What's your favourite podcast

pic related. post links

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I don't know if it's up yet but thank god Bosman got Damiani out of the way last week so he doesn't have to shit up the Nintendo predictions this week.

>guys, we need to bring spoiler culture back for ff7

It's up. Could someone also link last week's achieve it yourself? That was fun.

>no Kyle on pokemon direct stream

He recorded his reactions. It'll be after this where they react to him reacting to the direct

How will they even cover E3 with their shitty studio space they have shown so far for their streams? Don't they always get dressed up for presentation and have desks?

Their garage stuff was far more comfier so far to their newer content.

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That was great so hopefully he's just as disappointed. I thought the direct this morning was okay, but TPCi really need to take notes from Nintendo on how to present things after showing them to us.

Damiani just gets worse and worse with the obnoxious Nintendo obsession

garage = soul, perfect place for a bunch of bros to play vidya
studio = soulless corporate SJW land



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How will we get Damiani fired?

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Thanks Ben

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Thanks a ton bud

Much appreciated, Blood

This annoys me to no end.
You can play the original on damn near everything these days. These people have no excuse not to at this point.

Got the new episode of the Switch show?

>post links

Thank Blood, hope you enjoy E3 and stay hydrated.

>they didn't recognize rotom as the drone
Fucking hell.

The only one who's genuinely into pokemon is Kyle.

what drone

Kyle is the only one who plays pokemon. Nobody else has played more than 1 or 2 games.

Dude Ben loves Pokemon!! Aren't Squirtle and Eevee soooo adorable?! Hey, check out my quirky cactus that I named! please like me, I'm begging you


Every time.

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M E G A 6 4


T H E O B J E C T I V E L Y N U M B E R 1 V I D E O G A M E P O D C A S T I N

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Anybody else noticed Ben trying to crack jokes during the group streams recently?

Thanks. These are fun.

Resetera will turn on him.

all of Ben's jokes fall under two categories
>literally just repeating what someone else said
>Using someone else's joke and saying "now I want them to actually do that in this videogame!"/"now I expect *insert person* to be in the credits of this videogame!"

As for him joking more I think it's due to him having a few beers, he gets even needier when he is buzzed

Granted I don't watch those anymore, but for the longest time since EZA started, he's always done it to my memory. Guy's the proverbial annoying memer.
Honestly one of the few things recently they've made that's remotely enjoyable. Blood-Bosman-Brad was a surprisingly good mix.


Kyle is a nintendo fanboy just as much though and that’s very noticeable

He won't. Plus, Ben is worse.

Totally get you with the "I want" thing. He also says I hope that/I need followed by some quirky shite

Kyle may love nintendo but you're kidding yourself if you think hes remotely at the level of that autist

sorry I don't suck dick

Remember when Spider-Man wass revealed at E3 and Ben jumped to his feet, expecting the other Allies to. Cunt

He splits his time during reactions between watching the actual conference and watching big brother Huber to see how he should act. Insufferable little creep.




We were just getting into it during the BostonMan thread too

Kyle is a true fan.

Sleepycast is the only one I listen to. I'm not going to post a link when you don't.

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then I won't listen. :)

Take a shot everytime Damiani talks about something that isn't Nintendo, Zelda or FFXIV related. You'll get through a 12 steps program.
Even when they're talking about other shit, like, say, Ubisoft, he finds a way to bring it back to just Nintendo (Starfox in Starlink, or Rabbids).
It's hilarious.

That surprise episode out of nowhere made my year.

I have listened to them any number of times so I dont know them all that well. Does the 4-eyed thin hair man really understand Japanese? I doubt it

>Snony Allies

Kyle is the kind of Nintendo fan who recognizes that they make mistakes sometimes and thinks Miyamoto is washed up.
Damiani is the kind of Nintendo fan who thinks everything they do is perfect and that Miyamoto is still God's gift to game development.
They are very different and one is way less palatable.

He can read kana, thats all

>huber and ben
Fine, I'll give then another chance

You like Ben. Dudes worse than Damiani

This, except Damiani loves to suck off Koizumi more than any other Nintendo staff, especially when it comes to his work with Zelda.

Is there a playlist?

At least he didn't outright unironically insult his audience over some SJW issue. And "like" is a big word

The sjw shit makes Damiani bad. But who really cares about him insulting the audience. Dude gets shit on constantly by the people that try to act offended by him saying something back.

