now
Based zoom zoom

>Bioshock infinite
>Call of duty infinite
Halo better beware, "infinite" in a game title seems to be the video game equivalent of putting "rise" in movie titles

"infinite" is because they're going to try and pull a Destiny and trickle content

I just want it to be its own game. The main Halo story has been completely shit on already. Just start new.

What's the point of sprint if they just scale up the maps? What the fuck can sprint add to Halo's core gameplay?

It's missing in action

What the fuck is the point of Spartan-IVs? All they do is cheapen the idea of Spartans, they're basically Marines if Marines had no soul and faggy Power Rangers armour. I legitimately don't understand why 343 invented them.

literally the illusion of speed

343 actually wrote a great story for Halo 5. Then scrapped it because 4 got negative feedback and they couldn't render cacti on their fancy new engine.

This is possibly a retard idea, so tell me if it is: but an idea I’ve had is they should take out sprint, up the movement speed, but you get progressively faster the longer you’re moving

343 has sorta acknowledged this, Halsey once pretty much called spartan IV’s fake spartans

AKA movement acceleration, people usually dislike it because insta-max movement means you can strafe better. Still better than sprint though.

I get the impression 343 want to retcon 90% of their earlier canon, but can't figure out how to do it. Hopefully Infinite is a soft reboot.

Good thing they already retconned halo 4 with halo 5, now all they have to do is retcon halo 5

>Halo trilogy 2.25
>Halo 4 said to be faster than Halo 3 by 343
>Halo 5 2.60
They're faster, get over it.

it makes it more like CoD. that's literally the cause of everything that has ruined halo since Reach

Halo 4 is 2% slower than the trilogy

but really though
they know what they fuck they need to do with the first game now

There are two core arguments people give for Sprint to be in the games.

>it speeds up gameplay
There are a bunch of different reasons why it doesn't actually speed up Halo's core gameplay, some already stated within the thread.

>it gives the player a choice
This is Sprint's only true merit. Players have to decide whether or not they want to throw away their ability to fire in exchange for additional speed, it's another layer of strategy. If all of the issues Srint brought to the table weren't a thing, I would be fine with the feature being in Halo. The problem, however, is that this choice has existed for a long time. Pic related. The Mongoose is everything Sprint wishes it could be.

It gets you from point A to point B incredibly quickly at the cost of making you defenseless.
It's map specific, meaning the games can have claustrophobic maps since they don't have to lengthen everything to compensate for player movement.
It's a vehicle, opening up new gameplay opportunities like splatters and teamwork, the latter thanks to the passenger seat.

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Just go play Quake

Yes, Reach. The game bungie made to retcon the reach book that was written because they didn't like. Reach is canon.

Kimda funny how Halo tried to ape CoD right as Apex etc showed people really wanted fun cartoony arena shooters. Hopefully 343 have learned their lesson and finally just do their own thing.

Why the fuck did Bungie retcon the idea that the Covenant can fully glass a planet? Boiling away oceans and atmosphere and turning a world into a glass desert was a God-tier weapon.

The best part of Halo 5 was Cortana talking down to Spartan VIs.

It seems like their own thing is trying to make call of halo and following trends

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343 said it was faster.

The problem isn't that it retcons the books, it's always been games > books in terms of canon and that still sticks now whether lorefags like it or not, it's the fact that it retconned the trilogy and you just don't do that.

Halo 4 is 2% slower

Because Reach was written by a bunch of retards, Halo 2 and 3 show just how powerful the glassing beam is.

It's faster

Oh God it's going to be so fucking great

Frankly, I think that the best thing Halo can do is revert back to its old gameplay. Halo Reach was the beginning of the end as some others have pointed out, but I think that the final nail in the coffin was Halo 4's debut. At least Halo Reach felt like Halo to me. Halo 4? It felt, sounded, and looked so different from what I would expect from a Halo game that if I wasn't getting a scene with Cortana's huge milkers every five seconds I don't think I would've ever beat the campaign.
>pic related, it's halo waifu

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Set it far into the future, UNSC is the new bad guys. Resurrected spartan from the "old war", become the boogyman of the government hunting and trying to liberate the galaxy.

>pic related, it's halo waifu


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Nobody wants the campaign to turn into Call of Duty in space, aliens or bust.

343 were gonna do something similar with ONI in Hunt the Truth, too bad they pussied out.

Hope the new AI is a waifu as well, can't wait to see Cortana's successor.

I'm honestly happy Metroid and Halo didn't go this route, too generic even though an AI takeover is just as generic.

She's going to be black

only correct rebuttal is roland, faggot.

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Halo 4 is 2% slower

>343 said it was faster.
343 said that the MCC would work at launch

Generic or not I loved HTT, I wish 343 had kept that whole subterfuge/shadow government theme running. So long as we're not fighting human enemies it's all good. Should've had Black Box as the AI villain, using Forerunner enemy soldiers (designed like the Sentinels in the original trilogy, none of that glowy plastic Promethean shit). Maybe even spun in a logic plague angle.

playing a spartan in the games should be more similar to the books. can sprint, goes sanic fast, (they're already as physically strong as they should be imo), no bloom on weapons, throw grenades far as fuck, etc. like the spartans in the halo wars cutscenes.

>Exuberant Witness

Why are 343 only capable of creating good characters when they're AI?

I see that this is reviewing well on steam. Should I get it?

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Do people here know it'll be a soft reboot? I'll be surprised if they don't remove sprinting, or alternatively special abilities

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We don't know that yet.

>wakes up in cryo pod
>"wow cortana I just had the weirdest dream"
>begin halo infinite
The only good way to start the game

>Exuberant Witness
>Not a twitter self insert
Zoom on out of here

she looks like a fucking rodent. whats with that face??

