Fuck this goddamned game. I played the trail on steam, then bought it on steam and now I can't log in. I have no fucking idea how to manage my account, why do these shithead nips have to make everything so unbelievably difficult? And I get an error when entering my starter edition code from steam on the mogstation website
Fuck this goddamned game. I played the trail on steam, then bought it on steam and now I can't log in...
You could have just not got it on steam and avoided all this trouble, anyways try your steam email and password to login.
Just give up and play something else. If you're so retarded you can't manage how to login, I don't want to run into you in-game.
on the launcher? squar eenix website? mogshit? I have no fucking idea what to do
Try putting the code on steam.
I bought the game on steam, then after installing it and launching it, I got the code from steam and entered the code on the mogstation website, then it gave me an error
did you have to make an account via mogstation for the trial version? if you did, the login info should be the same.
Come back when you're 18.
>playing ff14 on pc
thats what you get for playing trash
Will we ever get an expansion akin to HW again? SB was lackluster and I don't have much hope for ShB.
>Op is so stupid he cant figure out how to add his cd key to his already existing account
Thats some next level retard right there
But Stormblood was literally Heavensward again.
I installed the free trial via steam, opened the launcher, made an account through there, played it , logged out and after a few hours I wanted to log in again but it didn't work, and I used the same login details
I know how to, it just gives me an error message you stupid clown.
Square-Enix's account system is a fucking nightmare. The only way to avoid trouble is to make a Square-Enix account first and then make a FFXIV and FFXI account afterwards with a slight variation on the username and password.
are you sure you're using the same login and password?
you're probably best off contacting support for a password reset at this point, since I have no idea what the problem is. or you can stick around and get insulted some more, some people like that. you probably played a lala too
You have to set up all the account stuff on the SquareEnix website, then use the code they give you in the Steam launcher. Yes, it's a pain. And the game is not worth it. This is from someone who's played all of 2.0, Heavensward and Stormblood. The games setting, music and gameplay is great. But it's stuck in another shitty single player, story focused, content update driven MMO. Literally the same shit as WOW or TOR, but a different skin.
If you haven't paid for a subscription yet, get a refund from Steam.
>Be BLM in a dungeon
>Keep ripping aggro off tank
>Know I SHOULD pop lucid dreams but need to let everyone know my cock and balls are massive
It's just so hard to be a Black Mage, bros...
HW was still mediocre but people praise it because everything else is so shitty and it comes right after the worst portion of MSQ progression which also makes it seem better.
here it says steam refunds are not possible for this product, I got fucked over
Works on my machine. But Steam is terrible.
This fucking game is still using a launcher from 2011. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? The Japs don't even have the audacity to at least implement saved credentials after 8 years.
cute onahole
>HW was still mediocre
Bitch you wouldn't know kino if it slapped you in the face.
Would you prefer it to be a zoomer friendly always socially connected modern day launcher or it to be the old school WoW launcher it is now?
yeah if you're expecting that to impress me try again. ffxiv fags are so delusional.
>Mfw I keep ripping aggro even after using diversion and lucid
Any ideas for a PLD glamour similar to Paladin Cecil? I'd even take something that represents his sprite at this point desu.
Cape slot fucking when?
Either way is fine as long as I don't have to open my phone every time to put in my one-time password.
You deserve all the bad things that happen to you for being a retard
I don't use one because I actually have a secure name and password unlike some people.
I think blizzard created a good solution. You have to input your otpw the first time you log into their client and then it expires after a few weeks of inactivity.
>HW comes out
>extreme lack of MSQ to the point where levels 55-57 is like, 2 quests, both of which are short and boring
>Less dungeons than ever before, new dungeons added will only be in sets of 2 instead of 3
>only 2 extreme primals compared to the three we got with ARR when extreme primals first became a thing
>the exp curve was all fucked up at the start, they had to QUADRUPLE fate exp because it was so lackluster
>Everyone who did crafting hated the new system
I dunno man, I dropped HW like a sack of bricks really early on, but it definitely seemed mediocre at best to me.
It doesn't matter how secure you think your passwords are. Without an authenticator its just a matter of time. Even the 16-24 character passwords being generated by Password Manager Applications are begging to get cracked easily.
I use it for the free teleport desu
All it takes really is SE being hacked for your account to be compromised. Wouldn't be surprised if they're floating around in plain text on the server somewhere given how shitty the architecture of this game appears to be
The launcher locks you out after 3 failed attempts. So good luck trying to bruteforce a secure name AND secure password.
>FC had a real life meet up this past weekend at a local barcade
>everyone is late 20s/early 30s
>no one spouts memes or shrieks about trannies, or even is a tranny
>we all have fun, have some drinks, play some games, I clean house in Third Strike and get humbled in Tetris Attack by a girl that plays smn
>me and smn girl flirt most of the night and end up making out
>have plans to go out on a date on the 15th for her birthday
What the fuck guys, you all said the game was just sociopathic anons trying to cover up their insecurities and trannies trying to live vicariously through their characters
Damn, sorry bro. Might as well figure out how to get it working and play your free 30 days then. It's worth running through once for the single player experience. It just sucks as an MMO.
SE hasn't had a major breach since the FFXI days back in the 00s. They have tightened up security since then. The only people getting hacked now are people using the same info on other websites that get cracked like old forums or some shitty website.
>using steam for FF XIV
I like how this game filters out retards before they can even install the game
You sound fucking retarded
You sweet innocent child. They don't take your account from the launcher, they take it directly from SE's servers.
Everyone disregarding OP is in denial 14 does have a very shitty menu system across all platforms
>Static members want to hang out IRL
>Find out they're all in their early 30s
>mfw I'm 21
>Still look and sound the oldest
I was convinced they were my age what the fuck.
I'm talking about the whole expansion. Not what was only at 3.0 launch. Everything about Heavensward as a whole package was a solid improvement over ARR.
I'm sure you'll enjoy your date with xer
nice blog fag
>implying MtF tr*nnies have thick luscious hair
You can cut your dick off and have politics on your side but you can't beat biology. All men have their hair thin out and recede in their mid-late twenties.
>EVER meeting up with ANYONE from Final Tranny 14
Where is the actual thread?
>mid-late twenties.
Look at this hairlet and laugh because he thinks his inferior genetics are normal
You make it user and I'll participate.
>instantaneous no-effort "tranny x^D" responses
I dunno, the fact OP knows how to use a forum means he's more intelligent than most healers.
Im a tranny
Glad you had fun user. Me and my FC haven't met up yet but we talk frequently on voice chat and we have a blast.
