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That is one superlight crowbar.
What is this?
What? You can tell weight by a picture? Retard.
Yeah fucking right lol
>reverse image search
>only thing that comes up are 3 threads from Yea Forums posted in the last day
It doesn't sink into the snow.
it's lying on snow, fuckface
Cool image, what grade did your teacher give you for it?
You ever consider the snow might be FROZEN? Retards.
woah... a crowbar... you guys don't think it's...
It even looks like its frozen with an ice layer over it. Literal fucking retards all over this board I swear.
You ever consider shoehorning your retarded ideas into a picture so you wouldn't have to admit you were wrong?
>makes a shitty fake
>doesn’t take basic physics into account
>gets mad
have you never seen snow before? it is clearly frosted over
also explains why there is no snow falling, if it were dry enough to freeze over then it would be too dry for fresh snow
It's a havey piece of metal, even if the snow was frozen the crowbar would still sink in, unless it was placed there as gently as possible
Depends on how cold it is.
Look at the edges of the footprints, does snow reflect light like that?
T. Never been to northern states/Canada during the winter. I'm 160 lbs and I can stand on top of frozen snow.
Why would you waste your time with this bullshit ? Does it make your sad little life feel a little important ?
literally nobody is buying it op my god
you're embarrassing yourself
oh wait I don't own a 400 dollar piece of shit eye cancer causer
Yeah... I'm sure they gently placed it down... Sorry niggergoldstein no one is falling for your tricks...
These equator dwellers have never seen snowy footprints ice over before
boneworks requires the 1000$ headset
Do you just not experience sub-zero weather? You're ignorant as fuck and you sound like a dipshit.
You're really underestimating how strong frozen over snow is.
the game better be free if that's the case
No it doesn't you dumb nigger, it literally says it is available for the vive on their site.
Its 40 bucks
half-life 3?
Reminder that HL 3 is fucking dead.
>You can see the tri edges on the "curve" of the crowbar
Dude, snow can freeze and you can walk over it without it compressing from your weight
It'll work with vive but it still requires the index controllers, driving the combined price back up to about 800$
Imagine thinking that snow couldn’t become ice after it falls on the ground
Then it wouldn’t be snow, it would be ice. That is not ice, that is snow.
Look at the fucking way light reflects of it, that is frozen over snow.
It's obviously snow with a frozen crust and anybody who lives somewhere that gets snow often can easily tell
baby's first render
Why the fuck must you keep lying? The controls are entirely mapable and it will work with wands out of the box, just without the realistic gripping.
How can someone be autistic enough to lie about this shit through their teeth?
>americans who have never seen snow and ice irl
No. It isn’t. Go back and try again.
Do you live in such a place?
Yes and it's clear you don't.
>make shitty render to troll Yea Forums
>gets mad when called out on it
Never change, autist.
Same vague posts repeatedly for days shilling this stupid picture
Valve only follows trends and makes safe, easy money games now. No one at Valve has the balls to make HL3 anymore and if they did they sure as fuck wouldn't be revealing it by making hit and run posts on Yea Forums. You're not fooling anyone but retards.
I live in Canada, I know how frozen snow feels, you can walk over it because you spread your weight over your feet slowly, a crowbar dropped from any height would punch a hole right through it
Someone send it to valvenewsnetwork, he'll make a video.
Daily reminder only zoomers and normalfags like this series. Half life is moviegame shit.
Real fps gamers hate what this game did for the genre.
If you like hl you admit you like cinematic garbage.
How do you know the crowbar wasn't placed and not dropped? You know crowbars only weigh like 5-8lbs, right? You can literally apply upwards of 150lbs of pressure to compacted snow and not collapse the surface if it has been thawed and refrozen several times.
Yeah, and you can also remap your mouse to emulate a VR controller and play on a monitor, your point?
No you can't you dumb nigger. You can't have all degrees of movement with a mouse. That's why surgeon simulator is easy as fuck in vr and a nightmare on mouse and keyboard. You are an absolute fucking moron and each of your replies is more idiotic than the last.
You literally can though. Sure it's annoying as hell because you need to use modifiers for the different degrees of motion but you can still do it.
>You can't have all degrees of movement with a mouse.
And you can't have all the degrees of movement of a index controller with a valve wand. Next.
Holy shit you are so fucking dumb. You have literally no idea what you're talking about. Degrees of movement is literally just being able to move the controller in all physical directions, which both the wands and knuckles do. A mouse can get up and down movement from using the scroll wheel but good luck actually playing any vr game like that. I'm gonna eat your dick of you dont stop being such a retarded poorfag.
you are aware that resize/cropping a picture fucks with reverse image search right? Most of the reverse image searches compare exif data they don't analyze similarities in pixels or whatever. Stop using reverse image search as a means to see if something is fake or not you can change photo data in photoshop so it won't show up.