This also says, welcoming to newcomers.

if its gonna be what its looking its gonna be (which is open world game set on a halo installation)
i dont think sprinting would have a place in that
itll probably be more focused on vehicles to get around

Top-tier armor set
Pleasefuckingdie-tier character under it

Looks like they're soft rebooting right back to the start, I got major CE vibes from the tech demo. IIRC Bungie were originally gonna include wildlife but cut it to make the Flood a surprise.

i never really thought about that but it would fix all the problems i have with halo currently

thoughts or hopes on the new halo vr experience?

I agree. After Halo 3, 343i should've focused more on human interactions such as the rebellions against the UNSC. If they really wanted to impress anyone, they would've written the Chief becoming a hero for the proletariat of the world by being a revolutionary and starting his own anarcho-communist syndicate.

Have you seen the screenshot in Halo Mythos, shit looked like Call of Duty.

I never understood the hate for her .I dislike that she is annoying and that she was kinda forced in as a character .343 threw their chance away to make her actually likeable but I still dont hate her.

She was pretty aggravating during Spartan Ops and Escalation.

They completely retconned her character. OG Fans who made it to Halo 4 understand. She had a hateboner for halsey that was summed up in Halo 5 as "how you doin back there doc?"As long as she breathes she's proof that 343 are incompetent.


I'm all for having a new direction for the franchise. I hoped that the Prometheans would be that, I mean the kind of were but 343 shit the bed two times in a row so I don't blame them if they're going to switch gears again. However, stripping all the scifi from the franchise to do CoDshit in Space is the literal worst decision that 343 could make.

Same, she always came off as a cheeky milf to me.

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wow I kinda forgot that .I did not buy h5 and instead watched a playthough so I might have missed that moment.

user don't do this to me again

>343 actually wrote a great story for Halo 5.

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halo 5 is only human drama and it fucking sucked
fuck that shit halo should and always should be humanity, covenant and flood with forerunner shit thrown in

>They replaced Serina with this tranny

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>Pic related. The Mongoose is everything Sprint wishes it could be.
This is a very good point, I've never thought about it this way before.

It's also worth noting that the slower interactions of the mongoose create more interesting decisions by forcing you to commit to those decisions.

Scenario #1: You need to return your flag, but it's a good distance away.
With sprint, your options are:
>Walk to the flag and return it
>Sprint to the flag and return it
Without sprint, and with a mongoose nearby, your options are:
>Walk to the flag and return it
>Walk to the Mongoose, get in, drive to the flag, get out, return it

With sprinting, it's a no-brainer. But if the mongoose is your only option, it might not be worth the time it takes to walk over and get in. You don't get to choose where the mongoose is, you have to gauge the distances and decide for yourself whether it's worth it.

Scenario #2: You're running/driving from point A to point B, when suddenly you start taking fire.
If you're sprinting, your options are:
>Keep running
>Turn and fight
If you're driving, your options are:
>Keep driving
>Get out of the mongoose and fight
>Drive towards the opponent for a splatter

Again, if you're sprinting, it's a non-decision, especially since in some games taking fire FORCES you out of sprint. But with a mongoose, it's a more interesting choice. The mongoose is faster, so you're more likely to be able to escape... but there's also the risk of crashing or getting stuck, so you've gotta be good at driving. Plus getting out of the mongoose takes time, so it's not the safest option. And to top it all off, you have the splatter as an option too.

But that's not all, the attacker has options, too! He can use explosives to flip you over! He can use EMP weapons to stun you! He can board you! Or, he could just shoot you! So many options!

I can't think of a single scenario that becomes less interesting when you replace a sprinter with a guy in a mongoose.

Not him but they had a story and re-wrote it months before release because of engine and hardware problems. He's not talking about the final product of the story

>not an aggressive tomboy who'd borderline rape you out of boredom then tease you for being upset over it

I don't think focusing on the rebellions would necessarily mean CoD: Gay Green Nigger in Outerspace. It definitely wouldn't mean that it would strip all the scifi shit from the game. However, given 343i's writing, I'm inclined to agree with you. I think that if it was up to them, they would write a Halo: Gay Green Nigger in Outerspace. I just disagree that it would be as generic as you think because there's a lot you could do with it. For example, maybe the infighting could weaken the UNSC, and open them up for another potentially opportunistic threat so the story would shift into a Mexican standoff between the UNSC, generic rebels, and generic alien faction.

would actually the play the fuck out of a game that just went back to the Master Chief lost adrift somewhere in space maybe with Cortana dead and he ends up in some space opera tier setting like Farscape or something wacky
just completely cut it out of the loop and go off the walls
have no interest in post-Covenant War worldbuilding with the UNSC or exploring Forerunner stuff

>that sassy sarcastic bitch
>a better waifu than the cute innocent short-haired girl who gets all breathless when she sees Jerome in action

I mean there wasn’t much they could do, if they kept her for hw2 then at that point she would have had like a 40 year service life which they just couldn’t do

>Playable Halo Wars cutscenes
It's such a departure from every other Halo game that it wouldn't feel like Halo at all. I also have no idea how it'd control, at that point you'd have to make some sort of hybrid between a cuhrayzee action game and a shooter.

All that said though the idea still sounds really fun, I'd just be mad if it was a numbered mainline Halo game and not a spinoff or different IP or something.

They tried to make her Master Chief's replacement, you just don't do that, she was also bitch towards Halsey.


Pretty much, specially with the new design of MC and the marines, they look pretty and CE like

>supposed to be the same character
>not even the same race

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Looks hapa to me

I also thought she was annoying and openly hostile/rude to beloved characters from the series, much like Captain Andrew "GIVE ME THAT CHIP" Del Rio . Looking back though, the "taller" line was probably just 343 trying to make her sound cool.

I do think that sidelining her was a bad idea though. Maybe she could've developed more respect for the Chief over time, and become more of a Johnson-like ally to him. Or they could have gone the other way, making the two cross paths and become enemies. A shit character left alone stays shit forever, but one that gets development can become better with time.