This is it, we've basically been forced to do the shit on the franchise thread strategy monster hunter threads used. This one doesn't have XIV in the comment, so people are missing it.
You must be new.
Thinning and receding doesn't mean bald you idiot. Stupid zoomer, even if you have good genes your hair will still thin/recede in your late 20's. I simply implied that the picture of a man mistaking a tranny for a women is not possible.
there are literal 12 year olds posting here. have you not seen that one slim ps2 kid that makes threads and posts his videos here?
Post legs in knee socks with visible cut scars
The healers can login, though.
it's pretty convoluted
Hey can you stay in your containment general? Thanks.
>all this cope
Ok baldy
They use SHA-256 encryption, nothing is cracking that or getting stored in plaintext.
People with much lower testosterone also start getting receding and thinning hair much later on.
This is a 40-year-old cat
But...the lore book says...
Where are people getting this 40 year old stuff from?
mentally she is 40 but physically she is younger. go read the lorebook or play the game sometime
So I guess Chris Evans is a baldy? All men eventually get receded temples you fucking idiot. Your genes determine how far back they go. Luckily for me mine aren't near his but I guess it will be in ~3 years.
Kind of side point but you must be joking if you think that's his natural hairline. He's a movie star.
>SCH even stronger than it already was
>WHM even weaker than it already was
>All nuance removed from AST's cards
What did SE mean by this?
Pipe down and finish your Monster, kid.
I don't know all the details but it has something to do with the timeline of the 1.0 echo flashbacks and how she hasn't really changed in appearance at all in all that time. I think there was a note that she uses some kind of magic to make herself look younger.
Y'shtola maintains her youthful appearance through forbidden magic.
The lore book says she uses magic to appear younger
See above, the 40 stuff is just a random number picked to be memed but she is much older than she appears
Lad, I don't think glamours are a big secret.
Nigga, just buy their security token.
Nigger every hollywood star is on finasteride
how comes zoomers are suddenly interested in trying this game? this game is anti-zoomer to its core.
I hope Alphinaud one day bangs the shit out of Y'shtola.
What Dragoon armor is the girl wearing? Unless it isn't Dragoon if not then what is it?
Why can't we have trailers these anymore?
He'll get to eventually. I believe in him.
I'm not sure what you mean. You get one per expansion
steam version doesn't use the standalone resources retard
you mean cgi trailers?
Anybody else want to go back to 1.0 when the game barely worked but we had good cutscenes?
high allagan armor
We do, retard
there were only less than a handful of mocapped cutscenes in 1.0, the rest were the same quality as ARR using stock emotes and characters head snapping like a bot.
No, I would rather have a game that works, stupid faggot
High Allagan maiming set. You can get a crafted replica version off the marketboard if you're too shit to get it from coil
When does the 5.0 patch come out? I have a lot of SB MSQ to do before Shadowbringers but I don't want to resub until that's out.
Savage Coil or normal?
6/28 is when early access begins for pre-orders
End of an era is one of the best cutscenes in video games
normal for non-dyeable version
crafted for dyeable version
I know I mean the patch, not the expansion itself.
Now that the dust has settled, stormblood wasn't that bad and was objectively better than heavensward
These two retards would give this up just to have a working game
5.0 Is the Expansion patch.
>when 3:57 hits with the music timing just right and your ogcds are all up on DRK
Ok well, 5.0 is going to be patched in on 6/28 bro. Or maybe the evening of 6/27 if they pull servers offline early which is likely
>stormblood wasn't that bad
>better than heavensward
How's your two liberated cities?
Oh yeah, one sunk to the bottom of a river and the other wont let you in cause "We wuz kangz" and is probably going to get gassed in a month. I'll be laughing from the Firmament in Ishgard.
That's a retarded way to do things.
>do 60+ Baelsar's Wall runs to get glamour piece a year ago
>also got tank chest from those runs
>hold onto it for half a year
>decide to discard it because a big heavy coat looked silly on tanks
>GUN gets announced
Now, THIS guy knows how to speak nonsense.
So MCH is good in Shadowbrings now right?
>played ffxiv very briefly a long time ago
>want to pick it up again because i'm in an mmo mood
>can't log into my account because i attached an authenticator and don't have its one time code
>can't login to remove the authenticator because i don't have the code to restore the authenticator to get the one time code
>support won't respond to my tickets
Since OP showed buying the game through steam is a mistake should I just re-buy it through the squeenix website?
My one wish is they release the Alexander campaign with some padding as an actual one-off game because it'd work insanely well and all the up-to-Heavensward jobs have enough variety to make a convincing Tactics party. Include RDM and SAM/GNB and DNC as hidden jobs or some shit.
Real talk, it probably wouldn't cost a lot to make a sprite-based remake of FFXIV; I'm sure SE would make a shit load off of it too. Hell knows, I would buy it.
Dude, ffxiv is literally a cheap Japanese knockoff of wow, what did you expect?
>they added the entire fucking OST to Spotify
>still has ping issue
Its even worse than SB
Look at G2A or similar key-sellers for cheaper ARR/Stormblood keys and plug them into Square Enix's website.
it needs to be a gacha game. SE likes its 32bit gacha games
you're confusing WoW prepatch with FFXIV. early access is when the expansion patch itself drop.
>using a Dragoon unit as the main character for the Quickthinx cutscene
It's the little things.
You're supposed to call Square Enix. Tickets and Emails are the retarded peasant way. If you call them up they'll remove it in less than 10 minutes.
Is this game good or is it another autism grinding MMO where the only gameplay is to use the most effective hotkey rotation over and over again?
I don't know what fucking class to play.
its just a game for people with autism, you'll fit right in
funny because WoW looks like a cheap knockoff of FFXIV now.
He's only interested in lalafells.
you do realize that blizzard stole the idea of deathwing from final fantasy right? deathwing is bahamut.
I hope you or someone from your family gets the worst form of cancer there is
Literally what do you want? What the fuck do you think early access is?
Do I do it?
Right is almost a carbon copy of that one guy from the Hildibrand quests.
>Casually greeds it when it finally appears
>where the only gameplay is to use the most effective hotkey rotation over and over again?
Dribbling a basketball is easy and kind of boring. But can you dribble a basketball while running down a court, dodging past people on the other team, stopping them from taking your ball, passing it to a teammate, watching the other teams position, catching the ball back, dribbling it up to the goal, and making a shot?
Simple things can become very complex and engaging very quickly. This is the idea behind "easy to learn, hard to master". Fight mechanics of an encounter can change a simple matter into a complicated matter.