Fuck off, nobody cares anymore.
>detecting the movement of your individual fingers doesn't count as a degree of movement
ok retard
>has absolutely no idea what degrees of movement actually means
>has absolutely no idea what degrees of movement actually means
That's a DEGREE OF CONTROL YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING SUBHUMAN BOOGAT NIGGER JUNGLE BUNNY FUCK. Plus the vive has grip buttons as well, they're just physical push buttons instead of sensors.
The only joint movements you need to be concerned about are the joints your mom smoked while pregnant with your retarded ass.
the vive has one(1) grip button, not one for each finger.
Shut up retard
You're actually right on this user but sadly the board has loads of retards
I think we're all buying it but you, retard.
Better luck next time. :-)
Haha another poorfag destroyed. Have fun with your emulated vr games played with two mice. Hope you can control a keyboard with your feet gay boi.
I have a DK1,DK2,CV1,PSVR and pre-ordered the index, but sure thing user. :)
Lying is pathetic user. Nobody who wasted that much money would be as ignorant as you. Not to mention only devs got DKs and you are the furthest thing possible from a dev.
they think it going to done
but you see, ivan; nothing ever done
Not him but that's bullshit, I have a DK1 from KS
Or at least I guess it was from KS I can't remember
VR has been a meme for so long...
>only devs got DKs
>could literally be ordered by anyone
ok buddy.
>wasted that much money
I love VR, supporting an industry I love isn't wasting money.
You're an obvious larper and ignorant poorfag that doesnt own anything beyond google cardboard at most. Nothing you have said is anything short of mental retardation.
If you bought a DK and arent a dev you're just as much of a dipshit as that other retard.
>outdated hardware that wont be forwards compatible
>literally no games
>buggy as fuck EVERYTHING
I bet you saw that half life 2 clip of the guy with the razr hydras and creamed yourself before chugging some soilent and eating hundreds of dollars.
yeah im so poor ur right :(
Wow calm down I just have money to burn
I tried rollercoaster and tuscany demo and thought "well that will be cool one day" then put it away
I own a car, car beats gimmick GPU. POORFAG BLOWN THE FUCK OUT.
Not if the snow is hardened by a cold night
So you spent hundreds of dollars multiple times on machines you knew would be useless less than 6 months after buying them. Theres "having money to burn" and then theres "bad with money". You're the latter.
I'd post my car and other shit but I'd rather not dox myself.
Post your reason for being such a pants on head retard.
Yeah it was such a bad purchase, it's not like I got a lot of contacts in the early days of VR and got a big community manager job through it or anything.
i have a girlfriend but she goes to another school
Valve doesn't make games anymore
an adult spending hundreds per year on a hobby that's unheard of
you made it too obvious this time
nice for you user
None of that happened. The best part about this is you know you're a dumbass lying to justify shit purchases to complete strangers online. Truly pathetic.
>only posting boxes
Dumpster diving poorfag detected.
imagine being this insecure that you try to flex on an anonymous cantonese fish fucking forum
What part of don't wanna dox myself don't you understand? showing more of my desk that would be required to show off more than boxes would reveal the company I work for.
>community manager
Just say you're a volunteer moderator instead of trying to salvage the cringe that is your life.
user moderating a dead vr enthusiasts forum isnt a job, it's mental illness.
>Y-you're poor and lying!!!
no I'm not look ill post proof
>thinks owning a 2k gpu and vr headset setup makes him not poor.
>showing more of my desk ... would reveal the company I work for
So either you brought hardware boxes to work for some reason or the boxes actually belong to the company?
Give it up, we already got an ending. That's enough for me
laughing my lmao ass off
Or.. maybe I'm not a fat fuck without friends like u and colleagues and friends might actually recognize my room?
the snow could be frozen, R-TARD
I enjoyed reading through the pure autistic rage that is this thread. Thank you, anons. You're all retards. I love you.
Your work colleagues would recognize your desk and then also dox you by posting what company you work at huh
I know right? I have a $80k house and a $4k pc and literally the only room in my house that's furnished is my room. I have tons of debt too. That doesnt stop me from flexing my tiny wad while neglecting to mention my $68k debt.
>he steals boxes from work and uses them to flex online
Bet you're the janitor and you dig through trash hoping to find free electronics and tools.
He must work at google.
Don't think they'd do that, just rather not have them know I mingle with you lowlives LOL
So you aren't actually worried about getting doxxed and your desk wouldn't reveal anything? This is a very strange story you're constructing here user
user what are you doing, do you have any idea how many teens and third worlders go to Yea Forums?
Why do you think the only new thing to happen to games in over a decade is so hated?
>while neglecting to mention my $68k debt.
sorry, I'm not a retard and didn't go to college lol. I made millions investing in bitconnect.