If anything, Exuberant is tumblr with the lolsorandumb comments. But much cuter than irl tumblr users.

make her an actual elite fucker


>"expert on interspecies relations"

343 knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote her character description.

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i'm sorry, it's too late. a swordchad already claimed and came in her multiple times.

I'd just rather see something more along the lines of this.
I wish that Halo 4 had gone harder in that direction, with Requiem in deep uncharted space and with Chief and Co. completely stranded for at least all of the first game.

i think the story on halo 5 was good, but what was bad was the way the showed it with gameplay and mechanics, that's what made it a shit one compared to the previous ones, but halo infinity will be based after the events of halo 5 so, both of your options you gave there are wrong lol

I think 343's biggest mistake was making the UNSC so damn powerful after Halo 3. They lost countless worlds, their main shipyard, and even parts of earth, and they expect us to believe that just a few years later they've become Space America just because they found a forerunner ship factory? And that the covenant has been reduced to Space Jihadis just because they lost High Charity? And that the gravemind, with all those ships under his control, didn't think to send one or two of them to random planets just in case he lost at the Ark?

Fuck that, this was the perfect opportunity for 343 to make space mysterious again.
>Humanity, beaten back to its homeworld and left with nothing, is beginning to launch ragtag fleets and retake lost ground.
>The covenant civil war still rages, as numerous splinter factions vie for power.
>Kig-yar space pirates, insurrectionist enclaves, Jiralhanae warlords, and independent colonies flourish with no central powers large enough to suppress them.
>ONI takes advantage of the chaos to strengthen its influence, creating tensions between ONI and HIGHCOM.
>The flood festers on a few carefully-chosen planets, growing and preparing to spread once again.
>And everyone, now armed with new forerunner knowledge and the secret of the Halos, wants a piece of the lost forerunner tech scattered throughout the galaxy. The "mantle", as the forerunners once called it, is up for grabs.

why this sunday? Something I don't know about?

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Ugh, don’t you realize how freaky it is to spend so much time thinking about some imaginary alternate video game stories? Maybe you should, like, have sex or something?

microsoft e3 conference

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e3 2019. microsoft conference. halo infinite is the big title being shown.

exactly, i thought the whole point of forerunner shit was that no one really knew it's purpose or how to harness it

Friendly reminder that Chief is a forerunner rape baby

>only Sangheili aristocrats are allowed to wield energy swords, and may breed with any female they choose, married or otherwise, to ensure successful transmission of "swordsman" genes
>side effects of the Spartan-II augmentation procedure include a suppressed sexual drive, and Spartans never socialise anyway

Daily reminder that Arby is the biggest Chad in the galaxy and Chief is the biggest virgin.

Thanks bros. See you in the live thread.

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yep for sure

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Good to see 343 still going for the Christian analogies.

What's the difference?

Yeah, 343 really fucked up there. Should've been a fractured scramble for space like you described, not this shitty WE ARE THE GIANTS NOW narrative. The Infinity was a mistake.

Thank god we're on Zeta Halo here, hopefully a giant ass ancient forerunner machine destroys the entirety of the UNSC

made this thread like 2 hours ago and didn't even notice the redundancy till now
no ones pointed it out till now

343 suspended my account on Waypoint for asking them why they hide the population in their games. I even pointed out how some games like BlackOps 3 that was topped by Halo 3, are a actually beating Halo 5 in terms of most played games on Xbox. 343 can't handle criticism. They're like leftists. It makes sense considering the black and female Spartans.

or maybe they keep the EMP shit from 5 and kind of hit the reset button for humanity

Do elites have dicks?

One would be avoiding the issue/passing the buck to Halo 6, while the other is effectively retconning?

probably have cloacas so they poop pee and cum from the same hole

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Didn't Halo 5 end with a bunch of giant ass Forerunner machines destroying the UNSC?

Yes, ask Vale to fill you in.

I don't want to know how they have sex then

>not a sangheili

Yeah, lets just forget about that. -343

Is that why Chief cucked Arby in Halo 3 and re-took his series, Arby got cucked even harder in Halo 5 and now he won't even be in Halo Infinite, by the way, the suppressed sex drive only affected most Spartans, not all and Chief is very lucky.

Elites have uncut dicks, they're just censored in game

I love Laura Bailey but Vale was shit.

They've actually being doing that stuff in the books. They have a fuckload of Covenant, UNSC, Insurrectionist splinter factions vying for power. They even have a Covenant splinter faction that accepts humans.

They must only like the interracial sex

Probably, I want an Elite gf

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the real question is, is there even a reason to buy a xbox since halo is coming to pc

For those bringing up the whole interracial sex shit, 343 sid humans and Elites can't have sex because they're incompatible and don't do that shit in the Halo series, take your gay mentally ill furfag/xenofag asses back to where you came from.

What official Halo game has ever been good on PC, I'll answer that for you, none.

uh, combat evolved

halo wars 2 was well received and the mcc is coming to pc too

Too late, user. Far too late.

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Vale had potential as an Elite weeb, should've been her and Buck chilling on Sanghelios. 343 already struggle to flesh out characters, I have no idea why they decided to introduce so many OCs.

How can a tongue be incompatible with an asshole?

>halo thread
>see furshit
It's /hg/ every time

>not wanting to fuck aliens
Clearly the only mentally ill person here is you. Only an absolute faggot wouldn't want to mount this.

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I mean the official version, not the Custom Edition where players fixed it.

I said Halo, not Halo Wars.

Because they had a comic book writer write the story.

There's a difference between an alien that looks human and some abomination. Adding Human parts to an ugly ass alien isn't going to suddenly make it attractive, you might as well fuck a damn animal at this point.

>Because they had a comic book writer write the story.
This, nothing 343 has put out has ever hit the notes of even the shittiest bungie novel of comic

Already confirmed to have anuses since 2.
Halo 5 almost canonically gave them 4 dicks.

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Cloacas can have dicks inside them waiting to pop out, y'know.