>We wanted scholars to use their GCD healing more
>This is why we gave them new stupidly broken oGCDs and buffed the ones they already had
Really makes you ponder.
go tank or healer if you want fast access into content
Shit I totally see it too, guess I'll stick with having my horns and tail clipping through literally everything.
How fast should I aim to pug my way through the first Savage tier of Shadowbringers? Realistically?
I parse high purple / low orange pretty regularly if it matters.
>Paladin during Gordias and Midas
>Dark Knight during Creator
It'll probably be pretty quick since you'll be progging, if you're launching straight into it. You'll get all the people that are interested in it day-one which typically lends to better pugs.
Left looks like he has dried cum plastered on his face
Right looks like some asshole mage
Go right
I'm planning to take that entire first week off if it matters. I'm hoping I can at least clear the third fight or be deep into prog for it by that point.
Is there a way to check ingame if you finished all the sidequests?
I think I did every quest in the game now, even the absurd FSH ones, but double checking every single quest using a wiki would be so fucking annoying.
That's pretty realistic.
Depends entirely how they balanced the raid. If it's the same as SB, then you should be able to clear it all within a week.
She claims she is 23. This is impossible because 1.0's Echo scenes show things that happened 15 years ago and she looks exactly the same, but she would be 8 years old in those cutscenes if she were telling the truth.
The lorebook says 'the hands of time are ever stopped at 23', implying there's some magic at work. If she looks the same now as she did in those 1.0 Echo scenes, that means she hasn't aged in 15 years, meaning she's at least 38.
Deathwing was a lore character since the og warcraft games (well neltharion but same thing) so no, delusional faggot they aren't the same, actually aside from both being evil dragons the characters themselves have nothing in common
the quest log tells you which sidequests you already completed. but you have no way of telling how many sidequests are left unless you scout the zone or a wiki.
>the hands of time are ever stopped at 23
That's just fancy talk for "don't fucking ask how old I am."
Funny you say that, you're right that is a cutscene you'd probably see in xiv but at least in wow it's not only skippable but VOICED unlike ffxiv
>dragoon dies immediately in video
>gets the rare mount
they know
I was inbetween groups during Sigmascape and PF'd the entire thing within a week.
Depends on how they balance it though, if they really are going to make incoming damage higher and have actual healing checks that put a strain on healers that alone is going to make it take that much longer since healer cooperation and mitigation plans are easily the thing randomly thrown together groups have the worst time with.
Maybe, but in 1.0 she is shown using time magic.
warcraft 2 first came out in 1995 which had deathwing in it.
final fantasy 1 came out in 1987 which had bahamut.
they share many similarities if you bother to look them up.
blizzard ripped the idea of deathwing before warcraft was a legally registered trademark
what the fuck was his fucking problem?
>where the only gameplay is to use the most effective hotkey rotation over and over again?
You can describe literally any video game like this.
>Is this game good or is it another autism FPS where the only gameplay is aiming your gun and shooting the other person?
>Is this game good or is it another autism fighting game where the only gameplay is pressing buttons right?
You didn't go and bugger yourself like he told you to
>tfw no one to bugger you
I mean that's Blizzards whole thing, ripping off other games. WoW ripped off Everquest, Heroes of the Storm ripped off Dota, Overwatch ripped off Shadowrun 2007, Warcraft ripped off the plenty of RTS games available at the time, Diablo ripped off roguelikes, Hearthstone ripped off Magic the Gathering.
You're retarded, bahamut is just a random dragon summon in the old ff games, neltharion actually had lore. So no, blizzard didn't rip off anything. I realize final fantasy fags are fucking delusional but really
You can't just say "they're both dragons they're the same hurrrrrr"
Is Tataru the biggest whore in all of Eorzea?
I think they said Sharlayan use magic to at least appear younger. That's why Thancred looked a bit older after losing his ability to control aether. Besides, Miqo'te don't show aging the same way most races do.
>blizzard didn't rip off anything.
retard like you can't even read. why do I even bother.
No, warcraft ripped off game of thrones
a combination of whats already been said, the fact that thancred is younger than her and he's 32, and the fact that ymitra keeps begging her to settle down and find a dick to get cummed in by in the side stories
Gremlin will be the Alpha and Shinoa of ShB. He'll be connected to the 8man raid and Gaia somehow.
Wasn't that starcraft?
but the hydaelyn cutscenes are voiced in ffxiv and skippable
40k for Starcraft, stock Warhammer for Warcraft.
>Miqo'te don't show aging the same way most races do.
Only because the devs are lazy, I don't know why some people are so resistant to the idea that Yshtola is vain and used magic to look younger
That's more personality than she ever shows otherwise
But you're wrong, they share no similarities, bahamut didn't even have a substantial story for the first couple of games because final fantasy is a meme franchise who's lore is even more incoherent than the worst of wow lore
>WoWkun is back and still sperging out
>playing an MMO on steam
I will never understand the obsession of PCfags with Steam
I mean I play this game on PC, but is it really that fucking hard to click on a different launcher's icon? It takes the same effort
In wow every cutscene is voiced instead of only 10 per expansion
>bahamut didn't even have a substantial story for the first couple of games
t. didn't play final fantasy 1 and didn't class-change
>point out world of warcraft exists
>faggot fantasy trannies have a meltdown
Like cockwork
That's because they only have 10 per expansion
for what purpose?
>faggot fantasy trannies don't think or talk about world of warcraft
>until a world of warcraft fan butts in and has to remind them it exists
>Besides, Miqo'te don't show aging the same way most races do
F'lhaminn has shown aging in that same amount of time, and she's 37 now. She has the same Miqo'te model yeah, but the glasses and frumpy clothes are the lazy way of showing that she's aged.
Even then Deathwing was a pushover. He only managed to shake up a few zones during the hours he was released from his prison. Meanwhile Bahamut fucked up the entire place so hard that you had to time warp to escape it.
this game is essential cringe core and so is its audience get fucked
I'm sure this is a joke. But both Warcraft and Game of Thrones ripped off the 1970s-1980s trend of having gritty, dark fantasy. Which itself was a response to Tolkien's works. RR Martin full on admitted his goal was to make the 'antithesis of Lord of the Rings."
I personally think this makes Warcraft and Game of Thrones very generic and contrarian. But just saying, the style came from something before.
First time seriously attempting Savage at release, don't have the non-echo clears that I would need to get me into a decent static.
Because wow is a game whereas final fantasy is a silent movie simulator.