Ben is just a fake person. Never got a personality.

Thanks. Came here to ask for this but I didn't have to.

Thanks anyway Blood.

everytime ben changes his voice you just know it's gonna be unfunny

>Kyle asks what Damiani thinks could happen with Ubisoft's e3 and PLEADS him not to bring up Nintendo.
>Damiani brings up Nintendo.

>Good christian boy Bloodworth answers first cartoon/videogame crush without missing a beat.
>Damiani refuses to answer. That is until pushed where he brings up pokemon but ONLY as platonically as pets, therefore irrelevant to the question.
This isn't the first time Damiani's done something like this. that dude's got some big skeletons hidden away for sure. Chances are he'll "resign" if any whiff of them are at risk of being exposed.

I believe (don't quote me) that they said they're going to use the podcast room for e3 in order to keep that smartness. Also makes sense if they're doing things like the podcast live. They can generally run off the same set-up for everything instead of running back and fourth and having more tech issues than normal.

>This isn't the first time Damiani's done something like this. that dude's got some big skeletons hidden away for sure. Chances are he'll "resign" if any whiff of them are at risk of being exposed.
He mentioned Pokemon characters' rule34 at GT once, so yeah...

If one of them is a degenerate furry it's Damiani

If you can't answer the question about early celeb/vidya/cartoon crush without getting weird about it, it definitely means you're into some weird shit that you don't actually want to say or you're still obsessed with that character after more than a decade.


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Couldn't he just give a fake standard answer like "i wacked it to Lara Croft"? Would've come off as less awkward.

>If you can't answer the question about early vidya/cartoon crush
>vidya/cartoon crush

I think thats just called being normal

>answers first cartoon/videogame crush without missing a beat.

What was it?

>Even when they're talking about other shit, like, say, Ubisoft, he finds a way to bring it back to just Nintendo
This is the worst. Their review of that game was embarrassing because Damiani wrote it. It was less a review of Starlink and more a review of the Starfox content in the game and lamenting that it wasn't a full blown Starfox game instead. He's so fucking bad. If he's on a podcast with no Nintendo content he'll just sit there silently for an hour until someone asks him something directly and he has basically no opinion on anything not Nintendo. Truly awful.

If you fire Kyle, EZA is done for.

Autists cant do that

Cum Town

Sorceress from Dragon's Crown.


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>Damiani refuses to answer. That is until pushed where he brings up pokemon but ONLY as platonically as pets

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Blood has exquisite taste.

So who's the best one that's not Kyle? Don is great but that's because he's not on every group stream podcast. Worst offenders are Damiani with his shitty personality and Huber overhyping everything

I feel like I'm only of the only people that doesn't hate Damiani, but maybe that's because I'm a big Nintendo guy.

Huber is another fucking story.

Jones. When you watch Cup of Jones you will agree.

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>I'm a big Nintendo guy.
for you

Why is Frame Trap so shit? It should be good, but it just isn't.

Either Jones or Blood.

anyone has a link for the last one?

Joe Rogan

I don't remember, in most recent q&a somewhere. The point was that it was such a meaningless thing. Like infant boys finding women intentionally draw to be attractive.....to be attractive, shouldn't be some hard to accept notion.
Actually now you've got me thinking about it, it may of not even been limited to "animated" women and inculded tv characters too. I recall being surprised none of them saying "Kimberly" from Power Rangers.
Wait yes it it did inculde real women because Brad said saved by the bell girls. Again showing how the rest of them, knowing full well they didn't have to say a animated woman, felt free to mention them because they were refering to a quarter of a century ago when they were kids.
Same way Kyle talked about picking his nose as a child later on. He's not afraid to talk about it because he knows no one's going to accuse him of having a nose picking addiction now just because he mentioned him doing it as a child.

here's your studio, bro

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Kyle was one of the only die hard Pokemon fans on Youtube to call out the reveal trailer for Sword and Shield, so I'm curious to see how he feels about the new trailer

This but runner up goes to Brad.

Ben is a boring host and it depends on the people there honestly. Like I don't trust anyone except Jones and Kyle

He even had Maximilian who is the pewdiepie of fighting games and can't even talk in depth about these games.