I’m just interested in seeing if they can fix the 2 biggest problems in 4 and 5 (at least regarding SP campaign):
>The plot problem: a good game plot should be self-contained or rely entirely on the previous games in the series for its plot. Halo 4 and 5 were awful with this, leaving characterizations completely half-baked and many major plot points confusing as fuck if you don’t read Halo books or look up lore on the internet. External lore should only enrich the experience, but never be necessary for proper understanding of main plot points.
>Shit enemies. 4 and 5 were fun as long as you were fighting Covenant remnants, but hoo boy how bad the Forerunner construct enemies sucked. The Knights in 4 were the worst regular enemy in the entire series, turning regular encounters into wars of attrition that take fucking forever. 5 somewhat mitigated that by introducing smaller ”regular” constructs as main enemy type, but then fucked itself over with that retarded repeated Warden boss fight that wasn’t funny the first time and only became worse every time it was faced again. Completely inexcusable, I can’t imagine how they could think that it was acceptable to have one boss in game something like 4-5 times.
Seriously, get just those 2 points fixed, and I will probably enjoy the game. Even though that alone may not be enough to reach Bungie’s best moments, at least it would make the game something I could play through without too many complaints.

tl;dr will their writing improve
No, probably not

You feel the same way I do.

>Halo 4 and 5 were awful with this, leaving characterizations completely half-baked and many major plot points confusing as fuck if you don’t read Halo books or look up lore on the internet. External lore should only enrich the experience, but never be necessary for proper understanding of main plot points.
Though even for lorefags Halo 5 made no sense.

>Halo 5 almost canonically gave them 4 dicks.
Why do you want this? 1 is enough.

For all that people complained about Flood, I’d much rather fight them than Forerunner Constructs. At least Flood felt different from Covies, but Forerunner Constructs are just like Covenant but tankier and more boring.

>Why do you want this?
I don't think he implied that.

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He's the one that was pushing it to 343

I am not.

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explain this image and the filename

>He's the one that was pushing it to 343
What makes you say that?

I hate this place sometimes

Halo 4 is all but erased, Halo 5 is poorly nailed onto the trilogy.

Well that's it then, bring the thread back up to shitpost alert alpha. I want everyone at their keyboards.

I would perfer if it was ignored personally, or at the very least have Infinite be good. Got a 360 off of playing 3 at my cousins house alone, despite being a ps1/ps2 guy myself and played the campaigns for the og trilogy with a friend on split-screen and got pretty wrapped up in the lore and world behind it, but became disinterested once 4 rolled around. Here's to hoping xbox can deliver on sunday i guess.

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Here's Halo after halo infinite

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i could make a better depiction of that in 5 minutes

343i is based.

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Sex is perfectly possible. The only thing that would be incompatible would be the breeding aspect.

Fuck off Vien


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Fuck me Vien


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>muh Fall of Reach fanfiction
Fuck off bookfags.

back to /pol/, here's your (You), have sex

Human on Sangheili is the purest love

No, you're thinking of Sangheili on Sangheili.

Male Sangheili on Male Sangheili



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>Would you rather they didn't even mention the stuff established in 4 and 5 or just ignore it completely?
That sounds incredibly redundant. How is "not even mentioning the stuff established in 4 and 5" any different from "just ignoring it completely"? Please elaborate.

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Can you furfag fuckers go back to >>reddit, god damn, we need loli and shota shit in Halo, I'll take that over this along with more sexing up Cortana and Female Spartans, I swear you Elite fuckers need to be gassed, thanks for ruining the thread. As bad as barafags

Sprint = no buy

Halo 5 was TLJ of the series. Theres no going back.

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>since Reach
Halo has been going downhill since the rushed mess that was Halo 2.

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>breaks canon with trilogy
>thinks I'm talking about the books

Not only is Halo Wars Halo, it's the best thing to come out of the franchise since Halo 3.

Naw. Don't go into depth. Cortana is back but she is a bad guy. Chief needs to stop her. Fortunately as bad as 5 was, it had a really forgettable story so it shouldn't be a huge problem. I remember the main parts
>chief says fuck everything I want to find cortana because I heard her talking to me
>then we follow the other four around as they try to find out why chief went awol
>blue team gets captured by cortana because she plans to be evil and be supreme dictator of galaxy
>the other four just kinda fuck around until they save chief

I do hope Blue team comes back as some side characters for a few missions. Not as primary characters but like a sergeant johnson or whoever. I've wanted them to be in a game for years now. And finally. FINALLY. They show up in the worst game in the franchise for like two missions. Now I worry 343 is going to kill them off in some shitty comic because they don't know what to do with them.

Halo Wars is a subseries.

Of Halo.

They won't kill them off, they will just shove them back in the books and comics where they belong, Blue Team should have never been added to the games.

They have the dude who wrote the arkham knight games writing infinite

I'm talking about FPS Halo, not RTS Halo.

Honestly this is the most hyped I've been for E3 since I was still watching it on TechTV/G4.

Me too, Halo Infinite and Metroid Dread, here I come.

I’m honestly scared of what 343 might have done to possibly further fuck up the franchise

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I actually agree for the most part. However. We are at a point in time where we need good side characters that people like. We don't have a Sergeant Johnson. Nathan Fillion... Could be a less cool version of Johnson. If they make him more like ODST version of Buck. The rest of Osiris is pretty shit. Palmer is also not a good choice. That captain from Halo 4 that becomes the captain of Infinity? He's okay? But he's forgettable and I don't even remember if he was in Halo 5 at all. All of those characters lack the impact of a member of Blue team. Like I said before. It doesn't have to be prominent rolls. They show up for a time. Help out in a mission or two tops. Then fuck off.

Alternatively it could be CE style. Where its just Master Chief with his trusty AI companion. They meet up with a bunch of random marines with god tier personalities that only really get named after the fact in the books. But then 343 needs to be 2001 era Bungie. I won't hold my breath for that level of competence.