Which is no surprise, it's a shitty ps4 game at its core so it has to appeal to the typical 40iq snoy audience
*0,2 blizzbucks have been deposited into your battle.net account
you mean wow is a dopamine gambling simulator
It's not a joke, the quest name symphony of frost and flame is a reference to a song of ice and fire. Chris metzen was a huge nerd who loved George's books so this shit got referenced all the time
oh no no no bros
If you divorce an EB is there a cooldown for starting a new one?
There are no lootboxes in wow and its cash shop is still smaller than SE's :^)
>tfw playing HW as male midlander
my neck hurts
>gritty, dark fantasy. Which itself was a response to Tolkien's works.
No it wasn't, Conan for example has been around longer than LotR, you guys always give Tolkien to much credit and act like he invented fantasy
>literally called eternal bonding
>can not show even a sliver of commitment
Just give up and stay alone for the rest of both your real and virtual life.
As someone who plays both, Legion's release was better than Stormblood's.
instead of gambling on lootboxes, you gamble on stats for your gear while also paying $15 a month ($18 if you're in leafland)
They literally sell gold on WoWs cash shop through the token system.
WoWs cash shop is in-game and plastered in your face. At least the FFXIV cash shop is not anywhere in the game and you have to go out of your way outside of the game to access it instead of it being shilled on the character select screen and upon logging in.
I don't get it, aren't half of XIV's community WoWfugees? I see them all the time on the forum trying to defend their non-mhigger status.
And in final fantasy you don't have to worry about gear because the molasses combat allows you to do everything in under 20 minutes while sitting back with your controller while being forced to remain subscribed so you don't lose your house.
Meanwhile in wow you play, you get it done, you unsub and then you come back whenever you like
of course he didn't compe up with the idea of "unrealism" you retard, but he absolutely invented the typical fantasy world that 99% of the fantasy games and books use,
the typical depiction of elves, dwarves, orcs, etc. and in general them coexisting in the same universe as different races/nations
How come FFXIV can't implement a token system like in WoW and Tera where you can buy a subscription through the market board? It works in WoW and Tera.
have sex before you write jit shit
I got EB'd with a friend for items who doesnt play anymore you sperg. Stop taking video games seriously.
what happens in 8 days?
Those ruined WoW and Teras respective economies. Currency inflation went way up. In addition, it increased the amount of carry seller spam because now normies have an official way to buy currency with real money and exchange it for content clears.
bro I played that shit back in the day, got all the way to the fucking boat so I know my shit. ff1 sucks.
>final fantasy 1
Why would I play a digital rip off of dnd that didn't even bother to change the name of an iconic dnd villain like bahamut?
It's really funny because if final fantasy were American instead of Japanese then SE would've been sued into irrelevance decades ago
That's just a cheeky reference, there are lots of them in Warcraft 3
It made professions worthless for making money. Now people only use it for self gear benefits.
But those games are still around.
Bahamut isn't a villain in D&D.
>people are excited after MCH's action demonstration
>literal who theorycrafter said its shit
>people are dropping it again
can these retards not think for themselves? they also seem to be exacerbating problems even though we are still a month from release, it feels less like feedback and more doomsaying to keep people from playing it
They aren't exactly in healthy condition though. Tera merged all regions into 1 megaserver. WoW has to shard/phase/layer everything.
Literally had this exact same issue, including being unable to get a ticket or email through.
Do what says and call them.
They'll get your shit sorted out quick.
Just another day on Yea Forums, e-celeb worship central.
they're dying in a very apparent way though. when they announced wow tokens is the same time when they stopped announcing sub numbers.
Isn't it just because those games are bad and nothing to do with the economy?
>rip off story npc
>it's ok because we made it a villain
Fucking gooks
Bahamut wasn't a villain in FF1
I doing the shitty story quests between ARR and Heavensward and want to kill myself
is the Heat Gauge still clunky as fuck? that's all that matters
And yet both Tera and WoW have around the same playerbase numbers as ffxiv
So... clearly it can't be that bad
The funniest thing about wows fucked up economy is they tried to course correct in bfa by nerfing gold gains into the ground. So now the people that were able to make millions of gold over the last two expansions doing basically nothing are still perfectly fine but anyone that didn't play can barely earn enough gold to buy potions for raids. Literally your only option is to grind herbs for hours or you buy tokens to sell them for gold.
Everything you just said is complete and utter bullshit and exactly what I was talking about, just because he was the first fantasy you read didn't mean he invented those things
Please move past a high school freshman level of reading
Inb4 someone screeches I must hate Tolkien since that's the only other defense that comes up, what he did he did well but not with originality aside from the elvish language, praise that linguistic work all you want but don't pretend he invented fantasy
I was just pointing out that you were wrong about Bahamut In D&D.
you get Thunder Rolls, Through the Maelstrom, and Oblivion
I stopped paying attention after that Balance discord started bawling that it was fundamentally flawed because some abilities' cooldowns clipped with their first-draft optimized rotation.
You survived the "Your corrupted crystals are on another island" questline, you can do these as well.
They aren't that bad for the most part
He wasn't a character at all in final fantasy 1, he was a summon spell. That doesn't make it better
the tokens are part of the problem but not the main cause of why they are bad. basically if you add currency for gametime tokens to any mmo then your economy becomes hyper inflated and it turns off new players or creates the aforementioned carry spam problem where players are more interested in selling clears than teaching people clears.
>Tera having player numbers close to WoW or FFXIV
I refuse to believe that.
There weren't summon spells in FF1. He was a character. user, have you ever played the game you're talking about?
there were no summon spells in FFI
post their current active player numbers
have lunch.
Why teach a man to fish when I can just charge him $10 every time he needs more fish?
F2P game, it'll have loads.
Someone posted links about 3D audio usage in FFXIV some hours ago but whatever I do the DLL isn't loaded by the game at all and I hear no difference.
Did they change something since 2016 in that regards? Is it still supposed to work?
E3 live letter I'm guessing.
He mentioned only getting to the boat and being a master of the game as a result, he's just being an epic bait-lord
Even fucking warframe has similar numbers to wow and xiv. MMOs are in the dumpster lmao
>tanks ruined
>healers ruined
what class should i play while waiting for Classic?
They are because I don't care about the story so I skip the cutscenes
It's just a million of "go there and talk to the npc" quests with literally no xp reward
I've been going for like 4 hours, it's never ending
maybe 90% bots because the game is so dead it no longer has a /vg/ general and the google search trends are at an all time low
Yeah that game where you only got 2 completely random legendaries and if they weren't good for your spec you were better off rolling an alt because grinding for more legendaries would take far longer than gearing an alt. That game sure was a better launch.