NoobToob with Tobin and Yuzo

because ben

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>It should be good
how so?


>runner up goes to Brad.
Brad is boring though. He's the "yeah dude that's sick" and "JRPGs!" guy

thanks man

Ben doesn't let his guests talk. When they eventually do talk, Ben follows up by reiterating on what they just said.

I don't get why they don't get too long bits of printed cardboard to clip over the thing. Have a different design for each podcast. Like have "Frame" on the left one and "Trap" on the right. They keep saying they want to do more to make each show look unique and that would do a better job than some easy to miss under desk lights.

>Damiani refuses to answer. That is until pushed where he brings up pokemon but ONLY as platonically as pets, therefore irrelevant to the question.
This was so fucking weird, seriously. I was racking my head trying to follow Damiani's train of thought here.
"Who's your first cartoon crush"
"I like pikachu platonically" ....What??? WHO would give that as an answer? How much do you want to bet Damiani is browsing /d/ right now?

I think there would've been a far less awkward way to handle and phrase this but he just looks weird now lol.

It's the podcast where they can freely talk about what games they've been playing new and old. At the very least it should make for something entertaining and interesting enough to have on in the background but it's insufferably boring.

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Is Ian back for good now? I noticed him on the last group stream.

Jones is legitimately great and has well palced skepticism, like how he was one of the only journalists that did not buy into no mans sky

I think what gets me is Ben doesn't challenge guests, like there's no back and forth conversation going on. When Maximilian Dood was on talking about some of his issues with Sekiro, Ben didn't try and retort which would've fleshed out both of their viewpoints on different aspects of the game and could've led to a deeper conversation. Instead Max just spoke his opinions on the game and moved on. I feel like this happens all the time on Frame Trap. There are a bunch of avenues for interesting conversation but Ben rarely goes down them in the way Kyle does on the main podcast.

Yeah his dad finally died

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His dad finally died so hes back

Yeah I think he is, he was gone due to a family tragedy.

He liked the potential of the open fields but was down on everything else. Hoping they uploaded his reaction alone since the others talked over it several times.

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Wasn't his dad in one of the Fiasconauts? I thought he was a bretty cool guy.

This, although I do think he could be more critical of open world games, at least prior to their release anyway. I get it's a genre he gravitates towards, but it was odd to me that he was so excited about Days Gone leading up to launch when it seemed like it was going to be rough around the edges.

I hate Damiani especially because I'm a big Nintendo guy. The dude is insufferable, yet almost always gets brought in for the Nintendo stuff.

Jones is great, Huber is great in small doses, Brad is solid if Dark Souls/Bloodborne aren't brought up, Blood has good info but can be a bit bland. Kyle is MVP.

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Yeah I'm also a big Nintendo guy because that's what I grew up with, and Ocarina of Time is my favorite game, so Damiani being the self proclaimed spokesperson for everything Zelda and Nintendo makes me wanna puke every time he speaks or shows his face.

Without Kyle this whole operation falls apart. Speaking of Kyle, he is a fucking idiot to drop final bosman/editorials when it's obvious that it was his true calling. Keep making a niche puppet show while a faggier version of you working at polygon takes your format and makes bank.

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I hate how this vile roastie has started to appear more and more on streams since the studio

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Look forward to our hilarious characters like Benzilla, rainy day Ian, and sports-guy! What's that? These specials only worked because of the Huber/Kyle chemistry? Blood trying to revert the betting specials back solidified him as the only sensible man at EZA.

>Listening to castle super beast
>Email time
>people talking about Damiani and how autistic he is in ff14
>pays people 10mil gil to get first roll on shit
>every single time

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Anyone got a list of spoiler mode links?

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Friday you ding dong


Wait... I thought she was a mod because she was Brad's girlfriend, not the other way around.

Not all of the characters work but I like Coldblooded, Ultima Brad and Brand Manager.

wtf is this Blood's wife?

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I miss Elyse

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It's just the latest episode in the emails segment 3:50:00 I don't know if they have a video link anywhere so I can't direct link it

Because I don't want entertainment.

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Hope you enjoy her being the future community manager/social media manager and appearing way more often, user, because she's been slowly but surely weaseling her way in

Not like someone like him can afford to be picky

Especially with how Brandon sung endless praises of her on one of the Cup of Jones of the past few months. Don't remember which one it was.