I'm not, after the direction the series took after Halo 3, Halo needed a change with Infinite, I'm excited for the campaign, I can see the expanding on Master Chief's character will most likely be toned back further which is fine by me, hope Metroid Dread does the same with Samus, I mean tone them back further than Halo 4 and Metroid Fusion.

If Infinite has sprint I'm just going to straight up riot.

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Lets get hypothetical! Lets say Infinite ends with the death of Master Chief. Which is a very real possibility considering Steve Downes is low key ready to retire. Which still living character do you WANT to take over as the protagonist?
HARDMODE: No arbiter . even though he's the right choice. . we all know 343 would need it to be a human.

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Jerome and Isabel would be neat

I agree wholeheartedly. Sprint is not right in Halo. However Infinite will totally have sprint. 343 is just that gay.

Gray Team.

This based motherfucker. He's still alive right? They didn't kill him off in a book like my boy Rookie, did they?

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Yes. If they just completely retconned everything and have Chief waking up in his cryo pod I'd be a happy man

343 only listened to the Halo 5 trannies, so it will probably have gameplay like 5.

A brand new well written female character that hardly talks, basically a genderswapped chief but I guess that's unlikely since the bonnie ross retard is in charge


Jun is still alive, he retired from active duty however and now works as Chief of Staff of Spartan Operations which mostly governs the Spartan-IV program.

N'tho Sraom.

i literally just finished halo 3:osdt on legendary on mcc (and got the achievement for doing it under 3 hours), and i really hope they take notes from odst regarding the semi open world style with a lot of exploration like going into buildings, finding the comms etc. i have so much hype for infinite but i'm so worried it'll be shit because i was hyped as fuck for 5 and it let me down.

Me and a friend tried going through Halo 4 last year and not even Cortana's milkers could save it. Last mission I remember was on the mammoth and I remember some bullshit that made us quit.

Lucy or Tom!

inb4 that 343 nigger shows up to say 4 had a good campaign

You know what Halo 4 actually had a pretty good campaign honestly.

I'd rather just have them tell us what the fuck it is first.

Yeah its clearly the best Halo campaign.

halo 4 was the last one I played and that was years ago. I think I enjoyed the campaign well enough, but the forerunner enemies and zones I didn't like, and unlike previous halo games, I never ran the campaign multiple times so I guess that says something. Also Halo 4 Cortana was worth any amount of disappointment in the actual game

...How? The levels were even more linear than Halo 2. One of the levels is literally just you being ferried around in a mammoth.

Well right now we don't know anything so thats why everyone can look at it an ambiguous trailer and see whatever the hell they want. That said. Its a great trailer. youtube.com/watch?v=Fmdb-KmlzD8

No not really.

It's shit.

Most people didn't give much of shit about sprint, which means the non-trannies.

>tfw long time Halo fan
>Most of Halo 2's writing and lore fleshing out was done by Joseph Staten, who alongside Eric Nylund, basically invented the entirety of Halo lore.
>see the canon be destroyed and raped into a ditch by 343i
>343 started Halo 4 off with a bunch of grandiose shit that you need to read books to even understand.
>Greg Bear's The Forerunner trilogy set up all that great lore then 343 pissed it away. The Librarian cut scene itself is a good example. Rather then just gradually introducing that information, it dumps it on the player and the explanation they give for what a Geas is is so poor it's no wonder people wrongly think John-117 is a chosen one
>Karen Traviss completely butchered her trilogy. Makes sense why Halo 4's and 5's story is so bad considering the Traviss books lead into 4 and 5. Dealing with the aftermath of the war is super fucking interesting. Unfortunately it's just a vehicle for retconning shit from halo 2-3 and setting up halo 4.
>She has super genius Dr Halsey, the Mother of the S-II program, think it would be a great idea to get into an argument with, and draw a gun on a S-III with the intent to threaten and/or possibly actually shoot the S-III.
>343i has the UNSC bounce back in less then 10 years and comes up with like 4 series of brand new galactic threats to deal with, because they need to justify conflict somehow.
>343i have been trying to replace Master Chief since Halo 4. Palmer was the first candidate and she failed, Locke was the second attempt and failed. Fireteam Osiris screamed "diversity team with an old face plastered on to force people to like them"
>Frank O'Connor or Frankie, is literally a member of Resetera and regularly posts tons of self-hating anti-white garbage. Frankie also confirms he wrote most of the story and script for Halo: Reach
>tfw can at least take pleasure in the fact that no matter where the series goes it can't be as bad as GOT

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Except it doesn't.
>Nonsense plot requires extra media to even understand
>Enemy encounters are repetitive and annoying (fuck crawlers and any type of "swarmer" enemy) (Every fight against knights follows the exact same formula: kill the watcher, then the bigger bionicle)
>Enemy AI isn't as credible or impressive as previous games.
>Painfully linear except for the beginning of requiem and that one pelican section (Scorpion segment is a big corridor, Mantis segment is a big corridor, except when defending a certain area)
>No interesting easter eggs or collectibles to warrant exploration and replayability
>Deus Ex Machina QTE final boss
>Sarah Palmer
>Spartan IVs are basically codkiddies in ugly MJOLNIR variants
>Redesign to Forward Unto Dawn and MkVI armor because NANOMACHINES
>Forerunner weapons are just human weapons with different skins and less satisfying to use
>Human weapons are the most fun to use, but barely get any ammo
>Art style that screams "overdesigned"

It did have a pretty good space trench run and I enjoyed the vehicle segments. People shit on the soundtrack, but I thought it was pretty ok. It's also graphically very impressive for being on such lame hardware as the xbox360

As some generic sci-fi game, I'd rate the campaign 7/10 mostly on the high production value. As a Halo game? Around a 5.5/10, the only worse one being 5.

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I hope Joe and Marty team up again someday.

It was decent at best worst than the trilogy.