Conan isn't a fantasy story. What I was referencing was the thousands of dark, gritty fantasy books that came out after Lord of the Rings. Almost all of them using his races and a similar world. But making them "dark" and "gritty" as if that makes them unique.
And Warcraft uses the same gritty dime novel designs as most of these fantasy books of that era had. As well as having direct references to movies like Legend, Never-Ending Story, Willow and the like. It was just the style of Fantasy at the time to be dark and gritty. And Warcraft, coming out at the tail end of that era, kept it going. Whereas now the fantasy trend is to copy Twilight.
People following flavour of the month job due to it's new fancy tools are easily dissuaded. Who would have thought.
>previously war
>wanted to switch because not interested in the role
>get told to try blm because "it is the most fun class in the game"
>leveling is fine
>reach lv55
>starting to feel bored
>nothing else interests me
every fucking mmo
am i just outgrowing games
the one that doesn't repeat a shitpost from an earlier thread
People listen to shitty e-celebs who haven't even played the job yet, more news at 10
Before SB came out everyone was saying how amazing SAM was going to be and how it'd put MNK in the cuckshed.
>Conan isn't a fantasy story
Gearing and gameplay are two separate things.
Well lookie what I found!
What's fantasy about it?
It really is.
Steam allows you to pay sub with different currencies while the mogstation is USD only.
>Conan isn't a fantasy story
>level blu
>nobody to help me on dungeons
Thanks Yoshi
No, I said earlier I never played it because I saw no point in playing a shoddy digital ripoff of dnd.
Besides, what was he then? Explain it, some random npc in a cave somewhere that did fucking nothing? Because if that is the case
Then not only did they rip off the character name from dnd for no reason but that retard user earlier was wrong about deathwing being similar
>people that don't care about the story but still like other aspects of the game enough to play it over WoW
You poor bastard.
Seeing through the facade of a skinner box should be seen as a gift.
>criticize bad changes
Been playing FFXIV for 5 years, love the game to death. You're a fucking retard if you think the mogstation/SE website fuckery you have to do to redeem any code is fine and accessible.
I feel sorry for anyone that still plays WoW today. Their economy and game got raped so hard that they literally are bringing back classic servers to reset it.
You actually stopped leveling BLM just before it started to pick up again, one level later gets you Enochian which is a fire-and-forget damage-up buff, 58 gets you Blizzard IV which grants three reduced-MP fire casts after use, and 60 gets you Fire IV which is the most powerful spell in your arsenal short only of Foul.
I prefer WoW but a friend gave me his starter edition key from an old humble bundle so I'm trying the game
If you're using dungeons to level don't do that, if you're using dungeons to learn the job-quest skills like Mind Blast I'll help you if you're on Crystal.
The fuck are you rushing to, nigger?
>Conan isn't a fantasy story.
Dude, what?
>Conan isn't a fantasy story.
So right out of the gate you are being retarded because you watched Fellowship of the Ring when you were 6 and never moved past it and anyone that recognizes that Tolkiens work while very well done is still derivitave makes you feel insecure
I will never fully understand some anons down right fanatical worship of the franchise when most have only seen the movies
aurum vale can be solod on blu with a little patience, but the chance of getting glower isn't 100 so you would be wasting time soloing it unless you get very lucky
What's not fantasy about it? It's a fictional story told in a fictional pre-history Earth with magic and monsters.
Don't bother if you don't like the story.
>lvl 55
Surprised you hadn't dropped it already.
At least get to 60 and see how much you like juggling enochian while tossing out big fuckin numbers.
I want to do dungeons or raids with all my spells
it's just criticism bro i didn't post this exact same thing yesterday... haha..... *loud dick-sucking noises*
>Game is pretty much entirely story-based
>"I don't care about the story so I skip it"
>"wtf why am I bored?"
Have you considered the possibility that you are the problem?
read a post its 100% now and i got it first try when i tried it
It's not that much cooler at max level. Just relax and enjoy the ride.
damn bros...ffxiv is growing this much...and the expansion isn't even out yet
Just make a BLU PF, there are always BLU looking to unlock more abilities.
If Tera had loads of players they wouldn't have merged NA and EU to 1 server.
>enjoy the ride
It's not enjoyable when the story quests are this fucking boring
I'm having fun in dungeon though
im already 50 on behemoth and trying for aurum vale
>you would be wasting time soloing it unless you get very lucky
Surprising amount of people that stop by just to help with tanking EX primals too, party I got Shock Strike and Glass Dance from a couple days ago had a tank that stayed the whole duration because it killed two birds with one stone by letting him farm ponies and weapon glamours.
dead game
Seiryu trial kinda ridiculous. I clear this shit hardest part and now I have access to 395IL weapons for all jobs. No one in farm parties even greed for them. And trial itself is so easy. Now tell is there chance to clear savage from 0 with pugs? I don't really see a lot learning parties. And most of them practice nothing but O12 and O11. I fear to join them because "savage" desu
ill give it a shot
This was back during the first expansion
>Conan isn't a fantasy story.
if you can beat seiryu ex then you can beat O9S easily. but good luck on the higher tiers because PF is a shitfest
>If Tera had loads of players they wouldn't have merged NA and EU to 1 server.
I haven't played Tera for a while. Where are the servers located now?
>tank changes
XIVCensus is total fucking garbage, use LuckyBancho.
>boss does a tankbuster in wow
>it looks like a generic copypasted auto attack
>boss does a tankbuster in ffxiv
>you can hear how painful it sounds, you can see how fucking hard it hits, you can feel how much damage it does when you see your hp bar cleave like a fat kid biting into a chocolate bar
you can clear them with pugs, but expected a way bigger challenge than Seiryu
they are within margin of error of each other. HW had about 200k, SB had about 400k pre launch, now SHB prelaunch is around 600k
you can choose when to go into overheat at the push of a button, no more needing flamethrower and shit, it unlocks Heat Blast and Auto Crossbow, no damage boost, though you will want to use Heatblast in your Wildfire
>the Balance discord
they bitch and moan about fucking everything, they too are whining that GNB is underpowered despite the fact that the potencies aren't final.
I loved MCH in HW, I was signifigantly less impressed with it in SB, but I still played it from time to time, I think its time MCH got some love
tfw can never play HW MCH again
>SAM's were chuffed they were going to be the best
>they were booted from PFs
>there were a fucking lot of them running around
good times, even when RDM was weak as shit, it was still sought after for prog
>DRK changes
We'll never have HW DRK again, will we
Good job guys. Now, care to actually respond to the rest of the post?