>steals boxes from work
Yeah, keep telling yourself that buddy. We don't even have an office it's all online, nothing to steal from.
>work at google
Nah, more VR specific.
>still thinks owning a 4k pc is any indicator of wealth
Literal minimum wage retards can have that if they save up.
Unless you own at least 4 properties in prime real estate areas eg city centers you are just some nouveau riche kid chimping out.
I agree with the other poster, you're pathetic man
what's snow like user?
Snow is interesting, walking on it is like, you expect to land but then you sink into it a bit.
It's similar how, let's say you were poor and you thought, you know what I'll get a loan and buy a 2080ti to feel rich, but then it sinks in a bit and you're still poor.
>literally the most cookie cutter "rich proto-neet" story possible
No way you make any more than 25k a year, anyone who isn't poor would have real investments. Also the debt is from buying the house, I'm an electrician so I don't have school debt.
>works at a vr studio
Hi roiland.
Reading comprehension bud, I said I was effectively a poorfag.
Probably not, each half life has been used to debut a different engine so I imagine they'd be going with something new.
>I made millions investing in bitconnect
fucking lol you got me with that one
>made millions investing in bitconnect.
ERROR: test failed, please respond with your IP and we'll have our engineers look into it.
Ok it's
heh you don't even know what you just did, welcome to the botnet kiddo
>hurrr what is pressure
I guarantee that crowbar produces far less N/m^2 than a human foot
This isn't me, all my images are png's to scrap data, nice try though.
how did you get my ip??
delete this immediately
edit: how do I delete my posts?
Wait when did they add editing? Also bottom right to delete, newfag.
Yea Forums already scrapes metadata you mong
I don't trust the new chink leader to delete it server-side though.
what in the actual FUCK? You think I'm fucking dumb? I'm a certified spatial engineer and I develop trust engines for fucking NASA. I worked 12 months in area 51 for declassified FBI documents. I literally hacked Saddam Hussein's GPS for the Navy Seals. You wanna know what I'm actually looking at my screen right now and it says your IP is and I have complete access to your Local Network you pasty ass NIGGER! My IQ is in the 4 digits range and I'm a graduated member of Mensa. You have no idea who the fuck you're talking to. I personally reverse engineered illegal alien technology and had the CIA augment me with a brain implant that enables supernatural psychopathic power, I could literary Akira you out of existence MOTHERFUCKER!
Actually my ip is, idiot.
>I'm super rich and my uncle works for nintendo and i didnt even go to college and i made billions off cryptocurrency and i'm super connected because I bought VR currently and if i even posted my desk i'd get doxxed and and and
what do people like you get out of doing this kind of LARP shit? do you think you'd feel better about your life if people on an anonymous imageboard believed you're elon musk?
GOTTEM! I'm on your minecraft server greifing it RIGHT NOW.
I'm not elon musk, but I'm flattered. I actually know someone that's friends with him though. Thanks that you think I'm so interesting the only solution would be that I'm LARPing.
You fucked up my face
This is unironically the most pathetic thing in the thread and I read that comment about emulating vr with a mouse.
you can tell by the reflections in the footprints that it is frozen snow
still weird that the crowbar seems to be lightly placed onto the frozen snow but nevertheless there's nothing wrong with the image
Yeah well you all got baited LOL
hurr durr lmao i was only pretending to be retarded haha lol now whos laughing
baited for this EXACT response, wasn't even baiting y'all jealous AF.
that's the most pathetic samefagging I've ever seen
This whole thread is like 3 people.
I'm schizophrenic and have 4 personalities so it's at least 7.
The story was already released because the game isn’t happening.
Schizophrenia =/= DID
Valve had a guy say that intentionally to throw us off the scent so when the game actually unveiled we'd all shit ourselves
I fuckin' wish, I know Valve's too brainwashed nowadays to realize that people want them to make good games again
Like I would let those niggers control my body. They just stand around me and tell me what to say. Jamal wanted me to tell you that you are a "priv priv whitey-crack" and Jose wanted to let you know you're "a dumb American cracker". Oh sorry excuse me "cracker americano".
Wow ableist much?
>merely pretending
what a cunning rouse you've suddenly decided that was
That wasn't me.
This is just one guy responding to himself right?
Disregard I trolled you fags hard.
You've never worked with tools have you? Unless that snow is packed, it will set into it.
have you idiots never dealt with snow before?
>we will never have Half-Life 3 ever
fuck nigers trany and kiks
based janny
>top layers of snow melts in the heat of the sun
>sun goes down and top layer of wet snow freezes solid
I just have no idea how many people here are this ignorant. Unless you've literally never seen snow you need to kill yourself right now, and if you havent you need to shut the fuck up and listen to people who live in cold climates.
Prove it.
Source 2
Anyone here into cock and ball torture (CBT)?