>343 only listened to the Halo 5 trannies, so it will probably have gameplay like 5.

Tom French here. I am in charge of Halo 5: Guardian's multiplayer and Halo: Infinite's multiplayer. REQs will come at some point. The forge and custom games, have never been better. The sheer amount of things you can come up with is endless and offers hours upon hours of content.

H5 brings back even starts, as well as map pickups, AND restores the golden triangle by not having an additional damage/sandbox element like equipment or armor abilities. And while it adds new base player abilities, 2 had already done that, so none of that should be "inherently un-halo", especially since most of 5's new abilities actually enhance the "emphasis on platforming" part. If anything, Halo 5 is more classic Halo then Halo 3 is. Most of Halo 3's sandbox has no purpose.

Halo 5 is for the competitive crowd. Esports is the best thing Halo has going for it right now

If you Bungie cock suckers want to play Halo 3 then go play the old game. Halo 2 was broken jank that was balanced like shit. That's why we are keeping MCC alive to keep hipster fans like you in there. We gave you Halo 2 Anniversary multiplayer, a new classic game, and you didn't want it.

The combat needs to evolve. Tom "go play Halo Custom Edition if you want classic halo" French is in charge now.

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You post this shit in every halo thread. I don't like Halo 4 either but fuck off already you autistic fag.

Even the trench run felt really out of place. Like some Star Wars shit.
Is Master Chief even a pilot? It only made sense when Noble 6 did it.

Show me an archive post, faggot. I've posted separate complaints, but this is the longest list I've done. You're full of shit.

Someone didn't finish Halo 1.

>No interesting easter eggs or collectibles to warrant exploration and replayability

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I know Frankie posts to Resetera but I don't think I've ever seen him post anti-white, self hating garbage. Can you provide examples?

I fucking hate Frankie, the dude is a massive liar and wouldn't know the truth if it slapped him in the face but this is the first I've ever heard of him posting SJW trash.


>go look through the archives
What a fag. No. Every goddamn halo thread I see your bullshit greentext with QTE and Deus Ex Machina. Yes its a bad game. Yes 343 sucks. Move on you OCD fuckwad.

Not me.
You mean this guy

You get too emotional over this shit

That's not the same as dogfighting or doing a Star Wars tier trench run.

>wow its just a game bro
My point exactly.

>Is Master Chief even a pilot?

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Chief knows how to use any weapon and drive any vehicle he gets his hands on, he ain't a weak ass like Noble Six.

Discussing games is the point of this board. Not discussing your personal grievances about the posts or posters.
Last (You) you're getting.

> Not discussing your personal grievances about the posts or posters.

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Remember when the Master Chief was a cyborg?

I remember when Samus was a cyborg too, that didn't last very long for either.

You are such a fag.

He still is.

Considering the fact that he has a neural interface that allows AIs to literally amplify his reaction time, he still is.

As far as I'm concerned, a cyborg is an organism enhanced with technology. Both still kinda fit the description.

Are Master Chief and Samus still cyborgs?

In the game's tags, Master Chief is referenced as "Cyborg."

>A.I. Constructs and Cyborgs First!
>"Stage a one-cyborg assault on a Covenant ship and bring back the Captain."
>grunt can sometimes yell "bad cyborg"

Why did Halo 4 make him more human?

I honestly don't care, halo's story is a clusterfuck.

All of 343's lore is fanfiction tier, their company was literally created for the sole purpose of making halo games and nothing else, they're all huge fans of the series trying to force in their "wouldn't it be cool if chief did this..." ideas, and you can't just hire a sci-fi writer to turn your mess of a story into something coherent at the last minute.

They should do a soft reboot and proclaim all the 343 games up to now non-canon.

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Women and their beta orbiters were put in charge of the franchise, of course they tend to like more emotional and "relatable" characters.

>Why did Halo 4 make him more human?
Him being a cyborg has no bearing on his personality.

Halo 4 and 5 were bad cryo dreams. Halo Infinite picks up where 3 left off.

Canon built around gameplay > gameplay built around canon

Don’t be one of those faggots that thinks a plasma pistol should kill a spartan in like 2 shots cause of canon

When the fuck did Spartans learn how to be pilots?

...During their training?

>he actually believes this.

In FoR, they steal a Pelican as a bunch of kids if you care so much about the canon and lore.
For gameplay purposes, Chief can hop into fucking alien vehicles and blast away without second thought.

Who gives a damn, it's a video game.

No, he hopes for it. And so do I.

Keep hoping

Hint. They're not coders or programmers. Most of them are artists to story writers. That's how and that's a good thing!

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Don't think so.

I think this was it. It's been years since I read that.

But 343 have more men than women and most of them are programmers, what the hell are you even talking about?

>Halo 5 is for the competitive crowd. Esports is the best thing Halo has going for it right now
I'm baffled 343 kept pushing this shit despite the competitive crowd being the biggest purists in the series. What the fuck were they thinking?

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I don't like your pictures and I wish you would stop posting them.

Those are some short-ass mandibles.

into the trash it goes

basically i meant do you want them to retcon 4 and 5 or keep them in the story
im retarded

>Saurian with breasts
Hard pass

>Rube's females that look like they'll snap in two
>Shittily drawn female elite with tits
Hard pass.

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>I'm baffled 343 kept pushing this shit despite the competitive crowd being the biggest purists in the series. What the fuck were they thinking?
Okay boomer. Whatever you say boomer.

Thank you for also disliking exaggerated eyelashes.

They're going to keep it in, they will just ignore the Spartan IV shit.

God I bet Bonnie Ross has such nice feet

>HEYYY everybody this is act man here
>just gonna give my microsoft e3 predictions real quick

All plebians

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Rube said himself that even he's getting tired of drawing thick women, you degenerate.