I don't know where specifically but a sign of a dead MMO is when the server list gets smaller.
>reddit spacing
no gold here buddy
No, you said one dumb thing so your entire post will now be mocked and ignored. Better luck next time.
>tank buster in ffxiv
>press 10 second cooldown and take 5% total health as damage
very epic
What events were going on a month before SB launch? In just a few months before ShB we got the FF15 event. The server transfer and the moogle trove thing.
That's not really growing. More just making up the playerbase it's been lacking since 2.0. And a month after the next expansion, the number will be cut in half again.
This is the nature of expansion based MMOs. And why companies need to get away from it.
No because by betraying your retarded mentality everything you say is now completely worthless. You should have realized that before you said stupid shit. Lurk moar.
Well, at least you're honest.
>it's growing into a theoretical fanbase it should have had from the jump
That's how Yea Forums works.
XIV does the animation better, but the tank busters are mechanically better in WoW
>And a month after the next expansion, the number will be cut in half again.
are you that one FFXI user that's always salty about FFXIV?
i'm surprised it lasted this long.
Good pasta.
>Now, care to actually respond to the rest of the post?
No because the rest of your post is moving the goal posts and grasping at straws to try and justify the completely retarded notion that fantasy was invented in the 40s
Now let's watch you try and weasel out of that by playing semantics and putting words in other people's mouth
well it took them going F2P, selling gametime tokens for currency, releasing on two consoles, and merging regions to get to this point.
Having a lot of fun with this game. I've played for about 11 hours on the free trial. I'm a level 16 archer. I just finished doing the novice training and got some cool gear including a ring that gives a 30% exp boost when level 30 and under.
The music is really fantastic but I expected that given that this is a Final Fantasy game.
Nice, hope you continue to enjoy it. The music gets better and better.
You ain't seen nothin yet, boyo.
>Level 16
>already in love with the music
You're in for one hell of a ride.
what server you on bro?
What race/gender did you pick?
Did your wounds give you strength today?
music is top tier in this game
wait till you get to trials and raids
>No because the rest of your post is moving the goal posts and grasping at straws to try and justify the completely retarded notion that fantasy was invented in the 40s
No, it wasn't. I specifically mentioned how these books were using Tolkien's races and world as influence.
>Now let's watch you try and weasel out of that by playing semantics and putting words in other people's mouth
Which is literally what you just did...
>thoroughly enjoy a chosen-one story that actually puts some goddamned effort into it through the job-quests
>characters are fucking baffled you're rocketing to the top skill-levels in your guild, job, discipline, etc. in such a short timespan, ie ARC npcs that say they've been there for months or years and can be assumed to not have even hit level 30
>get to be the chosen one TWICE if you pick DRG due to being the Azure Dragoon and tearing Nidhogg's eye kicking and screaming from Estinien, manifest Haldrath's cuirass which was apparently tucked away in the DRG soul-crystal
>learn iaijutsu and the katana from one of the greatest samurai to ever live
>learn magic alongside a brain-copy of the greatest black mage to ever live
>surpass the greatest summoner to ever live; successfully summon Bahamut, something that was previously stated would burn through all your aether and kill you if you tried to directly summon something that powerful
>were never actually taught anything Monk-related by Widargelt, it's all Pugilist skills and stuff absorbed from your job stone; you're his teacher from 50 on
>recording everything to the new soul crystals manufactured for Machinist and Blue Mage because they're totally new jobs
>you're Curious Gorge's teacher almost immediately because he has trouble keeping his inner beast under control, and then later keeping his rock-hard, throbbing, romance-fueled inner beast under control for au ra puss
>actually fucking despise being ungratefully treated like an object to the point your dark knight soul crystal starts freaking out and firing off aether left and right to feed off your suffering, and feed into your private thoughts about leaving Eorzea behind
>pioneer new skills and abilities across a great many jobs
>probably pounding Alisaie, Yugiri, Tataru, Y'shtola, Lyse, and F'hilaminn's respective vags RAW on the side for an interspecies smorgasboard, along with any other female NPCs you meet
Just started playing this and made a character on Leviathon. Is there a good FC or homies on this server?
Moi suffering is noht yet ovah.
fuck off tranny
>The music is really fantastic but I expected that given that this is a Final Fantasy game.
>I just finished doing the novice training
Congratulations, you just proved you have more brain cells than the average player that thinks they don't need another tutorial and then fucks up basic shit by trying to play like it's wow
Cissies wish they had as good a market-board as Balmung's.
I'm not on Leviathan but I'm on the same datacenter as you (Primal) so I can visit you or something.
He's probably referencing how a couple months after Heavensward, the playerbase dropped in half and didn't recover until Stormblood.
Not really. I believe FFXIV isn't doing as well as they claim. However, it's routine for MMOs to skimp out on servers at launch, add too many servers to compensate, then remove some servers once the population balances out.
Final Fantasy XIV just did this even worse than most MMOs.
that's not a server.
it's one of these: na.finalfantasyxiv.com
>Tolkien's race
Tolkien did not invent those races or even that way of depicting them, what a retard you are
>n-n-n-no you tried to argue semantics by saying I'm wrong and a moron
>waaaaah it was my first fantasy, that means it had to be the first ever
You're a disappointment to your parents, your mother cries because she's responsible for bringing you into this world
Never thought that world visit is so useful for cheap prices. Is it worth being jew? Feels like no one play on market for easy gil
Classic Wow has more than that lmao.
>I believe FFXIV isn't doing as well as they claim.
What makes you believe this?
Looking forward to hearing more amazing tracks.
I'm on Ultros.
I picked a female Miqo'te. I just wanted a cute catgirl. Not very interesting I know.
>700k on ffxiv
>wow still has over 3 million
>The music is really fantastic but I expected that given that this is a Final Fantasy game.
The music in this (and XIII) is unnaturally good. Even for the Final Fantasy series. Sadly, the music is the best part of the game. The world design, quests and story get really annoying the farther you go.
Fastest way to level from 60 to 61?
>I believe FFXIV isn't doing as well as they claim.
I mean if they weren't doing well then it would be illegal to tell shareholders pic related and they could get into serious legal trouble. If by all means you think they are bullshitting then hop on this legal stuff and get money while also BTFO'ing a big company.
>The world design, quests and story get really annoying the farther you go.
Oof cringing real hard on that incorrect opinion duderino
>being this much of a brainlet
Imagine to be this retarded
You can't sell on other worlds' market-boards, but you can still price-compare and buy cheap as possible.