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>found detailed write-ups describing things that the general public never got to see, ranging from a long, fast-paced, no-holds-barred fight scene between all members of Blue Team and Osiris on Meridian, to hundreds of lines of dialogue capturing the family-like bonds between John-117 and his team as they were portrayed in the novel Halo: The Fall of Reach
Holy fuckin shit Halo 5 could have been actually decent

the only aliens its ok to find attractive are in mass effect
you guys are weird

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>you guys are weird
no u

I do not trust 343s writers with Mendicant at all.

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>Tom "go play Halo Custom Edition if you want classic halo" French is in charge now.
I find it hard to believe that he actually said that.

why the fuck did the trash this.

Thanks, you just made me hate Brian Reed more.

Don't worry, he's staying in the books.

never played 4 or 5
how much interaction does chief have with arbiter?

Bungie gave up the series in 2010. Halo: Glasslands, written by Karen Traviss, was released in October of 2011, after the 343i takeover. In Glasslands, a Spartan-III supersoldier punches Catherine Halsey in the face with sufficient force for the aforementioned Spartan-III to "feel shockwaves up her arm"- which would be fatal regardless of circumstances. Given the fact that Halsey "survived" this despite it being a guaranteed killing blow, it's entirely feasible to declare all events after-the-fact (including Halo 4 and Halo 5) as non-canonical as Halsey was struck with a killing blow by an armoured Spartan-III and her survival is a discrepancy: therefore rendering all of 343i's entries in the franchise non-canon and reinforcing that Halo's chronology is Reach, Combat Evolved, 2, ODST, and then finally 3.

If these are actual quotes from Tom French, sounds like he's massively salty at the fact that original fans don't like the new Halo games. Kind of sad because 5 MP actually seems decent (besides what I've heard as far as COD-like kill-times goes) but nobody trusts 343i after 4

In 4 and 5? Zero. Chief and Arby don't meet again til after Halo 5 is over and thats in a book.

I've only played 4 myself and watched a 5 playthrough on YT, don't really remember desu. I think none in 4, and then in 5 arbiter is used to help track down chief, idk if they have a reunion or not though

4 and 5 confirmed a Jacob's Ladder-esque spinoff timeline in Halsey's purgatory. Explains why suddenly everyone has turned against her and calls her out for abducting children and all that

Oh cool. Mind giving me a brief rundown of chief and blue team post halo 5?

Games > books dude, this has always been the case. Also, ODST and Reach have a hard time fitting in with the Halo trilogy's canon.

There isn't much to go on yet except for a small section at the start of Halo: Bad Blood. Here is a direct copypaste from Halopedia:

>n a report for the Office of Naval Intelligence, Edward Buck reflects on the events that transpired after Michael "Mickey" Crespo betrayed him and Kojo "Romeo" Agu in Operation: COALPEPPER on Talitsa: his recruitment on Fireteam Osiris, his missions with them on Kamchatka, Meridian, and Sanghelios, and rescuing Blue Team from Cortana's grasp on Genesis. After saving them, both Fireteam Osiris and Blue Team fought against several armigers until they found India 127, a D79-TC Pelican that crash-landed on Genesis; Linda-058 managed to hold off the armigers long enough to allow both teams aboard the Pelican, extract Linda, and allowing 031 Exuberant Witness to open an Slipspace portal to transport both teams to Sanghelios. Their Pelican exits near Sunaion, and they regroup with Thel 'Vadam's Swords of Sanghelios, Spartan Sarah Palmer and Doctor Catherine Halsey in Nuusra. Both teams are informed that one of Sanghelios's hemispheres was completely shut down by a Guardian Custode immediately after Thel's victory against Jul 'Mdama's Covenant, and that same Guardian is enforcing Cortana's law on the planet's other hemisphere after the Sangheili's refusal to allow themselves be subjugated by the Created. Halsey also informs them the UNSC Infinity managed to escape from Earth, one of Cortana's first targets, and the ship will arrive to the system to extract them the next day. Thel 'Vadam invites both teams to a victory feast, in which John-117 talks alone with Halsey, and share some stories with Thel. At the next day, both teams, Palmer, and Halsey depart to the Infinity, with Thel wishing them luck in the upcoming battle against the Created.

If you want a little more detail watch this video, specifically from 1:23-3:20


Halo 5 spoilers of course

ODST and Reach have no real problems anymore. ODST never really had any to begin with and most of Reach's issues have been ironed out with the Data Drops, 11th Hour reports, Halsey's Journal and info in Halo Fleet Battles.

>implying Halo 5 has anything worth spoiling

You're right, Halo 5 spoiled itself

ODST's beginning is the problem, Halo 2 showed no ODST's falling from the sky at the end of the Metropolis level, and the Elites on Earth should have been killed as soon as Buck got out of his pod. Truth's fleet being there that soon when they just left in Halo 2's ending also caused a lot of problems. Why did 343 have to fix Reach's problem, Bungie should know how to write their own games into their own canon. Reach still has problems fitting in with Halo 1, 2, and 3.

well Yea Forums?

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Give me a cutie.

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Anything besides those asians and fat pigs

based schizoposter

You definitely could in Reach, in fact if you timed it right you could use Armor Lock to straight up punch rockets back at people.


Okay, to be fair she is the one of the few good looking asians

Just owned this bad boy up for the first time in like 15 years. What a trip.

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If it's rainbow hair, I'm killing myself

>Rube's females that look like they'll snap in two
Even male elites have skinny waists, the females would obviously be even smaller.

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Here's official art with a female. She has decent proportions and a nice ass without needing to look massive.

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Is this mass effect?
Looks like shit to be honest, except for shipmaster.
I know that lanky figure on the left is a prophet but its still so stupid.

>Tries to defend rube's disproportionate female design
>Responds to how female elites actually look by calling the art shit
Just say that you're retarded next time so I don't have to waste more effort arguing.

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>disproportionate female design
Its a flat colored stylized art, why dont you complain how there are only two shades of colors aswell because thats now how it works irl faggot.