>you're Curious Gorge's teacher almost immediately because he has trouble keeping his inner beast under control, and then later keeping his rock-hard, throbbing, romance-fueled inner beast under control for au ra puss
God I hate Gorge so much, I wonder how they will rehash the exact same "Oh no Im worried I can't control my inner beast and have no confidence" story this time
700K active players is very good.
They said they were in a good place in ARR which had 300-400K players.
Great Gubal Library, lv. 59 dungeon
Leveling roulette or Gubal normal x3.
Calm down, Kat.
Roulettes, otherwise Gubal
Steam Summer Sale is literally the only reason I even started playing the game, one of the earlier sales during 2.0 had it discounted to 5 fuckin bucks.
>retard starts frog posting
Just proved me right
Job quests will apparently be catching up with your teacher and what they've been doing while you were mucking around on the First for an indeterminate amount of time so you'll probably get to hear Gorge gush about how he's been training so he can be good enough to rage-fuck some xaela vag.
>add too many servers to compensate, then remove some servers once the population balances out.
>Final Fantasy XIV just did this even worse than most MMOs.
nigga they just added MORE servers
the ones they created at SB launch have regularly been full enough you couldn't make new characters on them
the email/pass you use for mogstation is your login, use that.
make sure you have redeemed your cd key on mogstation aswell, you probs havnt linked the accounts yet.
>He's probably referencing how a couple months after Heavensward, the playerbase dropped in half and didn't recover until Stormblood.
This is solely because of the notorious disaster that was 3.1. We haven't had a patch with the same issues since.
Just take the L and walk away, user.
This was last year. Imagine how bad it is now.
reminder that wow has not had a single major content patch since that happened
Stop, you weren't supposed to show this
Ah damn I'm not on Ultros, but I am on Primal. So I can world visit you and give you a starter gift you want or something.
How FUCKING long?
They quite literally are not, especially when one precludes the other.
I'll never understand why every mmo needs to be compared to wow
Do you fags exclusively play mmos?
Holy shit, there was a time when /xivg/ actually talked about the game???
SquareEnix constantly lumping profit and sub numbers together with FFXI and DQX, never showing us how FFXIV alone is doing. The estimates on MMO sites are inconsistent. I'm actually in the game and have seen a massive depopulation happen from 2.0 to now. Most people just sit around cities because they've completed all the content, and the amount of people in cities keeps slowly dwindling. Zones that used to be so full of people you couldn't get a quest done are now empty. People in my FC keep leaving and don't resub. The hype for new content is dwindling. SquareEnix keeps extending the free play and trial periods.
But I donno. Maybe I'm wrong. The sub numbers do seem to be rising. But nothing in game seems to show it.
what server do you even play on
>playing ff14 at all
/xivg/ was worse when that image was made than it is now.
Everyone says they like the music but honestly it just feels so...bad
well to me anyway, a lot of the music feels dull, lifeless and monotonous and it makes me want to fucking die.
Idk if anyone here has played any korean mmos but there are these really generic music tracks they use, I called them grinder tracks because it's supposed to be what you hear when you're grinding that's not too over the top but ambient, unfortunately it ends up so dull that it constantly reminds you that you're grinding endlessly with no purpose and it becomes mind numbing.
I like some of the boss tracks, like tsukuyomi's but for the most part I have found the entire soundtrack to be really grating and I always turn it off.
One of the worst I've heard is seiryu's theme, sounds like fucking elevator music with some chinese shit throne in, I fucking hate it
>xaela girl is dripping wet for the WoL the instant she meets him and asks him to come back and repopulate her village by endlessly fucking her and all the other girls but the WoL NWFs her
>suddenly she's into Gorge after mocking him for being weak and he's also into her but his autism causes him to run off
I hate japanese romance writing
Retard i'm not the same user so keep seething :^)
>Do you fags exclusively play mmos?
Some yes. Look at WoW raid "cybersport" tier faggotory
they talk about the game roughly as much as xi/v/ does, just substitute screaming about trannies with slut-cat screenshots
To be honest, I've had the exact opposite experience to you, so I think you might be wrong.
>But nothing in game seems to show it.
They just add two Data Centers for future expansion. You don't do that unless you're sure you're growing.
How is that possible? Was it due to Au Ra?
>companies never lie to shareholders
Disney and Uber did it just last week.
When it comes to SquareEnix, they've been doing this with FFXIV from the start. 1.0 bombed hard. And ever since them, they've been lumping all their MMOs sub numbers together rather than reporting them each separately. Even if FFXIV is doing good, they're still hiding the details from shareholders.
>convince people class i shit
>free loot rolls
this is high iq tho
>Crux of the entire MCH criticism is "ids impossible to weave during rapid fire and now we godda do it all da time!!!"
>Swap to MCH
>Activate Rapid Fire
>Even with my shit ping Richochet weaves perfectly fine and Gauss Barrel barely clips, a problem that is easily remedied by reducing the animation lock (something they already did multiple times with Forbidden Chakra, an oGCD that had a similar problem)
personally I love seiryu's music because it reminds me of the Ys games. a lot of soken's music are homages to other big name jrpg sound artists like motoi sakuraba, yukihiro jindo, and others.
Legion was a step in the right direction, it seemed like Blizzard pulled it together, but well, we all see the mess that BFA is
>I-It wasn't me
Ok, have fun being a different retard then
>They just add two Data Centers for future expansion. You don't do that unless you're sure you're growing.
Wrath of the Lich King
well again if you can prove that Square Enix is lying then do it because that's a serious lawsuit right there and that's big money for you
Fuck i used to love this game a couple years ago but not i hate everything about it the game. I hate with a great passion the community with so many traanies and retards like Yea Forums going around seething and making a lot drama all the time in FC and outside of the game. Fuck this game and fuck this thread sae goes with all of you faggots.
the combat improves massively
dungeons become harder
story becomes better
music gets amazing
the game really feels like your usual FF game
your next 300 hours of this game are gonna be an absolute bliss, enjoy and don't forget to unsuscribe from my game once you finish it
We're getting generalized coffer system loot anyway in Shadowbringers.
People shitting on Stormblood MSQ seem to have forgotten just how boring ARR MSQ was. It was just world building really, nothing interesting happens outside of a handful of scenes. Though I could understand missing being just an adventurer and not the chosen one everyone sucks off.
I just started playing Oath in Felghana and the music makes me extremely nostalgiac for mid-2000s internet for some reason I can't quite place.
stop playing on the bad datacenters
>Though I could understand missing being just an adventurer and not the chosen one everyone sucks off.
Fray, stop posting.
>lacking the braincells to tell the difference
Right, take your autism pills kid
Im glad some literal whos are scaring people off MCH. OGs only faggots
they're all bad in their own ways desu
Just FYI SE's gacha games are cratering so look for FFXIV to make up the difference.
I've had the exact opposite experience. I play on Balmung and regularly World Visit elsewhere for meetups, RP events, Hunts, helping out friends, etc.
Right now pretty much every inch of Ul'dah is covered in people, with the Quicksand so retardedly full you hit model limit just by being in it, and people are chatting all over the place. The majority of them aren't Wanderers either. Limsa is the same way and there are a fair few clumps of dudes in Gridania as well.
When I go to other servers the number of people I see out in the world questing is unreal. Was on Malboro the other day and there were hilarious amounts of sprouts in the Shroud, probably 20+ and this is on an ostensibly lowpop server in the middle of the longest content drought in the expac cycle.
Game is very alive, my dude.
dumb esl monkey
>Cites an expansion where WoW hit its literal apex by the end
Just because cata was trash and tanked sub numbers doesn't mean Wrath wasn't the absolute high point of WoWs performance.
>no seasonal event
holy shit what server?
>answering the obvious wowfag
>Best city
>Best story
>Best characters
>Best Dad
Why haven't you taken the Elezenpill yet?
Don't forget starcraft copy-pasting races from warhammer40k
That's Balmung, I recognize the character doing the recording.
>Nysoph still sitting there
Forget him. Post more viera.
If I can't make one yet, the least I can do is fap.
>mfw spotify just got the whole fucking soundtrack
>mfw i have no face
I've been a Male Duskwight since I first started playing. I like their funky run, and it's nice almost always being the tallest in every scene.
Get the fuck out you colossal faggot tranny go back to /vg/ and kill yourself
>peeking out from behind the g-string
My one fetish. Don't do this to me, I've already fapped twice today.
The music sounds a lot like something SoundTEMP from Ragnarok Online would make.
based knife-ear patrician
>there are players in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't consider Ishgard the superior city state
It's just like my old niche JRPGs
>unironic jealousy
Nice. now I don't have to steal them.
The fact that I want to marry Alisaie doesn't mean I like any chuuni fag like Estinien or forced sentimentality bullshit like Haurchefant and Aymeric.
Alphinaud and Count Edmond are alright, though.
Fuck off tranny
They’re all boring characters.
Only Alphy is interesting.
>he didn't have them all downloaded from other sources already
I mean, it's nice that I can erase them to make room in my phone now, but you're still a fag.
Instead of a Cross-over event with Homo Fantasy 15 they could have done one with Octopath or WoFF or literally any other SE IP.
>pepe and wojack poster
>trying to talk down to others
I highly dislike it, I really enjoyed tsukuyomi, shiva and suzaku, and I really liked the music from the shb trailer but the vast majority of the music I have found really boring to the point of being ear grating
very unlikeable mcs
>your family lives there
>Isghardians actually have your back and will come to your aid
>don't use you for their own goals, genuine love
>comfy snowy ambient
it's not the superior city state it's OUR HOME
DNC to be a support-slut and have everyone salivating to be your dance-partner, MCH for more pure-damage than the other two, BRD for a half-way point between the two
Imagine to be stuck in a containment server full of degenerates sucking each others futa cocks
But then you wouldn't get a car
that octopath traveler crossover is coming one day. yoshida has shown interest in it but he doesn't like doing crossovers of newer games until some time has passed, that's why the FF15 event took so long.
I thought they got like two raids since then?
Hmm I don't want to be a support slut but I kinda just want to play one of the new classes but I don't like tanking.
>DO YOU LIKE, MY CAR blasting out of the car's radio as your WoL does donuts in the Thanalan wilderness
>but the vast majority of the music I have found really boring to the point of being ear grating
It's a giant meme and only useful for Eureka.
>he doesn't like getting sucked off
You see it as a containment server for trannies, they see it as a wall against the thronging hordes of complete retards
>uh? ah yes we always play together, he uses DNC and I play MCH, care to party up with us bro?
Soken sounds like one of those hypercompetent autistic people. Like, he jus sits on his soundboard all day and at the end he shits out a great track like this by complete accident, and when you ask something about his process he just goes "I dunno lol".
I thought he was losing his touch later in SB cuz there was really nothing notable after Tsukuyomi, but oh well.
Why does Balmung's very existence make people so asshurt? Like look at these unironically seething replies, on cooldown even. What causes such insecurity?
I will hug this midlander
>body odor slider
Sorry, if it makes you feel better I feel the same way about most videogame ''''''music''''''
fair enough. people have different tastes and I can respect that. like I don't understand how zoomers love wub wub shit but I'm a sucker for old jrpg rock.
Lmao i'm so glad i switch to Primal instead to be with these trannies
>I thought he was losing his touch later in SB cuz there was really nothing notable after Tsukuyomi
A Land Long Dead and eScape are two of his best songs though.
>Like, he jus sits on his soundboard all day and at the end he shits out a great track like this by complete accident, and when you ask something about his process he just goes "I dunno lol".
Why do I listen to you faggots, ff14 is fucking terrible. It’s actual ass
>it's not the superior city state it's OUR HOME
>tfw queue for extreme trials as a tank just to fuck with mentorfags
That implies he’s good at his job.
Quantity not quality
I think it's more like the later into the expansion you get the more time he has to devote to the next expansion.
Both Zurvan's and Seiryu's themes lack vocals for example and they're both the last primal of the expansion.
Spergs sperging at people playing the game for a different reason than them, or people trapped in the crystal datacenter because they didn't take the free two week transfer period to get the fuck out of there if they gave half a shit about a static
I never said it was a dead game. I just theorized it's not doing as well as the hype SE and people in this thread are claiming.
And I still remember the days when you walked into town and there was so many people, you couldn't see the road and the game lagged. The amount of people in your video is about 1/4 of what 2.0 had.
Does this mean the game is dying? Not really. That amount of people is still an increase over what it was in Heavensward. But not really peak numbers, like some people in this thread are claiming. Also, you need to consider that most people are hanging around in towns, not out in the field. 2.0 had 3-4x that many people hanging around town AND the field was full of people at the same time.
there would be more people too but the person is hitting the character display limit. that's why people pop in when you get close.
>this level of butchered English
So are we to expect even more mogstation items and more nickel and diming through the companion app?
Unironically though, the trusts system would have been a smart place to put gacha elements into the game. They could make serious money by having limited banners for SSR trusts like a Swimsuit Y'shtola or Moonfaire Yugiri.