>Its a flat colored stylized art
Then why did you just try to compare stylized art to how it's portrayed?

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Didn't 343i hire Mass Effect devs for Halo 4?

Because the portrayal is genuinely decent as a stylized art you retard.

I like all the main series games so you boomers can keep arguing over this shit, I can't wait to finally see Halo Infinite and play Halo Infinite.

Well I'm glad his "stylized art" is shifting away from the thick stuff.

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They hired people who hated halo.

As long as he doesnt draw that nasty homo stuff youve been posting.

He drew two NSFW pics for me.

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Stylized art isn't an excuse for bad anatomy fundamentals

>bad anatomy fundamentals
You dont realize you can stylize those, i mean look at anime.

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You're ignoring the in-proportion pictures I've posted by him.
This one has a slightly thicker waist, but it isn't as skewed as the women.

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I hate Reach but why is it so hard for you guys to just post female Spartan asses, Cortana picks, and hot female Marines, hell even young Halsey and possibly original Halo 2 and Halo 3 Miranda? You furfags need to be shot bringing this shit into a video game Halo thread.

I don't see you posting any of that either turbofaglord :^)


>You're ignoring the in-proportion pictures I've posted by him.
They dont disprove anything i said.

I'm about to start you literal faggot, go back to your literal mentally ill shithole, I'm tired of this shit being brought into video game Halo threads. Who the fuck cares about the anatomy of an Elite, I just liked Halo 1-3 art style because it was simple, looked good, and fit Halo better over the shit found in Halo 4 adn 5, I can't tell if some you guys are autistic or literal faggots if you're that turned on by fucking male body.

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> I just liked Halo 1-3 art style because it was simple

Yeah? Well guess what, I literally think you're a great person and I appreciate your opinions irregardless of you being beautiful literal faggot user

His style is mostly in proportion, especially for males. Find some images involving human figures for reference. The females are off proportion. I've done enough research to commission the dude thrice.
It's okay if you're experimenting with men user. I did as well, when I was under eighteen.

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i cant wait too see what the covenant will look like
surely they will all get new designs

Attached: chieffab.jpg (400x453, 25K)

Well, thank you very much.

>the autistic Reachfag who's first Halo was Reach is back

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>human figures
But theyre not human, idiot.

I hope they look as good as Halo 4/5 elites I think their designs are actually not that bad

>It's okay if you're experimenting with men user. I did as well, when I was under eighteen.
Mother fucker I'm 100% straight.

Nigga are you dumb or something

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Me too

The humans are in proportion, and not skewed because of stylistic reasons. The male elites drawn are not disproportionate as well. I know you need more than a couple of brain cells to process that much, but at least try.
Hey man, spaghetti is straight too til it gets wet.

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Even if you want to soft-reboot shit, an evil yandere Cortana with a Covenant army isn't something swept under the rug for a game continuing to refocus on Master Chief.

There is nothing wrong with that, the figure is in 3d and perspective is on point, just because youre gay doesnt mean shit.
>The humans are in proportion, and not skewed because of stylistic reasons. The male elites drawn are not disproportionate as well. I know you need more than a couple of brain cells to process that much, but at least try.
Its a drawing retard.
Pic related, literally how is this allowed?

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>Hey man, spaghetti is straight too til it gets wet.
I have ever been attracted towards a man, I get disgusted even seeing two men kiss, only hot ass women turn me on, if you ever had an attraction towards a man even if it was an experiment, you're gay.

Covenant will be against her going by Halo Bd Blood.

Just looked at your shitty art as well, look at that stump of a right leg.
Holy shit how did that go through? And that finger joint bending is fucked.
your priorities in art is warped my man.


user, people can draw whatever the fuck they want. I have been saying it is disproportionate the entire time, and you were initially trying to compare it to actual in-game models. Stop moving goalposts.
>only hot ass women turn me on
That's pretty fucking gay.
Not my art.
There's perspective for the leg, get your eyes checked
The same artist made hand and leg references for everyone else to use.

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>I have been saying it is disproportionate the entire time
Maybe she is an unusually tall elite thus looks disproportionate? Or maybe elites in his style are disproportionate, all that matters is he understands the forms, which he does.
If you really didnt know that before i have no reason to believe youve even drawn.
Does looking at cartoons give you a stroke aswell?
>and you were initially trying to compare it to actual in-game models.
So you dont believe the elite anatomy is supposed to have rules, then what the fuck is your problem?

Let's go

>That's pretty fucking gay.
>being attracted to the opposite sex is gay
Whatever you say, faggot.

Do you have autism my negro

>There's perspective for the leg, get your eyes checked
Nigga he tried, but it still looks wrong.
I have way more complaints about your art than you will ever have with rubes female elites if we go by technical standards.

Instead of live action, would you guys rather have a CGI Halo movie?

I think you do with your Elite anatomy posts.

I'd rather a 2d animated movie with the CE concept art artstyle

>Maybe she is an unusually tall elite thus looks disproportionate?
Or maybe you didn't get that he intended to draw them disproportionately thick. I stated early that he's shifting from said designs.
His style is VERY consistent otherwise.
I've seen the opposite, and I've been shitposting said drawings for about a decade now.
I'm not that user.

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I feel like people in this thread only like that bitch Vale because she's an Elitefag like them, glad she's gone.

I couldn't agree more.

I've been watching the original Legend of the Galactic Heroes and honestly a show like this but in the Halo universe maybe set during the insurrection era would work SO well.

I hope Jackals will have bird like beaks again and Grunts will have the traditional gas mask style methane masks.

I hope all the covenant don't have retarded dinosaur heads anymore

I'm interested in seeing how the Covenant, Flood, Sentinels, and Prometheans all interact with each other in Infinite.

Tragically the Prometheans all died on their way back to their home planet.

Wasn't Reach based on the CE concept art?

Who knows but all I do know is they failed miserably with it.

Fuck off commie scum


>playing halo for the story

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